HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-12-26, Page 4L
Gids- December 26,1979-
rmeIn Mitchell
with Acv. Maurice After the car to worship sadShe and her husbad fa
WL-DEW ELECTRIC LTD.Eduation board to spend t ,Yi�Sbewa�a FrancisofMoaoniciat�.ung..It Came Upon'the Mid -Interment
was at Munro night Clear" Mrs. Heinmiller led (formerly Watson Electric)
member of Tbamesview United cemetery. in Prayer$63,000
• Church and a life member of the The pallbearers were six--------#---- --------------
on t' United Church Women. grandam. Narum and Paul Mrs. Per(
She is survived by two BasoChesseil Y Gedcke read the ?
Bruce acld I1tiNlael Christmas story.
Ttie Perth County Board of take a look at Mr. Anderson's re- cost i1,4W will De kept, al John of Sault Ste. Mary, and Riehl, Andrew and Peter Laing. theme
4000on wilt spend approxi- P Norman of RR 1 FulLston
M�iy 865,000 over the next four �' with one television receiver and seven da ars, �. 1Nllllamgrandchildren,
rlhe rower bearer's were four `•G�eistmss infOther I,atdthe �s' was
Pole Line
Mr. Anderson pointed out to one VCR, at the central office. (Mary) a of Varna, Mrs Pauline Cleland, , Danny � Africa and Japan
• 7�m to supply all schools with Mr. McTavish that his report had There is a two year warrant P� they celebrate rebuild
Malec television sets and video Y Robert (Ruth) Laing and Mrs, and Debra Jefferson. the holiday but celebrations have
r ewd-playback equipment. been done at the request of the on the egy�ent. The average Gordon (Eva) LAing
finance committee. The board, length of equipment usage is five both of n° connection with the birth of or
It is hoped that the equipment he said, had la g Cromarty, Mrs. Bruce Christ. The meeting described
placed the purchase years. After the two ears is u U C W h a s
Will be installed in all public and of new y P, (Margaret) Cleland of Listowel, the visit to Bethlehem on Christ -
equipment at the top of its Mr. Anderson said it's anybody's new
high schools in the county by list. He said there was a danger Donald (Olive) Biebl of 13R mss Eve. '-
September 1980. b ng guess what will happen. He did 5, Stratford, Mrs. Charles ' ,
The total amount of of increased cost if the board de- say that the board's AV techni lLaura) Laforge of Windsor, and Ch rlstmas Mrs. Dan cease gave a read- construction .►�
equipment layed longer. clan would have been working nig �.� N
to be ordered includes 35 vitj<eo ng Mrs. William (Ina) Laidlaw of ■ fight He Came"
Mr. Thompson said the board with the equipment for those two ..
cassette recorders (VCR), 34 had fiver a� principle y � P Dorchester; 28 grandchildren meeting. A�''a�°'�� Hark the
color TV receivers, one color g approval in rind a ears and would be in a position and six great-grandchildren Herald Angola SYng" Mrs• Don
for the changeover to color to repair i).
video camera and a supply of She was predeceased by her Mrs. Gerald Kennedy was Gedcke presided for., the usual
tapes equipment. At that time, he said, When asked if an additional husband in 1968 and one grandson hostess for the December meet- business. The roll call was a gift
An amendment to the recom- the board had recognized the person would have to be hired to in 1976. ing on Wednesday of the Em- for prayer partners. 115 Fergus St. S.
mendation made by Trustee significance of the move. maintain the equipment, Mr. The funeral service was held on manuel United Church Women. Free �Estimatss
Chairman Michael Griffin said Anderson said not at least for the Monde Dec. 17 at 2 Lunch was served by the Mount Forest
Charles Gates that the amount of y, p.l o the Mrs. John Heinmiller was con 24 Hour
equipment be halved and shared the board was not at the benext two years. Heath -Leslie Funeral Home, vener. hostess,
ginning of the project but at the
Emergencyby schools was voted down. end Service 323-2755
Leigh Anderson, superinten- A recommendation that the
dent of business and finance, who video to libraryW C. Mann
had prepared the report, said in the film Ii- r
past experience with the black brary be further developed to M
and white equipment now used in Contain a collection of tapes dies a t 83dbye to
the schools had shown the winch could be used throughout Say Goo
the school system, was approved. W • Clinton Mann of Mapleton e r
sharing plan had not worked The equipment, manufactured Manor, Listowel died on Dec. 19
effectively. One of the biggest by Panasonic especially for at Listowel Memorial Hospital.
drawbacks he said was the school use, will be purchased He was 83.
weight the equipment. through TV Ontario. The two Born on Nov. 26, 1896 in Elma Helic) tSuperintendent of program options the board had to purchase Township, Mr. Mann was a son of a
Keith Thompson said timing was the equipment were: I. To buya the late Wellington Mann and his
also a factor to be considered in number. of units over a three or late wife, the former Priscilla Q77
the decision. Programs, basi- four year period or, 2. Com- Watson.
cally coming from TV Ontario, pletely outfit the schools im- He was married to the former, i
were broadcast. once and one mediately and pay for it over a late Myrtle Adams in Listowel
school would be missing out on four year period. Methodist Church in 1920. Mr. O-RliDA SUN IN
that broadcast. The four -year -lease -buy plan Mann lived in Elma Township all {
Trustee Bob McTavish reiter- was approved. Mr. Anderson said his life and farmed. He was a
ated his position when he said he he had spoken to the people at member of Trowbridge United
found it hard to consider this pur- Panasonic and they were plan- Church. STAYTUT
chase as an isolated incident. ning to give a reduction of 5100 He is survived by three sons, Our feature accommodation is the - -
At the November meeting of per VCR to TV Ontario so in fact Charles of Elma Township, Quality Inn Miaramar, a multi storey, _ _ va
the board there had been a re- the total price could be lower. Harry of Elma Township and first class inn situated directly on the
quest for another speech cirri. The color camera which will William of Listowel; four Departure 4 to a rm. 3 to a rm. 2 to a rm. singles
cion to be hired. He asked Mr. beach. Each room is well furnished with i
air conditioning, Date
him to present some kind of over
daughters, Mrs. Joseph (Ruth) colour TV, , g, prvate
Thompson if it was possible for Twp. Halerwich of Listowel, Mrs. ea. per ea. per ea. per ea. per
balcony and fully equipped kitchenette.
Wallace TStanley (Marion) Lennox of Jan. 12 -Jan. 26
all view of where money will r p. Listowel, Mrs. Graham (Ethel) There is a private pool, restaurant and t 14 Days $329.00 $349.00 $399.00 $529.o0
have to be spent. lounge as well as a small laundromat for
natives dies Geiger of RR 3, Listowel and � Feb.9
Mr. Thompson said it was diffi- Mrs. D. E. (Anne) Bennett of the use of guests. You are just minutes 14 Days $379.00 $419.00 $469.00 $719.00
cult for him to visualize the kind in Kitchener Wallace Township; 22 from golfing and tennis, shopping and a Feb
of report Mr. McTavish was re- p; grand PP 9 A�
children and 11 great- choice of restaurants are within easy W 21 Days $419.00 $469.00 $549.00 $899.00
questing. He said it would be in- As a result of an accident in Kit- s walking distance and the city bus stop
volved and complex to try and chener on Saturday, Dec. 15, Mrs. grandchildren. Jan. 12
He was predeceased by five at the door. A truly delightful place to 28 Days $449.00 $489.00 $549.00 $899.00
compare equipment and per- Norman (Hazel) Orth, 78, of Kit-
sonnel. chener died at K -W Hospital. rothers and four sisters. spend part of your winter.
Jan. 26
There were a few tense Born in Wallace Township, she The funeral service was held at 28 Days $499.00 9549.00 $638.00 $1059.00
moments when Mr. McTavish was a member of Redeemer 2 p.m. on Friday Dec. 21 at the Your driver escort will take you to
suggested the finance committee Lutheran Church, Waterloo. She
Robert Trench Funeral Home, Ormond Beach spending 3 nights going 0 Feb.9
Listowel. Rev. Ha Stevens and 3 nights coming. Accommodation 28 Days
was a daughter of the late George i'i`Y g 9• E
�•� 9569.00 9689.00 $1129.00
officiated. will be at Howard Johnson's, Cincinnati, Jan. 12
and Mary Jane McKnight. Interment will be at Woodlawn Howard Johnson's in Cartersville, Georgia L. 42 Days g�9•00
She is survived by her husband,. Cemetery.$649.00 $819.00 $1419.00
Norman; three sons, Bernard and Davis Bros. in Ocala, Florida. The
(Ben) of Toronto, Lester and The pallbearers were six balance will be at
Ormond. 0- Jan. 26
After Phili Halerwich, John Mann, Y ps ,are available,,-,�9, the ;; Jan. 12, 51439.00
grandsons, Gerald Thedorff, 42 Days $589.00 $669.00
Earl, both of Kitchener; two .; P Man side tri
Christ daughters, Mrs. Richard (Phys. Bradley Geiger, Bruce Bennett, vacationer, some, with our own buses 56 Days $679.00 ' $799.00 $899.d0 $1769.00
lis) Thomas m London, and Mrs. and Allan Mann. and others with Florida based companies
William (Erma Lauri) Osborne such as Greyhound. The hotel desk will RATES INCLUDE KITCHENETTES IN
Clearance of Los Angeles, Calif.; one sister, be happy to make these arrangements ORMOND BEACH
Mrs. Violet McFarland of Listo- Mrs, be for you.
wel ; and 12 grandchildren and
two great-grandchildren. dies at age 77
Starts Dec. 27 She was predeceased by two
brothers and four sisters. Mrs. John R. Jefferson of FLORIDA
The funeral service was held at Cromarty, died in Stratford '
Modern Redeemer Lutheran Church, GeneeaI7iospital on Friday, Dec. ••+� Waterloo on Tuesday, Dec. 18 at 3 14 after several weeks' illness. wimiftoAppliance
p.m., with Rev. Gerald Scholz She was the former Jeanette
• • #1 stet
officiating. The Edward R. Good (Nettie) Ringler and was born in
Funeral Home, Waterloo was in East Wawanosh Township on
„■ charge of arrangements. April 9, 1902, a daughter of the ntre
Interment in Woodland Ceme- late William Ringler and his late
tery, Kitchener. wife, the former Mary Wallace.
DEPARTURE 4 to a room 3 to a room 2 to a room 2 to a room singles
DATE 1 bed 2 beds 14 Days
14 Days Jan. 12 8 26
Jan. 12 8 26 Feb. 9 $379 ea. $399 ea. $429 ea. $449 ea. $639
�. % Feb. 9 $369 ea. $389 ea. $419 ea. $439 ea. $529 21 Days
\+ •
21 Days 99 Feb. 23 $489 ea. $529 ea. $569 ea. $5ea. $879
Feb. 23 $449 ea. $469 ea. $499 ea. $519 ea. $669
:ZQ 28 Days
vufr1%rt 7 radii 1,11a1111 me
Mrupernrne wq SM/
WekMon 881L0.35
28 Days
Jan. 12 8 26
Feb. 9 $539 ea. $569 ea. $609 ea. $629 ea. $869
42 Days
Jan. 12. 26 $659 ea. $739 ea. $819 ea. $849 ea. $1149
56 Days
Jan. 12 $849 ea. $919 ea. $1029 ea. $1099 ea. $1475
,%A 10 Pv c/Rc�F
TURES Deluxe
Motor Coach
1980 DEPARTURE AND PRICES Transportation;
Tours $Travel Ltd.
184 Main St. 117 St. Andrew St.
Mount Forest
323-1545 Mitchell
Write for Brochures or Call Collect for Reservations 348-8492
Jan. 12 b 26
Feb. 9 $629 ea. $669 ea. $699 ea. $759 ea. $1139
•42 Days
Jan. 12 8.26 $849 ea. $939 ea. $989 ea. $1099 ea. $1699
56 Days
Jan. 12 $1059 ea. $1179 ea. $1279 ea. $1449 ea. $2299
(IN Oc �� a
1 <_
Mid -Term Florida
We will whisk
you down to
Florida in only
2 days with an DEPARTS: March 15, 1990 RETURNS: March 23, 1990
overnight stop
in Chatanoogs,
INCLUDES: Deluxe Motor Coach Transportation, 8
Tennessee. On
Nights First Class Accommodation, Bag age Handling
the way home a
change on all included features of the Tour.
night will be
spent in Knox-
Escort through-
ville, Tennessee.
4 to a rm. 3 to a rm.
While in the
$275 ea. $209
STA'fE" werill
out; 13 Nights
4 to a rm.
3 to a rm.
2 to a rm.
First Class Ac-
and one in Ocala.
Baggage Handl-
ing; All Side
Jan. 12
$379 ea.
$429 ea.
Trips and Ad -
Jan. 26
$399 ea.
$419 ea.
$449 ea.
missions men-
tioned in itin-
erary; Taxes on
Feb. 23
$419 ea.
$488 as.
tion; Exchange
on all Tour Fea-
Tours $Travel Ltd.
184 Main St. 117 St. Andrew St.
Mount Forest
323-1545 Mitchell
Write for Brochures or Call Collect for Reservations 348-8492
Jan. 12 b 26
Feb. 9 $629 ea. $669 ea. $699 ea. $759 ea. $1139
•42 Days
Jan. 12 8.26 $849 ea. $939 ea. $989 ea. $1099 ea. $1699
56 Days
Jan. 12 $1059 ea. $1179 ea. $1279 ea. $1449 ea. $2299
(IN Oc �� a
1 <_
Mid -Term Florida
We will whisk
you down to
Florida in only
2 days with an DEPARTS: March 15, 1990 RETURNS: March 23, 1990
overnight stop
in Chatanoogs,
INCLUDES: Deluxe Motor Coach Transportation, 8
Tennessee. On
Nights First Class Accommodation, Bag age Handling
the way home a
and Escort throughout, Tax on Accommodation, Ex -
change on all included features of the Tour.
night will be
spent in Knox-
ville, Tennessee.
4 to a rm. 3 to a rm.
While in the
$275 ea. $209
STA'fE" werill
2 to a rm . single
spend five
$319ea. $419@a.
nights in the
Children under 12. 10 per cent discount when sharing
Orlando area
with adults where no extra beds required.
and one in Ocala.
IM1•'MV , �`��•wVl.rvrr.Yr•n,M.I1C .•/rh � 1�