Stanley Township 1850 Return of Inhabitants IndexName Located in Book Number… Agnew, Henry 4 Aikenhead, John 6 Aineau, Jean Bt 3 Aineau, Magloire 3 Anderson, George 8 Anderson, Gilbert 7 Armstrong, David 9 Armstrong, James 10 Armstrong, William 4 Arwin, David 8 Avery, Nahum 6 Bannerman, Hugh 2 Bates, George 1 Beattie, William 1 Beatty, George 5 Bell, William 6 Bennett, Joseph 6 Beusjour, Jean Bt.3 Blackwood, Alexander 5 Bolloch, John 7 Bonay, Francois Heoie 3 Bonay, John Baptist 3 Bouche, Jean Bt 3 Bower, Michael 7 Bronch, Anthony 4 Brown, John 9 Brownett, George 4 Brownson, Daneil 10 Browrwon, Andrew B.9 Brush, Nelson 10 Butcher, David 7 Bysel, William 10 Calloway, Joseph 1 Cameron, John 7 Cameron, William 7 Campbell, Donald 6 Campbell, James 7 Campbell, Malcolm 10 Campbell, The Revd R. F 4 Carson, John 1 Carson, William 3 Castles, George 2 Cathcart, James 9 Ca[??], Andrew 10 Champegn, Joseph 3 Charette, Pas[??]et[?]3 Charnpegre, Pierre 3 Church, Dudley 2 Church, MrD 10 Cleok, William 9 Cole, Henry 1 Cook, John 7 Cooke, William 5 Coombs, James 7 Coriveau, Alixandre 3 Coupland, James 5 Crysler, Jermiah 4 Curbs, John 10 Curey, William 8 Dempseey, John 2 Doake, Samuel 2 Dokes, Alexander 2 Draney, Henry 7 Ducar, Robert 2 Duncan, Andrew 5 Duncan, James 1 Dunn, John 10 Duppee, John 10 Duppee, Sylvester 3 Elliott, James 9 Erratt, Isaac 1 Falconer, James 1 Falconer, John 10 Falconer, Robert 3 Foote, John 5 Forrest, James 8 Foster, Charles 5 Foster, John 1 Fraser, Donald 4 Fulton, William 7 Gelinas, Gladi 3 Genereau, Yesen[?]3 Gerirar, Joseph 3 Gibson, Robert 7 Gilmour, James 7 Glenney, James 1 Gordon, Donald 4 Graham, Creaton 9 Graham, William 8 Granger, James 3 Grant, Peter 6 Grant, Thomas 6 Griffin, John 1 Grigg, John 7 G[?????], Alexander 10 Haacke, Henry 4 Hannan, James 10 Hannon, Thomas 3 Harris, William 4 Hartley, John 2 Henderson, Peter 7 Hickey, John 2 Higgins, John 5 Higgins, William 5 Howard, Henry 2 Humprey, Francis 2 Jackson, Fortes[???]e R 2 Jackson, William 2 Jafroy, Bazil 3 Jafroy, Thomas 3 Johnson, Alexr 1 Johnson, Henry 9 Johnson, John 1 Johnstone, Christopher 2 Johnstone, Edmund 4 Johnstone, James 2 Johnstone, Thomas 1 Johnstone, William 2 Joshing, Henry 7 Keeter, Anthony 4 Keeter, Peter 4 Keys, James 9 Keys, Thomas 9 Keys, William 8 Laing, George 5 Lamby, William 5 Lamind, William 10 Leng, John 2 Lepecier, Alexis 3 Logan, James 8 Love, Robert 8 Macdonald, James 10 Macdonald, William 10 Martene, Francis 9 Mcalmsley, James 8 Mc Ash, John 5 Mc Cann, Thomas E.2 Mc Clinchay, Henry 9 Mc Clinchay, Robert 9 Mc Cloy, Archibald 10 Mc Clymond, William 8 Mc Connors, William 4 Mc Cowan, Alexander 7 Mc Dieamid, Donald 7 Mc Dieamid, John 7 Mc Donald, Donald 6 Mc Donald, Duncan 6 Mc Donald, Edward 6 Mc Ewan, Alexander 5 Mc Ewan, John 6 Mc Ewen, Hugh 7 Mc Farlane, Donald 5 Mc Farlane, Niel 7 Mc Gregor, Donald 7 Mc Gregor, Hugh 7 Mc Gregor, Robert 2 Mc Intyre, Thomas 8 Mc Kenna, Richard 1 Mc Kenzie, David 5 Mc Kenzie, John 5 Mc Kibben, Thomas 10 Mc Kinlay, Robert 10 Mclamsley, William 8 Mc Lean, Alexander 6 Mc Millan, Donald 6 Mc Naughton, William 5 Mc queen, James 6 Mc queen, John 7 Mc Tarvish, Niel 4 Mc Treer, John 8 Meilleau, Pierre 3 Mitchell, Alexr 1 Mitchell Senr., Alexr 1 Mitchell, John 8 Moodie, James 5 Moore, James 1 Moore, John 6 Morris, George 4 Mo[?????], John 10 Mustard Senr., Hugh 7 Mustard, William 6 Naughton, John M 5 Naughton, Malcom 5 Neiley, Hugh 8 Nichol, Frederick 2 Nieullieau, Melbere 3 Niven, Andrew 7 Noells, Thomas 1 OBryan, David 2 OBryan, George 2 Parkes, James 9 Paton, John 5 Perrin, Lawe 6 Pollock, David 10 Pollock, Henry 10 Pollock, James 9 Pollock, John 9 Rarnage, David 4 Rasch, Cristian 9 Rathwell, John 9 Rathwell, William 9 Redmon, John 8 Reid, Andrew 1 Reid, John 1 Reid, Robert 1 Reynolds, Daniel 1 Reynolds, George 7 Riley, John 2 Ritchie, D. H 1 Robinson, Charle 9 Robinson, James 9 Robinson, Thomas 10 Rodgers, Anne 2 Ross, Alexander 5 Ross, Donald 6 Ross, James 6 Ross, John 5 Rouet, John 9 Rouet, William 9 Sanderson, Christoper 10 Scotchman, John 8 Shanahan, William 10 Shaw, Charles 4 Shaw, Donald 8 Sheritt, John 9 Sherritt, James 10 Sidney, Algernor 2 Sim, Thos 5 Simpson, Thomas 8 Slack, George 2 Snowden, Robert 2 Sparow, W Richd 8 Stanbury, Benjm 6 Stevenson, Ralph 9 Stewart, Charles 2 Stinson, Andrew 1 Stinson, William 1 Stockdale, John 10 Swan, Andrew 5 Talbot, John 8 Templeton, Edward 9 Templeton, Hugh 9 Tomlinson, John 6 Turner, John 8 Turner, Samuel 1 Turner, William 8 Walker, James 8 Walker?, John 8 Wanless, James 5 Watts, Mathew 8 Williams, Patrick 9 Wilson, Thomas 3 Youll, David 5