The Wingham Advance-Times, 1986-01-29, Page 16Page 16—The Wingham Advance -Times, Jan. 29, 1986
A —a— -a - -- -a— —a — _&L _w
ME AN In what'he described as the ledged. "Cciaerany speak-
mediga and '' violleknce
best speech he has ever ing, -Canadian negotiator!
given, Federal Agriculture didn't do well for Canadian
In the ears to come Ca- P%", :i`The Fall Gu Minister John Wise last. week agriculture."
y y" •. and They think children there told members of the Huron He said the government.
nadian children will watch "V"„ or the Saturday morn- fore become more willing to Cattlemen's Association wants to make sure before
thousands of explosions, ing cartoongr'�The problem engage in and to tolerate vio- they have nothing to fear entering into bi-lateral talks
knifings, shootings and beat- with TV violence is that you lence. They believe the long- from trade talks with the with the U.S: it has its
ing§ simply by turning on can't tell the "good guys" term effect will be that vio-
io United States. "troops in place and inffor-
theirtelevision sets. from the bad, sines every lance will be more likely to Speakipg to about 220 mation in hand."
The increased concern body uses violence. This is occur. cattlemen gathered at He explained that a special
about TV violence isn't joist causing researchers, par- The Canadian Coalition Clinton for their annual cabinet committee will be
the increase in violent tints and teachers to evaluate Against Violent Entertain- meeting, Mr. Wise declared holding weekly meetings
that v
Entertain -
shows, it is that the availa- the effects this will have on ment complains we are e
busy at his government will not with Simon Riesthe
bility to these programs has the younger generation. teaching people to become th party, v a deal which chief Canadian ` maman, tor,
Canadian increased. Tele CLAVE -..(Canadian Coati more violent and at the same would harm Canadian in- and that an agricultural sub -
vision plays an important tion Against Violent Enter- time we are complaining tereses committee will be a major
role in Canadian households tainment) rates and publish- about the rising, number of "The intention of the component of that.
because not one day goes by es the number of acts of vio- violent acts. government of Canada is to "If we're smart, have the
without a television set on. lence per program using In 1972, Senator John negotiate a good del for 'best negotiator, . work
figures from their sister or- Pastory took action against toeeher and put key
Ninety-nine per cent of all ganization in the United TV violence saying that we Canada,. including Canadian g P Y P opts
households own one televi- States. "The A Team" has 56 should "lift up the mind of agriculture," he declared, on the agricultural sub-
sion set and 45 per cent ownacts of physical violence per man, rather than to bring it --Or there'll be no deal at committee we should do
two. The average viewing hour, "The Fall Guy" 42 per down further in the gutter!" all. well," he said. But the
time per family is six hours hour. "Mike Hammer" 39 Then in 1976, Judy The minister was sup- bottom line is that if we can't
per day, and the average per hour, "Airwolf", 32 per LaMarsh, took action ported in this by Graeme get a good deal for
viewing time per child is, six hour, "T. J. Hooker", 32 per against Canadian broadcast- Hedley, secretary -manager agriculture there isn't going'
and a half hours per day. By hour. "The Bugs Bunny a s. But, the broadcasters of the Ontario Cattlemep's to be a deal!"
the time most Canadian chil- Road Runner Show" is the responded with, "The nor- Association, who during a The minister took. ex-
dren reach the age of 12 they highest in the cartoon mal person can tell the dif follow-up presentation ception to a suggestion the
will have spent about twice market, with 52 violent acts ference between real life and warned the cattlemen their government had failed
the number of hours in front per hour. television violence." industry is vulnerable. With- Canadian pork producers on
of a television set that they On March 1981, Jeremy What experts have con- out a new trade agreement the question of a U.S. pork
have spent in school. Worsty, a healthy six-year- eluded from their studies is with the U. S., he said, they tariff a year ago. In his
With the increasing num- old was found dead hanging • that TV violence has gone could face being shut out of, toughest; talk all day, he said
her of pay and cable stations from a hook after imitating a through many cycles. In the their largest export market. the problems with•pork arose
running 24 hours per day, TV cartoon character. The fam- 1960s violence was high. The reference to trade from several states acting to
violence has become even ily settled out of court with Then in the 19705 it de- talks came near the end of protect their own fanners, in
more accessible to young Hanna Barbera Produc- creased but in the 1980s it has the ministers speech, the violation of international
majority of which was agreements.
and old children alike. These
tions. Then in New York City seemed to increase with
violent programs run on both a boy was charged with arm shows like "The A Team" devoted to explaining and' "If the State of Nebraska
Canations, dlbut the majority nd American tof ed robbery: The boy's lawyer and "Magnum Pi". They raising the stabilization plan' forrtite wants to break U.S. law,
red what the hell are you and I
claimed the boy was imitat- have considered many solu
these programs are pro- ing TV violence. The boy was tions for this problem, but meat which was introduced going to do about .that?" he
duced in the United States.. found not guilty and was re right now they are trying to last fall. demanded.
The effects of this violence leased. Mr. Wise noted that the "I think you're being a
get producers to make shows
on ' children have been Experts are beginning to with good drama and without HCA had sent him a little hard on the national
argued before -Royal Com -
wonder if the fantasy on TV the large amounts of vio-
resolution last September association and the
missions, and in universities is taking away the children's lence. urging the federal cabinet to Canadian Pork Council, he
for at least two decades. But ability to separate "real But this violence will con- implement a policy of tri- continued, saying both
now critics say this violence life" violence from "fan- tinue to be in our lives every Partite stabilization for the
on TV is teaching children to tasy" violence. These ex timewe turn on our favorite beef cattleindustry. Two
become violent. perts think that we have be- television show. If it is "The months later Ontario
From -network controlbecame the first province to
come "immunized" to vio- A'Team", , the newsor even �
rooms to your family televi fence so much that we do not the Saturday morning sign agreements under the
§ion set, violence can be seen become shocked when vio- cartoons, we see it enjoy it legislation, giving cattle, hog
in live-action dramas such as lence occurs, that we accept or don't even think twice. , and lamb, producers a
"The A Team", "Magnum this violence as a part of life.—Shannon MacPherson 12E chance to participate in the
plans on a voluntary basis,
E 1x>? 1
He said- that after more 4
than a decade of frustration ! i((1
Notepassersf nabbedand failed negotiations ;
among farmers and govern
Bus'ness Practice
ments, '`this, our govern
mint, ujust over 12 months,
has put t the legislation in
place, And we've found :
On Dec. 17, at approxim- solemnly and terrified, Lisa charged.for that offence and takers.
ately 2.30 in the afternoon, a •crept up the aisle. replied, "I never knew it was
"That's an accomplish- s
serious crime was commit- Mr. Stuckey hushed the against.the law to pass notes ment and — if, you haven't 3 f
ted. Because of the "Young protests and announced the in Business Practice class. guessed by now —it's 'anM ,
Offender's Act" I cannot re class would hold a court case That note was ver personal Y P accomplishment . I'm--- very
veal the 'names of Jane to sentence the accused. - and PRIVATE! proud of."
Martin and Lisa Metcalfe; Jane was said to have been Thanks to reliable sources, Mr. . Wise also acknowl-
who were caught passing in deep sorrow. Her parents parts of the note have been edged farmers' concerns
notes in Grade Nine hadn't been home for many revealed. It was common about beef imports, parti-
Business Practice, Period 8. weeks; she had rarely any "boy talk" and the usual cularly from the European
Jane Martin, who origin- thing decent to eat, and her school gossip. Economic Community, but
all wrot th t d t t b th
N -
A.VE'51 0
Y . e e no e, passe wo to ers, Brett (15) and Raymond Kikkert•was ex- argued that this government'
to Jana -Sue McKague, her Brian (19) were driving her pelted from the court for has done more about the ail 500 M
courier. As she did so: Mr- insane. "She relieved her tampering with the evid problem than its predecessor
D. Stuckey the Business sadness in a note to her best °,ence, contempt of court, and ever did.
teacher, turned from the friend, Lisa," said Jana -Sue, hassling the judge. His During a lengthy question
blackboard, catching Jana a good friend. spntenee_was.-_orte�4>�of,�•�,n�t � c,.,�.�;�,-,_Fm��,�ng----
_ `
�Sue iWi fi- `ne note..lana-aue Therefore, Jane And Lisa's Glossette raisins, to be his speech, he said Canadian
quickly passed .it Jo Mark plea was not guilty by reason divided evenly in the class,, negotiators "didn't do very
iviacKay, another courier, of temporary insanity. or a fine of 50 cents.well for agriculture" at the Sizes 36 to 52 - Farnoius Brands
who then passed it to. Lisa Kendra Statia was one of Upon being asked the GATT (General A reement
g `'' `.r Reg. $229.00 to $299.00
Metcalfe. Mr. Stuckey de- those called to the stand, and terms of the sentence for the on Tariffs and Trade) talks, �'•••
manded to have the note on testified that the two culprits criminals, Judge Stuckey opening the door for higher
his desk. (Lisa refused to eat were caught in grade school, said, '`I, beii,g the judge of beef imports. But he said it
it!) Finally they realized passing notes in classes. the court, cannot discuss could have been -.much worseSAVE 1
their teacher was serious so, FF En
Jane denied ever being that • until a verdict is than the 2:3 million pounds of
reached and the defendants beef currently being import- season's
�Il ,/YI O proved guilty." (They in fact ed from the EEC.We have �'
y p11110!1 were found guilty.) - Glen Coultes, an OCAsuits, Sizes 36 to 0
Save Then, when asked if the director, had pointed out that other Off ail
two would be ,sent to Mr. the U.S. allows only il. 1' , 1 , ,
CensorIn .
" m `$110 Wood.,or, Mr. Wareham L .for million pounds. of E.FC: -beef:
psyh�atsre" hal Jud'e into the :cotinitr While.... „
Stuckey rept"ied-, "If•'it &m` 0s - - Canada `is' importing more Like, Corduroys,„
nada to Pj ' to that, Mr. Arthur Clark, than double that, asking if S2494
cha.irma.n of the schoolthere were. any,, chance of Save IVA i
Q deems unfit
"God save the ween; she bo r p• will"•ft' k1i°qu ht in for
g g . , e g getting 'more m1me
.atn .t -no iuman beim she s a � Th 1selection
"'The trouble is the censor- 'his opinion. Either that or •, Asked how well prepared. .
Jurist re ime!"These lyrics ship of words leads -'to the ' the Mental Institute of the the government is, headingSingile & double breasted avy, colours
to a British punk group's censorship of ideas, and in Student Lounge will be con- into trade talks with the U.S., Sizes 36 to 54Reg, to $299.00
version of the British that the real danger, lies. sidered." Mr. Wise said Ottawa is , „
national anthem caused the Where do the censor's As for the "private" note, taking steps to ensure it will SALE
song to be banned from radio powers stop? Music is the whether the ,judge will act on not be out maneuvered at the
world-wide and prevented way many artists get their his pe'rogative in releasing negotiating table. Off entire selection
- - ast DRESS
. 1 . 1 ' 1
making--ss-Terovs -NJ,;t,ca;- or sari l-- i`ie contents' o£ exhibit A, "We were burnt on the last
scheduled tour of the Unites issues to the public. If the remains unknown. multi -lateral (GATT), trade Sizes 28 to 52
States when it was refused censor does not' believe in: $95,00
Kira Stuckey iF negotiations,” he acknow-
entry to the country.. that idea, does he have the 1selection
The reasons authorities power to censor it? In the FALL & WINTER 1
gave for banning the song .case of the punk group, the Save
1', Off newly arrived
were that the lyrics are answer is yes. Sure these �hI holds Savings000
"offensive and obscene." songs are not in the best of y�®®
These may seem like great taste, but they contain ideas eg.ues, „
reasons except for one de- — ideas for social and polit-® Brand
tail. There are no obscene ical reform. They protested meeting
' n -basement Big selection short
words in it and 'it is only to •their government and Famous brands of Soling
offensive to British royalists. government had them muz- BELGRAVE — The ; an- sett. -trews. & Pierre Cardin Reg $2,
The song being banned is an zled. nual meeting of thellelgrave The teachers are: Off entire selection
example of the worst kind of United Church Sunday beginners, Mrs. Glenn DRESS SHIRTS, Famous brands ,
media control, censorship. The music world has long School was held last Thurs- Coultes, Mrs. Ron Cook, Leo Chevalier, Pierre Cardin, Pierre Bs
The push for the censor- needed a rating system, but day evening in the church Mrs. ban McBurney, Mrs' cludes tails, Just deduct
ship of rock music has been it will never need a censor- basement. , Greg Cook; junior primary, $26.00 " ticketed Pric
resurrected by a group- of ship board. For if one does Coejnmittees were ap- Mrs. Ross Anderson, 1VIrs.
Senators' wives. Record rat- come into existance, the pointed for the anniversary Wayne 1H..pper, Trudy .
ing is a good -idea; it is need- power of protest and change service and the chicken Taylor, Donna Higgins;
ed and it is long overdue. But through *music will be lost -barbecue to be held in. June. senior primary, Mrs, Lloyd
this group will also like some forever, and if that happens HOURS:
g P PP Rev. John Roberts can- Michie, Mrs. John McI°htosh;
records banned ,because of our country becomes'a little ducted the election of of- junior, Mrs. Jim Hunter, Open ' Days a Week
the "ideas" they e'xp'ress. To less free and the door is leftfirers and they are as Brian, Potter: intermediate,:, Monday to Saturday
me, this is unacceptable. As wide open for more censor- . follows: Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. Tom •
soon as a censorship board is ship of other retedia. This W i 1 l i a m C o u 1 t e s , Black, George Procter; Open Fri, Nights to ' pr
started, the artist loses may sound extreme, but it is superintendent ; Mrs. Bob senior, Mrs. John Gnay,
control over his work. In any plausible and very possible. Gordon, assistant, sup!, : Murray 'Scott, Mr, McKee
song he writes, the censor Very possible. Paul McKee. sec.-treas. an� and adult, Mrs. Dorothy
can remove any words he Aturrao NrthPry Clifford Coultes,. assistant Logan and Ross Anderson,
are as aoalows:
worked very hard and made
barriers between the two
Ashfield, . Joe Hendricks,
excellent presentations on
countries, reporting that
Ken Alton, Jack Culbert;
the issue.
already approximately 70,-
Colborne, Jamieson Ribey,
He ,added this has nothing per cent of the trade between
Roger Moore; Goderich
to do with the free trade
talks, since
the two countries is duty-
Twp.,Wayne Tebbutt, Clare
no agreement
and that is expected to
Cox, Murray Forbes; Grey,
will become binding unless
rise to 80 per cent by 1987.
Calvin Semple, George
both Canada and theU-S. are
satisfied with it. -
He said tariffs are only a
Pearson, Fred Uhler; Hay,
"You picked a damn poor
minor point of the overall
RossJim Love,
comparison! he
issue; non -tariff issues such
In a special presentation
as support programs and
Howick, Murray Mulvey,
which followed the
embargoes are the im,.
Ron Bennett, \gill Am
minister's speech, Mr.
portant ones.
Hutchison; " Hullett, Gordon
Hedley told the cattlemen
Gross, Rick Archambault;
Canada "really has noHe
warned that without an
McKillop, Jack Flanagan,
alternative but to undertake
agreement guaranteeing
. Earl McSpadden; Morris,
these negotiations with the
their access to U.S. markets,
George Blake, Glen Coultes,
the Canadian red meat in-
Ross Procter; Stanley,
He said is a miscon-
dustry is very vulnerable to
William Armstrong, Grant
caption think that the
growing protectionism with-
Webster, GeraldRathwell;
called "free trade" talks will
r ill
in the,United States.
Stephen, Gerald McBride,
break down gall tariff
He forecast that trade
Tom Hayter, Allan Powe;
Tuckersmith, Jim Mc-
Gregor, Frank Falconer;
Turnberry, John Under-
wood, George Adams, Barry
Mulvey; Usborne, Keith
Strang, Don Kerslake, Brian
Miller; East Wawanosh,
Barry Mason, Doug Walker,
Murray Vincent; West
Wawanosh, Neil Stapleton,
Neil Rintoul, Lloyd Morris-
The new president of the
HCA is Ron Bennett of RR 1,
Gorrie, with Keith Strang of
RR 1, Hensall and Jack
Flanagan of RR 1, Dublin as
first and second vice
presidents. Past president is
Ross Procter of RR 5,
Glen Coultes of RR, 5,
THE HON. JOHN WISE, federal minister of agriculture,
Brussels remains as the OCA
was the featured speaker at last week's annual meeting
director, with Brian Miller of
of the Huron Cattlemen's Association. More than 200
R R 3, Exeter as, the alter -
cattlemen gathered in the Clinton Legion Hall for the,
nate. Rose Marie p of
RR 1, is the secretary -
banquet and annual meeting.
N -
A.VE'51 0
Y . e e no e, passe wo to ers, Brett (15) and Raymond Kikkert•was ex- argued that this government'
to Jana -Sue McKague, her Brian (19) were driving her pelted from the court for has done more about the ail 500 M
courier. As she did so: Mr- insane. "She relieved her tampering with the evid problem than its predecessor
D. Stuckey the Business sadness in a note to her best °,ence, contempt of court, and ever did.
teacher, turned from the friend, Lisa," said Jana -Sue, hassling the judge. His During a lengthy question
blackboard, catching Jana a good friend. spntenee_was.-_orte�4>�of,�•�,n�t � c,.,�.�;�,-,_Fm��,�ng----
_ `
�Sue iWi fi- `ne note..lana-aue Therefore, Jane And Lisa's Glossette raisins, to be his speech, he said Canadian
quickly passed .it Jo Mark plea was not guilty by reason divided evenly in the class,, negotiators "didn't do very
iviacKay, another courier, of temporary insanity. or a fine of 50 cents.well for agriculture" at the Sizes 36 to 52 - Farnoius Brands
who then passed it to. Lisa Kendra Statia was one of Upon being asked the GATT (General A reement
g `'' `.r Reg. $229.00 to $299.00
Metcalfe. Mr. Stuckey de- those called to the stand, and terms of the sentence for the on Tariffs and Trade) talks, �'•••
manded to have the note on testified that the two culprits criminals, Judge Stuckey opening the door for higher
his desk. (Lisa refused to eat were caught in grade school, said, '`I, beii,g the judge of beef imports. But he said it
it!) Finally they realized passing notes in classes. the court, cannot discuss could have been -.much worseSAVE 1
their teacher was serious so, FF En
Jane denied ever being that • until a verdict is than the 2:3 million pounds of
reached and the defendants beef currently being import- season's
�Il ,/YI O proved guilty." (They in fact ed from the EEC.We have �'
y p11110!1 were found guilty.) - Glen Coultes, an OCAsuits, Sizes 36 to 0
Save Then, when asked if the director, had pointed out that other Off ail
two would be ,sent to Mr. the U.S. allows only il. 1' , 1 , ,
CensorIn .
" m `$110 Wood.,or, Mr. Wareham L .for million pounds. of E.FC: -beef:
psyh�atsre" hal Jud'e into the :cotinitr While.... „
Stuckey rept"ied-, "If•'it &m` 0s - - Canada `is' importing more Like, Corduroys,„
nada to Pj ' to that, Mr. Arthur Clark, than double that, asking if S2494
cha.irma.n of the schoolthere were. any,, chance of Save IVA i
Q deems unfit
"God save the ween; she bo r p• will"•ft' k1i°qu ht in for
g g . , e g getting 'more m1me
.atn .t -no iuman beim she s a � Th 1selection
"'The trouble is the censor- 'his opinion. Either that or •, Asked how well prepared. .
Jurist re ime!"These lyrics ship of words leads -'to the ' the Mental Institute of the the government is, headingSingile & double breasted avy, colours
to a British punk group's censorship of ideas, and in Student Lounge will be con- into trade talks with the U.S., Sizes 36 to 54Reg, to $299.00
version of the British that the real danger, lies. sidered." Mr. Wise said Ottawa is , „
national anthem caused the Where do the censor's As for the "private" note, taking steps to ensure it will SALE
song to be banned from radio powers stop? Music is the whether the ,judge will act on not be out maneuvered at the
world-wide and prevented way many artists get their his pe'rogative in releasing negotiating table. Off entire selection
- - ast DRESS
. 1 . 1 ' 1
making--ss-Terovs -NJ,;t,ca;- or sari l-- i`ie contents' o£ exhibit A, "We were burnt on the last
scheduled tour of the Unites issues to the public. If the remains unknown. multi -lateral (GATT), trade Sizes 28 to 52
States when it was refused censor does not' believe in: $95,00
Kira Stuckey iF negotiations,” he acknow-
entry to the country.. that idea, does he have the 1selection
The reasons authorities power to censor it? In the FALL & WINTER 1
gave for banning the song .case of the punk group, the Save
1', Off newly arrived
were that the lyrics are answer is yes. Sure these �hI holds Savings000
"offensive and obscene." songs are not in the best of y�®®
These may seem like great taste, but they contain ideas eg.ues, „
reasons except for one de- — ideas for social and polit-® Brand
tail. There are no obscene ical reform. They protested meeting
' n -basement Big selection short
words in it and 'it is only to •their government and Famous brands of Soling
offensive to British royalists. government had them muz- BELGRAVE — The ; an- sett. -trews. & Pierre Cardin Reg $2,
The song being banned is an zled. nual meeting of thellelgrave The teachers are: Off entire selection
example of the worst kind of United Church Sunday beginners, Mrs. Glenn DRESS SHIRTS, Famous brands ,
media control, censorship. The music world has long School was held last Thurs- Coultes, Mrs. Ron Cook, Leo Chevalier, Pierre Cardin, Pierre Bs
The push for the censor- needed a rating system, but day evening in the church Mrs. ban McBurney, Mrs' cludes tails, Just deduct
ship of rock music has been it will never need a censor- basement. , Greg Cook; junior primary, $26.00 " ticketed Pric
resurrected by a group- of ship board. For if one does Coejnmittees were ap- Mrs. Ross Anderson, 1VIrs.
Senators' wives. Record rat- come into existance, the pointed for the anniversary Wayne 1H..pper, Trudy .
ing is a good -idea; it is need- power of protest and change service and the chicken Taylor, Donna Higgins;
ed and it is long overdue. But through *music will be lost -barbecue to be held in. June. senior primary, Mrs, Lloyd
this group will also like some forever, and if that happens HOURS:
g P PP Rev. John Roberts can- Michie, Mrs. John McI°htosh;
records banned ,because of our country becomes'a little ducted the election of of- junior, Mrs. Jim Hunter, Open ' Days a Week
the "ideas" they e'xp'ress. To less free and the door is leftfirers and they are as Brian, Potter: intermediate,:, Monday to Saturday
me, this is unacceptable. As wide open for more censor- . follows: Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. Tom •
soon as a censorship board is ship of other retedia. This W i 1 l i a m C o u 1 t e s , Black, George Procter; Open Fri, Nights to ' pr
started, the artist loses may sound extreme, but it is superintendent ; Mrs. Bob senior, Mrs. John Gnay,
control over his work. In any plausible and very possible. Gordon, assistant, sup!, : Murray 'Scott, Mr, McKee
song he writes, the censor Very possible. Paul McKee. sec.-treas. an� and adult, Mrs. Dorothy
can remove any words he Aturrao NrthPry Clifford Coultes,. assistant Logan and Ross Anderson,