The Wingham Advance-Times, 1986-01-22, Page 10Page to -The Wingham Advance -Times, Jan. 22, 1989
Did •,
Quest Day pffers insights-
cil cases or worse, lockers; stop writing. So I will!
and without babysitters too! P.S. Those "children" are
There have been 1.accounts of really "Good Eggs" you
murdered or cracked chil- know!
dren. This torture cannot go
on! And I want you people to
know that, the Children's Aid Canada's only woman
Society will find out! Postmaster General was
My mi-.ja as gone blaiek. I Mrs. Ellen Fairclough, who
Deb's Web suppose that is a good sign to served from 1962 to 1963.
I'bid you tiding of glad Py
" this is my quest
researched his ancestry,
who are both runners. These
and great news. March
to follow that star
talked about the quest for
men talked about the stereo-
v '- .-
break is only 40 days away.
no matter how hopeless
typed idea of a sound body
° . ". k„
Now our live may have
no matter how far."
Those students who were
and kept their group inter-
meaning. Now we may have
interested in hearing about
ested in questing for a sound"
a reason for living. Now our
On Friday, Jan- 10, Quest
Day was held at Madill for
the quest for peace listened
to Prof. Popielovsky-,,.who is
. "" After lunch, membiers
n "" '`
souls may be lifted up high -
And an inspiring idea
r' M
all Grade Thirteens.
originally from Russia, talk
from each group presented a
U, L)
This special day wasn't
about Russia. The students.
report about the seminar
� '
that was of Ed, our gracious
arranged to talk about col-
who attended this seminar
they attended to their "home
leader. Having a Formal
leges or universities; it was
found they wouldn't relish
group". Each seminar was
Day in the midst of our
meant for the students to
the idea of becoming
discussed and I found myself
troubles and sorrows.
" probe into their inner minds
1 Russian citizens.
wishing I could have attend-
;" 15y 'f
Thanks Ed. Actually, we
r rr rin
a search for mankind's life
The quest for spirituality
ed all the quests.looked
pretty good. We werCm
and goals, and to examine
was led by Prof- Snyder- In
We watched the film again
r.4 •'� -'t �
all dressed up and had no
their own lives.
this seminar we discussed
and discussed as a group
place to go except to school
We started the day by
the idea of why we believe in
what we got out of it. By the
the day everyone had
I would like to say "Good
watching a film called
"Quest". This film was
God. We talked about why a
person would change
end of
gained a better insight into.
Luck" to all the happy
DECEMBER 23, 1985,
about a darkened earth
religions and if the basic idea
their individual quests in the
couples just married in Gr.
whose inhabitants lived only
of each religion is similar.
world. It was a great day.
� �
12 Phys -Ed. I hope 'that
eight days, aging approxi-,
The seminar on the quest
Thanks to the teachers who
everyone is blessed with
1 Year R.R.S.P.
mately 10 years. a day. The
people send out a young boy
for a sound body was held by
Mr. T. Wood and Mr. Shorter
arranged this special day.
-Valerie Ricker��
�� 9 Y
marital bliss and a happy life
with lots of children.
9 /®
whose quest is too n the��""z�
q pe
`,�' J
I heard, however, that
huge gates which will let
children of these marriages
light shine onto the planet,
Cross-country skiing
FLYING SUPERMAN -Resembling the hood ornament
are having a rough life.
Many cases of abuse andg
allowing their lives to return
of a Rolls Royce, two participants in the Madill cheer-
a beingre ported all
terror are beinre
S Year R.R.S.P. „
to•normal. The boy becomes
a man quickly and is con-
- .fronted with many mind,
The F. E. Madill ski team
had a successful ski meet
January 13 at Langside ski
Shawn Bremner, sixth;
Andrew Kumphrey, ninth;
Tony Gingrich, 10th.
leader workshop master one of the difficult routines, a
Flying Superman. Clint Pewtress Photo)
y 9
over the kids are
being shut away in dark pen-
0 $500
body, and soul tests on his
trail. The team' finished a
Congratulations to all ski
strong second behind a top-
team members on a strong
After this film we divided ranked Ontario team from showing. Ski' practices will �'�Q
into six groups and discussed St. Marys. be held on Wednesday and better 1 t�ea.
the film's symbolism. Many In, junior girls', .Leanne Saturday morning. You are han 44 . I'
perceptive observations. Simpson was our strongest Special thanks to the grade ■ _
were made. -skier placing fifth; Cheryl 12. students who did an excel= th'nk ou a■ �iPThen seven special guests, Underwood„ sixth; Anna lent job running the ski meet. YOU y your Oven VI. L
each on a different 'quest Sakasov, seventh;, Martha We could not have done .it
were introduced to us. Each Boon, eighth, . Jennifer Without you. What are you going to do person you have to please, so one will be disappointed iii
student decided which. quest Hunter, ninth, and meaghan-MrsAaw with your life? Think about believe in yourself and aim what you do if you give it
they would like to follow and Clark 10th. it.. high_ - your every best. Try. to,
went to different rooms to Senior girls' results were: 'm having, a tough time If you do something you'll' -always. have confidence in
listen and to explore. Kate- Proctor, fifth;. Deb with, this, question myself. ' be happy with and something
• g 1
Me. Wraith talked about Bakelaar,;sixth; Julie Clark, Growing theme-- People .are- needling --me; -you-are good at, then you will "If you are beaten, you are ��
-- -- the quest for space and new eighth and Heather people are curious about be step closer to success. If you think you dare not,. you
frontiers. He talked. about MacIntyre ninth. headers where I'm' headed. Wealth is not all-important. don't
Halley's Comet ° and com- Junior boys' results were: If you are in the same poli- Do something that will con- • If you like to win, but you
pared the � microscopic Sand Anderson, fifth; 'Grow With Us" is. the think o(i
P p . Y tion,. take some 'time out. tribute .to, the good of others y can't
human race .,to the vast Charles Trapp, ninth; Mark theme for the 1986 provincial Realize you are capable of as well as, yourself; -that It is almost certain you won't'
expanse of the universe. The Bakelaar 10th;. Les Phillips, 4-H leaders' conference. The accomplishing nearly would be a brig plus for your If yoy think you'll lose,
human race is always quest- 12th; Kelly Bauer, . 13th; two-day conference. starts you're lost �
ing into space to, find more Jeffrey'Sanders, 14th; Paul ' Jan: 31 in Toronto. anything; and remember: side. Y
you are better than y®U think Whatever choice you make' For out of the world we find
knowledge. Edwards, 15th; Muria It will kick off a more that success
Mr. Milosevic and Mr. Lapp, 18th; Brian .Richey unified approach to 4-H yon are! You are the one will be the right choice No
- Begins With the fellows will
Welwood told interesting 22nd. leader training on a It's all in the state of mind • s .,
facts and memories about The Senior Boys' ended the provincial basis. A new 4-H ■ If you think you are out- `
their years as prisoners of Clay tied with St. Marys for . leader's handbook will be .Beef, dairy. clubs classed, you are BILL STEPHENSON W. M. CHANDLER
wear in their quest for free- top honors. distributed for the first time . You've got to think high to
dom. Results were:'Tim Brown, at the conference. invite new members rise �
Mr. R. P. Ritter who has fourth; MikeCameron'Jifth; Dianne Oldfield of RR 4, You've got to be sure of `757-1075 _ or 357-2283
Seaforth .and Sandra Turner Are you interested in cattle feed handling and manure yourself
p psychology, cattle housing handling. Before you can win a prize: 3�7 .IOSephlni? St.
' of RR 1, Varna will represent - ,. .
Guest editorial . j the Huron- County .4-H, systems or handling They also will talk about Life's battles don't always go P.O.'Box 360 - WINGHAM
Leaders' Association. Violet facilities? If so, a 4-H, beef or conformation and learning to to,the stronger
■ . ■ Malone, a professor and dairy club might be just judge and give reasons on a Or the faster man
�4ctivity perit)dsw state. leader."of extension What you are lookiiig.for. class of beef. or dairy But sooner or later the maxi education in Illinois will be Anyone who is 12 to 21 animals. who wins
° the keynote aker•:
—.__.. _ _ Y pe . years of 'age before Jan: 1; Senior members are en- Is 'the man who thinks he
to �e or ne to be 1986, can become a 4-H-, couraged to develop leader- can." .
member.' You don't ship skills and speaking . c^
Activity periods: to be or of these activities, .the time necessarily -have to live on a • abilities by assisting. with If you instill 'confidence in PERSONAL
not to be, that is the question.. remains ' for them to do farm, but you will need meeting 'plans. and giving yourself, it 'instills other �INANCIAL PLANNING
Whether they are considered homework. Deadline access to . a beef -or dairy presentations. people's confidence in you as
or a waste -of time is This was the intended animal to join a 4-H•calf club. well; .Good luck in the future, -
useful Becoming a beef or dairy
the question in many Stu- purpose for activity periods, extended You will learn how to care for -Robert Leedham
dents' minds as they pass but are the been and prepare a calf for shovel. club member means you are -
'goals g ■ Monthly meetings cover a eligible to take .part in a �
through high school. achieved. In my experience, varMty, of calf shows_' --
Activity periods are a lar a number -of students-_ #IG L--�t�"°'f�gpi-c� 13clat-
V, ____ discuss .handling cattle judging competitions, �y
-- supposed" td f1'e uses. Dy Stu- • are wasting, this time by and
dents requiring extra assis- lounging around the halls safely, working chutes, head ship workshops _
leader ork
__.� .. - the" 4' e' ents. If you -or a
taiiee in stibyects wheee they' .smoking outside the school �Wafds gates and weigh scales, de- . o r v
feel they need it. This time. is or talking. in the .most con- horning and tagging cattle. friend would like to get more
also allotted to students who The• deadline for Dai clubs discuss free and details on 4-H clubs :in your
venient place they can find. nominations from Ontario's �'
care to take part in clubs'or -Few people are seeing the volunteer. organizations for tie stalls, • heifer..and calf area, contact Richard'
sports offered by the. school. -teachers for" extra help. g housing, milking systems, Hamilton at 1-800-265-5170.
p • the second annual Volunteer .
For students who do not wish* the time allotted for sports Service . Awards has been
to involve themselves in any exceeds that of the activity extended until the? end of
FINANCIAL MARKET TRENDS. P'To my way• of thinking J Toadate more than 2,200 .- ""�"
these periods could be di- individuals .have been 3 f
RANK RATE '10 38% minisbed to one period a r
nominated by non-profit
PRIME 1100% week. This should • provide
TBILL9 1013% ample time for the students Organizations may
CDN DOI L AR 7102 or the students requiring nominate up to a maximum
US [iOLLAR I $1 4080 extra assistance or for the of six individuals each year
Ones .
GOLD(CDN) oninvolved in clubsThis
,$492 10 for recognition.
SHORT TERM 8 50% would also allow the farm recognition is given in the
students or the students with fojlowing areas: the arts, ; g rx
-part-tittle jobs after school to heritage conservation,
I W. 3 Yr, 5 Yr. ' get started their public libraries, community*
work and would give, all stu- information centres, new-
GIC s 9,1 8 10 1.0 518 dents mores re. time at
� comer services, multi-
RRSP's 9 '/4 10 105/8 home to work at their studiesy"
cultural •activities, citizen-
MORTGAGES 10 11 11 'h or for activities that they
ship services and programs �r•�,� "` ,- �, ,.. _ _ _ _ . s -____ __ _
MUTUALS 26 80 2990. 21 80 desire. by and for Native people. - -
--- 'rials -is -dust -one- persoix s�--�z
-- 1-nTormat•ion and
tib \
opinion on the subject and nomination forms are lkieFINANCIAL TIP before anything could be available by calling the % w //ituc
It your spouse is employed by you done about this a consensus Ministry of Citizenship and " ✓ en >ti
would have Co be reached by Chick
y Culture at (416) 965-7505. �s„ ""
and i5 paid a reasonable solar Y r='�
he- she is allowed to contribute to a the school body. If this were Lapel pins signifying the1.
z u- �, .� \
Canada Pension Plan and possibly an done, I feel, you would .find various categories of service
RRSP �,. ilial more students 'agree will be presented to in -
with and
n-with.and support my point of dividuals throughout the I � This Super Bowl Sunday
Compiled by ABC INVESTMENTS view., plrovince in 20 ceremonies to qt,
53 West St . Goderich - Dan Gilchrist be held this spring.
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A.PORCH'IdOOF on a building owned by Mr. aril Mrs.
Carl Bondi Sr, capsized early last week due to a heavy
snow load. The damage is surveyed by Stan Krohn, an
employee at the neighboring Maitland Restaurant.
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