HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-12-26, Page 9HELP WANTED---Dommber 26, 1978 --Parma l
Van Dy r HELP WANTED _ ___ __.-_ ,
Market PART TIME assW,snt � for FULL-TIME wort available. MODERN TWO bedroom a
Fruit Fordwich Village Nursing Home. Suitable for tlwae under age 3s. menu in Be ave; 1� seaaan s gr�� to all our BINGO
Phone Jean !gi ground flow. friends. Howick Lines' Burgo will be beld We would lite to express our VOLUNTEERS _
after SP.M.
Loughran -2168 Transportation can be arranged. front and rear entrances and Dr. and Mn. A. Razsck sincere thanks to Arnie Marie Orr WANTED
APPLES P. �-� Contact Brian's Poultry Services patio; stove, fridge, washer,, and on Friday, December 28, at 8:00
19,98 Ltd., Mildmay 387-2875. dryer, snow removal included. and family nodi to all our friends who were
py .... ...........13.11 boo , - 33� Phone 357-2939. Texas Hall admissionWxeter Community involved in giving to a Jack and Trsnapon H.B.C. p•gsnts too
Spr...... %so ONE PARENT family needs live -Regular
Jill shower. The event was much �a or doctor's oe f e. cies
700 in housek 19-22-2 W�ealt�h,Special;
2 again to rt�l••M pmd by N.S.C.
a w b"aI'N Pei' week, light days FULL-TIME baby sitter uk my Spec Share the appreciated. Thaats
HEATED APARTMENT near $160 on 58 calls; who participated and ConrsK,•t
only. Write John Peterson, RRsep2, borne for 2 boys, ages 1 Y COM1111G EVENTS ilZoa Ball i. atterided it. Yours sincerely, Irwin Joknolto t, Adminiownew
DRAPES arriving fresh Bluevale, Ont. and 3 years. Please contact Dr. hospital, available early Jams Door and Consolation Prizes. FordWiCh Vil
now till Christmas. Mary Ellen Eckert and
12-18-28 � Waters 357-1770. arY� APP1Y J. Meyer, 337 Mount STORY HOURS Ben Van den Brock Nursing Home
Pleasant Rd., Toronto, Ont. M4T
ZZ rrb Listowel Public Library Story CARD OF THANKS Tel. 3�-3� G8
FULL -TI 2C5. Phone (416) 487-7810. hours will commence with pre
TONY VAN DYKE ME Work available co 19 � -
AND SONS responsible person. Transl►�•ta- BABY SITTER in my own home school story for all four year olds The family of the late William JQ6n �. _
tion can be arranged. phone starting January 2, 1980. Phone THREE BEDROOM home be` starting Thursday, January 3, at Hawksbee wish to thank their
Atwood, 'h mile north of J 367-2675 Mildmay. 357-2481. 10:15 a.m. Saturday Story hour relatives, friends and neighbors AUCTIONEER r +'
Choose fact tween Bluevale and Wroxeter, for school age children starts, for the many acts of kindness
aY• 356-9006. 1x28-2�9 19-� recreation room, 2 piece bath,
Saturday, January 5 at 10:30 a.m. during their recent bereavement.
OPEN MON. TO SAT. interested in grooming hydro cost to be shared, rent $150 To register for either drop into Special thanks to the members of 323-2067 SPECIAL
WORK WANTED a month. References preferred. the library or phone 291-4621 after branches 259 and 307 of the Cana-
�9 to 6 and exercising two horses week- Apply to Box 2125 c -o The W' Stevens
Closed all day Sunday days. Write to Box B, The Con- WILL LOOK after children in my ham Advance -Times, c- Wingha g- 2:30 p.m.
than Legion and to the ladies of
- federate giving details. home, 1',e miles off number six. fit• "� 19-26 Christ Anglican Church for
serving lunch after the funeral FULL LISTINGS APPEAR Country Gold
highway on Ayton road. Phone 21 rrb FILM service. The IN CRJOSSROADS
323 2689. tae kind acts of sym- �f� �OCIIey
An invitation to join 33-2c THREE bedroom semi-detached Mondiy,December 31,1879 (New Paths will long be remembered.
home. Phone 821 eve ' Year's Eve) the film "A Christ- Margaret and Alex Hawksbee FOR COMPLETE ��
the satisfied -60* rings' mas C%rol" will be shown at the and family
policy holders FOR RENT 17 rrb Salvation Army, Listowel at 9 AUCTION SERVICE •
Brussels. HOUSE in Bls. Phone 357- P.m An offering will be received Many thanks to all good of $25, discount
OLDER HOME at 468 Elizabeth 5,12,19,26 friends, neighbors and relatives
Our agents will be pleased to St. east, three bedrooms, lyZ 311x' who visited, sent cards, flowers livestock, Farm during January and
quote on your baths, large eat -in kitchen, living 24 rrb BINGO and gifts while I was in Listowel Household Sales February on all
insurance requirements for town, farm and room and utility room. Also one Howick Lions' bingo will be held Memorial Hospital. Thanks also
auto. bedroom apartment with living NOTICE TO CREDITORS �1 dance occasions.
at 8:Conners, B. Neable and
n, Agent on Friday, December 28 00 to Dr. J. Ilu 323-2067
Jerome O'Grady, Agent Doris Landoroom, large kitchen and private .m.
291-2639 4710 or 291-3864. Shown bentrance. Contact Leon b ap- NOTICE TO CREDITORS
pin Wroxeter Community all nurses on second floor, also Phone 887-6159
291-1605 Hall. Admission $1. 12 regular the faithful postmistress, Mrs. evenings
pointment THOMAS ARTHUR TUCKER games for $10; 2 share the Struthers, The Rev. Fleetham
Elms Mutual
o Y
ALL PERSONS having claims
wealth; one $25 special; jackpot
and Mrs. Wombwell for their
against the estate of Thomas
$160 on 58 calls; purple ball $240;
concern and prayers. I wish you
Fire Insurance C
NEW THREE bedroom
Arthur Tucker, deceased, who
died on or, about the
door and consolation prizes.
all a blessed Christmas.
Mrs. George Ashton
tacked on Walton . north.
12th day of
Atwood, Ont. Tel. 2
Available immediately. Phone
November 1979, are required to
send full ps�ticulars of such
The Maple Senior Citizens
The family of the late Claude
claims to the undersigned on or
meeting Wednesday, January 2,
Witherow would like to express
before the 31st da of Janus
Y ry
1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Kin Senior
their si ncere appreciation ppreciation to
TWENTY INCH new colored
1980 after which date the assets
those who helped in so many
TV's, also new Hi Fi component
of re to will be distributed
having regard only to
ways during their recent be-
set, yearly contracts. -Phone
claims of
w,ned t•
Listowel and district immure
of their loving father.
contract wiring, heating, etc.
Clare's Electric
call 323.1SIS
Mount Forest,
no ice has then been re- - Special thanks to the Rev. T. J.
\ Modern Appliance Centre, 291 ceived. zation clinic —Immunizations Rees, Ross Hunt, the Hendrick DATED at Listowel, Ontariooffered: diptheria, whooping Funeral Home and the Letter
tf this 17th day of December, 1979. cough, tetanus and polio, Breen ladies who served lunch
ONE BEDROOM apartment, G • H • WARD
PRATT&JOHNS measles, German measles and after the funeral. Also for
mumps. Clinic held at: Health flowers cards and and P
central location completely Barristers and Solicitors generous A RT N E RS
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY P Y 41 Unit office at Listowel Memorial donations to the association for
vote, reasonable. Phone 1416 Box 10 Hospital, Thursday January 3, the Mental) Retarded and the
A 889-8.589, or 291-2906. Listowel, Ontario 1980 2-3:30 ' Y
Applications are invited for a position in the tf N4W 3H2 p.m. Sponsored by Heart Fund. Also a special Chartered Accountants
Solicitors for the Executors
Clerk -Treasurers office, ListOWAI. This is a full Perth District Health Unit. - thanks to the doctor and the 191 Main St., Mount Forest
time employment with bookkeeping know- ONE, TWO THREE bedroom 19'� 2EUCHRE Louise Marshall Hospital nursing uPhone 323.2351
ledge and typing essential. Applicants should and bachelor apartments, avail -NOTICE TO CREDITORS Listowel Agricultural Society staff. W. J. Aldersley, C.A. - Partner
give information as to qualifications, experi- able immediately. Owned and will hold a progressive euchre in L. H. VolleN, C.A. - Partner
p managed by Hallman Property IN THE ESTATE OF the Agricultural Hall, Thursday, K. L. Drier, C.A. - Manager
enee and date services would be available Management. Phone 291-1272, ELLEN CELLA) MAY Many thanks to Dr. D. Mow -
and submit it to the undersigned b 5:00 SMITH Jan 3 at 8:30 p.m. Admission El. bra and Dr. W. Tew for Mom's
g y p.m., 291-4548. ALL PERSONS have Y
January 14, '19$0. tf ng claims 26'2 and my care before I arrived.
against the estate of Ellen (Ella) MINOR HOCKEY Thanks to Dr. W. Tew, my dad,
ONE BEDROOM apartment May Smith, late of the Town of Association presents the Stan- the nurses on fourth floor de -
H. A. Fischer (AMCT) available January 1, stove, re- Listowel, in the County of Perth, P Y livery and four East at Victoria
deceased, who died on or about Lee -Cam Trio, for our dancing for caring for -us after I arrived.
Administrator frigerator, broadloom. Respon- the 16th day of November 1979, Pleasure at Mount Forest Com-
sible adult only. Phone 291-3150 or munity Centre, Saturday, Janu- Special thanks to Dr. D. Reid and
Town Of Listowel are required to send full parti- Dr. D. G. Brabyn and my nurses.
330 Wallace Avenue N. 291 3027. culars of such claims to the ary 26, 9 to 1.
tf Jennifer Black
Listowel, Ontario under -signed on or before the
14th day of January 1980, after
HOUSE located nine miles from which date the assets of the NEW YEAR'S EVE I wish to express my sincere
Listowel. Available Jan. 1. Phone Dance, St. Mary's auditorium. thanks to everyone for their
- 291-2918 estate will be distributed having Tickets available from Harvey cards and treats and visits while I
SAVE ENERGY! regard only to claims a which Y was a patient imSt. Mary's Hos-,A convenient listing of
1 notice has then been received. Moyer, 323-2966 and Mel Hoff- petal, Kitchener.
MOBILE HOME 12' x 60' located man, 323-1727.
/z mile off highway.Appliances DATED at Listowel, Ontario, John Rinn local businesses ready to serve sal.
PP this 5th day of December 1979. 32-3c
the ENERGY CONSERVATION people. and curtains included. In good
p p condition. Can be rented or pur- PRATT& JOHNS NEW YEAR'S EVE
chased. Can be moved next Barristers and Solicitors,
00 summer. Available immediately.DanceSacred Heart SchoolBox 10,
, , 10Kenilworth. Music by Bruce Listowel Furniture+�. ■ ,. Com U��E
�� Apply Wilfred Pehlke, Monkton Listowel, Ontario. McClure. Admission, $15 a U ' i.p s�sF�f�[ej�s
E tV s c O N °r phone 347-3934. Executor
3H2 couple. Advance tickets only. Refinishing
Solicitors to the Executor Tickets available from Leo Sch 175 Wallace Avenue North
ONE AND TWO bedroom apart- 12,19,22 Listowel, Ontario
� ■ s 1 P mitt, 848-5752; Leon Vandepas,
menta, utilities included in rent. 848-6537; Frank Epoch, 848-3511. Repairing + u (519) 291-3040
Apply apartment 20, 166 Egre- NOTICE TO CREDITORS
25-tfc DAVID CHESTER HOUSTON PAPER DRIVE will not be harmed by MacG i I I ivray & CO.
FOR ALL INSULATION NEEDS ALL PERSONS having claims Next Kinsmen paper pickup,
PLEASANTLY decorated, quiet, David Tuesday, January 8, begins at Our Process. MONTREAL
• ATTIC • FOAMED IN PLACE spotless apartments, heat and against the estate of CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS TORONTO
Chester Houston, late of the Vil 6:30 p.m. Please tie or box. ��� _���� HAMILTON TON
INSULATION WALL INSULATION hydro supplied. Lease required. Michael J. Hoyles, C.A. HAMILTON
Reasonable rent for quiet )age of Wroxeter, in the County of ST CATHARINES
q Huron anrovnce of Ontario, PORT COLBORNE
AUTHORIZED APPLICATOR OF td Province enants. Phone owner, Mr. Wil- CURLING 380 Wallace Avenue North 11STOWEc
son, 323-4014, Mount Forest. deceased, are r uired to send p ra y s I 26-tfc particulars of their claims, duly Anyone wishing to curl in the sec CRANE LISTOWEI, ONTARIO EDMONTON CALGARY
s■ verified to the undersigned on or and draw starting the first week 291-1251 VANCOU
Y 1 � E � f'.ifu'li-o
THREE BEDROOM apartment, before the 9th day of January, of January, please contact Joyce JOIN 1�E CROWD ■ l.0M
ALL MATERIALS CMHC APPROVED. I half block from Main St. Apply to 1980, and that after such date the Carr at 357-3035 before December A
Executors will proceed to distri- 30. SERVICE TRUST AND DEBENTURE
Box R The Confederate. bute the assets of the said estate, 19-22 CERTIFICATES
30-tfc having regard only to the claims
of which they shall then have had Milverton based, 5 ton, 12%EXPECTANT PARENT
Aluminum Storm Two BEDROOM house in Bel- notice. EDUCATION CLASSES reach with jib. Suitable
grave available January 1. Phone DATED at Wingham, Ontario The Huron County Health Unit for light industrial work, LES McKAY - 291-2960
Doors & Windows 887-9033. this 7th day of December, 1979. invites you to attend the Expect- farm buildings and elec- BE A REGULAR
Messrs. Goodall & Campbell, ant Parent Education Classes, trical installation. BLOOD DONOR LISTOWEL
Complete window ONE BEDROOM self-contained Barristers & Solicitors, being held in the Clinic Building, Reasonable rates.
replacements. apartment centrally located in P.O. Box 730, 261 Josephine St., Wingham, Wednesday, January;
Wingham, available immediate- Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0 9, 1980, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Sales and guaranteed g These classes will run for 8 Central Ontario WARD & UPTIGROVE
1y, fridge and stove supplied, Solicitors for the Estate
installation. parking; no pets; tenant pays 19-26-2 weeks. Metal and CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTSI
utilities. References required. Would anyone who is interested
Phone 392-6982 after 12:30 noon. please register by calling 1-8W Construction Listowel Ontario (519)291-30e0
22 rrb GREETINGS 265-4252 Toll Free or the Health 595-8245
Unit office at 357-2264. Both hus
335� 64 � We wish to extend Season's bands and wives are invited to
For estimate ONE BEDROOM apartment, Greetings and all the Best in the attend and participate in the dis-
cal) collect centrally located in Wingham; coming year to all the Benders, cussions. - J
McGrath Installations electric heat, fridge, stove and our relatives and friends in the 19M Spring Series will Com-
air -conditioning. Available Jan. area. Sincerely, mence the week of March 31, Farm Systems
RR2 Gorrie 15, 1980. Phone 357-3630. Otto and Kate Reitlinger 1980 '
19-22 Detroit. Michigan 12-19-26 Grain & Food Handling Specisiists
Call us now for a FREE ESTIMATE
291-1474 291-1729
The Township of Mornington requires an Office
Assistant, full time, for the clerk -treasurer's office,
Applicart[s— must have minimum grade "Ll
or equivalent. Typing proficiency requand book-
keeping training and/or experience desirable.
For further information and application forms con-
tact the clerk's office, Newton - 596-gg17.
Applications will close January'4, 1980 and duties
will commence February 4, 1980.
NEWTON 519-595-8182