HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-12-26, Page 15r 11 1 ra me I 15 To AiF9ur Friends and Customers - from Management and Staff at ,' A STAFFEN"S RED ', A PENCIL-STORE Thank you for your Continua/ Support , and we hope 'to serve you even better , t _ United Co-operatives of On- million and stands at 72 per cent tario (UCO) had a sound business of the total business transacted yCOU* ear in 1979 with the total volume for 1979. We will carry our specials over from lastweek, as long a8 of salex < i es increasing 13.3 per cent_ Capital expenditures during F N quantities last. or ;49 million over 1978, to a 1979 were over';1Rmillmill ion con- ' rM Look for Instore Specials. record $418 -million, states the co- pared to almost i12 -million the • -;, J operative's annual report, previous year. This included con- by A.W. Stott , released Nov. 30. struction on feed mills in Wing- Perth County Ag. Rep. i The report indicates UCO's im-' ham and Peterborough, the pur- . pact as the primary supplier of chase of land and storage facili- various farm inputs in Ontario ties at Oshawa Harbour and con- E. L. Rothmel least two pounds of hay equh- Arboretum Centre. has expanded: the 1979 net sales tinued work at. the Windsor Grain Assoc. Rep. valent -100 lb. body weight daily. SHORT COURSES ' were four times as high as those Terminal elevator. In tact, ex- MASTMS CONTROL Deficiencies of protein, magne- Centralia is offering 17 differ - realized 10 years ago. eluding Windsor, a total of 74 en- Treatment of the In 1979, total assets also in- ineeri dry cow with slum and sulphur may lead to a ent short courses this winter. We 8 ng proj ects were under- a dry cow antibiotic and the depressed BF. Rations, consist- have brochures on hand. One can creased over 1978 b 23.4 dipping of the teat ends with an ing primarily of silage, may " be sent to you on request. y per cent taken this past year. In addition or over ;;i3 -million. Net savings to those already mentioned these approved teat dip, after each lower the BF percentage. " The pork seminars lead off the �_ were about .9 million, 37.4 per would include numerous renova- milking, are the essential parts of Feeding sodium bicarbonate program. Tuesday, Jan. 8 is the ' EN S sroitE Houas cent above 1978. tions on and additions to Co-op an effective mastitis control pro- (0.5 to 1.5 per cent of the grain . to Fri 9 a.m. tog Sow Herd Management Day. Sat - 90-m 0. m. to 6 P This SeSSIOn will cover ecoDO- FOOD M A K E T 5 LTD a m. complexes in the province, with a and a new stocker and feeder York and England conclude that vents the d:.,. � , from occur- mics, ��� control V�(�M-- ,1)Phone 323.2,30 combination of 104 retail branch barn at Rockford, near Owen the combination of these two TingThe Store where the Red Pencil helps sous you more" outlets and 48 member co -opera- Sound. ventilation and heating. ' ' practices reduced the incidence WORMS producer experiences will be part tives with 77 places of business. Other highlights from the of mastitis infection by 75 per :Just 400 blood sucking worms ST. MARYS MOUNT FOREST The member co-operatives have report: of the program. MITCHELL cent, and the incidence of clinical (not a heavy infestation) will Fier Pig Day follows on approximately 40,000 members Grain marketing volume was mastitis by over 40 per cent. draw a gallon of blood from cattle Thursday, Jan. 10. This program ' and UCO has. over 46,000 direct. not as large as last year, because It is recommended in the sur every month. To re lace°-' this members. The volume of busi- of a poor corn harvest in the fall ve that all quarters of all cows eight P deals with manure handling � Y 9 g pounds of protein are re- ness done by members with UCO- of 1978. be treated with an appropriate guired. It takes 40 pounds of systems, medications, the increased in 1979 by almost ;41- Interest expenses were a major antibiotic market situation, improving feed 1 preparation (prefer- grain and 80 pounds of roughage efficiency and ways to start 0 tAE M cost factor with a ;2 -million in- ably tubes) after the last milking. to supply this much protein. In feeder pigs. ., crease over 1978. The end of the teat should be dis- addition, appetite is reduced and Course fees are , A new Co -Op holding company infected •with alcohol before in- hence feed consumption, ;'1. A noon �; luncheon is available for $3. Ea called ,InTrade Inc. was formed fusion. Cows should be watched Therefore, it is not uncommon c by UCO, six American and four during the dr to improve efficiency by one course with registration a. . Barnar d'sCrest, nB Y Period but the P 9:30 a.m. and concludes by 4 p,m. , European co-operatives. InTrade teats not touched unless symp to a pound of feed per pound gain Partici is Inc., along with A. C. Toepfer KG toms of mastitis are resent. by deworming.In milk cows the Pio register ten of Hamburg, Germany has The treatment of al quarters, treated cows roduced 14,485 lbs. days in advance, either by created a new trading company at dr i milk con Atm8 the Centralia College r „ g P y y ng off, is based on the pared to 14,273 lbs. in Agricultural Technology or Hardw'are , called A. C. Toepfer Inter- following facts: the incidence of the untreated or control' group, phoning 228 -Ml 1 national. InTrade Inc. will own 50 any new infection is highest The gain, therefore, was 423 lbs. per cent of this new company during the first two or three milk in the treated group. v , ' with trading offices in 17 coun- weeks after the dry period. The Your veterinarian should be �:�►e►b:a.a�fo.�fui`.;! , tries; ownership in several deep infusion, at drying off, should consulted as to product usage and 1 water grain terminals and an ex- prevent infection from develop- dosage and his recommendations AUT6 i Perienced staff of 500 employees. ing. Approximately only one followed., Seven new seed corn varieties third of the infected quarters, GUELPH CONFERENCE were introduced this past BODY `a 1 p , year. during lactation, show clinical The OAC agricultural confer - VCO processed and marketed mastitis. Therefore, two thirds of encs will begin at Peter Clark t Fit 1 over 9 per cent of Ontario chicken infected quarters cannot be de- Hall on Thursday, Jan. 3. One + a s F Supporting these activities is the levels of antibiotics may be in- cations of current and 10 per cent of Ontario turkey. tested, unless tested. Higher session will deal with the appli- computer tech - UCO hatchery producing ap fused into the udder at drying off nology to farm operations. This SALE 9 1 . proximately 12.5 pe Eighty-five per cent -90 program will feature engineers, Ontario hatched broiler tchick a period. Ei ht fiveSERVICE s. per cent of the staph infections economists and representatives 3 Days - Dec. 27 28 29At year end, a patronage re- can be eliminated when an effec- of Canfarm, Semex and the On - turn of $1.3 -million in common tive treatment is given during the tario Milk Producers' Marketing ��.s shares was authorized by the dry period whereas the cure rate Board. ►a�`iur�`�'r4v`va R 1 UCO Board. is onlyabout 30 e AND per cent during Another session will be con- UCO is the largest farm supply lactation. Also no milk has to be cerned with farm water supply. 1 , and marketing co-operative in discarded. Topics will include availability of Ontario. It provides a complete Your veterinarian and you water, quality, hot water, con - Planters Planters & I line of farm inputs, including should set up an effective dry cow servation and decontamination. Estimates 11 For 0 1 feed, seed, fertilizer, petroleum treatment program. Friday, Jan. 4, will be devoted - a ucklow D e e o ra t�■ o n s Plant Hangers and hardware, through Co -Op LOW BUTTERFAT to tillage and related topics. Dis- outlets across the province. It Dairy herds with consistently cussions will focus on soil con- , , also markets livestock, grain and low BF percent often indi- servation, crop rotation, erosion 1/2'PRICE.1 poultry. sate certain mane ement or nu- control and the effects of machin-. O I tritional problems. Fat test ery.Davidson Less O , suffers when there is a high per The programs begin at to a.m. centage of fresh cows (6-12 weeks There is no charge for the con- Motors Ltd. ' i after calving) as the test is lower ference. Lunch is available for a early in lactation. Lack of exer- nominal charge. The Annual 1 cise enuld depress BF percent- Poultry Industry School will beMain - East Timex Wallpaper I age. Exercise will increase fat held in conjunction with the agri-Listowel , content to some extent without cultural conference. It's sche ■ -Si_, changing milk secretion quan- duled for Thursday, Jan. 3 at the Phone f Watches i n Stock -- - tity. Feed grinding or palleting, _ as well as fine forage chopping, 1 �Od dof0� tends to influence BF content. OFreezing or churning of the milk 25 O ' ; 25 O Off 1 frl¢ndsforlife. in older or malfunctioning milk un C 5t1'llcnon Less O , • . �...,, ,. „4 ., ♦ coolers can alter the samples W . `" used for testing, causing a large « USSMWVEL 1 Our Low, Low Price , drop in BF values. The overfeed6 - �► ►` ►'' :° ► . �: �a. e. w ' o ing of grain or underfeeding of "1-4115 forage lowers the all fibre over I All Hardware (Not Appliances) content. Cows should have at G SPICIALIIING THE IN: � ess 10% � � t SALVATION ARMY a New homes THRIFT SHOP 0 Additions arnar S r e Tues. -Sat. 9 am -4 pm • Renovations j CLOTHING, FURNITURE, 1 , ODDS & ENDS ardware "Come and rummage for � a bargain"For all your building requirements, Givew r via right-of."phone Unique Construction. between A S P and VictoriaMount Forest-- r andCvr.y Z91-4115 THE HEART FUND We pick up used furniture �����������r■������it.����������������������r� � CALL 291-2331 375 Boyne Ave. S., Listowel Child Tax credit reminder Recipients of the federal government's family allowances in Ontario will receive a special "reminder" with their payment this month advising them to file application for Health and 1 Welfare Canada's Child Tax Credit. The tax credit program, initiated last year, provides up to 1 $218 per child for Children under A 18 years of age, according to W.A. Wright, assistant director general with the Income Security Divi$ion of the department. W. Wright stressed that the f)tll benefit will be available tg families whose income during 1979 was ;19,620 or less. The benefit will be reduced by five Per cent of any inlome above this amount. _ A The Child Tax ' Credit was I . designed to redistribute social benefits by directing more help to lower income families. This year the Claim form for the Child Tax Credit will be included as part of the 1979 Income Tax Return _ package. �1� r�� .�, � • `� 4iM - .� �- , 1,t--71�1. r �..�, 9CC'�" S 4T-r�►":•T"� r.. t * , , �� An ,r.r :� �' :' y(' da � ./ n-" � 4-.•.-�• .ems ' - --•� • r••mtur tresrnon or nnount FOresf, the aunng a aance recital. The ballet classes held a recital for ballet instructor for classes held at the Wallace Township parents, friends and relatives on Wednesday, Dec. 19. In the Community 'Centre, assists one of her pupils, Cort Weber, background, other children go through their routines UCO has Banner (Banner Photo) year