HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-12-19, Page 2I A 1
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Par 2—The Winghan A&wwv 1uue.,. becembeir 19, 19".
7wishes totherate"yers
of East Wawanosh Township for
a Merry Christmas and a
Prosperous Now Year.
ill ` �iti '
�" �
East Wawanosh Grade
Gre;1" Wn
brought aw Ise year. I have had
Reeve Simon P. Halloha6
&M 0 commercial 00111tivVY, it is
10ft Of foal playing With UWM. I
lowed by prayer and the bme&,,
the birth of their Land and
Ralph Campbell
brother would like a bike. I will
hope you and Mrs. Santa am well
Dear Senta,
and everything good
Jack Currie
December 5, 1
Dear Santa,
leave some cookies for you and
your reindeer.
and happy.
This year I would like a baby
My name is Greg Deyetl. I have
for -christmasl
Donald Dow
Thank you for the toys you
brought me last Year. I have had
Your friend,
Jordan Guy
call Tear Drops and a doll
carriage and my sister would like
been good. I Would like Speed
burners, chas cross crash nkft,
Iffianks fronn us to
Neil Vincent
lots of fun playing with them. I
a toy Santa like you. And I will
Star Wan figures and a Mickey
Winona Thompson
hope you and Mrs. Santa are well
Blyth, Ont.,
leave some cookies and nfflk an
Watch and some creepy
Clarence Hannaandtr
happy. This year I would like
Dec. 5,1979
the table. I would like an easy
crawlers- How are your elves'P
a aluport truck, airplane and
Dear Santa Claus,
bake oven.
tram ad. My sister would Mw &
Thank you for the toys you
Your friend,Greg
bake ovenand a doll. I will leave
brought me last year. I have 4ad
Dianne Black
Dew Santa,
some Milk and cookies on the
fun with them. I hope you and
I would like an Evil Keravel
Wingham, Ontario
table for you.
Mrs. Santi, and the elves are well
Belgrave, Ont.
Jump -set. I also would like an
Your friend,
and happy.
Dec. 5, ign.
Evil-Kennivel, book mW a Mouse
Scott Jessup
This year I would like a Barbie
Dear Sant,,
watch. I hope Mrs. Claus cooks
doll, Baby a live, and Baby wet
Thank you for the toys you
you a good dinner Santa.
EV.P.S. Ont,
and care. I will leave some milk
brought me last year. I would like
Your friend
Dec. 5, IM.
and cookies on. the table for You-
babyalive and Terri Trike and
Dear Sdbta
Merry C%ristmas.
-also play dough barber shop. I
Dear Santa,
I liked your toys you bright me
leave some milk and cookies
My name is Brent. Thank -you
last year This I would likes
lei �
Heather Campbell
down stairs on the bar.
mI would likets
for y Presenlad year. This
- - - for
Your friend,
year a camping jeep,
I will leave you some milk
Carol Hopper
a jeep that changes fires and a
cookies and for your reindeer I
Belgrave Ontario
TV van. I will leave you a square
will leave some carrots too. And
December 5, 1979
Wingham, Ontario,
and a glass of nu&.
-this year I would a survivor game
Dear Santa,
December 5, 19M.
Your Friend
and Tobo and best of all I would
Thank you for the toys you
Dear Santa,
Brent Merkley
like Star Wars.
brought me last year. I have had
Thank you for the toys you
For my brother he would like
lots of fun playing with them. I
brought me lastI have had
some Super hero, Superman Rat-
hope you and Mrs. Santa are well
lots of fun playing with them.
man and Robin too. And Corey
like, laizor
This I " like a fumy
I hope you and Mrs. Santa are
Uuxe is strong, Still the maten-
alistic side seem to be waning
would a and a pony.
* ...........
And I ' would like a horse and
puppy, barber shop and I well
This year I would like cross
and the younger generation is
some lego-
leave some milk and some
country skis. My Mom would like
showing a tendency to come to
Your friend,
grapes on the table for you.
cross country sins too
grips with the deeper signifi-
Jeff McKee
Your friend,
I will leave some cookies and
canoe of Christmas.
Bmt wishes for old fashioned
Jennifer Procter
milk on the table.
Mrs. Cadtes conchi&d with a
reading from the Observer,
C!kfbdmm joys.. .,and thank you for
Belgrave, Ontario,
December 7,1979.
Wingham Ont.,
Your friend,
Krista Bridge
'Christmas Up daied" and all
Dear Santa,
puled m singing another caroL
the pleasure and privilege
Thank you for the I&. L"v 6 6
Dear Santa,
E.W.P.S. Ont
An enjoyable social hour mi -
Of serving You, our valued friends.
you brought me last year. I had
Thank you for the toys you
Dec 5,1979.
chkied a dainty lunch served by
fun putting Luke Skywalker and
brought me last year. I have had
Dear Sant,,
the hostess.
Hansolo in it. This year I would
hm playing with them. How are
your reindeer and Rudolph? I
I liked your toys you brought
k4aythe, magic. nd my'st"..
a Star Wars law gun.
lastyeara his year
a Merry Christmas.
I hope you and Mrs. Claus are
hope you and Mrs. Santa are well
a Laizor ChristmHave
stmas Wrn bri0hii0le
from the staff at
I wifl leave some milk and
This year I ,old like a race
track and a L. 2,, I will
yQu milk,
for your reindeer I wffl leave
heaft. let
cookies you.
your friend
leave you milk and cookies.
some carrots too. And this year I
wold'We a survivor game and
residential design
E. MacTavish
Ben Barnes
tObO WW best of all I woold like
architectural drafting
thanks trim holldqy
Brad Qhiall
proiect management
Wingham, Ontario
star wars.
Wingham Ont. For my brother he woad like free estimates - no obligation
Dec. 7 1979 - Wingham, Ont., some super hero, I, j: P . .. an, bat- SCHAEFER RESIDENTIAL DESIGN
Dew Santa, Dec 5, 1M, ' Man' and robin too - And Corey LIStOWEL 291-1449 STANDARD
Thank you for thetoys you Dear Santo,brought me last year. I would like Thank you for the toys would like a laim and a poney,
- - brought you And I would like a bor-- and TRUST
a puppy in a one with blankets me lad year. I liked some lego.
and a &H, super mouse, and utiern. I hope you and Mrs. Santa Your friend
record Player, and some books, an well and happy. For Christ- Jeff Uckee
and Disaster and a Brktro6m. mar. I would like a carriage. -I am
I will leave some nulk and going to leave some cookies and
cookies on the table for you. milk and I some lettuce. My Belgrave, Ontario,
yourfriend, brother David would like Star December 5, 1979.
Dear Santa,
Kthi Newell Wars and my brother Jason I would like a fuzzy. Bak pup.
would like Star Wars. please fill my stocking with a CONOP
Wingham, Ont., Your friend, little treat and alittle toy. I want
Dear Santa, Dec. 5, 1 1 979 Debbie Paul some more toys. I would like The
barber shop and a bake oven and ME
Thank you for the toys you Bdgrave, Ontario, one more thing and that is a little
brought me last year. I had lots of December 5,1979, elf that is alive. Like Holly.
fun with my dishes. I hope you Dear Santa, I Howis Mrs. Santa and the rein -
theMm. Santa, the elves, and Thank you for the toys you dew and the elf.
the indeer are well and happy. ouglo melast year. I have had Your frimd,
This year I would Me Pay Day, kits of fun playing with them. I Melinda Hulse}
Big Deal. and a Barbie Perfume S
I wffl leave you some milk and
cookies, and apple and for Ru- and
dolph a Carrot.
Your blend, aPanese Chnutm'as
Tricia Daer
� Christmas
Belgrave. Odai;ro, described to UCW'
Decembers, 1979. AMA
Dew Santa,
Thank you for the " you BlarRAW'— The Christmas The minutes were read and
broillght me last year. I have had meeting of the afternoon unit of members m*Wetl to saw their
job of fun playing with them. I tbd UCW was held at the home of used stamps. It was decided to
hope you and Aft. Santa we well the 1, ", r Mrs- Cecil C4X*ft On hold the nod meeting the second
and happy. This year I would like TuY.'bec. 11. Mrs. Coultas Monday in January.
the barbie perfumel"maker and A W Praient, especially NIM Ca*m began the steely
maybe a new pow of mittens and those hvm the Presbyterian period with this thought, "As you
my sister would like wet and are VFW who were invited guests. ponder the numMing of Christmas
also some mit" please.She � - , , 'w'i , i i ' . I with a rte,go back to *the first one As we to's
I will lea" y6a a brownie and of the ChrWanas share the joy of Mary sod Joseph to
some cookies apse some milk. Rom" in the birth of a un, she said, let
me" Christmas. N Wdtiam Fenton was In us not forget God who mew Wm.
Your hvbd charge of the worship service Cloomder the aguW our heavenly
Christine Dobell which she spaced with a poem, FatbW must have P. n 'm ed know,
"For you at Chrbitmu", followed jog the life 4d sacrifice that he
E.WPS.. Ont., by the bynm "Glory to God in the had a" him to endure and the
Dec s, im Fligbest" and Orayer• tregaft to fenow. This Christmas
Dear Santa. Mrs William Black read scrip- let us not forget God the ft6w,
Thank you for the toys you tune from Luke- "Home for but thank Elim with rmewed love
�: - �,,' "A
Oroes�st me I year. I have bed Ulrvtmas was the them for HIS low for a n Coe Fn 09 we
CAmW91ing I= kmw&d Vvith h4vIlidam lots of fun with my Record - -Y mws- Fanum tAw 0i baby Jesus. All bowed in a mom -
player. I hope ym and Mrs Santa the most , - i I dings about eat of silent P sy.r.
t, asures and p&Awwwrcs fcvr &H are well and boW. Christmas, sbe ssK is the way 4Tkt"&1W Japin's B42M The staff at the B eig rave Co-op Mould 111w lo wish you and
err b4cmds. With was-= Cbcmgbt_% I would like Ronald McDonald lmdIlles rove to be together. But NoamindW'was the subject tar yam a Merry Christmas. (Front row left) Jim.Neilmans,
doll and Huggy Beerfor aiany Inift peq* there is no the boaWomp of the study an
Allan Campbell, George Johnston. Barb Black. Merrilyn
of you we %" tiumiks. yowl *1 .1111oline 11w Forthe Japan JopwNbe spend millions Black, and Jeff Hurst. Back Allan Walker. Bob Shetler,
Karen Prater m0oaii; of families suffering an g0ts, deo 1 111 s and food
free 111111111119W and ma' . I then go to work as MEW when the Wug Lazenby. and Bevan Tiffin.
NwMw•S MEWSRi�aa' 00. thee Is =joy ri"m & for Chday coawCWisltinas is a buni-
n P r P her S. 1971. less we bring the true meaning of was as well! as a season to be
Dewy Sada.
Thank you for the toys that you
gtvlog and anormn to our fellow
JNW. 10 the 0111111,1111110 1011 P
Cbrbdame Ckletmillill is am
brought aw Ise year. I have had
Fera* CONS were K each fol-
&M 0 commercial 00111tivVY, it is
10ft Of foal playing With UWM. I
lowed by prayer and the bme&,,
the birth of their Land and
11W rw and Mrs Sana we well
bon. ChrOtmes carob were sung
Saviour- Japanese - A P cart.
and hq",
at intervals throwo this uwxk&-
tilaag to we the oecaaioe to "
W -01w" 357-2711
I wvdt like a toy truck and my
do mennew amen but remb,-