The Wingham Advance-Times, 1986-01-15, Page 05S
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The Wingham Advance -Times, Jan. 15, 1.986 -Page 5
• ' 1.. "h N Q .<wa.+, ." �W A.. Y
ha at'v
w y
i recognized E ATE
S A.
Y year G.I. Y • 9-1/-4u/o,- t a a r N � , top campus achiever
A Wingham native has
0. g research for her Master of ,
3.year, G.I.C... 1 *. n� . wL ;
been. recognized by a
Science degree . Morin
- ;� • � �' ,national magazine as one of .
' the to cam developed a Way of elec-
.; p Pus achievers of
„,� elec-
tronically 'monitoring the
° t; - � ,,` �” , � 1985.
5 year G.I.c...1 1/2 G :.
Evelyn Morin, a PhD
spinal cord.
Because the spinal cord
student in electrical is such a complex mass of
engineering at the Unf_
tt� ;�; versity of New Brunswick in nerves, it is difficult during
Fredericton; was included in surgery to tell if the in-
" s dividual cords are con-
agents Campus Canada magazine's tin..uing to send correct
° m list of "The Best of '85". The
signals to and from the
INVESTMENTSarticle appeared in the nerves in the rest of the
November -December issue body. Morin's solution was to
of the magazine, which is
distributed to most univer-
useR electric probes to
Head:, � • ,�; g monitor these signals and
and colleges in Can- record them on a graph.
These readings would be
m Bachelor of Science degree
s. Morin received her compared to the patient's
Ws to
reading before the surgery to
imein physiology from the check for any flucla-tions.'\` University of Toronto in 1981
By combining an
.: 1 acid her Master of Syeience in
' rK engineering and physiology
electrical engineering from
to talk x background, Morin has
UNB in 1985; Her master's found that she is gettingthe
research resulted in an
best of both worlds....
improved technique for Originally I felt an
electronic monitoring of engineering background
g : spinal cord function during would give me a better -
In addition to here chance of getting. a job.
k However since being in e
academic excellence, Ms. program I've grown to rea y '
Morin is also a member of love m work in bio -
the graduate student Y ,
may, engineering.
. <,, association, , a former "S mal cord research is
w member of the university p
*L v getting a lot of attention of
senate and IF YOUR BUSINESS NEEDS �M mural ports attUNB ive in Intra_- . .
late and Morin is happy to
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE say iVs because of the- in-'
Give us a call. The magazine article creased sophistication of the
We offer financial aid in the form of loans, loan about Ms. Morin read in part , instruments. She is modest
guarantees or even selling' an equity position in
> as follows:
�n about her Own accomplish -
your business. We have experienced counsellors An injury to the spine has
�• mems, though her tech-
, � who can help you plot a course for growth and - � long been considered a ni ues are-resentl being
success for your business. And we can provide permanently Crippling q presently g
you with direction to get government assistance., "' tested at •the clinical stage.
both federal and proviricial, .as well as other vital dis$bility. Evelyn Morin, a ,.
"> ,. 28-year-0old Ph.D student at The Ontario native tries
information. For an advance appointment, call: to take care of her own
the tJniversity of New health by playing squash,
PLAYiNG IN PROTEST -Bob Scott,. Lloyd Taylor, Jim Brunswick is working to
wori Rogers, Manager volleyball and baseball as
J519)271-5650- Collect Coultes and Wallace Conn played cards on the sidewalk members of the senior men's card club, Lloyd Mon- correct this. As part of her well as participating in
1035 Ontario Street in front of the Wingham Town Hall Saturday morning in . tgomery• Russell Gaunt. Harold Casemore', Henry exercise classes. An 'active
ACK Stratford, Ontario NSA 6Z3 protest over being locked out of their usual room in the Wheeler and Charlie Bosman-,- as well as former deput y - -- member of the student union -- --
town hall basement. They were joined ' by other reeve. Patricia Bailey. and senate, Morin is also the
winner of 'numerous scholar -
Canada's home of ships and awards."
Federal Business Banque federate Canada's only "womanMs. Morin 'is the daughter
Development Bank dedeveloppement Postmaster General' was..
40' Mrs Se" nmor ea rd cl u b up' et Mrs. Browne of. Mr: and Mrs, Bertrand P.
Ellen Fairclough, who Morin of Win ham.
C�afia(ia served from 1962 to 1963._ GORRIE -The January
over town hal l• . lockout u
meeting of St: Stephen's � ■ � ■ � � I'
`! Anglican Church, Guild, was
held at the home of .Grace
Nearly ever da for the Gaunt whose father was 1s understandablyunhappyWednesday, the
past- a8 year -s., -Wallace- .and- _-instrum.ental in,.,.helping to- •as -the villain -of :,g h. g•, t,;Grttl Glrt�ie�` OPTOMETRIST the boys have been ' getting start the group 'nearly,! 40 the .piece. He admits giVmg ' Farrrsh opened the meeting GoderiCh
FISH & CHIPS together to play a;•few hands years ago the order to,change the lock,: with prayer and Lorna The Square 524-7661
�,! of cards and swap stories m "' Nir 'Ronii tt a president of but says he never intended to ,I{oebel was in charge of
are celebratingour g
� the boiler room .of the the calyd club,, explained the'7 ., leave the card players out in devotions: Roll call was
t Wingham Town Hall. club had been asked to leave f the cold. - ' answered • by ' 18 members
They would like to keep it the Town Hall while work As far as he knew, he said; with some thoughts on the sg
that way, but last week was underway on the new they were still using the new year. r
„ Wallace. Conn and the other heating system, so for the Armouries as previously
A N I� members of the senior men's past few months the men had agreed. "I didn't know they A year-end report was[,SAVE;,
RS A R Y card club ran into a little been meetin in the Ar- ' were back there (in the iven treasurer Doroth
g _ g Y Y ,
problem: they found their mouries. However they like boiler room) ," although he Ruppel. A luncheon was
Offer the following key no longer fits the lock on their old quarters and ex- said he did blame them for arranged for January 23 .At
SUPERe the Town Hall 'basement, pected to be able to return leaving the door ajar. 11:45 in the church '
SPECIAL door, now that the work is done. He rioted' the property -basement. The World •Day of
OPEN 5 DAYS A WEEK Now as a rule the card club "It doesn't cost them any- , . committee had met with the Prayer service will be held,, THE,
Wed'. 4 to 7 p.m. is a rather low-key group, thing; the room's there and group and agreed to let it use March 7 in the Presbyterian \
but when the members found . the heat's there," Mr. Conn the Armouries for $200 a Church. The annual vestry
Thurs., Fri.,, Sat, w themselves locked out 'they reasoned. year, which he pointed out is meeting is on January 26, t
11 a.m. to 9 p.m. 572 �7 decided this called •.for ac- He and other members of less than a dollar a day. "We following' the Worship ser- PARADE OF
Sun. 11 a.m. to- 7 p.m.I - tion. So Saturday morning a the club explained they like thought'we were being very vice and a` pot luck- lunch.
p y y The Guild's annual era
Due to the great response to last year's offer, we recommend you phone in your group staged a protest b the boiler room because the kind.
110_tB(�]�-- J11= e-�,Aprd-L=19^41 — INI _ .
in front of the Town Hall and bothering. anyone or tracking was town council's_ decision Howick Central School., .
playing cards out in the, in snow on their boots.. They to cut off public the Members were asked to sa_ ve -In the
' .snow; felt uncomfortable at the Town Hall basement, and . used postage stamps for the
■ 00 COUPON $ O O Predictably; , their protest Armouries, they said, said he could not take it on Bible Society. and thank -you
drew a. certain amount 'of beeause they did not like himself to reverse that notes were, read from those -WANT
I attention - attention which trooping through while other decision without at least who received baskets of .
the card -players hope will programs were in progress consulting the other mem- treats .for Christmas.
I Present this coupon -and save one dollar on ' help to gain them renewed or dripping melted snow on hers of'his committee. "
access to their old room..If the wooden floors. He pointednout that he also w Rev. William Gray closed
oaeh order of„ Fish ,& Chaps. not, they say they `are Gordon Godkin, who walks feels responsibility, fpr the the meeting with prayer and ,
prepared to go en mass to a with a cane, also noted there' security of thq Town. Hall lunch was served, by Grace
meeting of the town council are "too many "steps for and for .potential liability to and GeorgA'DS
ina Zimmerman.
e� to demand their, rights. , , some of us" to get to the the town if anything, were to The, next meeting will be
1-$1.00. otter expires Jan. 26. 1986 at 7 p .
� "I understand the room upstairs rooms at the Ar- happen to anyone using the , held February 12.', in- St. The Advance -Times
-�.J was given by the' town mourles. basement. Stephen's Church basement,
----�------------�------®— " 357-2320
council for the use of the That room (in the Town I'm disappointed they following the Ash Wed -
2.57 Josephine Street, WING HAM card players and we fixed it Hall basement) was given to 'didn't come to me," instead' nesday servir',e in the church.
all up," reported Russell the card players.," Mr. Conn of staging their' demon-
insisted. "They gave us. the stration at the Town .Hall, lie .
----- other room (at the Ar- said, blaming most of the
" : tlu■rant�•d Imrostm•nt C•rt lr
ouries) while they were problem on a breakdown in. ••t••
o•>,; ..:..,....:... b
fixing it but there's c mm "
u ere's still o unications
room for three card tables He concluded -that he has 4' 1/2 a /010
and that's all we need. It invited the card club to meet � •
y>< `:• }.::: n't cost the taxpayers a with•the property committee 1 YEAR i YEAR 0
ni 'k 1." at its regular meeting, this
}. g g.
% card players, whose Thursday night, and said he �G -
17 pp"-
-- >; ,< ; '° _ -- - - - - - - - - avert s wilt over w i is� co iidenfi the ..wfiole
also w re upset at the way in matter can be resolved to
?'. .>� - which the had abruptly everyone's
satisfaction at
been locked out of the that time. • �.
con -
- - - basement, which still con-
tains their chairs, tables, °
If you suspect that you've got radiator pro- cards and pens as well as a
blems DON'T WAIT — Recore with the, clock and light fixture they Venin j Unit ��'®
durable core that's guaranteed. Our cores - I'muruu'c • All t,pes. Home, business, auto, farm. life,
_ feature a Gold Seal Premium high density They showed up one holds meeting WtNGHAM 357-26,36 GORRI-E 335-, 525
morning and found the _
construction - so you're getting a heavy padlock had been changed,. BELGRAVE - The Jan- Thurs;, )an. 16 to Wed. Jan.' 22, 1986.
duty rad at a standard rad cost that's Mr. Conn reported, and upon uary meeting of the Evening M - -�--- -
investi'gation learned that Unit of"the UCW was helm at Thur., l:,n. -16 Dance, Sponsored by Wingham Happy
GUARANTEED FOR LIFE 'against I°eakage or ® ('Yang, Wingham Armouries, 8:30 -.11:30
WE 'REPLACE IT AT NO.CHARGE. Reeve Bruce Machan, the home of Mrs. Dorothy O.M. .
• L chairman of the council's Logan with 17 members Social, Wingham Womrn's Institute Invites
IDEALRA•D CORES are .now available at property and public works present. the Second Milc Club to Attend, Council
better garages, service stations and new car committee, had ordered The meeting was opened Chambers at 2:00 p.,m.
l `
�'lll Fn, tan. I, Story Hour Rc,Commences at Wingham.
dealers so buy directly from Ideal caretaker Bob Hewines to by Mrs. Robert Gr•asby. Public. Libra 2:09 - 3:00' ,:m. Aff 3 to 5
ry• P
- change the lock. After the business period, Year Olds Welcome.
Supply. He said Mr. Machan had Mrs. Laura Johnston and `'`� •:• `���`�, •'`". ' I � I �� Sal. fail. 18 Wingham Minor Hockey Winner Nr Dance,
I^ _ come along one day and Mrs. Clarence S'uill led the Wingham Legion.
l� found ,the door to, the, worship service. The, pro- Sun, htn. 19
i' basement wide open, ac- ram -was given b Mrs. Mon, a
••` cusin the- 1a-ers at' Narold Vinc'Y 1� n. z0 Euchre. -Wingham legion, 'A:00
Everyone Welcome,
p y crit 'assisted by -
g Tues. lan. Al Morris TownshipCouncil. "7:30 M.
j Mrs. Sam Pletah and Mrs. P:•
(Y �,".•ti•c:• , ;�.,.�,�.,•,• •I I�" � VIS � V leaving it ()pen: TowrrsFiip M�,nie►pal Office,
: } :,•<;• u.;, U P Doroth Lo a ,
•k"�� J "it wasn't usv" Mr. Conn g n• Tar„berry Township Catncil, 7:30 p.m.,
insisted. "We all had keys A social half hour followed Township Office, Bluevale.
+, .ti,, �� i �. Wed. an. 12 Fiends i,f the
�'• ' �' '}�•�•`• • � but we Hover left the place and Punch was served by .1 r F.t�irary, Organtza- ,
469 Josephine St_ Wingham 55.7-383.0 Mrs. Geor e Michi and tion F'latining Meeting, 7:.�0 p.m.
g without picking it." g e:,.
11 Mrs. Les Vincent. �� ingham Town Hail, Mt. Machan, meanwhile. ;