HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-12-26, Page 228, 1970 —
Yellowgrass, Sask. arrived here a,skW hairdo. wedding day), !paving a frilling
&U11(inley de� in�s dt�fg " weekend to s'� tW 10 isal s. hMy as it wife- behind. ArA .limen — holidays with the latter's might have been but u big moment doesn't turn out w,be
Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert has its moments. It bascsetaidy
Moore all that terrific, ha, ha. The big to
contest election Harrison, MAncrieit and also ruoninR off to meet w pwfbct is of course Restricted en -
with her grandparents, Mr. and No. 10 (whose he W* IM on her tertainment.
Mrs. Dave Lennox, Listowel and
'Lae race for the federal other relatives.
seat.in tts�e• critic and public works
Huron -Bruce was thrown wide afte. —r and Mrs. Art Aldi ngton
Open this week by Bob The PCs are expected to hold a leavo Dec - 27 for Saskatoon, AtwoW
McKinley's announcement he nomination meeting early in Sask to spend the holidays with
will not st—k re-election. January to choose a new can their son-in-law and daughter,
didate. Mr and Mrs. Max Tryon and Mr. and Mrs. John Upper will of Guelph will be Christmas
Mr. McKinley, who bas held For the Liberals Graeme family. They plan returning Jan. spend Christmas with their son guests at the ,home of Mr. and
!ie seat for the Progressive Craig, the Walton area farmer 14. John Upper and family, at ming Mrs. Chester Earl.
Conservatives for the past 14 who was defeated by Mr. —Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood, ston. Mr and ldrs Norman CogW►n
years, cited the hardships of a McKinley in the May election, Bruce and Colleen of Schomberg Mr. and Mrs. Allan Harrow and Mr, and Ml's. Murray Coghlin
winter campaign coupled with has announced he will again seek pent Christmas with Mr. and George Stassam of Sudbury will and Scott, Catr
the strong Possibility of another the nomination at the Liberal Mrs. Clarence Sanderson. be spending Christmas with the and Mrs. Elgin . Carl McDonald
a of Atwood
minority government as two nomination meeting set for Jan. 3 —Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bed former's mother, Mrs. Williamand Mr. and Mrs Kim Bell,
!actors influencing his decision. at Blyth. well, London, Mr. and Mrs. Les Harrow. Cheryl and David of Wiarton win
During the course of his No date for a nomination Bedwell and Karen, Listowel, Christmas guests at the home be Christmas guests on Sunday at
political caree{ Mr. McKinley meeting has been set yet by the Mr. and Mrs. Dave Moorg of Mrs. William Harrow will be the home of Mr. and Mrs. Doted -
has held posts in the Conserva- New Democratic Party in Huron- Harriston, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mr. and Mrs. John Harrow, Paul CogWin at Fordwich.
tive party as patty whip, agricul- Bruce Kraft and Michael of Goderich, and friend and Donna and Debbie Mr. and Mfrs Walter Hohner of
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Turton, of Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Brad Kincardine visited on Thursday
Palmerston spent Christmas at Harrow of Kitchener, Mr. and with1Nrs.aser Dewarthe home of Mrs. Florence Mrs. William Harrow of Ilderton, MKDpnald -and family of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Harrow and and �' Jin Fine will
Palmerston. George Stassam df Sudbury,be Mrs. ChrC Claristmatke
with m -
and Mrs. Paul Clarke at Cam-
-Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Patter- Miss Jean Ballantyne of Listowel bridge. `
son, Kitchener, Mrs. Thelma and Mrs. Harry Gould of Kit- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lucas of
e rs o n s s Patterson, chener.
Preston Springs, Thunder Bays Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Cambridge and Mrs. Gertrude Mrs. Wilfred Ronnenberg of McCreight, Steven and SPcott of
Home, Listowel, visited with Mr. Hamilton is spending a few days Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gil-
-Mrs. Mary Wearring spent the Ill. and daughter Anne, a student and Mrs. Joe McCracken on with her daughter and son-in-law, bert and boys of Wartburg and
Christmas holidays with her son- of University of Western Ontario, Wednesday, Dec. 19. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bell. Miss Nina McCutcheon will be
in-law and daughter, Mr. and London Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dickson, Christmas guests at the home of
Ara. Norm Carson of Rockport as —Christmas guests with Mr. James and Darren of Wawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Lister McCreight.
At �� Ross Dickson of
well as Mr. and Mrs. Maurice and Mrs. Bill Sachs and family Calgary, Alta.
Irvine of Brockville. She will also included Mr. and Mrs. John will be spending Christmas with
visit in Scarborough with Mr. and Dragert and family, Frankford; their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- Seciforth principal
Mrs. David Livingstone. The Liv- Mr. and Mrs. Bevan Collins of Theatre don Dickson.
ingstone's youngest son Owen Arthur, Brian Sachs, Mr. and Cecil McCreight has returned will
flew to Cal home after holidaying Calgary, Alta., to spend Mrs. Archie McKechnie, Han- y ng for two
the holidays with his brothers, over; Mr. and Mrs. John Skip- The Capitol Theatre's weeks with Mr. and Mrs. James
Neil and David and sister Ann. jack, Hesson. P programming is a mite confusing Reed at Fort Lauderdale, Fla. PC nomination
—Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. —Christmas visitors with Mr. this holiday season, but stick with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Adams Bruce Shaw of Exeter has in -
John Coghlin, RR 2, Listowel and Mrs. William Speiran includ- it folks 'cause the line-up is just and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adams
during the holidays included their ed Mr. and Mrs. Don Vallance, plain terrific. are spending Christmas with Mr. formed The Advance -Times that
and Mrs. Jim Holland and family he will seek nomination as Pro -
family, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Cogh- Scott and Beverley of Brooklin, Boxing Day y gressive Conservative candidate
lin and baby, Erica of Galt, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Elston Speiran, Mr. Boxing Day night, Dec. 26, will at Cambridge.
feature the No. 1 Disney classic Mr. and Mrs. Paul Henderson, in the February 18 federal elec-
and Mrs. Wm. Petrie of Strat- and Mrs. Bradley Speiran all of Y tion.
ford, Mr. and Mrs. John Coghlin, RR 3, Brussels. Sleeping' Beauty for the early Bruce and Peter of Waterloo, Mr.
Jill and Jan of Listowel: —Mrs. Jean Tomlinson of Cam- show and another restricted and Mrs. Doug MacDonald, Alli- R. E. (Bob) McKinley of
o ram for the second showing
—Mr. and Mrs. Donald Nelson rose, Alta. plans arriving Dec. 29 � son, Jamie and Megan of Tavi- Zurich, who has represented the g stock, Mr. and Mrs. John Tite, Huron -Bruce riding in the House
and family of Mississauga plan to the home of her son-in-law and at 9 p.m. The second film will be of Commons for the paste15 years
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Starting Over with Burt Steven and Robbie of Sauble announced a few days ago that he
George Nuhn on Sunday, Dec. 30. Hickson, and will spend the next Reynolds, Candice Bergen and Beach, Miss Lois Henderson of
—Mr. and Mrs. John Krotz of two months here. Jill Clayburgh. Movie-goers London, Mr. and Mrs. John Pul of wouMr. Shaw
seek reelection.
should be reminded that these Cedar Springs, Mr. and Mrs. Les is principal of the
Waterloo plans spending New —Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnston Seaforth District High School and
Year's with the former's mother, and family spent Sunday, Dec. 23 are two separate shows with Henderson and Nathan of Sarnia
Mrs. Ralph Krotz. - with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hart- admission being charged' for will be Christmas guests at the a resident of Exeter where s.
—Mr. and Mrs. Percy Israel ung, Palmerston. On Christmas each. home of Mr. and Mrs. Campbell served as mayor for some years.
Sleeping Beauty with its Henderson. Thirty-seven years of age, he has
spent Christmas with their fam- day they were dinner guests at P g Y
fly at the home of Mr. and Mrs. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer delightful animation and won- Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Earl and served as principal of the Sea -
forth school for the past five
Cliff Israel and family of Arthur. Calder, RR 1, Wallenstein. derful music will also be featured girls of Owen Sound, Mr. and
Also visiting were Mr. and Mrs. --Christmas visitors with Mrs. at the Saturday, Dec. 29 matinee Mrs. Gary Earl and family of RR Years. Prior to that time he was
Allan Townsend and twin sons, Florence Dick included Mr. and and will be the only film shown 2, Listowel and Miss Mary Druar on the teaching staff of the South
Ronnie and Bob of Brampton, Mrs. Bill Smith and Jason of Kit- New Year's Eve at 7 p.m. There Huron District High School at
ill be no late show on New Exeter for eleven years. He is
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peebles and chener; Mr. and Mrs. Russ Dan- wmarried and has two sons.
family of -Ottawa, Miss Joyce brook, Jackie, Ryan and David, Years Eve guess the theatre It is expected that the date of
Israel of Brampton. RR 2, Atwood. people like an evening off as Kurtzville the PC nominating convention
-,Take Arends Jr. of Red Deer, —Mr. and Mrs. Alan Coates of much as the rest of us. g
Alta., is spending the holidays Detroit, Mich., visited during Starting Over received ex- will be announced shortly.
llent reviews following with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. ceg its
Jake Arends Sr., RR 1, Listowel. Frank-eoates, RR 1, Listowel. release earlier this fall. The story Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dietz
He returns by plane, to Western --Cathy Vollmer Kingston, is has Reynolds and Bergen _ .
breaking u their marriage attended the funeral of their /
Canada on Jan. 7. holidaying at the home of her g p g uncle, Milton Demerling in To-
-Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rode parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard because Bergen wants to get out ronto on Monday.
spent Christmas with relatives in Vollmer at Berndale Farms, RR on her own in a new career as a
Mitchell. 3, Listowel. After visiting here country and western singer- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gedcke
—Word was received of the she will return to university in writer (Bergen's wobbly version spent a weekend recently with
death of Mrs. Norman (Hazel) Kingston where she is presently of one of her own songs is one of Rev. and Mrs. Norman Gedcke at
Orth, Kitchener, on Saturday, enrolled in physical education the comic highlights of the film). North Branch, Mich.
Dec. 15 as the result of an acci- classes. Reynolds then meets Clayburgh Mrs. Eva Smith of Newcastle
dent. She died in K -W Hospital in —Holiday visitors at the home of Whose marriage has already spent a couple of days with her
her 78th year. Born in Wallace Mrs. Jean Ashley "included her dissolved. Hence the 'Starting mother, Mrs. Lily Smith and
Township, she was the daughter sons, Albert of London and Floyd Over' of the title. attended the' Christmas family 01
of the late George and Mary Jane of Kingston Starting Over will play the late dinner of the Smiths at the Legion
• ur friends are
models.of perfection.
In appreciation we send
thanks and wishes for
., shining, star -struck holidays.;
11arn n Motors
McXWght and the wife of Norm-
--Sue Audrey Boyd of Ottawa
show Boxing Day and run
Auditorium in Listowel.
an Orth, 68 Claremont Ave., Kit-
was a special guest at the annual
through Saturday. Starting Over
Mr. and Mrs. George Bartman
chener. Locally she is survived
yearly yuletide get-together held
is a Restricted film.
spent the last weekend in
by her sister, Mrs. Violet McFar-
at the home of Mrs. Jean Ashley.
Sunday night will see a triple
Frankenmuth attending the
land of Listowel. Funeral service
She also holidayed at Berndale
bill of Gumball Rally with James
Christmas concert at the
was held on Tuesday, Dec, 18
Farms, RR 3, Listowel prior to
Caan, Frisco Kid with Gene
Lutheran Church where they---
from the Redeemer Lutheran
returning to Ottawa. The visit to
Wilder and Harrison Ford and
have 'massed choirs sing. On
Church, Waterloo, with Rev. Ger-
the farm was a special treat for
Beyond the Poseidon Adventure.
Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Bart-
ince 1893. Neilson
ald Scholz officio �•
Sue as she had never been on a
That ought to satisfy adventure
man, Mr. and Mrs. William
has been committed
—Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Sharpe of
farm before.
Jonas, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dietz
duality This kind
Durham visited during the holi-
days at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
—Rev. and Mrs. Rea Grant, 150
As we noted earlier Sleeping
will also be the Saturday
and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Geiger
! of quality is yours to taste
Allen Colquhoun and family.
Binning St. W., Listowel enter-
tained the official board mem-
matinee feature and the only film
went to see the Christmas lights
at Simcoe.
today in any of the
—Mrs. Henrychinbein visited
hers at the manse recent! Thelake
showing New Year's Eve.
Neilson Famousicecreams.
during Christmas at the home of
hu son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
board met in the recreation
Edward's 10 — one that a Bot of
Mrs. C. P. McKee visited with
her sister, Mrs. Beatrice Clark
Clark -
They re available
and Mrs. George Gallaway, RR 1,
room, renovated by volunteer
labour from the
guys have been waiting for.
son on Monday who is a patient at
at your local Zehrs store
Wa -Zi pastorcharge a
Getting its title from the 1-10
the Brampton Hospital,
and other fine retail
and Mrs. Gary Carter and
Jennifer of Waterloo, and Susan
Y g ' olio ng,
rating system for females, 10
really stars Dudley Moore and
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Faust re-
Carter of Toronto visited during
attended by over twenty people,
Julie Andrews as his wife. But it
turned recent!
Florida. Y from a trip to
Christmas at the home of Mr. and
' coffee,
features the latest poster
Mrs T
assorted Christmas cookies and
Christmas cake.
phenomenon Bo Derek — you've
Mr. and Mrs. Arno Mansz
—Doug Fallis, a student at Fan-
—Mr. and Mrs. Ken Farrish
no doubt caught the stunning
visited with Mrs. Nelda Dippel
shawe College, London,spent the
and family, Kitchener, Mr. and
figure in the wet bathing suit and
last week.
holidays with his parents, Mr.
Mrs Don Farrish and fam'1 f
and Mrs. Jim Fallis, RR 3, Listo- Y °
� Oakville were Christmas Day
--Gerald Bradley, who was in- visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
jured in a serious two -vehicle ac- --Christmas visitors with Mr.
ddent on Nov. 8 is convalescing and Mrs Frank Kemp included
at the home of his father and their family, Mr. and Mrs. Greg
mother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Jarvis, Mississauga, John Jar -
ten Hamilton after being releas- vis, Calgary, Alta., Miss Daphne
ed from hospital in Nom Bay Jarvis, a studerit- at McMaster
and Kitchener -Waterloo Hospi- University, Hamilton, Ross
Kemp and family including
—Christmas holiday visitors Cathy, a student at Seneca
with Mr. and Mrs. Berrie Ham- College, Toronto, Jennifer and
mond included their sons, Barry Jeff of Stratford.
of Oakville and Don of Chicago, —Mr. and Mrs. David Millar of
Published every Wednesday as the big, action moss -country section
in The Listowel Banner, The Wingham Advance -!times, The Motmt
Forest Confederate and The Arthur Enterprise. Wenger Bros. Limit-
ed, publishers, Box no, Wingham.
Barry Wenger Pres. Robert O. Wenger, Sec.-Treas.
Display and Classified ad deadline —
5: 00 p.m. Wednesday, week prior to publication dpte
C&nadlan Community Ontario Weekly
I". I I I �, - ,. Association, Newspaper Assoc.,
Suite 304, 1194 Speers Rd.,
12 Shuter St. W., Oakville 8444184
Toronto 418 -308 -an
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