The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-09-05, Page 064
The Winhaan Advanc e -Times. Se teiuber $. 1979
ft 04
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y Doublearing, A;
4! M. P. tom. -q
Wrl Kopas ate r' Schulyz
4i a At 30 minutes after three on RR 2, Lucknow, the—grown's and pink floral pattern and eg-mW 0 M�-
0 bordered in blue and beige,, She
Saturday, August 18, Lori KIDPAS sister-in-law. Michelle Johnston, b rd
entered the Wingham United the groom's niece, of Lucknow wore an off-white blazer, beige violet Mai
a 'junior bridesmaid and was Picture
Church to the strain of organ hat, beige shoes and bag - The couple. W-01 Mil at M'
and a corsage of blue silk Chandler
music played by Hap Swatridge
gowned similarly.
and proceeded down the aisle to Elwin flowers. The groom's going -away
The groom's brother; E
meet her groom, Gregory Schulte. Tillsonburg, was best suit was dark brown pinstripe.
�i",4 Jtt Mr. and Mrs. Schultz will !'gg �Y_
Schultz. After Pledging their man. Guests were ushered byLI ,
vows to each other, they were Brian Johnston, Lucknow, reside in Cambridge.
Both bride and groom are
pronounced husband and wife by brother-in4gw of the groom
Huether, Woodstock a "r5 'M*1
001. The bride also
Rev. K. Barry Passmore. Chris' graduates of the F. E. Madill C
t. Palul's, ,,.hu
Lori is the daughter of Mr. and Secondary School.
of the bride; Dennis
Mrs.Jack Kopas of Wingham and Schultz, RR 2, Lucknow, brother graduated from Ross Academy,
m are
Parents of the groo Mr- and of the groom; and another cousin London. (ANOL Nj
Guests attended the wedding
Mrs. Elmer Schultz' RR 1, Luck of the bride, Robert Hancock,
f from Ottawa, Toronto, Niagara
now Kitchener. Jamie Johnston, 0 WINGHAM -
Peach and yellow roses and Lucknow, the groom's nephew; Falls, Kitchener, Orangeville,
gladioli adorned the church was bearer of the two weddingTillsonburg, London, Oakville, John Street of Centre Street
The Rev. John T.M. Swan, L. Th.
sanctuary -in floral arrangements bands. The male attendants wore Fergus, Galt, Preston, Owen The Roder;
on the communion table and on rown, Sound, Goderich, Teeswater,
beige tuxedos with dark b
either side of the altar. Lighted trim and pale yellow ruffled Dresden, Ridgetown and
tapers in candelabra added soft shirts. The groom's boutonniere Wingham. Honored guests were i
the bride's grandparents, Mr. ,g
candlelight to the setting. The was two yellow roses and th,l,
guest pews were marked with others wore yellow carnations. and Mrs. E. A. Kopas of Waterloo The thirteenth -$VA Atio�e.T InIty
lace bows centred with peach and 'The bride wore the groom's gift and Mr. and Mrs. , H. W. Huether, Please Nate: The 8:30 a.m. Eucharist for thisFAtinjoy 6a.* stn
yellow. roses. to, her, a gold and diamond Kitchener; and the groom's cancelled.
Ian D . eslauriers played his own grandmother, Mrs. Helen Schultz
11:00 a.m. Mattins and Sermon
necklace, and the groom wore g. Len Schultz of
guitar accompaniment as he her gift to him, a watch. The Of Tillsonbur wednillisday 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist
sang "If", "The Wedding Song" bridesmaids wore small gold Owen Sound, the groom's uncle,
and "You're Beautiful lockets, gifts from the bride and was master of ceremonies at the
Given in marriage by her groom.
father and mother, the bride Following the ceremony, the
chose a gown of chiffon. trimmed bride and groom were driven
with lace fashioned on Victorian from the church in a 1927 Ford
styles with lace long sleeves, lace touring car owned and driven by N
cuffs, lace yoke outlined with a David Cameron of Wingham.
lace ruffle and a stand-up collar. Dinner was seived at the Vance's Drug $tate, Winghom
Lace applique enhanced the Wingham United Church where
mark golden on
skirt, bodice and sleeves and the the tables were-dpeorated with
skirt and cathedral train were white bud vases containing
trimmed with ruffles. She wore a yellow and peach carnations. A anniversary
lace picture hat with a , cathedral floral arrangement of peach and FRIDAY, SEPT. 7, 1-3 P.M.
veil attache,4 to the hat with a yellow silk roses" adorned the
BELGRAVE - Mr. and Mrs. J.
pale yellow rose. She carried a family table and the head table C. McBurney of Belgrave, cele -
cascade bouquet of peach and contained a wedding cake brated their 50th wedding anni- NO OBLIGATION
yellow silk roses, baby's breath, decorated with peach and yellow versary at their home on Sunday, Batteries, A�cessorles, repairs to all makes.
L L`
stephanotis and ivy. roses. A reception followed at the September 2, with open' in
A close friend of the bride, Miss Lucknow and, District Com- the afternoon.
Pam Gerrie of Wingham, was her munity Centre where dancing Fair Hearing Aid Service
Gu ts were present from Lon- AM A&AS
honor attendant. She wore a was enjoyed to the music of Star
don, Wingham, Kitchener, Ot B 146 Ontario St., Box 423
ex of Goderich, tawa, Port Stanley, Yarmouth,
yellow' dress of \Qiana silk styled Tr
with blouson bodice with late The bride's mother wore a Nova Scotia, Lucan, Blyth, HEANNGAIDS Stratford, Ont. NSA 6T3
in accordion- and square neckline. 'Fne dusty rose gown with accordio Goderich, Toronto, Clinton and
featured split puffed pleated bodice and skirt- The Belgrave, Stratford, Bluevale.
sleeves with single button trim on dress was styled -with a V GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY—Mr. and Mrs. John C. McBurney of Bel rave celebrated
the shoulder and a full skirt with neckline and featured a matching their 50th wedding anniversary Sunday with,an open house. The couple was married at the
narrow tie at, the waistline. She pleated cape with narrow ruffle home of the bride's parents in Belgrave by Rev. James Scoble. Since then they spent 40
wore a headpiece of yellow silk trim. Her corsage was :two years farming in the area before retiring to the village.
flowers w'ith peach 'bbon'trim cymbidi"' orchids. The groom's Chalmers COC
ed a poseg ose,a coral gown with
and cam a� Of peach mother um
and yellow silkl,roses and yellow- accordidn-pleated skirt and Meet on Sunday
SEPT. 19 - 23
centred daisies with peach ribbon bodice, . waistline sash and at-
. . 0 1 1 1 . tacked cape. I She also chose Whitechurch—The Children of
streamers. Sacred Heart Church isscene
lv�� In-l'similar ensembles were 'the Church of Chalmers met
the, cymbidium orchids for' her
b Sunday during worship service' 66imaiI , Miss Debbie corsage.
I milwis-jl�fl
-`Wingham, friend of the
1Wi of The bride and. grown travelled with Mrs. Pardon and Mrs. OPER-BROTHE
en to Simpson in charge. The call to -anaSk''■ -
bride; bUss Allison Best, Fergus,to the Benmiller inn, th of Mach �'%Awlrw
-qfthe bride; Mrs. Brian "The Briars", a lodge on L.akii worship Was given by Joanne
Johnston,' Lucknow, sister of the Simcbe. For trav Friday, Se It. 21
ift#; the bride deBoer and Karen Elliott read pleats around 'the hemline. A Gary Machan of Kitchener was
groom; and Mrs. Dennis Schultz, Wore an off-white dress with blue scripture- Linda Versteeg led in Wedding vows were exchanged p
on August 18 at four o'clock cathedral train which fell from his brother's best man and the $5.00 per person includes gate to entry
the waistline was also edged with guests were ushered by Carman
Karen Elliott read the minutes between Catherine Irene Skinn
f ^ 'of the last meeting and a d Bruce Skinn,
and Larry James Machan at pleats. She wore a wide picture Machan, Brussels, the groom's
Sacred Heart Church, Wingham. hat trimmed with a polyester uncle, an
discussion was held on the buying
Rev. A. J. Sonderup united the bow at the back which held a Win ham, the bride's brother.
g, Ett" of calendars. Roll call was an
swered by seven naming a grain couple, accompanied with music short veil of pure silk illusion. She They wore dark brown tuxedos
carried a cascade of, yellow and beige shirts with brown bow G.ODDO
of the Bible. Brian Ross received and song by Glenn Skinn of
of the bride. He ties. The groom's boutonniere
the offering which was dedicated Hanover, brother Sweetheart roses and white
by Andy Versteeg. The birthday sa. songs, including stephanotis. was a yellow Sweetheart rose a 22
• ng several atu relax Sept
"The Wedding Song", "Take Denise MacCorm
ac of baby's breath, the others wore
calendar was marked. wn me poison includes ate ant
This Gift", "I Believe in You", CharlOtteto , Pr e Edward yellow miniature carnations, and ry
$S.W per
Mrs. Purdon told the Juniors a
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . baby's breath.
story, "Underwater Lamps" and "Take My Hand" and "Go Now Island, friend of the bride, was
in Peace". maid of honor and bridesmaids During the ceremony the bride
Mrs. Simpson told the Seniors a
story. Mrs. Cathy is the daughter of Mrs. were Michele Skinn, Hanover, and groom lit a large wedding
Simpson led in the Jean Skinn of Wingham and niece of the bride, and Jayne candle fr6m..two,sm'aller candles - Limited Advance Tickets for above shows available
closin prayer. to symbolize their union as one in
Larry is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Skinn, Wingham, sister-in-law of at Stratford Coliseum, Music, Shoppers Record It
the presence of God. At the "sign
Joe Machan of Kitchener, for- the bride. The junior bridesmaid Tape Mart, M&M'St.Mar�s
bride and groom
merly of Wingham. was Joanne Machan, Kitchener, of peace", the
Given in marriage by her sister of the groom. They wore presented a yellow rose to each of
Given friend oldest brother, Doug Skinn of identically -styled' gowns of their mothers to -symbolize the The Following Events are Fre* with GI Admission
Wingham, the bride wore a yellow polyester with blouson child they had given in marriage. Compb
opens her home beautiful gown of dacron bodices and slit sleeves to the A family -dinner. and rete ell Amusements - Over'24 Rides
tiny bows rse Shows, Wed. - Thurs., Sept. 19'- 20
followed at the Win Ho
polyester organza featuring a V elbows, trimmed with' am Legion
to UCW members *.Tug of War, Thurs., Sept. 20
insert of silk Venice lace which at the top. They carried nosegays Hall where guests were received
miniature by the mothers,of the -,bride and Trans Canada Hell Drivers, Sat.- Sept. 22
formed a small standup collar of white daisies, min
Whitechurch—Mrs. Elwood and was edged with a tiny pleated yellow- carnations and baby's groom. The bride's mother wore
a street -length chiffon dress in a
AIN, Groskorth of Goderich opened frill. Venice lace also trimmed breath. Each girl wore a
her home. and graciously the empire waistline from which miniature yellow carnation in her peach floral print, a corsage of
g skirt with hair.
�ix her Whitechurch fell a long flowin white carnations and white ac- Demolition Derby Sun., Sept. 23
friends as the' United Churl cessories. The groom's mother
Women held their September wore a peacock blue polyester Entry Forms Available of Stratford
meeting at her home. street -length dress, a corsage of Fairgrounds First 40 Cars Accepted
Mrs. Wilda Laidlaw opened the pink carnations and white ac -
meeting with a reading, "Christ cessories.
7W 0
_M W,
Is the Head of the Church For. travelling to Niagara Falls
followed by prayer. Everyone the bride wore' a burgundy dress,
joined in singing "When All Men
Shall Walk Together",
Mrs. Laidlaw gave a reading
Snyder Studio Photo which told how OldTestament
leadersa sited on g -
e power of
• God in times of trouble. Mrs.
Laidlaw stressed that God is
0 0 0
ready to help today, too, if one,
UMA&-16 Unda
only asks and has faith.
Mrs. Elmer Sleightholm read
H* h Blood Press? scripture from the fourth chapter the Wingham Towne Players presented the 100 year history of Vwngham?
19 of Paul's letter to the Ephesians
and all sang "Onward, Christian Well, the Towne Players are preparing for yet another production In
thq late fall.
People", with Mrs. Garnet MA
Farrier organist. Mrs. Laidlaw
then read a story about a young
o Japanese minister who left the
city and accepted a two-point
charge in the country where she
found fulfilment in helping the
poor. As she ministered to the
people, Jesus' words, "If you love
Me, feed My sheep", were
alwa a resent In her — A
for the costing of
Mrs. Evelyn Gibl Lorne
There's no way of knowing by just looking. There are no Durnin, Ws. Dan Tiffin and Mrs. ®'A MURDER HAS BEEN ARRANGED'
symptoms, and even If you are calm and relaxed yon may still George Thompson sang "Breathe
have ft. Have your blood pressure checkedI by your doctor or on me, Breath of Life", with Mrs.
another trained health professional and follow his advice, Take Farrier accompanying. Twelve
the medication he recommends. answered the roll call by naming
a missionary and the country in
a play In three acts
High Blood Presfure whieh he or she serves. A thdnk-* Monday, September 10
Treat it ... and live. you note was read from Mrs. Ben a ptember 11 at 8:80 pill
McClenagban for a birthday gift. Tuesday, %
Mrs. ]Farrier thanked Mrs.
Groskorth for her hospitality and
IN" Winghom Town Hall (Council Chla)
closed the meeting with prayer. 1,P
The birthday tea,was then held. I