The Wingham Advance-Times, 1987-01-21, Page 02Page 2 --The Wingham Advance -Times, J,an,.'21,1$07
r h �r
lbw h an�r�w�er�.._
, �►en��� • c o"r h � �s
3 '
i obsewyed tWin,911hOMY'. it s annual
n Mr. and Mrs- ' Jo Matthews on
The n2qth anniversary.=off the or- a hn a s .. -•
ganazation of . the United Church clarinet and piano. The .Fliair was BE -- 'or choir o ducted President Robert risky.
Women was commemorated Sunday comprised of ladies repreaentin ;4 . d abi
I'rRlV1E The sena f uc ed b Pr d
_ est and rtCnox United hgld its annual `The election of officers was.hel. d `
Gras -
morning when the congregation of P present and guns cyan meeting and social recen�l• •• at the areas follows: president, Ma'. Gras -
the Wingham United Church wit- bolizing the future of the. g y
home of . and Mrs. George John- by; secretary -treasurer, George
g. _. ..
nessed a simple, yet impressive organization. Scripture passages m • ' Procter; social committee,. Mrs.
worshipservice, Members of the were read by a number of members stars, with a good attendance.
.. � Court Whist was enjoyed ' by all. Ross Anderson and Mrs. Lawrence
United Church Women participated --and Mrs. Jim Ward told the Rrizes were awarded to: high lady, Taylor.
children's story.
in the service and during the service y' ;:F Mrs. William Coultes; low lady, Mr. and Mrs. Grasby extended an
Rev. J. Rea Grant, minister of the The guest .speaker was Mrs: 1
Mrs. John Roberts; high man, Bert invitation to the members to hold the
congregation, - installed the UCW George Ball of Milverton who chose y ' i f �W 3°
the topic, "Called To,Res nd"• She , " *.;n a x Johnston and low man, ,Robert Mreand Mrs. Johnston were thanked
at their home next year.
e%ecuti'vefor 1987. P Po > .:�Y�;* °y'"�4� '�?�,,��#+�s'+ 'N '�v�'s-'ss1'f,�� �� Grasby.
A worship service specially gave a brief, history of the formers g; yr3az , tib Following a delicious lunch,. a for their hospitality and the meeting
prepared for the anniversary by a church organizations, Women�s� �°" `fib short 'business meeting was con- adjourned.
Saskatchewan womaiawas used by Missionary 'Soriety�'and. Women's_._'���
the ladies. It included a candle- Association and how they
lighting service during which amalgamated -W join the United
candles were lit by people Church Womenin 1962. She then i' - Our KidsSucceed
„represgnting the past, the -present . gave three examples.- of women in s
and the future and ra ars were the Bible who responded to calls for t
in,, gratitude Yfor the service: Queen Esther who i 4 h
A child's first ski lesson is
res o d " `
- dedication„and devotion of those who P n ed' even in the face of <_ •�> f �� ” � U F always a memorable, event.
potential danger; a widow who
,:.r,�h � 1
• i?o � � ' � ' ' �' But for oshua member �
laid he i hose .
a t groundwork n UCW t
_the woman who anointed.Jesus' and
who labor in the organization today g _ e the mite -al,tishe possess .
W and those who will form the Back-
s'feet �� of The Watt Amps Child
with ifume; thus g _ Amputee CHAMP Pro -
bone of the UCW in `tlie "future. pe performing a A p �
beautiful act of love and devotion. y y, ' 1f
Representing the past were Mrs. _ � f r : gram, it means something
George Thompson and Mrs.Henk She compared these to UCW. 3
Bos; present, Mrs, Art Laidlaw g: ',and workers, sayinthat often sacrifices �? extra special. He was born
., { T� missing his hands and feet.
',Mrs:. Jack Marks;. future, Allison must be made and dangers faced,'.
sometimes one is asked to' ave o£ Your donations to The
Wardrop a d Mrs. Ken Wood. g .
money, time and talent and many � War Amps Key Tag Service
Mrs. Anile Spivey provided inspir "'
ational music at the piano, including times UCW members must give help provide specially
anonymously of their love and WINGHAM'S FIGURE SKATING CLUB recently held a competition among its members to determine who - 9
a stirring rendition of The Lords Y Y designed artificial limbs so
Prayer" durin the offertor . devotion to serve those in need. Her would compete at an interclub competition in March at Seaforth. Senior Wingham skaters receiving awards ..� .,•,,• t
were: back, Christi Crawford, Patricia Daer; front. Yvonne and Charles. Trapp and Angela' Kerr. CHAMP s vets Consultant Kari chit amputees can swim, ski,
Special music was also provided by messagewvas much enjoyed. p
Hilzinger coaches 4-yearold child curl, 'skate, golf and even play
amputee Joshua Black. baseball.
"s'peak. -at
Your support all possible!
■ The WO Amputations of Canada
Institute meetingWhir na i s
e s o, The War• Amputations of Canada
82i Riverside Drive -Ottawa,Ontario K1 V OC4
BELMORE — A total of 13 choir. -They also. visited •Temple n, W fC d ed charitable '
members attended the January Square, Brigham Young's Moa u- k <' a War Au eesfor as o ani a is a non-profit
cants a organization oper-
i' ated by amputees for amputees dt� a non-profii basis. The War Amps does not) '
meeting of the Women's Institute ment, the house where he lived with Mr. and Mrs. Alan Falconer, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw,, receive government funds. Shot,ldyou wish further informatibnplease donot
last Wednesday. Mrs. Ken Dickson his 50 Wives, a modern dairy farm Tony; `Tim and Arny of G0 . ch, Guests with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Mr. and Mrs. John deBoer h hesitate to con tact us. Toronto(416)488-0600; area codes 519, 613, 705 dial a
reported the Institutes 90th anal- and a co er mine. Beecroft recently were Glen and• celebrated their 35th weddin an- r toll free 1.800-268-8821; all other area codes dial toll free 1.800-268.891,7. {
p pp spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. Y ' g - i 1 -
versary celebration to 'be held -this They toured . Bryce Canyon . and Mrs. Angus Falconer. Ken Sinnamon and Mr. and Mrs. ntversary last Saturday at a dinner -
Rcklstrnn�,n hemhrr' oze�e31 � 1e - - - -
July 6 to 9 at North Bay. Memorial Park, .where the. scenery Cindy Moore of Wingham, 'Ronald Beecroft, all of Wingham. and open house. .
Mrs. Mary Woods and Mrs. Edgar . was spectacular. Richard' Moore; Belgrave . and Last Friday Mrs. Phillip McMillan Mildred McClenaghan ac -
which was answered.11ed the' b members Mrs. Mundell also gave a talk on friends visited last Sunday with„Mr.. of Lucknow vlsited 1VIr: and Mrs. E. companied Mrs. Ann. Nicholson of
researching family trees. a talk
Karen Beecroft of Kitchener spent ood to Kitchener last Tuesday.. W INGHAM.' FRUIT MAR_ KET T. presentingsouvenirs. from other g Y g Congratulations ..are extended to wKaren Be pe H Mr. and Mrs. Don Nicholson
Y ical' records -from all over the World and Mrs. Walter Moore. the weekend with her parents,, Mr. mo ed' to Stratford last Saturday.
E.D. Smith 28 oz.
Items ies presented
inclijtheir stones. . are housed in Utah, she. said. and her Both birthday
thdayarb who celebrated and Mrs. E. W. Beecroft. Mrs, Nicholson is the former Janet Garden. Cocktail
Items presented included an ookpik her 80th ,birthday last Saturday _ 1
from Alaska, a spoon from Jamaica they even found information on their evening at the Wingham Legion Hall Recent guests with Mr.. and Mrs. Laidlaw, daughter of Ivan and. `the . Vegetable,
and even koala' bears from own ancestry. Mrs.`Mundell display. where, a good, crowd -gathered. Mrs., Don Martin of Wingham to celebrate late Mrs. Laidlaw.
Australia: ed family records and pictures. Barbour was a former Whitechurch- Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw's and Elmer Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Emerson and Ju, 1Ce . ' . ., . ..99'
The guest speakers, Alvin and Mrs: Woods presented the .Mun- Langside resident. Woods' birthdays were: Mr. and girls spent he,weeken with Mr. and
' t d Dove 4's
Marion Mundell of Gorrie, showed, dells with a gift a appreciation of -Mr: and Mrs. Eldon' Emerson, Mrs.. Laidlaw, Mr... Woods, Mrs: Mrs. Orland Irwin and family -..Last' Toilet
interestingi slides of their -trip to their talk before she and Mrs. Dane Sharon and Brenda of'St. Catharines McNeil, Mrs. Sadie, Barbour, and Saturday they were guests of Mrs.,
Utah. They visited the Mormon and Darlene of London, were Don Martin. Gertrude T.iffinofWingham. Tissue. . . ..1.19
served lunch. Last 'Tuesda Ma:. and Mrs. Joe Rise N”" Shine 3's
Tabernacle and heardthe renow ed` y visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Victor day,W. . a
t1 D h of t
Emerson last Saturday and on uc arms o o erich visited with Orange
C. Carswell',Crystals .... ...... ... ..99
leach.erat group• home heads Fordw.ieh Schneiders Ilb. tub., �,.. ' A -r � c u I t u re e s t e _.,. .,� •
.is Institute gustak me Senor citizens ivifar ar`ine .. .Y-. �.
Whitechurch = Mrs. Connie "Name a habit you would like t
®f Bluevale WI meting g .. ....s �..
Y o FORDW'ICH-Clarence ...Carswell Gold Seal 73%4 oz.
p pgham motto, obits are first: . BLUEVAL was installed as president of the Pink
GrouDawsonHome,rkwaser a guest t the sneaker shahs roved interesting.
H E g P PP Fordwich 'Senior Citizens at the
A nculture was Jo Ston ex ressed a rec�ation to
When the Whitechurch Women's cobwebs, then cables", was', the theme when Mrs. J. Johnston . She ley for her informative group's first meeting,of the year. He. Salmon -„
Institute held its resolutions meeting prepared by Mrs. Myrtle Metcalfe was hostess for the meeting -
succeeds Mrs. William Wilson who O.ld South 123/4 oz
Wednesday, Jan. 14, at the homeof and read by Mrs.,Tiffin: She said, "If of the Women's Institute in the hall.' President Mrs. W. Stamper presided' over, the installation of
Mrs. Jean Tiffin, Wingham. Con our lives are to be useful .we must Following the singing of the Institute conducted' the'business, with Mrs. R_ ' officers. Frozen
veners were Mrs. Tiffin and Mrs. form due habits into a pattern that . Ode, 20 ladies repeated the Mary Fraser givin thh secretary Other members .of ;,the executive Orange -Juice . . . . . . . . . ..99
John Currie. ' makes us strong people so we. can Stewart Collect:' treasurer's,, report, Two 4-H clubs include _Helen, Nickel, first vice pre- - McCain Deep N' Delicious. • "
Mrs. Tiffin 'introduced the guest help others form good habits''ior ,Mrs. William deVos, agriculture , will be sponsored for the' project, sident' Mrs. Wray Cooper, secre-
speaker' who told about the group break bad habits." She added that --.convener, introduced IVIS, Shelley "Surviving with Style".. Courses and tary; and Roy Kennedy, treasurer. 3 Varieties .
home which was started in 1983. ; bad habits can ruin not only one's Pau'locik, a horticulturist who owns conventions to be held in 1987 were Thirty-four members attended the Cakes . . . . . . . ... 1.89
Five men'and three women.reside own life but the lives of friends, Woodwind, a fruit farm near discussed. meeting, enjoying s pot luck dinner Schneiders Fresh
there and there is a staff of four full- relatives, even 'one's children. She Bluevale., They have a market • and paying their dues. Chicken
time teachers. The residents are closed by urging the members to garden featuring strawberries and Mrs. H.' Elliott reported -on ,the A financial report, work plans and
-taught the basics in maintaining a remember the old rule: "Think' raspberries, as well as varieties of . district executive meeting held' budget for 1987 was received from Leggy; . ,.,-:. ". . Ib..$9
home and some are guided in -special before you speak, look before you apple trees. There are also crafts recently •at her home. The roll call, the Homebound -in Wingham, Fancy Grade • g
programs, leap". and metal work. "How changing agriculture is Guest speaker for the, occasion Ida Red 3 lb. bag_ r
- Mrs. Dawson was thanked -by Mrs. Shelley gave an excellent talk changing our lives", caused a lively was Mrs.. Brindlecom'be, repre-
Norma Rintoul. A singsong was enjoyed, readings about lanting, harvesting,and care discussion among many who have senting the Cherry and Maxey travel Apples ... .1.49
Tl a president extended a welcome were given by Mrs. Tiffin and of various plants and trees, She- retired from farming. agency. e -.
to veryone after the opening- ►'>sical numbers were played by , answered many questions and Refreshments were served by During the. program Mrs. Scott STORE HOURS: Mon: -Sat. 7:30 a.rn. to 7:00 p.m.,
exercises. She then read two poems Mrs. Mae Johnston, Mrs. Jean 'showed publications from. OMAF Mrs. N. McLean,' Mrs. R. Darlow Clarkson and Mrs. Geiger, gave Friday. 7:30 a. M. to 9:00 p.m. �
about the new year..A letter was McGuire and Miss Mary , Hehn. and, books for further advice. Mrs. and Mrs. S. Andersen. readings and Mrs.. Etta Deitz:,con- Phone 357-2240. We Deliver_
read informin the rrembers.of Lunch was. served by.Mrs. Rintoul,
Prince Edward the
ladies comingMrs, Agnes Gaunt and. Mrs. Currie ducted a contest. ,
'Members also enjoyed playing c
to Bruce County this fall on an ex- and asocial half-hour was spent. euchre. It was announced the Senior
There will be `no meeting in C h u re h women meet •
-change visit. g 'Citizens will ,hold a card party on
Members were informed that their' February., The March meeting will
be held at the. home of Miss Merle Friday, Feb. 13. "�- 9.
appliqued quilt blocks are to be in'by a t Armstrong homethe March.meeting. The roll call, Wilson;
- _ FORDWICH = Tri'nity Anglican Sunday .School teachers have JANUARY ' WALL TO WALL 4'
C-hu'rch Women met at the home of asked the ACW for help one Sunday & F®0���
A� o
d ° o < < Mrs. Bruce Armstrong for the a month. Members are asked to SAM N S CLOTHING
CLOSED January meeting with theprdsident, bring old greeting cards to the next For, the Entire Family }
�` Mrs: J."W_.r Daunt residin and meetingand the will be sent to Dr.
2 Piece Snow Suits
� opening with prayer. Roll call, was Graham's Homes in India for' use Boy �N i8{,/LK AND SAVE! $3,9.95
an exchange of favorite recipes. there. Adult Sizes
Mrs. Dave Dinsmore led devotions Mrs. Daunt read an article' on Bulk Baking Goods, Bulk,000kies, Sires 7 14 $29.95
WINTER and Mrs. Tim Bunker.,gave the card "Jesus and the Uppity Women": It ' Bulk Nuts; Bulk Candy, Sixes 2 6 irately. His or Her
h report. Mrs. Everitt Armstrong read was decided to send a plant to Blythe ' ®ISCounl GroceryItems Jacket 'or Pants Sold Sep Kiss, Roots,
Wroxeter MONTHS
S " a letter from James Allen, Bishop of Clarke, who has been ill in hospital. sweat Tops by lilt
Keewatin, telling of life in the north , The meetingclosed with prayer. Atlantic, Beaver Canoe, Mariner Si �•L49
Ph. 335-3330. P Y Bulk from 95
and thanking the group for bales Mrs, Browne was'1n charge of ti ON Y • • • • • • • , • , . • • • • • , • 99 -and others S39•
t Th k Ib. t t Work Shoes
sent. an ou messages, were the program. Lunch was served by Suntans tvlen's Sa e v 14• 1 r
Y,_ „ .......... ....... received from those remembered at . Mrs: Don King and. Mrs. Marian ISINS ....:.... , ...:....:... Ib. .99 work Pants
Christmas, also for a donation to St. Kirby, assisted by the hostess. witted
Monica House. PRUNES .........:. '....... b. cQ ;
o .f 1.�V
• Aunt J®mime _ _ _
a Lam" '. `L:. .
u rDifectoly.MRs.WILLIAM SOTHERtY PANCAKE N11 ..Ib. . 71iEA ®ISCUIT linl b r49Notes f ordvwi lb. & USED - N ro m F ' C h BEAN MUFFIN MIX g ��w ED FuRnrir
Pain hu rct� _ Garden City 14 oz: Carpet, Antiques, Gift Its URS
p WHOLE ioMATOES ..............39 Bcx'Spring ms, Water Beds,
WINGHAhW 8 Mattresses, Wall Units; basks,
;' , Friends oar he i ll Johnson will be Ste hen's- Church, Gorrie, on I,, Novo 4.60 gr. pkgs. Reclindrs or Glidor R e
_ �� sorry to hear he is a patient in the Sunday. Mrs. Horsey accompanied CHICKEN Nd�OCiLf SOUK MIX ..... •9� Rockers �24�•®®
wiry ii�M r CHURCH Listowel hospital. 4 E,D. Smith 100 oz. Northern Spy g braver Highboy ,
Y e. in at-
Y J : 25. The APPLE FIE FILLING ............rg 4 Pc, Walnut Sedrodm Suite $98.00
P her husband.' H"e will b
John Street at -Centre Street Mr's. Alma Hargrave and Davi E, D, Smith 100. oz. Circa 1920•s
Visitors one da last week with . t ndanca flus Sunda , an
g trinity annual vestry meeting will RASES R1 Y PIE FILLING ....... 9.95 95.OQ►
., THE AIV�LIOAIV PALISH C)F 2t1' MAirtrti� S#. •Hargrave were Mr. and Mrs. Ear follow the service. •'
,r b • '
WING,HAIIM ANIS' IMLORAVE Sulliday, J,anuury 2s Hallman of Listowel and Mr. and Greg Stewart of Waterloo spent l NAVEL ORANGES ....:....... doz.' .7119
10:46 a.m. Sun School Mrs. Alex Wray of Scarborough, the weekend with his (rents, Mr: i
... '° � Potatoes Sold in 50 Ib Ssgs
Mrs, Ne11ie Simmons is spending
- _-Sl-1M�AY; JANU�SI��P �� .. . ° - , ..�..f�o•a;tn.wrarhr g�W'�rstiip an'cl lVlrs.-CarlStevrtlrt. . _..., . ,_: ... . � . ..., ..-. + _,..._ - - --i�it .... 1' �tana, r
Pot luck Luncheon and the week with Mr. and Mrs. Doug " Allan of Red or W o r� to
11:OC1 a.m. - Mattills � g - Mr. and Mrs. Floyd D to a
Sunda School and Nutser g in Mississauga. Wroxeter were visitors Sunday with geentve sono
00110 ing'Momin Wil an y u_a rice on Ctub 1
Moister Rev, J. eta Cottcyh
Sunday y Worship rs. Mar 1V[cClement and Bill Mr. Arid Mrs'. MeI Allah.
Annual eetf
Sr-oadcast on CKN}( B,A„ M,f)ly Giant men of Listowel' visited last Luc D'Aroe of ndon spent the BUY, �i1A Old SELL ` �IV� U5 A Y�f.LI At the Clestan,6 �runtcy calors '�.'�9
. ► * . Leemen
with Mr. and Mrs, Bill weeks d with her � ent$, W.,and a�,,, �,t,ett �s� �tme1�t t t Wntte trey test �'
Clrgarlist: Mr. t°lap 5wakidga
Wed' y 11M ell ARENA wide
Sothern., _ t�rr �rII s
re finwle: arl D'A,reey . if`1f A A Lt • SO&I
� illlinist0r:' I�ev. D. Madgo _ n�irs,
µ R
�` .•. « � ,► a � » w ChurCN • 357�20Qi Rev. Herb Dorsey ofW'aterlooi ag 1'�on'irie D'Ai°c'e�r of Kitchener
1:16 p.m. • Trinity, ObIgrave
Mat" .1ist.,i072 the
guest minister : at 't°riait s nt the urkettid tittlth In'eraxe'nts, tp'ery Mors Sat. 616 :rn., 1"rl, 1Vights f'iIT 6 p,rin.
K An lican Cliur .. , .. Vls'a: aat toardacce fed,
g chi I'ordwidh ailci fit. 111, slid s, tcl�y P .
Mr Cerand D A
I .. 1.
, i . ,w.,et v , r „,.e a' ,: -, '• .... 1 C c .a, �. ,. {J" ,.1, ,.: ,r. ,1„ .."t:. ,2
i.:+x;,.A, .r,ic v..n�...J•.+^u;Yi..• i_�..1 ,,. s:1,,.. i;4Yl�.u�t4( ,41x'.J..,,.4_-.. �>, N. vuvn.v ,M1,,.,:.,M „1.,. r '_
\, ..., i, v. W 1, V, , , u .. .. ..... ,..... ,.,., '.i: , i .:4'...,,. ,: '.. ii •. , .:. e,,.,e.:.,