HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1986-01-08, Page 03The Wingham Advance -Times, Jan. 8,1986—Page 3
W urussels Personals
„ 0
The Town of Illlinghaip intends to hold a Public
Reception in the spring to honollr citizens who
have achieved recognition in their particular
field of interest, for their achievements/contri-
butions at either the Local, Provincial or Nati al
Forms are • available at the Town Clerk's
Office and nominations will be received until
February 28, 1966 for the spring reception.
toil 111 lti$
No. 1
Bacon ................... Ib. 2.29
Regular or Garlic Fresh
Farmer's 'Sa usage.-.:....... lb. 1.59
Pork Side Ribs ° ............ Ib. 1.69
Bone -In Picnic .............. Ib..99
,We are still here; and have morespecial savings
for you in our retail outlet.
_ Ask your local grocer for our special deli products.
B Line West of Josephine Street
Res. 357-1262
WINGHAM Bus. 357=1705
16 qLN�
Huron -Perth Catholic School Board
will be held for
( ) Regular Kindergarten
( ) French Immersion Kindergarten (optional)
In orderto register for Kindergarten, children must
'be five -(5) -years of age on or before December
31, 1986 Parents are asked to bring Pirth Certifi-
cate, Baptismal Certificate and proof of Immuniza-
tion. It is advisable that parents contact the school
in which you'intend to register your child for an ap-
pointment prior to the registration date.
The registration date and location for French Im-
mersion Kindergarten classes will be as follows;
St: Mary's School
'Mr. Jim McDade, Principal
70 Bennett Street.' East,
Goderich, Ontario N7A 1 A4
JANUARY 16,A986,,-.1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
The'regrstration date and location for Re.gtUlar'Kin=
--. _._-clergartep--classes-'wiil-bu-as-tottiws: —
Sacred Heart School
Cornyn Street
Wingham, OntarioNGGr2W0`.
e 7, -19136 - 1- P.M. - 5 Pm.'
Ronald Marcy, William Eckert,
Chairman of the Board Director of Education
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Christmas with his sister and" '
Huether, Jeffrey and Kevin brother-in-law, Sid and
of Brampton-, Mr. and Mrs. Melody White.
Roger ^Tipple, Jonathon and Visitors from Thursday to
Sarah of Burlington and Mr. Sunday with Alvin and Pam
and Mrs. Gary Ritchie of McLellan were Bill, and
Scarborough spent Christ Sandy Clark and Allan of
mas week with Mr. and Mrs.
Pickering. They all joined
�• Murray Huether, Mr. and with the Clark families for a
Mrs. Brian .I-Iuether, Sandra get-together on Dec. 27.-
,,� and:Sheri; all of Brussels. On
the Sunday prior to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stute
Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. and family joined family
members in Strathro
Ken McDonald, Mr. and y for
K ` s Mrs. Tom, McDonald and - Christmas.
s ` Christmas guests with
Mrs. Marie Mc1'agga„rt
'1. joined the Huethers and Ross and Barb Nichol were
�s grandmother, Mrs. Edna Ian and Marg Harris`,
McDonald in a Christmas Joanna, Caroline and Daniel
celebration at a -Clinton of Shelburne; Janet and Ron
restaurant. Mrs. McDonald
Prout of Kitchener; Paul
Sr. is a resident of HurlOn- Nichol of Guelph -and Hugh
view. and Susan Nichol, Stefan,
�sfT Mrs. Peggy Cudmore Terry, Cody and Joshua.
spent Christmas in Kit- Paul Nichol spent a few days
chener with her grandson with Mr. aho Mrs. Ian Harris
s and Nancy and family in Shelburne.
and hiwife, Jeff a c
Nay. Christmas guests with Bill
Having Christmas dinner and Sylvia Stevenson and
with Clem and Edna farftily were Paul and
McLellan were: Alvin and Dianne Stevenson, David,
Pam McLellan, Sarah; Darren and Luanne; Mr.. and
IT SURELY BEATS SHOVELING—With the. heavy Dairybrought a novel a u Melissa and baby Alvin of Mrs. Cecil Harman and Mike
g pproach to the problem. Hoisting RR 3 Brussels; Carl and Chambers. Bill and Sylvia
snow frols of the past few weeks, m om overburdened ooftopsthe task of has become a com ' a small snowblower onto the roof of the dairy, he po- Debbie McLellan,, Ronnie, Stevenson and family spent
mon. chore. However Jon Bateson of Bateson's Model ceeded to blow the snow from `the flat roof to the Matthew and Lance of RR 4, few days over the holidays
ground below. Brussels;. -Max and Barb with their parents in Stoney
McLellan and Crystal , of Creek and Tillsonburg.
Brussels and David and Jordan and Steven Guy '
Melville Church children. Campberls Dianne McLellan of RR 4, have returned home
Walton. Gordon McLellan following a week's vacation
��I� party also visited at the same with Clem and.. Edna
present Christmas concert home; He was having McLellan.
in Wl Hall
BRUSSELS — The church The adult choir supplied Douma played the two
school children from the several musical selections . friends who arrive at the BELGRAVE — The Camp- � � � �' O O O
Melville Presbyterian for the "Celebration of the door and share something bell family met in the Wom- r y
Church held their annual Beauty of Music". ' with the family in the play. en's Institute Hall on Dec. 29 Senors
Christmas concert on Dec. The ' text for the:. While Jim Shortreed took for a pot -luck meal and slide.
22• "Celebration of Fellowship" up the collection, Joanne and show. Day'C
e n r� News
Wilfred Shortreed, the came from Corinthians I. Karla King favored the After singing Christmas
superintendent, welcomed Miss Armstrong and°°ka6ha audience with a piano, carols, Santa 'distributed
everyone. A program called King read their parts clarinet duet..Rev. Jamieson gifts and bags of candy to the By Rita Rice says: "There is little in our
"A Celebration of Christ- responsively. A correlated offered aprayerand thanked, children. The new year has started contemporary society to
mas", .involving .all the solo, "The Greatest Gift" the pupils and teachers for Those in attendance were: here at the day, centre, foster positive attitudes
students, followedLeanne was sung beautifully by Miss the fine , program. The Mr. , and - Mrs. • Gordon Programs for the upcoming toward retirement and
Armstrong ably handled the Shortreed. singing of "Joy to the World” Campbell and Heather of winter months`, are being aging. But retirement comes
part of narrator. The four and five -year-olds ended this part. of the Rickmond Hill; Steve Camp- planned now and January regardless, .usually without
The four and five -year-olds then returned to -present the evening. bell of London; 'Mr. and program calendars will be choice, and finds many 'un -
began with a number gn- "Celebration of the ,Star". A time of Eello��yyship was . Mrs.. Peter Brommer of available soon. prepared. So, take stock of
titled "Christmas Symbols". The stars an the sky were enjoyed over a ptecie of birth- `Clinton; Mrs. Barry Bondi The two next foot clinics .. what you,.need, of what you
The children involved were likened to God's signs of day cake, served with coffee and Judy; Mr. and Mrs. Bert . will be held Jan. 14 and Jan. ' have and of what. you want
Matthew Shortreed; Sarah love., Members of the class ..-or juice. A,special treatof an Campbell. and boys of 29, both from- 1 to 3 P.M. and do same planning."
Exel, Crystal Semple,. Kara handed out stars to everyone*'gapple and a candy cane was Wingham; Mr. and Mrs: Rod Please call the,centreM in
Pepper and Heather Douma.to hang on their Christmas given to each person, big or Ansley and family of Blyth; advance if you wish to attend '
r, The celebration of Christ's. trees. small, as they.left. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Camp- :either of .these clitlics; re Part 11eICI for,.
birth was portrayed by the. "The Celebration of,: bell and boys; Mr. and Mrs. once again this year the 7
nursery class, including Thanksgiving and Praise"Lorne. Campbell; Mrs. Olive' . day centi-e has-been asked to
Bradley Shortreed, Amy was handled•by Grades 3 to'. Rebekah Campbell; Mrs:' Ivy Cloak- Judge the Frostyfest posters . Blenkhorns
Shortreed, Amy Douma; 6. They represented a family shoot party ey; Mr. and Mrs. John made by area school BRUSSELS — A farewell
-.Jody Semple and Richard sitting around the kitchen Campbell and boys; Mr. and children. The centre par party was held Dec. 28 at the
Armstrong. -They did a table' Bret Clarkson played',. The Rebekah Lodge held a' Mrs. Doug Cloakey; Mr. and ticipants, appreciate the • Legion Hall for Don and
finger play about the baby the father, Wendy Clark was shoot party oA Thursday Mrs, Keith Van Camp and gesture by the Optim=ist Club m Bessie Blenkhorn- who are
Jesus and had 'a birthday the mother, Kendra Short= evening, .Jan. 2; at 8 p.m. family; Mr. and Mrs-. Harold and thank Rick Whiteley, in leaving .the community for \
party for him complete with reed was the daughter and Seven .tables participated Jardin and boys and Mr: and Particular, for askingo the their new home at .Ailsa.
singing; cake and candles. David Armstro seniors to' become involved '
ng was the High' pink card-, Jean M.rs. Clare Van Camp'and Craig.'
inFrostylest activities.
Margaret, Shortreed 8ecorat son. The children brought Crump; high white card, family, all of the Belgrave .Les and 'Bonnie Brewer
.,ed the cake. out the fact'that people today Catherine Campbell; most area. The centre ,mai even .be presented the couple with, a
This part concluded with are so caught up in the work shoot .h`ands,,, May Coultes; planning;a speci'alevent for mantel clock and a sum of
the singing of a calypso carol' of Christmas that,�they'miss draw prize, Ruby Hanna., seniors during the Frostyfest ° moriey on behalf of all their `
by all the Sunday School the joy of the season - Another shoot party will be Vitamin f a is only found week. Watch this'column fol friends of Branch 218.
y in foods. of animal origin. details.
' a Jan.. -o at the FIC.. gr---- vat-is-the-primary-dietai ' -- — -
_ members'.. rhtist.s_birth_ — - .held . �n _�Qonda_ evenin
Next came the "Celebra. Rob. Shortreed and Laur , y This year we hope to start
source. a program inviting pet ' In 1783, the sheriff of Mont -
tion of Sharing" with th �,-pel�v �,=rlsoi po€ras- _
der^a•n�lt'-2 class. This
group of six boys, Brent centre far a visit. Pet .ter.
Pepper, Scot Clarkson, Chris therapy for the elderly is "
m - -
g, cluing a great_ deal of �.
Arnistron Andrew Exel, y�. ; w •, s =.;..
JasomShortreedand Rodney overage and some research'- HAPPY .
Clark, stepped forward one n ° r, sin recent years has been BIRTHDAY MOM
at a time and told about devoted to seniors and pets.
h fiyr > �u k
something they could share ��"� The day centre would like to
with others. try a, similar program.
If you own a pet, whatever
it might be and wpuld be ,
willing to show offy our .
\ � '' "treasured friend", please -
m t call the centre at 357-1445 or
bookcases, dressers, chest of drawers, night stands, stereo stands, box
springs & mattresses„ water beds, bunk beds, living room suites, Coffee ;
andend tables, table and chair sets.
- •__ W NOTE: We take -trade-ins or will buy outright partial or complete Estates.
F opular room sizes, colours such as brown, beige, . blue, green,
� rr tush�room and earth' tones, Bring your room sizes with yop.
cookies, baking goods, spices, nuts, candy, canned goods,, pet foods,'
°hundreds of items to choose from.
Scopes, .fishing gear,. hinting knives, gun cases, gun cabinets, fools,
® wrench sets, socket sets, plier sets• hammers, etc. f
Get The Most For Your Dollar Shop The 1
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Which ones are the best1
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McLeod Young Weir Limited
A.tt:n: Garth Bechtel'
383 Richmond Street. Suite 1'412
LONDON, Ontario N6A 3C4
LATEST IN SNOW HOUSES—Nuala McKenna, Heather Finley and Janet Lisle show T®II Free 1-800-265-1253ed off ?he newest in snow -house designs last Thursday afternoon on Patrick Street.
The little girls built a snow fort, while their older sisters (not shown) cross-country = *,Where negotiated rates apply
skied nearby.