The Wingham Advance-Times, 1986-01-22, Page 04r
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H"CIE �T I Am� IE- p o editorial Ono
ion Jan. 22 , 1986
reminder to
be Ivinabam Obbanct-artmeg °letter writers
A Published' al Wingham, Ontario, P.O. Box 390 - NOG 2WO T -he Advance - T 4 m e s
by Wenger Bros. Limited �'��®� welcomes• letters to, the
Barry Wenger, President . 'Robert O. Wenger, Sec.-Treas. editor and we invite readers
Henry Hess, Editor Audrey Currie, Advertising Manager 0iV611r 70 GEr to mak,e„use of this forum to
' , express their opinions .on '
Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations THIA16,4 ROWAIG,/ /i5 ��/LL/�l11%,' matters of concern:
Member -Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc. ,, / • Writers should bear in
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Subscriptions $21.00 per year Six months $12.50 .... '� publication letters must be
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v the letter,
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-We will, in some cases,
I1 1 1 portant, priciplsI I�►. o r agree not to publish the
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this might place the writer or
A new program introduced last week Perhaps that should not be surpris r�,-wo �' 9 , his or her family in some
at the Wingham Public School brings ing. We have, with some reason, been y t + jeopardy. However we will
renewed emphasis to an area which °• _
P termed the °° Me Generation bom- never publish a letter which
has been too long neglected: the need to barded from all sides 'with the mes has not been signed.
impart to our children the sense of per- sage that personal gratification is the We also will not promise to
sonal responsibility which holds one ultimate good and individual achieve . ' ' 'i publish letters which are
ct '
accountable for the results of his or her meat, no matter what the cost to >•�� mass -mailed by lobby
own actions, and beyond that of social others, is the measure of success. �� � �• :� i' _ w M . groups or other organize -
responsibility and the duties of good The VIP (for Values, Influences and tions as a means of swaying
ever generation since I b the
being sponsored joint _ «. _ ► public opinion or exerting
Peers) p
Probably y y y school and the town police, is pressure on government.
Plato has complained of the irresponsi- an effort to introduce a new focus. 'it
bility'of its youth. Yet, somehow, most aims to help students become aware of Card players
of these young people .turn out to be the basic values of Canadian society, -to
valuable members of society who will, learn to accept responsibility for their should able
in their turn, lament the waywardness actions, to enable them to develop the e m s. f ro''
of the generation which follows. self-respect and self-confidence neces- Mission Band.. Mrs. "Iles to use room
does not imply, however, that sary to counter the negative effects of JANUARY 1939, 1948 and was a councillor for Dear Editor,
Don seconded by William I ho a that b now the
we should stand back and allow .fate to peer pressure, and to develop a respect Members, adherents and many years prior P
Stehenson that an adult Y
to that McTaggart is leader of. the " p problems encountered by the
take its course. The cost of neglect, for the rights of others and the rule of friends gathered at Knox time. training centre be Senior Card Players will
chronicled in .the sad litany of crime law. Messengers; Mrs. G. . W. Y
Presbyterian Church, Blue Early in December, the established fr, the area. have been resolved. Based
and vandalism which fills the front One program in the schools will not vale, for a social hour in Tiffin and Mrs. Jack Walker g on our re
pupils of Grade One of lead the Explorers. Win ham will have a new y pert of the in -
pages of our daily.newspapers and our by itself change the world, but it is a honor of Rev. J. R. Greig, Wingham Public School Golden Circle School during cident, there does not appear
television screens, is too high. The idea vi fair. step in the right direction. Cer- Mrs. Greig and Mrs. E. J. autographed a birthday card Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Sch- 1972 and the building to have been any deliberate
-of personal responsibility — even for fainly it shows foresight on the part of Sutton, before leaving for which they, sent to King wichtenberg moved from presently housing the school attempt to evict them from
one own actions, never mind a duty the school and the police, to realize that their new field of service at George with wishes for a' Wingham to Southampton. would be an ideal site for a their traditional quarters in
towards others — is being lost in a any effort now in starting our children Atwood• happy birthday and a return Mr. Schwichtenberg ,is workshop. the Town Hall, but rather a
head -long rush to find explanations down the right road is worth far more At the regular .meeting of to good health. A reply, from employed at Port Elgin and Frank E. Madill will retire simple misunderstanding.
Huron aper , Order oGovernment House, Ottawa, -
which excuse the individual- for every than trying to turn them around later. HChapter 89Odf Mrs. Schwichtenberg started from the education field Fortunately, council, didin
anti -social act. We applaud their efforts. the Eastern Star, the officers has been received, asking to nurse Southampton
after serving '4Q years, most not include their roomwin the
for 1939 were installed. Mrs. Miss Williamson to thank the Hospital. of them at Wingham. user fee bylaw covering
F. Fuller is Worthy Matron children. Jim D. Burns, CNR Bob Hickey is presently charges for non -council, use
and T. Y. Smith is Worthy Turnberry Township Coun- operator in Wingham for the spending some time at Camp of the courtroom, and the
very r Patron. Associates are Mrs. ' cil passed a bylaw appoint- past seven years, is being Borden where he is taking a council chamber. Also the
Not �+ ■ y much punch T. A. Currie and George ing George Thomson clerk at transferred to Port Elgin. He training course in- am- decision not to provide for
Olver. Mrs. E. Webster "is a salaryof $40. came to W4ngham.. from bulance attendance.
per month. public use of the basement
secretary and Miss D, Deans W. B. Cruickshank.was ap Ingersol and -is -a native of Mrs. Alvin !Mundell of applied only to the newly -
Soon offer former. ,premier of On much for Canadian independence. The treasurer•. pointed, treasurer at a salary Lucknow. Dawson H. Belmore was returned as renovated committee room
tario, 'William Davis, stepped out of president has promised only to "Care of $275. per year and John K. Pollock of Listowel has been president of the Maitland- on, the other side of the
politics more than a year ago he was fully review" the report. Recently two dogs that MacTavish assessor at a transferred to Wingham as Presbyterial of the Women's building. Accordingly,
appointed by the federal government to The report itself does not call for were great pets of their salary �of $350. per year. agent. Missionary Society of the nothing lies in the way of
what appeared to be an important post. concerted and early action on a prob- masters died from poison Student teachers from the Many in the Whitechurch Presbyterian Church in simply Davis was named as Canada's re re tem which has already killed lakes in g p y putting back the
P in The first was the little Stratford Normal School area were interested in the Canada. Vice presidents are original padlock with the .
sentative on a two-man. commission to both countries and may well have White spitz belonging to Alex teaching at the Fordwich opening of the new school at Mrs: J. W. English of same dispatch applied to its
report on the ,international problem of contributed substantially to human Reid, the other a ,handsome Public School last week were Holyrood. This leaves two Wingham, Mrs. Bernard removal.
acid raid. The American member of health problems. The only action springer spaniel belonging to Miss Maxine Jacklin, schools in the north of Thomas, Bluevale, Mrs. Mel There should be no
the team was former U.S,.. fransporta- recommended is a five-year, $5 billion H. L. Sherbondy. Wroxeter, and Miss Marie Kinloss and No. 9 and No. 10 Ritchie, Kincardine, and possible concern' about
tion secretary Drew Lewis. program which would create new tech- At the annual meeting of O'Krafka, Gorrie. in the south of Kinloss. Mrs. Don Robertson, building security with their
Last week the turned in their re the Wingham United Church Art Affleck of the Toronto- Kinlough. 'continued use of their room,
Y .port nologies to reduce acid rain. Rev. J. R. Boggs, pastor of
— and it was a sore disappointment to In other words, to continue ding the Sunday School, F. R. Howson the Molesworth .and Gorrie Dominion Bank staff has "tbn .Sunday at Langside since it would be difficult to
environmentalists on both sides of the same thing that has been done in the was named superintendent Presbyterian Churches was been transferred to .Kit- Presbyterian Church, Peter assemble a more responsible.
border. To all intents and purposes the past. Elizabeth Agle says the report and ,Elmer Wilkinson y when chener and began his new deBoer and Dave Moffat group of people to whom. to
in Brussels on Sunda
conclusions in the report appear .to leads the public to believe there is no assistant. Gdrdon Buchanan duties this week. Jim were ordained as elders.
new chimes were dedicated entrust the use of public
have been reached to keep President existing technology which can deal is secretary and W. B. in the Brussels Presbyterian Markov of St. Catharines has The Wingham Soccer Club property.
Reagan happy rather than to seriously with the problem and that is complete- McCool treasurer. Church. been sent here to replace will be known as the The point is well taken that
ly untrue. Earl Lough has started y him. Bel rave Concords this
point to solutions: Canada's environ- Miss Mar Procter, g their use of their room costs
y daughter A meeting was called by summer. Lack of support in
meat minister, Thomas McMillan said What is obvious) true is that the employment with C. Lloyd g er of Mr. and Mrs. Pp taxpayers nothing.
it was "not an ideal report"'. heavy polluters, smelters, coal-fired and Sons at Toronto. StewartProcter, who ' Ptthe Wingham Recreation Wingham prompted the Ernie Eaton
"The report is shocking,`said Eliza generating plants and industry are At,the annual meeting of graduated from Stratford Council of all persons in- move to Bel rave..
terested in promoting junior
beth Agle, co-ordinator of the U.S. Na- more important politically than are the the Whitechurch 1 United - General Hospital last June, - �awtind i!a promoting junias—
----------�Jozlal-Geaa� Aaa�=Cclalilivt.. T �iYilrgl�ilira-tt FulliOtl�lVdS his Iias�ed t.t. t,.u,�.,.,arf6ils
p�uN�e ut�oth"countries and #heir suc- and notified as a re decided to form a Junior calendars
Mr. -Davis defended the report by ceedin elected elder; William q registered g generations. And Canada's' .nurse. She has acre Bowling League .and Mrs.,, -Hospital, ._ ..........._ .
claiming that any tougher'stance.would representative simply smiled and Barbour, Frank Henry; accepted a John Langrid e, Raymond
James Falconer and George position on the staff of gwere needless expense
have been rejected by Reagan. So agreed. � Wingham General. Hospital. Walker and Mrs. Walter
lurray stewards. gBrown were named officers.
JANUARY 1952 JANUARY 1962 Dear Editor, everyone has or will use the
HuronCounty Council, in Children of the Wingham JANUARY 1972 The other day 1 received in facilities. A hospital does its
�� ^ C is
the mail (as many others advertising by the doctors'
Ch m session in Goderich; elected United Church gathered for Members of the Wingham ,
Harvey Johnson, reeve of their first . meetings as and District Association for "mus4--have) a calendar put and' nurses professional
Morris Township, as warden. Messengers and Explorers. the Mentally Retarded out by the Wingham and services.
Last week's visit of Japanese Prime demand for freedom in its own Ameri- of the county for 1952. Mr. The children, from six to 12, approved a motion presented District Hospital. I was one I wish to apologize to all
Johnson became reeve in were formerly members of. by. Harvey. Webster and
of the many volunteers who the households I visited for
Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone to Canada can colonies and a new nation was went out and: canvassed my donations for the new ad -
was a firm indicator that the western born. neighborhood when the dition to the hospital. They
world faces change change which At .present Canadians are wrestling addition was in progress to must 'feel I was canvassing
may extend to ever art of our lives. with the raise enough - y y p question of free trade with u money to help under false pretenses. ``
No nation on earth has proven so ob- their neighbors to the south. Only the Family doctors concerned pay for it. I do feel now that This is .going to hurt
viously that a people can change — and financial wizards may look with any The Money Must Not have other organizations (cancer,
not only survive, but excel -under new clarity into the future and even theyBeen Needed to Out out heart, etc.) when they come
and very different circumstances. are sadly divided in their -opinions. One over extra_ billing legislation calendars, which area great around for donations for
Only forty years ago we in the West truth, however, is self-evident — expense. That money could research; as people are
were thanking the godsJor our deliver- nothing remains the sam4e forever, and Dear Editor,to create the myth . that sicians, passage of the = have been put to better use going to be very suspicious of
ante from an enemy which had fought the prize always goes to the competitor The concern expressed by paying doctors is the Peterson government's for wheelchairs, furnishing a their reasoning.
a long "war with a ferocity unknown in who has, the courage to, change. most of Ontario's 7,500 problem. health bill will have little or room, upgrading equipment, I am sure I am not the only
modern times. First use of an atomic family doctors who oppose As family doctors whose no impact upon our incomes etc. one who feels the same way.
weapon was required to stop the "yel- the Peterson government's role each day is to act as - but will have major im- A hospital doesn't need to A disappointed canvasser,
low peril".proposed Health Care Ac- advocates on behalf of those pact upon our freedom and adver€ilse, as sometime Lorraine Riley,
.,Now-.+e-fijld.-,oursel_vves..harA--pryessedmn,_r- A..,-In:,.. _ -- .. ce vsibiiit-y— e*c cbei vee _ fir WIAV, k -We
to ,keep up with the inventiveness and special attention. Unlike asking our elected officials patients, passage of this Act
energy of our former foes and we are t man of our h sician to review the facts and ad- will make little or no dif
happy to look ahead to an era of closer a ` risk colleagues, most family dress the real issues of ference with respect to their ��®��'� responds
co-operation with Japan and other English is.a rich language because it doctors (greater than 95 per concern to our patients. We access to doctors - but it
has been derived from not one, but sev- cent) are not opted -out and applaud any discussion will also do nothing with Dear Editor, health -care -related services
trans -Pacific peoples. � p
The reason for this drastic trans- eral sources. Latin, the language of do not "extra bill". Our which honestly addresses the" respect to improving. their A concern has been raised in the community and serves
precision, is one of the. basic fore- concern is for our patients issue of ` accessibility"- access to other vital health about the distribution of as a reminder for people who
formation lies in Japans proven ability g p have to use those clinics on a
to move from a state of feudalism into fathers of English, because it remained and the future of our health but surelywhen we speak of care needs. calendars promoting the
the forefront of the 70th century in one for centuries after the fall of Rome as care system, and our fight is better access, we must be The real problem, facing - W,ingham and District regular basis.
the language of the church and -the for the freedom of those of us speaking about issues such not only doctors but all Hospital and how those Advance public relations,
giant leap. courts. French, brought to Britain by , living and practising as improving the facilities Canadians, is not "extra calendars were funded: prior to the fund-raising
History is not leaking in other the Norman conquerors, was the only medicine in a country which and resources available to billing". It is the ongoing The Ministry of Health drive, showed that a great
examples of change and its conse- official languageof Britain for a couple once took pride in protecting care for the elderly, the trend towards underfunding allocates monies in the many people were not aware
quences. In fact the civilization we en- of hundred years, but the conquered the rights and respecting the disabled, the abused and the and the resultant deteriora- hospital's operating budget of .the range of services 'of -
joy on this continent was spawned by a people eventually swamped French integrity of individuals such underprivileged; surely we tion of our health U� care for promotion of local fered by the hospital. This is
as ourselves. must be referring to the need system. The real dilemma hospitals, Canada Hospital another reason it was felt
wave of change. France, "which claim- with their own mixture of Germanic -� for increased community facia the population of Da and health care in
ed-not.Daly-•Canada-but-fhe Iand"s a�Iong:__ tongues and tlka l� at it .w.tnxo ds..w.Y�.ieh--h.a.d Over the past decade, the y g pop y f- . ca m somethingthe
costs involved in main-•--- Wm Ade ores, a�rec home---(�nt?�rro today is not reldttetl''. ndaxwas§needed
recognize that tco`as well, felled to been retained, no doubt with a British p Y - ,-eT �OrerM �'rs .tlr�q
g twang.- t,aining a quality health care care programs, and more sitnply to accessibility ;to money has been At no time was it ever
the Gulf of exi
• he gritish-held sea- twan spent on considered that move
hoard states of 'America would inevit- What are- we getting now, chief) System have escalated and appropriate utilization of our health care It is rather placemats, pamphlets, y from
g g y the public purse has been hospitals for both in-patient more significantly the ques- poster contests and general the building fund would be
ably reach westward and so break the from our TV sets,. Reams of sheer in stretched beyond its and ofit-patient care. Surely tion of accessibility to polit - ad'vertising. used for this purpose.
trade routes between north and south. vention by those who want to sound up- capacity to afford the we must recognize that it is „ cal, wisdom. This year we concentrated Mrs. Shirley Garniss,
The Seven Years War ensued and beat: Privatize, ghetto-ize, orientate, resources required Rather' in areas such as these that Calvin Gutkin, MD. our efforts on one. project, Chairman
France's power' in- the i+tew World was weatherwise and many, marry than admitting their failure the real problems with ac'--- I FC F-P(FM ) which illustrates the large Public Relations
destroyed. more. to come to grips with this cessibility to health care Pres.; Ontario Chapter number of'services provided Committee
Similar-yly Britain failed to under- Thanks, but we prefer toe stick with scenario, governments have exist. College of Family by the hospital. It ine,JUdes Wingham & District
stand the conseduences of a restless whit the Rnrh.-ir 6+ hohind found it politically expedient For most family phy- I'?hvsiciansof,Canada 1elephone numbers for her Hospital Board