The Wingham Advance-Times, 1986-01-15, Page 03V.-.1
, t:1
Choos(from over 100 rolls of beautiful carpets and vinyl flooring -in
stock of ' ick from our large'selection of -samples. Either way it
P �. AM,
Illealls BIG SAVINGS for you.
This is Our SIXTH ANNUAL CARPET SALE and we think it'sthe H(,St.
y('t! Our regular low carpet,and vinyl BABY
prices have been reduced and SITTING GRADS—Girls and boys graduating-froM the baby sit. class)', Sheri Lyn Allen, Angela Doig, Denise Mino, Brenda Van Lie
the savings are fantastic_ ters' training course sponsored by the Howick, Junior Women's Im. Kemp, Ma " r
Maria Van Donkersgoed, Andrew Lee: back ow —Christian
Come in today and browse through bUf car -pet showroom.
room. ln.st0(Cstitute included: front row --Angela Armstrong, , Tracey- McInnes', Dar- Ft�-rdsk-O-V: Tracy Roffilb P5ffi-B-ehnEW,'Angie 'Busby, Dawn Clark, San ----
are the' most POIRilar I eivel loops, patterns, plushe,s and Sc'Ll1f)tures ryl'Jbhns6n, Greg Lee; middle row Sara An.kenman'(highest in, die Sleegers. Absent forphotowas John Watson. (Staff Photo)
in C(,)IOLjr ranges for today's tastes.
Have your new carpet installed by our profes-sional installer, Mr.
Don BrUC(", or install it Yourself. Either way DELIVERY IS FREE.
Drop irito Hodgins lAimber today while'the ..,,election is at its hest Bab y' sift=a', tra'ining
and get the carpets 'you've dreamed of at UNBELIEVABLE SALE
PRICES. Whitechurch Personal's
M r and Mrs. Raymond Andrew's Presbyterian ular in Iowick Twp.'
Vinyl 1000' Nylon, Carpet Ladner of Verm6nit. were' Church, Wingham. As the POP
% -vice `"brd W
-Tuesdav visiturs with �Kr. set was adcv,. a fe ive baby sitter' Mrs.'Wiiinie Winkel -of, fjjl�2. tel.l.jile
�llten,, _m-" Mrs- Winkel said.
Remnants ant! Milligan. in this Area were privileged
Flooring Carpet 9 r ing course. sponsored Gorrie, "F'or example, the motherf o
Chowe from several A spi�cial purchase of See.01.jr large Mrs. Elsie Houston of to hear Mr: Currie. After the, by, the Howick Junior Wo- .' the traininp Doer girl told, me -brie of the
selection of winnants. service, .Mr. and Mrs. me,,,,,; Institute, has again course,,Mrs%,Wink(,l said stii- rriost important things her
sp-e� ially.selek ted, rolls this Popular ca,rpet Ludkr%w called 1A.'ednesday C46e, 'who now reside, in
Don't miss mit-(ln this proven popular among, girls dents,aged 11 to 114 years, at daughter learned was that
11)d really save Oil - has made this all at the home of kr. and Mrs. owen h
big savirlg off tho Sound, had dinner with and boys -in the township. tend le -tures and training.
Vicr6r Emerson. c she must awake"vq4ile
this 1110J�Lllar no w�lx excellent, Value. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn A total of 11.9 girls and boys sessions for seven weeks and she was baby sitting,','
fir c)r Only Andrea, Erica and Ashl.y W io were form6r' residents
SUgg(-Sted I)rl( 'area " took the- eight-week course are tested during the eighth In addition, to 7 attending
Priced from '),IV(-' Uj) Cout'tis of.Dorchest r spen a Of this. rand attended N , -
this past fall. It is the week. lectures, students are re,
fex days with th'il, gra., d- • church here when Mr.. Currie time ill six -years the Jr.,In- Lectures' include such to-'
quired,to compile a record
parer;Ls, Mr: and Mrs. John Was the pastor." stitute has offered it, pies -as hOlth' nutrition. book 'containJijng notes and:
$54,9-- _IAM - I . . . . . .. I . I I .
A. Currie. Paul Currie' of, al and moral tither printed materials peF-
sq. $,499sq,. y d. Toronto al-,() spent the 01' the students who hygiene, social
60 11F7 title t to the lectures.
were presented With certifi- responsibilities. efidd care 11
-weekend with N6p&ents. WMS holds, ca tes'and treated to a gradu, and, safety. (irst aid,. fire Th6 are also ieq4ired to
j. E. HOIXJ�N,_, Lie east turkev -barFr on alion cake last Week in How- safety, care of the physi�allv perform six hours of super=
LUKiff-R I the far ni where Harry f irst meeting ick Central School,- only five or mentally handicapped vised practical work, ii0th-
;uccessfully coni child and the importoncf-1.0t out pa .. v
HOEIGINS 11 'NOR 111 � 1 . E. Sjaarda and family live was, in new year. tbilod to s for a parent other.
-filv plete the course. play,
de:stpoved by- *e, on than their own.
"But ev'en. the ones "Ii') "The boys and gir Th is work'is evaluated'by
- Saturdav evefling.
01* Aw Is pi,
GORRIE Mrs, William 'ind t h -e tip •i' theparent And a confidential
didn't. pas, Will t . r lot in thi-, GWj*,,e that
j : j Smith was hostess for the be ne I it, ,o -aid parents' might, not think t( -I is sent to the course
) . .report .0 Sunday visitors, with Mi
training J,
Mon. f'ri. first rr�eeting of the Women's
and Mrs. Bocer'oft we're
'L)O - S- W� Ronald. Shatrinon ' and Missionary Society of Knox A written examination is
"-C —1 _~
96W -
nuumb"i ENT1W
I/ Werth arid Kt-,nn'Sinnainon of Mrs. James kobirfs(Iii led the
8.0). - 4:00 p.111. course.
ter Personals . An overall mark of 60'is re -
worship service, did6sing as '-
MASTE-R CARD VISA AMP-IlEb - F R E E- DEI I V F* RY Whitechurch. fri-ends are her moditation, No quired to pass. the course.
happy that Bill Forster is .Matter What", based' oil
Nia rk..,, .erre alloft6d as W-
itylproving' in Wingharn and ~verses from Matthew's, Deborah Ellen Shore' _M'r. and Mrs. `'err, Clark lows: examination 50, record
-DiMrict [Jos itat. Gospel and Pauj's letter to
p daughtZir of Mr.- and Nif Yisiteo' wish Mr.' and Mrs. j
)ook- and. atterjdanc� 40, six,
the Philippians. Mrs. Alvin oer Pollock and Todd in
Thomas E. Shore f Frat, hour,, ofwork 10.
Visitt'i-i on the weekend Mundell sang a prayer for
Wroxetvr, �kas named to (he Bramale-a.last Thursday and
-�Oth Mr. and Mrs. Walter Children taking the course
'Mot! were Mr. and Mrs.
the new year, "Let There Be 1), ' 'Ust at Petisac,�la Friday. pay a $5 fee which covers the
ean s
Peace' on E.arth", and .('olleg(, .11('11 Marifred'' Worfil't", has
Da�id Elliott of. London and. hristiall. , . sa-,' ecis'Lofnryaterials.
-I.Laidlaw, everyo . ilN joined in rqp�atmg -cola, f"lo-Ida, for acodernic arrived horrie� to his parents. Instructors -for the course
Mr. and Mrs. Pau
Michelle an . (i Jason Mr-. . and.. Mrs. liplmut
of ...achiel%ehient during rhe fnll ore Mrs., Winkel, Ronna
rn�r, after spending the Lee Johnson. Mary Hall,
Dorchester.' Mrs. Moir read a note of S(Ine��t(.T Of the 198,'1--86 Wo. �114
school year. This was , a past few months in Ger- Henrietta Claus, Beth Payne
IT'S, FU. Communion service was thanks from Rev A. Zeid- many.
held on Sonday at Chalmers man for a donation to Scptt result of earning a B average and Lvnda Taylor.
-t, Krista Given I1,rvsbvterian Church, with mission. A draw was made or highe'r. Mrs. *Ron Gilbert, en the popularity of the
TOSHOP Rev G Ball and Rev. W. A for sip-cret pals for ' the and Troy, and, Mrs. Dennis eour.cA.,.said Mrs.#inkel, it
lienderson in charge'. coming year. The annual Henderson, of Itarriston is likely the Howiick Junior
• AT'THE Mr. arid Mr.�. Adriert visited with their 'parents. Wojjlon`� Institute will' be
Area friend,; are happy meeting * of Maitland Poirier, Weston; were Mr. and Mrs. Olivor Riloy, it again in t
Presbyterial will be held in Weekend sponsoring two
that Mrs AngiL,; �'alconer, guests with Mr. and
WINGHAM, SALES ARENA who had been a patient. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Mrs. Clifford -Marks, last Sattlrda�.
0 Church, Wingham, on
Visit All Our Departments. there. i-vturned.-hm-ne from Jarkuary 20. Mrs. Congra.tulati�)ns to Mr. and
��'ingrliam rind Dist rict
Hospital on sundae Mundell was asked to host Mrs, Ted Smith who ob.
'DISCOUNT PRICES Sunday guests - with Mrs. the next meeting on served their 50th wedding McLEOD
-- — — — — — l,'ebruary 12. Ladies of the anniversary on January 4
7 Mutual'
opinitrullitY. crie VOUNG___
Mt- Neil Rintoifl, Steven.
CLOTHING, & FOOTWEAR - for the entire family. Super","vinqs.of i at4end the World Day of attendance: Bernell and
)11 SStuartof -�W(:st
CL boys' and girls* clothing & footwear Thousands of blue jeans for mon�, Z volt and Stuar Praver service to be,held in Marg Smith. Lislowel� F I n
cc: women & children, workwear, No. 1 G.S.A. approved safety shops, work 0 Knox Church on March 7. and Doug Gibson, 1, ay WEIR Fu ds
The Women's Missionary
ox istowel
0 pants and shirts, coveralls for men and boys, rubber boots _111 S ' I . Mrs. Smith began the
Bruce and lo:-rain'e Morit-
,oci.oly of Chalmers, meets gomer,. and bonnie
NEW & USED FURNITURE - ANTIOUES - GIFTWARE - Desks, today (Wednesday) at the study with a Sioux Indian Willer
of Wroxeter, Which ones are the best?
bookcases. dressers, chest of drawers, night stands. stereo stands, box prayer to the Great Spirit,
-4 of Mrs. Tiffin. Marlene and John Sin -
springs Find oijt hovv-they compare
& mattresses, water beds, bunk beds, living room suite-,. cofftnn Weekend- guests with Mr. Mrs, Glenn Underwood read
narnon, - Selforth, were
and end tables. -table an -d' chair sets. rn �.ffld NI.Irs 1,',Irov Laidlaw two short passages.from the unable To attend. All hest �3nd ac* about our
NOTE: We or will buy outright partial or complete F,,,tatq,, WereliNir and Alrs. Paul Crospc�l of John. Mrs. Mun-
Uj dell showed ' wishes for many more years
CARPET ROLL ENDS -'REMNANTS & AREA RUGS - In. I.,aidla\v, Michelle and Jason a filmstrip o I f happiness together. reduced commissions*
popular room sizes, colours, such as browfi, beige,' bluo, ween. (if Dorch(-iter, entitled "Sharing the
Nir and lqs. Dave Journey.". narrated by flick Please C.;I'll br complete and 'returh:
Z mushroom and earth tones. 8rirTg your room sizes with you I)yrrivrit, Ginny and Michael 14cirst and M . irg Henderson
BULK FOODS - PRODUCE - DISCOUNT GROCERIES - BtjN nf' titreets%lllle, visited This graphically depicted
cookies, baking goods, spices, nuts, candy'. canned goods pet fonds,. 11'ridAv and Saturdav with how the native . people ex- Happy Birthday Name,
hundreds of items to choose from Mr. and Mr,,. Alan J,'alconvr, pressed their religion and
40 year old!
SPORTING GOODS T NEW & USED GUNS - AMMUNITION - -A 'ronv,,rim and Amy. lite effects, both negative 'Address
Scopes, fishing gear, hunting knives., jun cases, gun (�r
1,ahets tooZ The next'441 workshopwill arid pos4tive, that thel�, tx- held January 21. Any girl Christian -European l'ifes yle Phono No. Rtj,,, Res.
wrench sets, socket sets, plier sets, hammers, etc or- ty)v wishing to take the had on 'na,tive p( rs.
Z Get The Most For Your Dollar Shop The'— o course, "Alilk Makes It". is Smith then give a brief McLeod Young Weir Limited
0 asked to phone Mrs Walter introduction to the study of
Attn: Garth Bechtel
0 Elliott , or Mrs, Sinclair. -The Nath.(, P`eoPlc'of North
LU V�'ardnirp -if .they were 12 America''
W I N G"MAM' ALES ARENA 383 RiChmond Street; Suite 1412
Z Years old b,, January 1. they LONDON, Onta,-io N6A 3C.4
357-1730 Just North of Wingham on Hwy No 4 are eligibic, The mp�tjrfk* cancluded
Toll Free 1-800-265-12.53
"I,ct There' Be
Open Monday- Saturday 9 - 6 p m. Fri. Nights Till 9 p r) on Sunda}, Rev. Robert with singing g "T
Cheque a Visa 0 Masterca�d Acc*e6ted "IOP'' prayer by Mrs'
• Cash e Che Currie, a former ministerit, PN
Wliitj4+�irch and langside a Smith and repeating the at
m Where neqofi,-W�ri rates apply
TOOLS GIFTWARE' ANTIOUES nuinher of vt,;irs ako, 'vrin- atid purnoso of the WNIS Ili
j All flucled the ,ervive'll fst unison I i Al. 11.1j, I
i h,
. . . . . . . . . .....
, t:1
Choos(from over 100 rolls of beautiful carpets and vinyl flooring -in
stock of ' ick from our large'selection of -samples. Either way it
P �. AM,
Illealls BIG SAVINGS for you.
This is Our SIXTH ANNUAL CARPET SALE and we think it'sthe H(,St.
y('t! Our regular low carpet,and vinyl BABY
prices have been reduced and SITTING GRADS—Girls and boys graduating-froM the baby sit. class)', Sheri Lyn Allen, Angela Doig, Denise Mino, Brenda Van Lie
the savings are fantastic_ ters' training course sponsored by the Howick, Junior Women's Im. Kemp, Ma " r
Maria Van Donkersgoed, Andrew Lee: back ow —Christian
Come in today and browse through bUf car -pet showroom.
room. ln.st0(Cstitute included: front row --Angela Armstrong, , Tracey- McInnes', Dar- Ft�-rdsk-O-V: Tracy Roffilb P5ffi-B-ehnEW,'Angie 'Busby, Dawn Clark, San ----
are the' most POIRilar I eivel loops, patterns, plushe,s and Sc'Ll1f)tures ryl'Jbhns6n, Greg Lee; middle row Sara An.kenman'(highest in, die Sleegers. Absent forphotowas John Watson. (Staff Photo)
in C(,)IOLjr ranges for today's tastes.
Have your new carpet installed by our profes-sional installer, Mr.
Don BrUC(", or install it Yourself. Either way DELIVERY IS FREE.
Drop irito Hodgins lAimber today while'the ..,,election is at its hest Bab y' sift=a', tra'ining
and get the carpets 'you've dreamed of at UNBELIEVABLE SALE
PRICES. Whitechurch Personal's
M r and Mrs. Raymond Andrew's Presbyterian ular in Iowick Twp.'
Vinyl 1000' Nylon, Carpet Ladner of Verm6nit. were' Church, Wingham. As the POP
% -vice `"brd W
-Tuesdav visiturs with �Kr. set was adcv,. a fe ive baby sitter' Mrs.'Wiiinie Winkel -of, fjjl�2. tel.l.jile
�llten,, _m-" Mrs- Winkel said.
Remnants ant! Milligan. in this Area were privileged
Flooring Carpet 9 r ing course. sponsored Gorrie, "F'or example, the motherf o
Chowe from several A spi�cial purchase of See.01.jr large Mrs. Elsie Houston of to hear Mr: Currie. After the, by, the Howick Junior Wo- .' the traininp Doer girl told, me -brie of the
selection of winnants. service, .Mr. and Mrs. me,,,,,; Institute, has again course,,Mrs%,Wink(,l said stii- rriost important things her
sp-e� ially.selek ted, rolls this Popular ca,rpet Ludkr%w called 1A.'ednesday C46e, 'who now reside, in
Don't miss mit-(ln this proven popular among, girls dents,aged 11 to 114 years, at daughter learned was that
11)d really save Oil - has made this all at the home of kr. and Mrs. owen h
big savirlg off tho Sound, had dinner with and boys -in the township. tend le -tures and training.
Vicr6r Emerson. c she must awake"vq4ile
this 1110J�Lllar no w�lx excellent, Value. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn A total of 11.9 girls and boys sessions for seven weeks and she was baby sitting,','
fir c)r Only Andrea, Erica and Ashl.y W io were form6r' residents
SUgg(-Sted I)rl( 'area " took the- eight-week course are tested during the eighth In addition, to 7 attending
Priced from '),IV(-' Uj) Cout'tis of.Dorchest r spen a Of this. rand attended N , -
this past fall. It is the week. lectures, students are re,
fex days with th'il, gra., d- • church here when Mr.. Currie time ill six -years the Jr.,In- Lectures' include such to-'
quired,to compile a record
parer;Ls, Mr: and Mrs. John Was the pastor." stitute has offered it, pies -as hOlth' nutrition. book 'containJijng notes and:
$54,9-- _IAM - I . . . . . .. I . I I .
A. Currie. Paul Currie' of, al and moral tither printed materials peF-
sq. $,499sq,. y d. Toronto al-,() spent the 01' the students who hygiene, social
60 11F7 title t to the lectures.
were presented With certifi- responsibilities. efidd care 11
-weekend with N6p&ents. WMS holds, ca tes'and treated to a gradu, and, safety. (irst aid,. fire Th6 are also ieq4ired to
j. E. HOIXJ�N,_, Lie east turkev -barFr on alion cake last Week in How- safety, care of the physi�allv perform six hours of super=
LUKiff-R I the far ni where Harry f irst meeting ick Central School,- only five or mentally handicapped vised practical work, ii0th-
;uccessfully coni child and the importoncf-1.0t out pa .. v
HOEIGINS 11 'NOR 111 � 1 . E. Sjaarda and family live was, in new year. tbilod to s for a parent other.
-filv plete the course. play,
de:stpoved by- *e, on than their own.
"But ev'en. the ones "Ii') "The boys and gir Th is work'is evaluated'by
- Saturdav evefling.
01* Aw Is pi,
GORRIE Mrs, William 'ind t h -e tip •i' theparent And a confidential
didn't. pas, Will t . r lot in thi-, GWj*,,e that
j : j Smith was hostess for the be ne I it, ,o -aid parents' might, not think t( -I is sent to the course
) . .report .0 Sunday visitors, with Mi
training J,
Mon. f'ri. first rr�eeting of the Women's
and Mrs. Bocer'oft we're
'L)O - S- W� Ronald. Shatrinon ' and Missionary Society of Knox A written examination is
"-C —1 _~
96W -
nuumb"i ENT1W
I/ Werth arid Kt-,nn'Sinnainon of Mrs. James kobirfs(Iii led the
8.0). - 4:00 p.111. course.
ter Personals . An overall mark of 60'is re -
worship service, did6sing as '-
MASTE-R CARD VISA AMP-IlEb - F R E E- DEI I V F* RY Whitechurch. fri-ends are her moditation, No quired to pass. the course.
happy that Bill Forster is .Matter What", based' oil
Nia rk..,, .erre alloft6d as W-
itylproving' in Wingharn and ~verses from Matthew's, Deborah Ellen Shore' _M'r. and Mrs. `'err, Clark lows: examination 50, record
-DiMrict [Jos itat. Gospel and Pauj's letter to
p daughtZir of Mr.- and Nif Yisiteo' wish Mr.' and Mrs. j
)ook- and. atterjdanc� 40, six,
the Philippians. Mrs. Alvin oer Pollock and Todd in
Thomas E. Shore f Frat, hour,, ofwork 10.
Visitt'i-i on the weekend Mundell sang a prayer for
Wroxetvr, �kas named to (he Bramale-a.last Thursday and
-�Oth Mr. and Mrs. Walter Children taking the course
'Mot! were Mr. and Mrs.
the new year, "Let There Be 1), ' 'Ust at Petisac,�la Friday. pay a $5 fee which covers the
ean s
Peace' on E.arth", and .('olleg(, .11('11 Marifred'' Worfil't", has
Da�id Elliott of. London and. hristiall. , . sa-,' ecis'Lofnryaterials.
-I.Laidlaw, everyo . ilN joined in rqp�atmg -cola, f"lo-Ida, for acodernic arrived horrie� to his parents. Instructors -for the course
Mr. and Mrs. Pau
Michelle an . (i Jason Mr-. . and.. Mrs. liplmut
of ...achiel%ehient during rhe fnll ore Mrs., Winkel, Ronna
rn�r, after spending the Lee Johnson. Mary Hall,
Dorchester.' Mrs. Moir read a note of S(Ine��t(.T Of the 198,'1--86 Wo. �114
school year. This was , a past few months in Ger- Henrietta Claus, Beth Payne
IT'S, FU. Communion service was thanks from Rev A. Zeid- many.
held on Sonday at Chalmers man for a donation to Scptt result of earning a B average and Lvnda Taylor.
-t, Krista Given I1,rvsbvterian Church, with mission. A draw was made or highe'r. Mrs. *Ron Gilbert, en the popularity of the
TOSHOP Rev G Ball and Rev. W. A for sip-cret pals for ' the and Troy, and, Mrs. Dennis eour.cA.,.said Mrs.#inkel, it
lienderson in charge'. coming year. The annual Henderson, of Itarriston is likely the Howiick Junior
• AT'THE Mr. arid Mr.�. Adriert visited with their 'parents. Wojjlon`� Institute will' be
Area friend,; are happy meeting * of Maitland Poirier, Weston; were Mr. and Mrs. Olivor Riloy, it again in t
Presbyterial will be held in Weekend sponsoring two
that Mrs AngiL,; �'alconer, guests with Mr. and
WINGHAM, SALES ARENA who had been a patient. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Mrs. Clifford -Marks, last Sattlrda�.
0 Church, Wingham, on
Visit All Our Departments. there. i-vturned.-hm-ne from Jarkuary 20. Mrs. Congra.tulati�)ns to Mr. and
��'ingrliam rind Dist rict
Hospital on sundae Mundell was asked to host Mrs, Ted Smith who ob.
'DISCOUNT PRICES Sunday guests - with Mrs. the next meeting on served their 50th wedding McLEOD
-- — — — — — l,'ebruary 12. Ladies of the anniversary on January 4
7 Mutual'
opinitrullitY. crie VOUNG___
Mt- Neil Rintoifl, Steven.
CLOTHING, & FOOTWEAR - for the entire family. Super","vinqs.of i at4end the World Day of attendance: Bernell and
)11 SStuartof -�W(:st
CL boys' and girls* clothing & footwear Thousands of blue jeans for mon�, Z volt and Stuar Praver service to be,held in Marg Smith. Lislowel� F I n
cc: women & children, workwear, No. 1 G.S.A. approved safety shops, work 0 Knox Church on March 7. and Doug Gibson, 1, ay WEIR Fu ds
The Women's Missionary
ox istowel
0 pants and shirts, coveralls for men and boys, rubber boots _111 S ' I . Mrs. Smith began the
Bruce and lo:-rain'e Morit-
,oci.oly of Chalmers, meets gomer,. and bonnie
NEW & USED FURNITURE - ANTIOUES - GIFTWARE - Desks, today (Wednesday) at the study with a Sioux Indian Willer
of Wroxeter, Which ones are the best?
bookcases. dressers, chest of drawers, night stands. stereo stands, box prayer to the Great Spirit,
-4 of Mrs. Tiffin. Marlene and John Sin -
springs Find oijt hovv-they compare
& mattresses, water beds, bunk beds, living room suite-,. cofftnn Weekend- guests with Mr. Mrs, Glenn Underwood read
narnon, - Selforth, were
and end tables. -table an -d' chair sets. rn �.ffld NI.Irs 1,',Irov Laidlaw two short passages.from the unable To attend. All hest �3nd ac* about our
NOTE: We or will buy outright partial or complete F,,,tatq,, WereliNir and Alrs. Paul Crospc�l of John. Mrs. Mun-
Uj dell showed ' wishes for many more years
CARPET ROLL ENDS -'REMNANTS & AREA RUGS - In. I.,aidla\v, Michelle and Jason a filmstrip o I f happiness together. reduced commissions*
popular room sizes, colours, such as browfi, beige,' bluo, ween. (if Dorch(-iter, entitled "Sharing the
Nir and lqs. Dave Journey.". narrated by flick Please C.;I'll br complete and 'returh:
Z mushroom and earth tones. 8rirTg your room sizes with you I)yrrivrit, Ginny and Michael 14cirst and M . irg Henderson
BULK FOODS - PRODUCE - DISCOUNT GROCERIES - BtjN nf' titreets%lllle, visited This graphically depicted
cookies, baking goods, spices, nuts, candy'. canned goods pet fonds,. 11'ridAv and Saturdav with how the native . people ex- Happy Birthday Name,
hundreds of items to choose from Mr. and Mr,,. Alan J,'alconvr, pressed their religion and
40 year old!
SPORTING GOODS T NEW & USED GUNS - AMMUNITION - -A 'ronv,,rim and Amy. lite effects, both negative 'Address
Scopes, fishing gear, hunting knives., jun cases, gun (�r
1,ahets tooZ The next'441 workshopwill arid pos4tive, that thel�, tx- held January 21. Any girl Christian -European l'ifes yle Phono No. Rtj,,, Res.
wrench sets, socket sets, plier sets, hammers, etc or- ty)v wishing to take the had on 'na,tive p( rs.
Z Get The Most For Your Dollar Shop The'— o course, "Alilk Makes It". is Smith then give a brief McLeod Young Weir Limited
0 asked to phone Mrs Walter introduction to the study of
Attn: Garth Bechtel
0 Elliott , or Mrs, Sinclair. -The Nath.(, P`eoPlc'of North
LU V�'ardnirp -if .they were 12 America''
W I N G"MAM' ALES ARENA 383 RiChmond Street; Suite 1412
Z Years old b,, January 1. they LONDON, Onta,-io N6A 3C.4
357-1730 Just North of Wingham on Hwy No 4 are eligibic, The mp�tjrfk* cancluded
Toll Free 1-800-265-12.53
"I,ct There' Be
Open Monday- Saturday 9 - 6 p m. Fri. Nights Till 9 p r) on Sunda}, Rev. Robert with singing g "T
Cheque a Visa 0 Masterca�d Acc*e6ted "IOP'' prayer by Mrs'
• Cash e Che Currie, a former ministerit, PN
Wliitj4+�irch and langside a Smith and repeating the at
m Where neqofi,-W�ri rates apply
TOOLS GIFTWARE' ANTIOUES nuinher of vt,;irs ako, 'vrin- atid purnoso of the WNIS Ili
j All flucled the ,ervive'll fst unison I i Al. 11.1j, I