The Wingham Advance-Times, 1986-01-22, Page 05f
CRTC - Public Notice 1986-4 The CRTC has received
following application. WINGHAM, Ont. Applicat+
(852782200) by CKNX BROADCASTING LIMITED to am
the broadcasting licence for CKNX-FM Wingham. by incre
ing the effective radiated power from 22,000 to 57,0
watts. The applicant states that this proposed increase will
prove reception in the existing service area. The applicat
may be examined at: 215 Carling Terrace, Wingham, N
/ The complete text of this notice and the application may
viewed at CRTC. Central Building. Les Terrasses de
/ Chaudiere, 1 Promenade du Portage, Room 561, H
Interventions must be filed' with the Secretary General. CR
Ottawa, Ont. K 1 A ON2, with proof that a copy has been s
ed on the applicant on or before 14 February 1986. For m
information you may also call the CRTC Public Hearin
Branch at (819) 997-1328 or 997-1027) CRTC Informal
Services in Hull at (819) 997.0313
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The Wingham Advance -Times, Jan. '2'2, 1986—Page 5
(Virtually no increase
Fireboard. setspay
s- for offere roo. chief end
im- The Wingham Area Fire and the captains and The board also accepted a
ion Board last week approved a secretary $500 each. proposal from the Wingham
OG new pay scale for its fire Chief Gaunt had earlier PUC that it reimburse the
chief and other fire officers. explained to the board that utilities commission for any
be Although. there h9ve been since he is employed full- time Mr. Gaunt must spend,
1e some changes in pay for time by the Wingham PUC on fire chief's duties .during
ull, specific positions, resulting (earlier chiefs had all been his normal working hours'.
from the installation of a new self-employed), he will be Noting he has only been chief
chief, the total package has sharing more of the duties for a few weeks, Mr. Gaunt
TC, increased by less than one among the other officers. As said he did not know exactly
se per cent from the previous a result the chief's pay was how much time the job might
ore agreement concluded two reduced, with the others require, but he promised to
gs years ago. being paid more. try to keep the additional
The pay for the firefighters The pay proposed for the hours to a minimum.
also remains unchanged. Howick officers is $300 for a In other business at the
from the previous agree- district captain and $250 , meeting, the board voted to
e.eel.. each for two lieutenants, in press ahead with getting a
In fact, the only real in- addition to their fire -fighting traffic signal installed on
crease is an additional $800 pay. Josephine Street outside the
budgeted to pay a district The fire -fighting pay, Wingham fire hall,. even
-� captain and two lieutenants which is unchanged since though it learned this will
at the new Howick fire 1984, is $20 for the first hour cost more than the $550
a station, once it is in spent at a fire and $10 per estimate quoted earlier.
operation. hour after that. Firemen also The board also agreed to
The pay proposal was receive $15 for attending set aside'Feb. 14 as the date
brought to the board by Fire practice sessions, $7.50 for for a special evening to
Chief Harley Gaunt and his attending monthly depart- honor the recently -retired
N officers and, following a mental meetings or mutual fire chief, Dave Crothers.
discussion in committee -of- aid meetings, $10 per hour Board members and heads
s x the -whole in -camera, the for time spent performing of councils as well as fire -
board approved it exactly as major maintenance at then fighters from Wingham and.
proposed. It provides for the fire hall and $10 for Howick and representatives
Y chief to be paid $6,250; the responding .to an alarm in from the fire marshal's
ky . M deputy chief, Lynn Hickey, cases where they are not office will ;be invited to a
$3,000; the two fire captains, required at the 'scene of the dinner at the Wingham
9; Ernie Merkley and K. fire. Legion Hall, after which
DeVries, $r,600 each, and theChief Gaunt told the board there will be special
secretary, Doug Carr, $600. the men are quite happy with presentations and a public
Wingham after after dark Previously the chief was this pay scale. dance.
.. .. paid $9,000, the deputy $1,250
. Howick will stay
Meetinfalls to resolve dispute Continued from Page 1 year, eventually. concluded
another, tack, pointing out that the board has no choice
P g .-..
that - the new cost-sharing but to proceed. "We must
vrsignation o truck de t agreement had saved Morris accept th the b i e of theo edeTownship a bundle of money chief, bete the bullet and go
on the new fire hall, with ahead."
Efforts to reach a solution property, but it would husband want council to "So you have noticed a Howick, picking up much of Mr. Jacques reminded the
in the dispute over the "continue with efforts to establish what they can and change in the nature of the that: board that although the next
designation of the Joe and resolve matters without cannot do with the property. business from Walden to the Under the Qld agreement few years wiMbe a period of
Carol Clark property in going to court". He said the Reeve Bruce Machan Clarks. You're concerned Morris would have been rapid change, "these periods
Wingham failed last parties involved would be suggested .that Councillor with the management?" expected to pay about $55;000 of large expenditure are not
Tuesday evening, but town contacted within the next Bill McGrath speak on asked Mr. Kopas. toward the new Wingham going to continue forever. I
_ council has agreed to try to few days. behalf of the residents of Dr. McGregor asked Mrs. hall, he pointed out, while see us getting back onto a
reach an agreement without Mrs. Clark outlined their Pleasant Valley as he is one Willie if Mr. Walden had under the new agreement, budget that . is more
further legal action. position, saying they want'to of those who has declared carried on the same type of which provides for a satellite reasonable; without large
Last week's meeting.heard continue the existing use of opposition to the Clark business as the Clarks, but station in Howick, Morris's 'capital purchases."
from the Clarks, their the property, that is. as a operation in the past. she said it vas not the same share dropped to about Chief Gaunt agreed,
Pleasant Valley neighbors truck -repair business, However Councillor James type of business at all. $25,000. .1 saying the board will
claiming it is a permitted use McGregor strongly opposed She said that while Mr. We saved Morris $30;000 probably have to buy a
and town council's planning in a highway -commercial 51r, McGrath's addressing Walden did have trucks at by going into this agree- pumper -for the Howick
advisory committee. The <<
Clarks asked to have all their area. the issue, saying if he did 'so the property; He did his metal;" he said, "and Howick, station.nextyear.,Butatthat
property designated . high- When they purchased the he should not be allowed business and left the Albert picked up the lion's share of point the satellite station
way -commercial in -the of Josephine Street property back in -camera with other Street, residents alone." that. We have to start getting should be able to answer
ficial plan, claiming it has from William Walden in 1974, council members. "Walden ' had no truck some benefit." calls on its.. own, which will
been used such for over 20 said Mrs. Clark, it was being Finally Dorothy Willie wash and no leasing Mr. McBurney added reduce operating costs.
years. However their neigh- used as a truck -repair came fo`1 ward as a business,." added Ross anot, explanation, noting' The chief had:' earlier .
boas want art of the business as it had been for spokesman for the Pleasant Hayden, another Pleasant that ir(ne of the spending is explained that even after the
P many years. Valley delegation. Valley resident. to make up for long period . Howick.; - firefighters .are
property to 'remain Several years ;later they Mrs:, Willie claimed there Finally 'James Currie,' a of time.when the fire depart trained' and equipped .they
;designated residential. putchased an adjoining never were ...trucks. and member of the planning ment ' was operated on a will be accompanied to fires
p Council spent over one Albert Street property,'; trailiers parked at the Albert advisory .committee, and shoestring. by the Wingham firefighters
hour in -camera at the start which also had been used Street property under' the Patty Munkittrick from the "You must understand until he is satisfied they are
lid of the meeting discussing commercially- prior to the ,. previous owners. county planning department when. we're talking about ready. He is responsible for
legal matters with its purchase. She produced "There may have been the were called upon for their spending 'all this money, the lives of those men, he
solicitor, John Skinner, and several letters, one written odd truck serviced there, but comments.- we're jerking this depart said, and he will not send
held a second. 20 -minute by Mr. Walden and one by a then it was always moved," Mr. Currie said the ment25years in three." ahem out on their own until
committee -of -the -whole former employee, which she said.__ committee decided to )eaeNineham.—i-2ei1:. c�' lehavg�bethdhe-=trai�a$-
-- essi=later=erg=—stte�YTe��b�ti` �1re—�'I'heTiiggest complaint the the property on -Albert Street sentative James McGregor, and on-the-job experience.
after the parties involved property (designated neighbors have she said, is residential because it has who had also been asking He estimated this is "a
had stated'their cases. • residential in -the plan) had the stench of manure when been designated as such for questions about the ex- good year away, maybe
When council emerged been used commercially. cattle trucks are being years .and the commercial penditures proposed for this more.
from --its• second in . -camera "We only ask that we may washed at the Clark's truck use was imposed.
session, Mayor Jack Kopas continue to use .the property wash and the nuisance of "Have there been im-
said it had reached. no as , it has been used for being awakened at "three or provements to the proper- COMMUNITY, CALENDAR
decision regarding the. years," said Mrs. Clark, four o'clock in the morning" ty?" asked Dr. McGregor.
designation of the, Clark adding that she and her by trucks 'starting. "It has been improved in
more recent times," replied INSURANCE. BROKERS LTD.
Mr. Currie. In.ur,+nce - :\ll mpes. Hume. business, auto. farm, fife.
While Mr. Currie agreed WINGHAM 357-2636 GORRIE 335-3525
several neighbors purchased
nearby. residential proper Thults., )an. 23 to --------
ties after the ,Clarks were
using the, property eommer Thu n J:+n. 23 Noon Luncheon, St. Stephen's Anglican
Church, Gorne, 11:45 a.m.
cially, "it's not a matter of Fr;. I.m. 24 Rahhie Burns Supper & Ball., Lucknow
who was there first — it ( the Comm. Centre, Tickets From Any Lions
property) never did conform Member•
under the zoning bylaw." Annual Meeting Brussels Agricultural Soca,
Brussels United Church, Guest Speaker,
When Mrs- Munkittrick 7:00 p.m.
said the existing use isn't Huron Gittlemen's Annual Meeting, Clin-
neeessarily the most desir- trait Legion Halt, Hon. john Wise, Guest
Speaker, 11:45 a.m.
able .use' and, therefore not ;
Sat. Jan. 25 Grah Bag Sale: Salyatron Army, Orange
binding, Dr. McGregor re- Hall, Edward St., Wingham, 1:00 - 4:00
plied, "That's opinion.". p.m
• • She "said council has threetion ,n 2c,
_ -
otons: accept the re
— - Mon I;in 2 Meeting of Auxiliary to Wingham & Dist.
_ - p com-
mendations of the committee Hospital, in Hospital Board Room, Guest
Speaker; 2:00 p.m.
and leave the plan'as is, Tucs.Ian.28 Monthly Meeting Branch No: 180
setting the stage for an Wingham Legion, at 8:00 p. m..
appeal to the Ontario Muni- Wed..Jan. 29, Annual Meeting Howick Agricultural.Socie-w
cleat Board by the Clarks' tK, Howick Comm. Centre, 8:30 p.m.
' DINNER FOR ONE DINNER FOR ONEapprove the plan with the-
revisions requested by the
Only $ 2.75 'Only $ 2 75 �"� - neighbors
under likely
case the
ap- -
I I nei hbors like( would a®,
3 pieces of chicken, french � 3 pieces of chicken, french � peal; or approve the plan as ,
fries coleslaw and .: + _• , fries, tole slaw and it stands, but defer decision
. bread I r bread I on the Clark property until itT.
R has been settled.
Mrs. Munkittrick reeom-
�•ai mended the third approach, ?BIND
Josephine St Znhrs Plaz.t Corner of Hwy 4 h SF�
I JOphin+, St t�h
Zrs Plaza Corner of Hwy 4 I adding council could lose its
ti --86 Wingham Ph 3572221 & 86 Wingham Ph 3572221 eligibility for a $20M0 goy
It's our taste that makes us famous. '°' , It's our taste that s us famous.
, .y, mal�0e , .,, r,•, ernment planning ,grant. i.f
•� 1 �® • -�• •� the plan is not approved by
the end of .January.
DINNER FOR ONE DINNER F R ONE Following isecosession,d�A
® mlttee-of-the-whole
Only $2.75 I Only $2.75 I council agreed to try and
3 pieces of chicken, french '�/ 3 pieces of chicken, french reach a solution with the
Clarks and their Pleasant
frits, -colo slow and *(' I, =. fries, tole slaw and .�. '
„" Valley neighbors.
ry brE �1d N ►a EJrf'CICi
� since last
y', orf meeting was spent dealing
w r I with the Clark case almost
1ospphine St Zf,hr;; ri,,,, Cc rnr r f H��� •1 J� 1,0phinv St Zehrs Plim, Corner of Hwy 4 exclusively, another meeting 11�mu e
Wuigh,�m Ph ,357 22.' 1 HF ,UVmilti,tm Ph 357 2221 was se4 For Monday evening ,
's our taste that maims its famous. It's our tatste that makes us tatmous. ' �` �at 8:30 to discuss other ob- Canadi HR d.
®..�. —.. -... -+•�•� - . m'�b -? jections received to the plan.