HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-12-19, Page 19f
Recreation Report MinnrhThe W Advanes.Tir�, D 0.poOC @ T
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The Christmas Program will soon be here, so ,Hoke plans to attend for
theProgramsofthe s Poll wa Memorial A►eno during th,s roectsAll meter � collected
season. The program is as idlows: sloe �' this wok will >Po to Cystk Fibro-
The Wingham Minor Hockey Ultimately revenue should '� SPonscred by Wince KinsAw.
I�ujtLjK SKATMIGt Association is on the lookout for cover half of the o meeting with ideas for fund- HockeyTournament. Twenty-
- Friday, December 21 funds' which include building ]dt00and� ram Projects. nine of the 32 teams are already
Saturday, December 22 1.00 - 4:00 P.M. tning Projects to help it
2:00 - 4:OQ p.m. meet the increased costs of machinery maintenance and (1ne suggestion was that more registered, Brian Elmslie
Sunday, December ?3 7:00 - 8:00 m. runnuig its Programs next year. staff wages but not the, so children from around the area
Monday, December 24 P' As Y � could be drawn into the reporttad, �� that � A
Tuesday,1:00 - 4:00 p.m. group it must realize it directors salary, he said, category has been dropped to
December 25 needs to raise mons to k we're still a was below that. Programs, however Ken Wood mate room for a D
- Wednesday, December 26 CLOSED Y eep Y classification, x
1:00 - 4:00 p.m. operating, President Doug Neil That's why we keep raising the commented he feels the which will draw in more local
Thursday, December 27 "
Friday, December Popularity of hockey is declining. area teams. The tournament will
r 1:00 - 4:00 P'm• told members last week. He rates.
noted increased ice rental fees The portion of costs not When We played hockey there be held March 14-16 and 2x23.
Saturday, December 29 1:00 - 1:00 p. m. will add up to an additional ;2,500 covered by revenue is paid by the wasn't a hell of a lot else to do in Plans to hold another Minor
- • Saturday, December 29 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. next year and program fees can't taxpayers, he noted, and council winter,', he remarked, while now Hockey Da next s
be ex there are hardly Y PrmB were
Family Skating Party Petted to cover it. doesn't want the arena budget Y enough days in discussed briefly, but � date has
6:30 - 8:30 the week for children to take
_ Sunday, December 30 p.m. Ice rental for minor hocks is going up if it means an extra
6:30 - 8:Q0 P.M.going up to t12 Y part been set yet. It was suggested the
Monday, December 31 per hour from liability to the town. in all the activities offered. day could be held after playoffs
` 1:00 - 4:00 m. ;8.00 this There's not as much road are completed as a
Tuesday, Jontrary 1 P• year. Rev. Barry Mr, Passmore said the board
1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Passmore, a member of the has checked with other towns and Y played y P y grand finale x
Wednesday, January 2 hocks la ed today either, he to the hocks season. Corning Yom'
r- 1:00 - 4:00 p,rn. arena board, explained to found that even at ;12 the ice noted, and Mr. Neil said the ef- way with wishes
` During this festive season,the WI association members the in- rental is quite reasonable. Public fect can be seen in the hockey
n9hom Arena Board will be hosting crease reflects a desire to make ice rental will go for $30 an hour Programs. for your favorite{ kind of Christmas• y
2nd Annual Family Skating Party, Saturday, December 29, 6:30 -
8:30 p.m- The theme for this party is "Farewell to Centennial". Prizes user fees cover a larger portion next year, and one hockey team "You can't teach hockey in two
will be awarded for: of arena operating costs. from Michigan which recently hours a week, no matter how Mitchell beats Thames to our
• The Youngest skater in costume Last year user fees covered visited the area reported it pays good the coach is," he declared. he@ilk%@@s 6 2 favorite friends!
• The most colorful family in costume only about . one-third of the ;68 an hour for ice time back In other business at the -
e The most original costume overall operating costs of about ;37,000, home.. meeting members heard
he noted. This per- g» ... .
There will be free hot chocolate for all skaters. Yea' the Mr. Neil agreed the raise isn't arrangements are well underway The Mitchell Pee Wees came
A final celebration for Wi g y tentage is f i about 40, with beyond reason, but noted It for the 1980 Wingham Midget out flying Thursday night in the
to greet the New Year. ttghom'a Centennial and a delightful way revenue of ;15,800 and ex- represents an extra cost of ;loo a Wingham arena and defeated7
Penditures'of 40,000 anticipated week to the minor hockey Wingham 6-2. This contest was a
by Year end. association, mons which must Juvenile team pleaser with fast, end- w
• Y real crowd-
rime from somewhere.to•end action. The game featured,
A Yw�iC "I don't like it exactly, but the reviews progress lots of good plays by both teams
m minor hockey executive is a and only one penalty.
fundraisingbody," he com- Ten games into the season the
Y,' Wing�tam Juveniles have five Jamie Robinson opened the
mented, noting that registration scoring for Wingham at the 55-
9A fees can't be raised further since losses as against three wins and second mark of the first period, Lytta• Hoy Enterprises Ltd.
ir�lthey are right in line with those two ties. With six games left in banging in his own rebound with
charged by other towns. the schedule, Mount Forest
` seems to be the team to beat thus 8° assist d the goal going to . e6 E. Winghom 357.3435
He asked members of the Robert Leedham. With the score
group to come to the next Year in the Juvenile league. tied at one, Todd Stainton scored
The first game of the season an unassisted goal at 6:18 of the
B" M�Cwas in Kurtzville and the boys first frame.
there were too much for the
Recreation Report Wingham lads, coming out on topThe balance of the scoring -was
BY Ri NNiE ALEXANDER of a 5-3 score. The next game was all Mitchell, as their goaltender
Rec. Director _ very close, with Arthur coming thwarted one Wingham scoring
! out on top of a 4-3 decision. Mount opportunity after another. Final
Anyone wishing to rent the Forest showed Wingham it score in the well-ptayed contest =,CH.R,1-ST
arena during the Christmas meant basiness by downing the was Mitchell, 6, Wingham, 2.
season should contact the local team 6-3. (Ehr-stma
recreation office, 357-1208. The first win for the Wingham ICE CHIPS—Tim Brown didn t g
u During the Christmas holidays, team came in Harriston when the lit the score sheet in the game,
the Lockridge Memorial Arena boys skated to a 6-3 win. The next but he played one of his finest nA
will be open for public skating on game was also a win, as the boys games of the season. Brown and rSP.ECI C
the following days and times: outscored Kurtzville 8-3. Grant his linemates, Doug Stephenson
Friday, Dec. 21, 1-4 p.m.; Satur- Gnay and Paul Cook both got hat and Dwayne Jenkins, had
day, 2-4 p.m.; Sunday, 7-8 p.m. ; tricks in that game. numerous scoring chances but As the
Monday, 1-4 Christmas Listowel came to Wingham couldn't beat a hot Mitchell
Day, closed; Wednesday, 1-4 Dec. 2 and travelled home with a goaler. shivery sounds
P.m.; Thursday, 1-4 p.m. 6-2 win. A week later Milverton '
24 HePe Friday, Dec. 28, 1-4 p.m.; came to town and Wingham put of Chr. btimas
Saturday, 1-3 p.m., 6:30-8:30 p.m. out a good effort to win 6-2. Then
Family Skating Party; Sunday, it was on to Arthur Dec. 10 where No fosse l hC1181d 8 glorious •�
r I, 6:3� p.m.; Monday, 1-4 p.m.; the Wingham team set the pace
Tuesday, 1-4 p.m. ; Wednesday, 1- throughout the eiatire game, only
�a l8
4 p.m. to have Arthur tie up the score 6- Ost W@@k
n, We pray
CAT Please note there will be no 6. December 14 the team was off C
_. yours Will be rich
/ figure skating program during, td Ad1verton, wfiere once again it `There were no. losses. t6l - -•With- h8 M -
PFY ofaat`ats.�
�-- - the ,.Christmas season on the set .the pace but allowed Howtek this week•as the Squirts _
following days: Monday,Dec. 24 �Milv9tton to tie 5-5 late in the tied Wallace 4-4, the Pee Wees Thanks to all. Wednesday, Dec. 26 Saturda third period defeated Clifford 4 2 th
Y, , e Ban- l
Dec. 29, Monday, Dec. 31; Wed- Last Sunday Mount Forest mos also tied,3-3 in their game -
nesday, Jan. 2. visited Wingham and outplayed with Ripley and the Midgets
Any person ,playing minor the home team to the tune of an bombed Teeswater 11-0. Jamie
hockey should note that all 11-3 win. Although Wingham did Baker scored four times for
games and practices are can- not look too impressive in this Howick in that game... The
celled on the following days: game it has certainly been Juveniles scored a 4-3 wi4ver
Tuesday, Dec. 25, Thursday, Dec. playing good hockey. All Hensall.
NOW , 27, Friday, Dec. 28, Saturday, membgrs of the team deserve '_R
Dec. 29, Tuesday, Jan. 1. - honorable mention and the Upcoming games this week LeRoy Jac"
Remember the Second Annual Belgrave players are definitely have the Squirts playing Clifford
New Year's Family Skating an asset. Many thanks to Billon
O° Thursday, the Bantams vs. HEATING, PLUMBING, TINSNIITHING
O� Party will be held Saturday, Dec. Kerr for his help in getting the Mildmay on Friday at 7:30 and
29, 6:30-8:30 p.m. The theme is team organized and the use of the Midgets taking on Ripley at 9 Josephine St. Wingham 357-29U
`Farewell to Centennial'. Prizes Midget players. p.m. Friday. The Squirt game
will be awarded for the youngest As Harriston has cancelled out starts. at 6.
skater in costume, the most of the league there is no Squirt tournament action
colorful family in costume, the scheduled game until Jan. 6 when starts Saturday at 8 a.m. and •_ :
most original costume overall. Listowel visits Wingham. The carries through until Sunday •• '••'•••'••• =•• -•• �•�'•••'•••'•••'
LOADED .. .. .. .. • .. • .. • .. • 1. • /•
There will be free hot chocolate team is playing good hockey and evening. Tickets are still • ' • ' • ' ' ' • ' `
WITH •:=:::•::..• •..:..:..:..:.
f1399or all the skaters. Come one, it is a shame not more people are available for the game Saturday, •� •' ��
come all for a final celebration of at the arena to see them. The Dec. 29, when the Howick ' • • •' • •' a
Wingham's centenary and a players would certainly ap- Midgets play the Vojens, Den- ••! ;:.'
delightful way to greet the new preciate more support. The game mark, team. Call 335-3277, 335- •
year. Jan. 6 will start at 8 p.m. 3302 or 335-6157. �•1R•:
No interest till Feb/'80 when you buy
any new or used snowmobile from us.
'74 Polaris Colt 295
'72 Yamaha 292
'77 Ski-doo Elan SS 294
'79 Cross Country 440
'79 Pantera 5000 c/w gauges
'73 Sno Jet 338SS
'79 Ski-doo Blizzard 5500
'72 Boa -Ski 340
'73 Ski-doo Elan 250
'79 EI Tigre 6000
'76 Ski-doo Elan 294
'72 Puma 340
'76 John Deere 400
'72 Sno Jet 396
'76 Panther 4,000 A-1
'79 Trail Cat 3000
'73 Alouette 340
'73 Johnson 30 H.P.
'72 Ski mule 340
'79 Jag 3001
'78 EI Tigre 5010 A-1
'76 Skiroule 340
'79 John Deere
,Trail Fire 340
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Nappy New Year
from the management and staff
Just say charge it on your Mully Gully account
Mon. • Fri. 2-0
Set. 0-5
Sun. t•3
462 -SAN - 331S
PINBALL RAFFLE—Lion Andrew Rlskes presents Calvin Nixon of Wingham with a
brand new pinball machine. Mr. Nixon won the prize, donated by Warren House -Radio
Shack, through a Lions' draw.
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