The Wingham Advance-Times, 1986-01-08, Page 141 p•
Page 14—The Wingham Advahce-Times, Jan. 8, 1936
After living here for great
' %lengths of • unaccounted-for
d1l rr time, the life in civilization
.ce EEirz-ro they Once knew seems Unna-
' pg6141Uf o
' ... `total and they become
known as the "wild chil-
SPand fourth files moved into dren" to the villagers down
An embarrass'ing ot" nt the snow. Wouldn't they Book review the mountain. Bridget never
stop? Of course not. Ordered wants to go back. Dylan
� Skating
,; to march, they would By Dennis J. Reader never wants to go back alive.
march! a 253 This is a book I really en -
I watched Coming Back Alive, with silentjoyed. The' story, 'which
page novel by Dennis J.
M ®Yes, I certainly was. After stretch and meet us, who despair as the once -proud could have been slightly un -
four years of quiet obedience would march. Their last or- squadron, neat, orderly and Reader' features two youngrealistic, was well written
fir titin people by the names of
and numerous conflicts with tars were to get to the mks in perfect rhythm, flounder and true to life. The story
the officers, I was finally to hail "via the quickest ed drunkenly and disorderly Bridget and Dylan. Bridget's was descriptive and the plot
� parents were killed in a car '
On Jan. 4 the Howick Skat- ing; Swing and Ten -Fox, were Corrie Weber, Patti et m taste of command. route". Naturally m across the field. , original. I would highly
g Y Y Y accident; Dylan's- parents
ing Club presented their first Kim Alexander, Jennifer Alexander and Brad Tag- The cadet squadron was thought turned to the path When we emerged two recommend this book to -any -
117i -Club Competition s n- Barrie and tied for third, have separated Tara bitter ta-
pe Po Bart• spending a winter weekend leading across the compound minutes later •we were far voice; both are only chit- one looking for a novel filled
shred by the Royal Bank Sandra McClement and Brad Group 3 performed to • at CFB Borden for training and it was this path I stead- from the impressive -looking dren. with adventure and a story
Junior Olympics Program of Taggart; Fiesta and Willow, Ghostbusters. Winners in exercises and the various fastly resolved`to use, group we had been. The that will keep your -eyes
Canada.' Tracy Roth and Tracy Har- this category were, Kim NCO's were all to et a The squadron, grumbling highly glossed boots were They decide to run away to glued to the pages.
g q g a .mountain wilderness to
Ice time for the competi- grave. Alexander; Laura Gedcke chance to practise their and complaining as most caked in snow; the sharply—Nikkilive each day away from aReavie9E
tion was sponsored by Keil Laura Gedcke demon- and tied for third Tracy Har- command skills. Many of us people do when awakened in pressed trouser seams were world where pain and loss
Insurance of Gorrie, Wat- strafed the Rocker Foxtrot grave and Sandra McCle- had waited a long time for the early morning and forced layered WW 'ce, are their only reward. Here As a bonus, meat in the
son's Home Hardware of which is a Junior Silver anent. such a chance and were all to stand immobile in the bit- The squadron shuddered to the encounter new hard- g g p g P a halt in front of the mess Y diet increases the absorption
Gorrie and Wilson's Electric Dance. Judges for the avenin eager with anticipation. A in cold, was lined u in ships fending for them- of man -from other foods.
of Fordwich. Interpretitive Free skate were Deanne Bartman and good showing certainly three ranks before me. hall. Gone were the neatly • ,
Winners of the CanSkate, Competition results are as Christine Bartman of the wouldn't hurt one's chances Polished boots gleamed and ordered lines of cadets, re selves. J
Program were in order of follows. Group 'i wi ners Wallace Figure Skating of promotion and it was with trousers had knife -edged placed with a cold, wet, ir-
merit, Beginners, Jackie performing to a Di ney Club, Connie Detzler, Joe great pride I took my turn in seams. We set off, marching rotated mob, strung out in � ��� �����
McCracken, Lisa 4,VanDon- Theme were, Carol Har ing Kieffer, Tracy 'Detzler and charge. in perfect rhythm. We three rough, long lines. They
kersgoed ' and Beckie Reid; and tied for second, ry Tammy Grubb from the My first task was to get the rounded a snow bank and quietly dismissed for break -
Elementary, Leroy Boland- Feldskov, Coreen Hard ng Mildmay Skating Club. squadron to the mess hall for headed ,for the path, •not fast. I hoped forlornly that
er, Heather Claus and Rob- and Jennifer Barrie. Howick skaters are coach- breakfast. The officers, be visible because of the early the officers wouldn't notice Furnace installations
ert Stokes; Basic; Katherine Group 2 skated to Rock ed by Marilee Lobsinger and ing what they were, were go- dawn darkness. I strained our rag -tag mob. Furnace and chimney cleaning
Poole, Rachael King and Around the Clock. Winners Laurie Ditner of Mildmay. ing to drive the kilometer my eye to catch a glimpse of I was just entering the 24 hour emergency service w
Carol Clarkson; Novice 1, the path. Surely I should see mess hall when I heard my
A 1 R: ' h d T - d 1fVe I "n t ll h• ff.. 1 b"
nge a eic ar , erg
Beunarski and Amanda Wil-
son; Novice 2, Richard Van-
Donkersgoed, Elizabeth "
Stokes and Andrea Ruttan;
Novice 3, Julie D'Arcey and
Maria VanDonkersgoed;
Novice 4 Angie Meyer
it by now. Despite nagging squa ron commander s as0 I s a I -e ICIenCy of urnerS
self ;doubt, I resolutely kept voice, "Mr. Pewtress, could
our course. I have a few words with C
Then I saw it. No longer You?" WINGHAM 357-3641
the broad avenue of the sum- —Clint Pewtress 13B }
mer before, the path was
now a one-person track
across a snow-covered field. �71 MAL
Christa Stokes and Susan I panicked. In my mind I Do is
Heimpel. MON: NIGHT MEN'S and the Tempos with 23. 610. Art Burrows had tyle
searched desperately for the
Winners of"the Can -Figure The Gophers" lead • the Don.Burley had the men's mens high single of 231 and commands that would halt
Skate Competition are in or- league. with 30 .points, high single of 283.and the Mike Haugh had the men's the irresistible'advance of Unless you want to
der of merit: Dutch and Cag{� followed by the Black high triple of 573, while high triple of 612. the squadron. /
asta Taggart Patti Machine with 28, the Boat Muriel Irvine had the ladies' Other, high` games were save money!
' KathyY gg rolled b Being only 10 feet away Y
Alexander and Coreen Hard- People with 22, the Volts with . high'''s%gle of 244 and the y .Rick Hill 223, 201: when I realized my error, I
18 the Matadors with 16 and high- triple of 662 was rolled Norm Bolt 211: -Ruth Dore had to act quickly. I turned If you haven't received a Prudential Review and quote for our
ing;, Canasta and Swing, gh P
Mary Feldskov,. Corrie theDiggerswithl2. by Shirley Storey. 258and203• desperately t4 avert dis- Y 4 Y
Weber and tied for4hird Sara. Jim Steffler had,the men's Other high games were MONDAY NIGHT MEN home or auto insurance then you are missing o t on a chance for
aster, but I was too late. I Y . C] 11
Ankenman and Carol Hard- high single of, 269 and the rolled by Shirley Storey 237, League standings: Black looked just in time to see the abetter buy. Don't delay; It could be costing you money.
high triple oV712. 218; Jean McKay 229; Machine, 28; Gophers, 23; firstfileof543squadron Iu>�i—_ ._-___ Get Your Piece of the Rock
- - -
• Oth h' It —F1 V j __— ----
-- ----- er tg gajaaes were orence Thompson, 230 and- Boat People, 19, o ts, 16, ber off the pavement and
' ®upumie, rolled by Rod Hickey 253; FlorenceDeimage233. Matadors, 11;. Diggers, L into .the snow. I�closed my Karen Kleist
Doug Barfoot 248 • Bill THURS. NIGHT MIXED eight.
bridge play Johnston 246: Greg Storey'. Ivy's Irises lead the league. • High single and triple, Ric eyes hand opened them again.. Phone 357-2669 or 364-3300
After a time out for Christ- 243 and Dave Scott 242. with, 32 points,' followed. by Rathburn, 354, 804:. No change. The second, third
mas festivities, the bridge Thanks to spares Rod Ed's Easter Lilies' with 28. Next high five•, Rob .
club renewed its . weekly Y n Steffler. Gary's Glads with, 27, McKenzie, 305; Greg Storey,
-- " sessions "last Thursday
Hickey and, N MIXED Marty's Marigolds with 24, 286; Dave .Scott; 270; Ric �.
evening.>. r 'The Edsels.lead the league Peg's Peonies with 21 and Rathburn, 256;, Charlie.
Winners, were: first, with 57 points. followed by Barb's Begonias with 15. Hopper, 252. t _
Yvonne McPhIerson and' :the Impalas with 54, the- Peg Harman had the Thank to spares Rod k fif 7R`
Mary Lloyd; second, Jean,Essexes with 51,.,.the .Mercy ladies high single of .291 and. Hickey; Darrin Hickey, Bob t
--- with 48 the Classics with 40 Ruth Dore rolled tArmstrong.
he tri le -of � •;. t
Whitby hnd Jessie Chester; � P
;. .>.,., third, Kay 'Forgie and Jim /��✓��//O�i/��/���% ��' ��� �/ ��� '' 4
Alcorn; fourth, Margaretx! l��f!!i �!�i,;(('1 ��(f i�; ''�h ((1(1't(I(l�;rj� �;� ,1p�� %1�
Mundell and Inez.McGill. � i — f�% '%r . 1► Q
- 3
BANTAM the month was Ansley, Simp ' the -month was Julie
PRIME 10,00°i° The Cokes lead the league son with IV. McGrath with 197. JANUARY
T BILLS 9 37°x, with .45 and one-half points, JR. BANTAMS & JUNIORS. SR. JUNIORS & SENIORS
CDN DOLLAR 7152 followed by the. Seven -Ups The Srlorks lead the league The ., Fizzies lead the �
U.S DOLLAR $1.3953 Filth 42, the Walter Root with 55 points; followed. by . league with... 65. points, -
GOLD (CON) $460 ?4"—� Beers 'With 38, the Pepsis . the.Pussy Cats with 50, the followed by the AlphabataSALE
SHORT TERM B 000°io with 33, the Coke • Classics Wuzzels with -80, the.Muppet ' with 56 and one-half •points, ;*
with 29 and the Cream Sodas Babies and the GI Joes with the.TLCs with 49, the'Slinkys:. Everything in the store on sale. Listed are a few of the many oustanding savings
with 23 and one-half points: -. 27 and the Masks with.22. with 48, the Nimrods with 42
1 Yr. 1 Yr. 5 Yr. Carolyn Pike and Lori, Andrea' Plumb had the and one-half. and the Com- • ' r ' ' �) '2000 ' 1 ' I `'.
Morrison tied for .the girls' ,girls' high single of 183''and inandos with'34:� BLAZERS
GICs 9 to v4 10 ai< high single of 108 and the the high, double of 313 was Janie Bateson had the high . 1000 OTHERALL
RRSP's `' 9 10 v4 ,10''14 high double of 211' was rolled rolled by Kerri Cleghorn. single of 223 -for the girls and
a�`ute nfgtl WAll 1 `'``
to Grand selection over SIM& 36 10 so r
This +.
c1pieof 54L <'>
s newest famous brands
MUTUALS 30..900 21 60024 100 Cleghorn had the boys' high boys' high single of 157 and rolled by Kim Edgar. ScottSALE 1109. to 1149.,'
single of 104 and ,the high the high.double of 31.4. Neil had the boys' high,single
double of 195. Other games of 125 and of 265 and the high, triple of ` ' '`
FINANCIAL TIP .Other,'.high.,games .were over were- rolled -by Kerri 584: �
To ensure a faster buildup of your rolled by Lori Morrison 100; McGrath 175; Kerri Cleg- Other games 'of 1Z5 and, FOR THE EARLY SHOPPER CRUISE WEAR SPECTACULAR
Reg stared Retirement Savings Flan Lvadelle Iluisser . 89; Julie horn 178; Sherry Dekker over were rolled by Rhonda MEN'S SPRING STYLED SUITS oo -
begin early in the new year The Lisle 106,\100; Stephanie 162,127; Julie McGrath 129, Leachman 190; Julie Henry, Sizes -40 to 46 - Reg. to 299, SALE 69
maximum contribution allowed for Cleghorn, 94, 94; Carolyn 151; Joshua Johnston 125 196, 180: .Angela Kerr '176; SPRING STYLED SPORTCOATS
1986 is $7.500 00 Pike 103; Jenny Deslauriers •Jamie, MacKay . 127; •Jim Tammy Cleghorn 186, 193; . Saes 40 to 46 - Reg. to 169. SALE $3995 -
83, 107.; Mike Remington 103; Hills' 143; Danny McPherson Kim Edgar 222 and Ian
Compiled by ABC INVESTMENTS Ryan Moffatt '83: Ricky. 157;. Derek Knight 131; Todd MacKay 197. MENS POLYESTER/COTTON CASUAL SLACKS
53`West St • Gode6ch Cleghorn 91; D: J. Morrison Harrison 129; Dean Vincent The December bowler -of- choose from -Reg. 40. SALE =1995
88 and Travis Chambers 95. 153 and Steven Marks 1'40. the -month was Scott, Neil MENS SHORT SLEEVE SPORTSHIRTS & S.S.• KNIT. TOPS $14
The December bowler -of- The December bowler -of with 316. Reg. 25. to 40. Hundreds to choose from SALE