The Wingham Advance-Times, 1987-01-14, Page 120 Page 12—The Wingham AdvancerTimes, Jan. 14, 1987 filar i#on will rov1d f 'r,lh��l4 ;f 4 Pol Ice boa -rd r q/ 't e ues ba kom p fire pro#ention ................; rti, ;� -1 nuti East Wawandfi and WorrUs 7 Fire Deoartment has agreed to Townships) pay their bills for 19 6. %OVAf - - - cattonsw& sfttu -e (h b 8 -d pr y ovide a back up fire service for Howick Town The Wingham Board of Police When asked about the possibility prepare a study "s we can see what ship, in a fee for ser NO GRANT Commissioners has asked that, a of investigating othe�r-sysAems, we'rebuying." The'township has been informed vice arrangement At a. special meeting Ded. 30, feaiibility study be' conducted con- Wingham Police Chief Robert Wittig 'Township , Council, after a by the Ministry of Tourism and g.erniql; the best communications said he does not have the time nor Finally it was decided to ask for Howick FLecreation no grant isavailable forri even the study, but in the- meantime report from Dep. Reeve John system for the local force, ev fhe e x'pertise to conduct an in-depth roof repairs to the Belmore Corn - though the board may decide to study. However, be said the OpC Byron Adams, town clerk -treasurer Jacques, passed a motion to accept munity Centre. remain part, of the county -wide would conduct such a study free, of and board secri#ary, is to attend a- the proposal of the Harriston-Minto. After -the roof over the curling rink charge an system to 'which it currently budget ,meeting'tor the county -wide Fire Board, which would provide had been leaking for a couple belongs. d report ba& to the board. Holly Keil said she could see no communications system as the secondary fire pro action ton with no years_ a new roof was installed Vor the second month in a r standby fee. ow, harm in, at least asking th6 OPC to town's representative. recently at a' cost of $47,180., much of. the discussion at the Howick has also approached police The bill has been paid by Howick board board meeting revolved around- Palmerston Town Council, with Township, and it is hoped the com- commu hopes of receiving secondary fire inunity centre board will pay back' communications and it appears it East Wdwanosh Will be a major item on the February`protection from its department as .it'sdebt.. well, but no word on the outcome of agenda. If not, according to an agreement The Ontario Police Commission those talks has been made public. signed when the centre was built, will conduct the study which w 'Motio,,n to Sell Subdivision At council's Dec. 2 meeting, it was Howick,' Turnberry, (Carrick and decided Dep. Reeve Jacques, C6un. -provide board members with Culross Townships will split the cost Harold Gibson and Coun. Norm valuable background information falls l lal at, council. meeting evenly. Fairles wopld meet with repre- from which they will make a final A motion to sell the Humphrey decision, Buil�ing Inspector Arnold Bruce, sentatives of the respective' fire subdivision. at Belgrave at a public will continue to receive the fees from departments. to seek -back-tAp tNSURANCE. In answer to a question raised auction'in the iprin,g fell flat at last * Council was informed by Mr. last month's board meati Z61- 1, the permits he issues. Last year Mr- pr tection. e Tpesda s rKeetinj of East Bruce made $1,572 as building in- Miller at the Dec. 30 meeting a letter OPC'has ruled the boarM,:" y Council agreed the secondary pro- from ROMA (Rural Ontario po ice Wawanosh council. spect_or. The rates ' for building tection was needed; and although it commissioners' does h ' a�Ve the Councill% Ray Hallahan, who is permits are unchanged, wguld.,have preferreda mutual aid Muni�ipal Association). was authority to enter a communications on record as opposing last month's Eldon Chamney., superintendent agreement, I , i would -settle for a' user received by'the township, stating agreement on behalf of the town. purchase of -the. 38 -lot property for at the township waste disposal site, has. withdrawn its support of the The clarification was noted by $'48,000 put forward the motion. fee arrangement. - DO'y'-(?u, 6iow someone, will receive $39� per month in 1987, The rates charged to Howick reciprocal insurance exchange. Jack Gillespie, board chairman., However, no one at the council table upfr4om $288 last year. Township should the Harri�ston- At a previous meeting, council de7 However, Mr. Gillespie said the would second it. One building permit was Minto Fire Department be called to cided not to lend - its support to the board still must decide if it wishes to At the December meeting of presented and ap roved at the back-up the township's own de art I rt- proposed program. who deser�res'a. medal .7 continue to be part of the county council Mr. -Hallahan said he would p ROMA stated it has withdrawn its -meeting: Adrian Vos, Pant Lot 40, rrent are as follows: $400 per call no support because the reciprocal in - communications -system or look for propose the property be sold in the Con. 1, an aviary. matter how many vehicles are re- lf'you know someone who has from nominations made by you other alternatives. spring. "The township., is not in the urance exchange -program, which no - We are spending $25,000 a year quired to respond: $150 per hour if soul&be a form of, self-insurance for made Ontario a better place to each year. r development business," he said a the tariker truck is required; $1,500 V bye ... throsfled yotifor thisservice and I,think wemust, tele Council -forms, a municipality, does not conform to,, phorib-interview later. an--hour-lor- the- ptimper and van,consider other � alternatives," he Mr. Hallahan said he intends to ,the Muni6pal Act. umanity and -kindness.. -tell us. by March 14, 1987. Nomination said. "We may -stick with this book committee which must go together, and $250 an f (current system) because there are put forward the mo ' tion again, hour for the laddi-r Lruck. An Advisory Council of Forms aK available no'w,'by writ - possibly at the Jan. 26, special East Wawanosh council has made A request for back-up can only be CEILING Ontario citizens, whose hbn-, ing: The IGLlitario He'nours• and other things to -consider than the meeting being'held to discuss the first steps toward planning the, ifiade,by'the I-lowick officer in It was also noted at the Dec. 30 ourary chaieman is the Lie'u- Awards Secretariat, Ministry of money, but I think we would be development co.sfs at •Ahe sub' t6wriship's -125th anniversary charge at the emergency. meeting a new ceiling will be in tenant: r remiss if we didn't check this out division.• celebration in 1992', discussing the stalled in the upstairs 611 of, the te Governor of Ontario, I ntergovefn mental Affairs, thoroughly." Howick Clerk -Treasurer Tom Howick Centre. The Honourable Lincoln M. In 5th Floor, Mowat Block, 900 -Bay other busness at last we'ek's anniversary briefly at last Tues- 'Miller says the back-up service While the original agreement had meeting, council dealt .with wages day's meeting.. Fire-resistant tile has been ac- Alexander, et, Toronto M7A 10 agreement is f0'r the whole,townshii), I . the comm selects,the,-recipjent� StrQ started out as a co-operative venture for three of its township employees. EVen though the 1215th is five years but "realistically", the Harriston quired by unity centre several- years ago, Wingham Mayor board and a Capital Conservation Harold Errington, drainage away, council members put forward- department would only be called for Jack Kopas said it has become a superintendent, received a four per several names'..for a historical com- ant wi ll,help. offset the cost. service the board purchases. If the cent -wage increase and will go to mittee, which would work on a eom- an emergency in the northern part of The present tile in, the ceiling of current system is to continue.' $9.36 per hour in 1987, from $9.00 last memorative book for -the anni- the township. the hall was installed when the county representatives must get to- -ar. Mr. 9'ri Comm uni ty'ce entre'was built 15 years ye r ngton� also receives versayy. LINEOF(EED11 gather "to remove some of the irri-, • mileage at the township rate of 22 It.was suggested the'new book, ago. tants" cents � per kilometre. comprehensive, history of East Also at the " Dec.D30 meeting, eeting, Clerk, Miller informed council of a, letter Wawanosh, haVe a hardcover, but it received from''the' Canadian WORK will he up to the committee to check Impeeial At the. Dec,, :30 meeting, council 'The 01�ntario M& -dal Bank of , Commerce TOWNSHIP OF EAST.WAwANOSH passed a bylaw authorizing $30�i�n into prices and report back to acknowledging a $125,000 , line of r council. repairs to the -Branch G,Munieipat. PUBLIC'MEETING CONCERNING A, credit foi- the Wingham Fire'Area The township celebrated its 100th Drain. CO od Citizenship BoElrd. anniversary in, 1967, At that time a' M The work comprises a clean-out on, NSI PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE i�-�Iiller s�vs the line of credit is Keh (;ibson's property, at lot 24 Coh.. paperback book was publishW., to cover operating expe . nses until the and the cost will b6 shared by six partners 6f the fire area boa.rd-,,,,,A ZONING BY-LAW assessed. landowners: (Wingham, andjiowick',Turnberry, TAKE, NOTICE that'the Council of the Corporation of Senior ciflzens• the Township qf. East Warwanosh will hold a series of -OF. ARTHUR public open --houses, as indicated below, to corisiderAte hold cardparty' proposed comprehensive zoning by-law. FORDWICH I— Sixteen tables' OPEN HOUSE SCHEDULE were in play at the genior citizens', 6 d party Friday. night at the hall,. X 0 TUESDAY,FEIgRuARY 17, 1987 Winners for high.scores were • Drop in anytime between 1-4, p. m.; 7'-9 p.m'. Russell Nickel and Nelda Dg'rroch, Prizes for low scores were awarded 4 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 1987 Johnston, playing as a'fI i' Ao Ma(rian 22 - Drop in ahytime between 1-4 p.m. 7/0 gent, acid Jean Comrie. A birthday dys Ives and Location - East Wawanosh Township prize went Ao Gla Muspecial prizes Were won by Hector nicipal- Office, 1.5 miles west of Belgrave. Browne, Betty Gibson and Anna The open houses are deemed Smith• to be public meetings Linder Sectioh 34(.12) of the Planning Act; they provide a flexible timetable to suit The, next card party will be discuss -oecific c-anc'erns'.Everyone is welcome to drop by Ef A,NU^AR,.Y the majority of (Atepavers and an opportunity to consider and Friday, Jan. 30, sponsored 'by the Fordwich Women's,lnstitute, " anytirno to discuss the by-law with Councilor a County Planner. PRICE The proposed zoning by-law affects- the entire Township of East Gorrie Personal Motes Wawanosh as shown on the attached map below. It implements the East WAwanosh Township' Secondary Plan by establishing land" i use controls and zones in the Township. Mrs. Ruth Brrie and Mrs. Margo Taggart, Kathy and Brad, visited A L E ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written recently at the homes of Mr. andMrs. Ron Collins and Veronica of' or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the Kingston and with Mr. and Mrs, proposed zoning by-law.. Ritchie ie Pilgridiof Grafton. Mr. 'and Mrs. George Brown at - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed zoning by- tended the 50th wedding a nniversiry DOOR CRASHER SALE SAVE 50% Off ENTIRE SELECTION 1500 & law is available at the Township Office in East Wawanosh during of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Brown ofFAMOUS BRAND SUITS. The newest & best from normal business hours, or alternatively by contacting the Huron 200 MEN'S -- Stratford on Sunday. Shipley, Merit, Guy Laroche, Chaps, Park Hall, County Planning Departryient (524-2188). In addition, a draft copy Mr. and Mrs. Melville Dennis SUITS $6goo I Shetland, Hyde Park, McGregor, Pierre Balmain & of the proposed by-law has, been sent, for information purposes to visited recently with Mrs. Frances Reg. to 299. I more. Sizes 36-54, reg. 275.475. all owners of property as noted on the latest revisedossessment, Lewis of Kitchenerland'Mr. and Mrs.ALL 1/2 PRICE. From $137.50 & up. records: p. Hugh Hart of RR 1, Gadshill. Mr. and Mrs. Brian-MAcTayish of 1000 MEN'S SPORTCOATS & BLAZERS. Amazing SAVE. -50% OFF ALL OTHER SPORTCOATS & 1000 DRESS SLACKS DATED AT THE TOWNSHIP OF Winona. Thompson London ]spent the weekend with Mr. selection, choose from woof tweeds, Harris tweeds, corduroys BLAZERS. Another, 1090 to choose from. All this seasons Includes -fine Wools, poly/wools, & suede looks. Also poly/wool blazers, newest sportcoats & blazers from Shipley, Merit. Chaps, Park tweed fashion looks EAST WAWANOSH, Clerk -Treasurer and Mrs. Allan Hyndman,. Reg. 1.3.9 199, SALE 169.00 Hall, Shetland, Hyde Park, Guy­L-arache, Pierre Balmain & reg, 50.'75. SALE $26.95 JANUARY 14, 1987 Jownship of East Dr. and Mrs. David Charters, Joan and Kerry,'of Essex vigited-last more, Sizes 38 50, reg. 199. 335. 71 Wawanosh 500 DRESS SLACKS -NOW lillg.00 & up - ALL AT 1/2 PRICE SAVE 50% OFF EVERY DRESS SLACK IN -STOCK. EAST' Bel rave, Ont. NOG 1 E0 Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Reg. to 45. All famous brands, choose 'from 3000 pair, sizes 28,54. VVAWANOSH (519) 357-2880 Faust. DOOR"CRASHER, $14.9-5 ALL 1/2 PRICE OR LESSI 2000 DRESS & SPORT Famous names as Park Hall,'Merit, Nash, Riviera, Sansabelt, SHIRTS. Fabulous selection, reg. to 45 . SAVE 112 OFF all Grala, Ashbridge, Keithmoor, Christian Dior and more.' Reg. SAVE 50% OFF EVEflY DRESS SHIRT IN STOCK. famous brand sport shirts, 42,95-130. NOW $21-50-165.00 - ALL 1/2 PRICE 4000 dress shirts, sizes 14.191/2. Famous -names as Pierre 14 1 Attend SALE 19.95 14.95-119.96 Slack Alterations While You Wait! Cardin, Leo Chevalier, B.V.D., Pierre Balmain, Christian Dior, Forsyth, Arrow & more. Reg. 24,;45. WE 50% OFF ENTIRE SELECTION DOOR CRASHERI 13 workshop N& 112,00 &,up, JUST26EDUCT 501 OFF TICKETED PRICE TOPCOATS, OVERCOATS, ALL OUTERWEAR SHETLAND WOOL SWEATERS GREAT SELECTION SWEATERS & LEATHER JACKETS. Crew or V neck styles $9.95 12. for UCW Be early as some selections limited. Values to 80. SALE $14.95 &.119.95 FORDWICH-A, workshop for new SAVE 1/2 OFF YOUNS MEN'S, CASUAL- PANTS. By SAVE Vi OFF ENTik SELECTION . FAMMS BRAND SWEATERS, SAVE 1/2 MEN'S FLEECE TOPS. Fashion styles by Gerierra, Hollywood Era,' Brittailnia, Sergio Valente, Rainbow, Un* ited' Church Women. (UCW) SAVE OFF ENTIRE SELECTION . 2000 LEATHER Everlast, Mark Elliot, Steven Nicholas, Green Une, Kiihikaze. Howick & more. Reg. 40.-50. members was held recently in the to. United Church here. FASHION BELTS ,from Benc)icraft, Custom Leather & ALL 1/2 PRICE - NOW 116,00 & up Reg. 32, & up NOW ALL 1/2 PRICE - Fmm 119.95 &-up Presiding for the workshop, ai- Christian Dior, Aeg. 15. 40. NOW From 17.50 & up. N SPRING ARRIVALS a tended by 10 women, was Mrs. Jean MEN'S DESIGNER JEAN: Reg. 40, 60. All famous CRUISEWtAR & ALILEARL wt - I names. SAVE 1U0 Wilson, the current president of the SAVE 10%'OOF 2000 MEN'S SILK FASHION TIES. Re values to 30. SALE -29.95 up a Forwich UCW. 'FOR $10.00 She was assisted "by Mrs, tvelyn SALE. 3 TIES - SAVE '/�'OFF ALLATHER TIES J. I Wilson, a pastpresident.(062) of the se to choose from SAVE 50% OFF ALL FALL &'WlhTE' SAVO % OFO, ENTIRE SELECTION fASHION9, IN OUR 2 LADIES' STORES unit, anu' by Mrs. Dianfie Mann, the curtent first vice president. A" -,MEN' 'S HATS,,` 9LOVES, -SC RVES, SOCKS, "Sussmar['&,For Her" Complete ladies'' store 1000 PAIR MENS SOCKS - Values to 5.00 New memb' STANIPWILD &JOCKEY TOES BRIER "Nsually Yours" Casual wear for,the young ers, were taken through at heart 6000 ChAtHep a typical UCW meeting 'which in - 6 eluded an olieril service, reading and candle lighting 'service, rea dings, ngs, 4 The pianist Was Mrs. Susan VatL Assis iing, with the program was 3 Donna Kritzer. f' ", P _ ',- ­ ?ft The meeting also included a pot - 2 luck lunch', It was announced the World Day of Prayer will W helq at the F6rdwich tJrAted, Church on Marek' 6 At � p;,ffi.; the unit will'hidgt a 9arden -party on June 23 and a fowl'suppef 6h bet 97, Ov M