The Wingham Advance-Times, 1986-01-15, Page 0221,
ISJ.- Walker host
meeting of Knox WMS MAGNETIC
BLUEVALE — Mrs. Glenn Wingham on January 20 or SIGNS
GQlley opened the January 8 27- For Cars, TruCkS,
meeting of the Women's Mrs. Golley's topic en- Offices, Mailboxes
Missionary Society of Knox couraged the members to
Presbyterian Church with a start the -new year with EliminateS Costly
poem, followed by a hymn: positive thoughts. She said, lettering.
.Mrs. Joe Walker was hostess God's sun will rise each Removable when
to six members. morning and man's prayers
Mrs. Burns Moffatt read WILL be heard and an- tracing Or painting.
scripture from the seventh swered." She quoted Jesus' The Listowel'Sanner
chapter of Paul's letter to the reassuring promise, "My 188 Wallace Ave N 291 1660
Romans, following with the peace I give unto you", and The Wingham°
comments "Christianity said, "Jesus gives us His Advance -Tithes
' y peace and this is tied to Josephine St 357 2320
began with a gift. Life's The Mount Forest
supreme gift was God's gift God's love. If your hand is, in Confederate •
to the world,, His Son." Mrs. God's hand, you will have
peace•„ Main St 323 1550
Walker offered prayer. The Milverton Sun
Mrs. Jenkins gave the The meeting closed with a Main St 595 8921
treasurer's report and ac- hymn and prayer, followed
cepted the offering, with by lunch,
prayer by the president.
Membership fees were also:._.—
accepted. Mrs_ Golley told
the members about the
annual meeting of the
Maitland Presbytery to be
`held at St. Andrew's in y X Ix
............. 2.99
Harr Salami lb.
y' Ground Beef ..... Ib.1.69
FORDWICH — The -First 1.89
Fordwh Brown)
ria z". Bologna Ib
ently, visited theg Fresh
rec k n
home to entertain the Breakfatst Sausage. ....... 1
is with Christmas
residents ..
f carols.
THE KENTUCKY NUGGETS—The WingLrn Novice hockey teamhas The Brownies each made a We are still here, and have more special savings
a new sponsor, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and new sweaters which Crawford, Chris Alexander, Jason Kleist, Chad Creeden, Bryan serviette ring which was for you in our retail outlet.
read "Kentucky Nuggets", thus the team's new name. Coaches Dave deBruyn, ShatMh Walker, - Todd Edgar; front, Patrick .Magee, Mat given to each patient on Ask your local grocer for oir special deli products
Magee, Bob Pegg and Rene Alexander are shown in back with Vicki Adams, Joel Pegg, Chad Davis. Regan Leibold, Danny McPherson Christmas Day. and gift BAVARIAN DELI PACKERS
Hamill from Kentucky Fried Chicken. Players shown are: back. Jason and Josh Johnston. A pizza party g'
exchange were enjoyed by B Line West of Josephine Street
the girls,- and leaders when. Res: 357-1262
■ MRs. wtCCIAM soTHERN they returned to the United.' WINGHAM Bus. 357-1705
Church. Enrolment night
U w, n
nuni t N'otes from Fordwieh was held in December for
� � - nine, new Brownies: Andrea
Ruttan, Becky Siefert, -- -
—` Mr. and Mrs. Arnold return home. Rachael. King, Carrie Nickel,
inn r m t'� Wilson of Alma visited Mr. and Mrs. Lyle - Sim- Terri Brunarski,. Stephamus.nie s
. e Sunday -with Louise Mat mons spent the weekend with Shill, Amanda Wilson,.all, of
thews. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hambly Fordwich_ and K,aren Buck ' FRUIT MARKET .1
FORDWICH — The af- .tastefully set with white' Jack Wilson introduced the and Carrie Templeman of
• Friends of. William � Soper in. Ingersoll.
ternoon unit of the United* cloth, red -lighted. candles, a new study book for 1'986. Gorrie. The girls received Weston 4's -Raspberry
« will be pleased to hear he � P �'
Church Women -met . last poinsettia and an open Bible:. For the. program, "Lead us was able to return home last Mary Feldskov spent the their enrolment pins and ` Swiss .Rolf . . . 1 .09
Thursday for a dinner Mrs. Clarence, Carswell not into temptation", a skit congratulations from the t
meeting. The leader., Minnie opened with' a poem entitled was performed, entitled -"The week from the Listowel Rogerd with Mr. and Mrs.
hospital where he recently Roger Rowley. -district commissioner Mrs. E, D. Smith 28 oz..
McElwain, opened the "Ushering -in the New Year". Test". Mrs. Jack Wilson (the Congratulations' are ex- Sharon Greenwood and '
had' -undergone surgery. Garden COCldtall -.9,9
meeting with a welcome to She said ' we should walk singer) sang • and ac- . tended to Mr. and Mrs. Bill public relations advisor,
all and a recipe"for a -New closer with God as we can't coni hied herself on the Mr. 'and Mrs. Doug
Wildfang Bonnie Scupham Walker (nee Linda Martin) Mrs; Lillian Siefried. ' Red Rose' 60's.
Year's Pie 'consisting of walk alone. A hymn was ng the story of _ _
g y.. piano, tell) ry on the birth of their daughter Kathy Kennet was
faith, courage, kindness and sun and scri ire was read Daniel. Mrs. Russell Nickel
-and-- 'Paul W rte - Sg of ' Y Tea Bags . . 2.29
g � Mississauga. were •Sunday. on Jan. 8 in the Pahnerstori .. enrolled as a Girl Guide. by
prayer — serve liberally and by Mrs. Scott Clarkson. (Nathan) told of his troubles Hospital. her leader, Mrs. Nancy Seip. Royale 2's
you will have a good .year,' Following a responsive with another woman. The guests of Mrs. 'Nellie :Sim= - The highest achievment
she said. readingMrs. Carswell. ave
tempters, Mrs.. Carswell, mons. Jamie Baker of Waterloo Paper Towels .99
g P Larry M•ontoux of Toronto spent the •weekend with his for..,. a Girl Guide was, of Cheese
A hymn was sung and a a . meditation on "Guidelines Mrs. Lorne Kelley and' Mrs° visited Iasi Saturday.with his parents; Mr. and Mrs: John received. by. Valerie Brevue>f, t Mac 8i
prayer ,was given by Miss for the New Year"..'She John Topham; tried'to tempt 1i' S:-*•�ughlrer of Gerry and Mar
McElwain. Nominations. s oke of a grandfather'clock Daniel with beth too father„, .I?on Montour.- Baker. - g - Dinner. . - . . - . 59
p �` gewer. The All -Round Cord
were Held-fdr '16 nd'the that was 40fI years old and religious,' urging him to Mrs. Wally Nixon is a "'Andy':A 'Shirley.SiurleAnne Clarks 14:oz.
Europe 'to enjoy -the Earth with all it Patient in Victoria Hospital, Miller., Kegin and Kimberley was presented to Valerie by
following were elected: • brought from
leader, Mrs. Elmer Haft„., America. It had been given offers —glasses of wine and London, where she recently of G'orrie, were Sunday Mrs..C.reenwood. Beans , with
in secretin Mrs. Leo much attention, and ke t i gambling his life on a theo underwent surgery. Friends 'visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. deli'ciaus ,lunch of
g; Y P n g theory.
Christmas cookies and Pork . . . 2/1.29
Ruttan; treasurer, Mrs. excellent repair, so it worked however. Daniel (played here wish her a speedy' Elmer Miller.
putie was served by the. X50 gr:. Stoned Wheat t
Wray. Cooper:. pianist, Mrs. well. We, as God's people, by Mrs. Wilson Wso) was not moll Gs' auxiliary. • Swedish Crisp
Russell Nickel and social need. to make repairs. on efticed and would not be Violence a ainst women is convener, Mrs. Glenn. F: ourselves.- and grow more shaken inhis faith, saying he g , Rolls . : . - - - . - . . 99
Johnston. faithful, she said. would live his 'life as a wit- the discussion at meeting
The worship table was Mrs. Carswell and Mrs. nessteGod. Nathan realized Lakelet
that'he had been tricked by BELMORE — Violence that women should have a I Broccoli 1.19
the singer and comes to the against women was the topic safe place to go until a Sunkist size 113 Navel
DO YOU REALLY NEED AN RRSP? conclusion that God will help of an essay read by Mrs:• solution can be found. Lakelet friends are sorry
hum as He did Daniel when in Eleanor"Dane_at the January Then Mrs.. Mary Woods that Elmer Greenle wand el Cl
Ir�jn_! � ._ jig g t t /:G'-- fin o ions. meetin of the , Women s described h� of 1 n`a
her tour. r are pidenis
— g ilii. Store Hours:
Mrs. Wilson sang a• solo, Institute. Ireland, -which was in con- p . 7:30 to 7:00 p,m.
Wednesday, February 5th _''God Has Everything Under Mrs. Dane reported that nection with the in- the Walkerton hos Mon.-Sat.a.m. In- Cliff Hallman is a patient in
2:00 & 7:30 p.m. Control". The benediction one in every .1Q women is ternational Plowing Match the Palmerston hospital. day 357-2240. 30 •
0 9:00
was given by Mrs. Carswell. battered, either physically at .,Ernes. She said. she Mrs. Irvin Reint and Mrs.,
Phone tWe De P er.
Farm Inforrhation. Centre Inc. `` or emotionally. She also said noticed a lot of hay coils, Esther Jacques attended the
funeral of Mrs. Robert
317 Josephine Street, stone fences and vivid green
Wingham, Ontario • n grass: The group visited an, Sangster in Wingham on
Also: Seniors mtg. ope S Ayrshire farm. Mrs. Woods
MSundr yard Mrs. Wendell
then read a poem describing
Make .your mortgage tax deductible • • Groom of Elkhorn visited
How to remove money from your.RRSP tax free the trip. I &Z.
with pot �uCk dinner Mrs. Dane described her last weekend with Mr: andIL
brought to you •by.Mrs. Ken Dettman.
FORDWICH — The Jan- were done the meeting trip to Great Britain, where
John McMurtry & JOe • Ditzend.narymeeting of the senior , opened with "O Canada". she noted that
of Mrs. Cy Marzec•. then. are decorated with white .
citizens .opened with a
Regal) Capital Planners Ltd.," delicious pot -luck dinner conducted the installation of curtains. She said the soil in
R the new officers for the England is a reddish -color
Unioo St. Waterl'OQ _ prepared and served by the
�. coming ,year. President and lots of potatoes are
members. After, the dishes Clarence. Carswell took grown. Farmland is about ?..
- charge of the meeting before .$2,000'per'acre. She said'her
° "Happy Birthday" was sung group visited peat farms in
to two members. Ireland. She saidcause of
h 1)*Ory. Mrs. Bartman, secretary the fog there a many i.
Urc for 1984-85, will continue in roadside reflectors. They
that capacity until Mrs. Eva traveled 1,781• miles by bus. s S�
bl t t k h I the business portion of
.• t
Hart s is a e o a e er n
place. the meeting. Mrs. Jean
s.�Wi Q2 ho 10, -�'�1e-r+Dl a� an�wc►2d^""Riithe'rf('fY'-d�Wa^S--£lict�cl-�s• ,
by paying membership fees representative to the arena
359 Cent a Street and a motion' vias passed ' board for another year. It -
;'' l' Church 357.1340 — Res. 357'-2865 ' /
Pastor. Rev Douglas V Whitelaw B. A, • �• that the treasurer pay all also was decided to -'"TABLES
bills as they arrive. correspond with an English
A ,visit to the Fordwich Institute to broaden the local ®F
SUN -6,. JANUARY 19, 1986 ® _ Village Nursing Home was group's horizons and un-
n- 1 Fabric
10.00 a.m• Sunday Schogl . - planned for sometime derst'and the concerns of
11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship Service around St. Valentine's Day_. women- in other countries. VALUES $3,, $5- $7 OFF
7:00 •p.m. - Family Service The correspondence was The meeting closed with a
Listen to "Moods and Thoughts for a Sunday" ,' = 'dealt with and the program lunch served ' by the _
noon on FM102 opened with a sing -song, led hostesses, Mrs. Dane and Patterns
Sundays 8'a m to 12 _
McElwain at the Mrs. Wo
y .,
by Minnie ods
piano. Readings and contests F
[�r� ' r. were enjoyed after which a Buy,2 patterns get 1 of an equal
UNITED 1— Giu_I Church few games of cards were or lower value FREE. Sales 0
y � CHURCH (ANGLICAN) VYINGHAM played. CWL euchre applies to all 11h stock Butterick,
:n�i'in be _ R
The next '
John Street at Centre Street g wilt' The Catholic Women's Sunrise &. See � Sew 'Patterns
held Feb. 5 and.a card party
217 -Minnie St. THE ANGLICAN PARISH OF is planned for Feb, 14. League, held its first euchre LASTS ST -
Sunday, Jan. 19 WINGHAM AND RLCRAVE_ A cheTical. miracle! 'Tuesday evening in the
party of the new year last SALE ENDS JANUARY2STFl ®R WHILEC�Cd<
445 am
— — r” r
Sunday School SUNDAY, JANUARY 1.9 Using only 53 gallons 'of Church Parish Hall with r
11 op a m 8:00 a.•m. - Men's Communion 8 Breakfast gasoline,, oil and 'naphtha eight tables in play. d
Morning Worship Speaker; Murrayether ' . 'derived. from.. 100 gallons of (
Y Y Mrs. Edward wa's high iI
1' 1:00 a.m, - Holy Communion. crude oil, petrochemical lady and Bill Tiffin was high
Minister Rev J' Rea Grant Sunda producers can manufac School Y _ XUre LFndi�-glr •,s§}Tith611c ma man, while Florence lady and
8 A . M Div
Nursery b�lmage was..low _.. _ _ :......._..._.. _._.,_...._.... _ .. ...��
Organrst Mr Hap Satndge serials for 46 white dress
Telephone • Jeremy McGlynn,, low ma int
percent pqlyes-
Manse 357 10 2 Church - 357-2961 M►nistet : FIAT D; Madge ' r _�� cans 13 plastic garbage Mr. and Manna
6n the
doorwere \ UGKN®e+U ,' ,1 ft' 11�Q t 1 '�+ If,! �••.. 1
., 1 1 1 l'fll I I+ i
p. m.
y c sweaters, p " 1, 1 ry t I
2. bicycle tires and 010 Jean Bauer and Teresa
v.. pairs of nylon pantyhose Croxton. - .:.. E