HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-12-05, Page 3U
BUY BY PHONE—Larry MacDonald, Murray McLennan, Dale Helbein and Bob Craw-
ford of the Wingham Kinsmen Club were busy taking calis for the radio auction on Mon-
day evening. Standing is Stan Chadwick.
Sale ends December BID, 1979
Items reduced in price return to regular
prices at the end of our sale. Specially
W?ap up yocvc
20 Plain v I FLsue christmn Tree
assorted colours.
5641-674-40 Our
Only Price UU
s,+• 19
t a'
0 solarn
Turkel►/Roast Litter 55 .� Make -UP
Ideal for turkey and roasts. Adjusts to fit MIPPOP
pan size. 4110-857-12 Our rep. Two swivel mirrors regular and
Price 3.19 magnifying, up front on-off
switch 3860-940-12
Roaster ! to iter M 22'Pricle3i.95
Oval shape with built-in gravy well. Fine 37
quality blue porcelainware complete with Our reg. Our reg,
cover as shown. 4074-138-6 b Price 8.89
Here's a six-foot
beauty with 74 tips. All
the beauty of a realistic
reg. looking Christmas
2 29 tree. Completely lis- 5656-578-1
assembles for easy Our reg.
- \storage. Price 21.95
M � � 5�,5-141-� 888ut1-810MI 8 Lb.
Fire logs
q `°g EeCh
� rents
paper. Our
Burns for .approx. three reg.
hours. Provides a multi- coloured flame. 98a
lie A6immoo-Muss. Dsessber 5. 111 -"Pyr a
Town councilshorts
Cowell opened tanf� v far i * Repertlag for the remotion Uader public wort, Casa- Bruce Stenion 'A"
Midthe oomw va committee, Councillor Ihy missioner Mike Chappell
awarded to HMI runlet BP. Walker said the ospl ___ bas recommepdod CouWA should
bids werre the lowest In etfa7 spent 1341,000 of its bit'
category except diesel tual, but with one moth still ago. 'phis Diagonal 1M�owns a o �n � 74.5%
council noted that the town committee has been one of the �o+� WN& W"Id allow
requires very little dined fed in few to present a regular financial the ee■if 1r1. "W busithoMes Bruce Nuclear Generatinga lest[ la dyedlock
any case. report to council. alk -log p oal Road are the last Station "A" has bowoperating teed. a
tf 4+"s Mr. Walker also reported Paul in tows widbxni sewer sfervim- at 74.5 sada test fahe an uiterial is
Per cent since becoming transducer. The dye material i;
Councillor Harrison reported Rintol and Dr. Cathy Mowbray It was also reported the public in -Service with units two, three placed on the a wface of the
he and Rennie Alexander, have been selected to fill works department has purchased and four operating while unit ane material and sbows cracks, and
recreation director and tow- vacancies on the recreation a �y �►p truck from Cullen has been shutdown. the ultrasonic method uses a
nament coordinator, met with the board, and council agreed to Motors for $13,000. Mr. Chappell Vern Austman, station signal which points out damaged
executive committee of the appoint them for four-year noted this was not the lowest manager of Station "A", saW the material.
Ontario Minor Hockey terms. They will take the places tender, but said that for a dif- �.a�6 �.� was 70 The results of the test on the
Association last weekend and of Dave Shaw and Dr. Stewart ference of only SM
the com- per cent, with the ultimate target boiler at Unit tw gbowed only
were grilled on the alleged in- Leedham. mittee felt it was better to keep e0
discretions committed theess P� �• �� °Dry and �
Of the 25.5 per cent "non- flaws. Mr. A a deli the
Wingham Midget by
Mayor William Walden m town geherotion" of the station, the units are itwpacted ralltledy
T. urnament. reminded councillors there will general categories of the break -
He said some members of the be another New Year's Levy at down include: equipment
executive were pretty rude about the curling club Jan. 1, starting Minor iniuries problems, 58 per tet; pied Euchre winners
60 , *Wk , but the tow- at noon. The event proved so outages, 30 per cent; line con-
hument esroe�ee has Its permit popular this year, when it was in two accidents its• per cent; and BELGBAVE — Eleven tables
for this year and everything is held as a kickoff for the ren- license constraints, six per cent. of euchre there played last. Wed -
OK; it was just told to "tighten tenial celebrations, that it was Debbie C. Fisher of Wingham Unit one is in the process of Oe�y mreng la the WI Hall.
up, decided to hold it on an annual received minor injuries when she sem° Wmaers were: Mrs.
Among the charges against the basis. w n so Unit four can r. Mildred Stewart; , Mn.
tournament was that it had send Neil Warwick of RR 2, shut down for repairs. Mr. �
0-0-o Bluevale, were involved in a Austman explained the problem dy, Wheeler;
most lone
Herb Clayton;
permitted a combined group of Councillor Harrison reminded collision on Highway tib just east at Unit four is a fueling machine
Wingham and Teeswater players council the bylaw prohibiting of Highway 4 last Wednesday, that normally rotates but is � man, Clarence Hanna; low
to play an exhibition game after overnight parking on town Nov, 28. stuck. man, William Glow; most lone
another team had backed out at streets during the winter went In another accident which Mr. Austman said an op- hands, man, FY'ed Porter.
the last minute. into effect Dec. 1. He said the occurred in Teeswater on Sun- timistic projection would be that
"Isn't it a damned shame kids police had ticketed 31 cars last day, Yvonne Fischer of Formosa Unit four will be back; in Assistant
can't even have a little fun game weekend under the bylaw, which received minor injury. She was operation before Christmas but,
of hockey," Councillor Cameron is intended to keep cars off the discharged following treatment W thought it would be after, the appointed
commented. streets to permit snowplowing. at Wingham and District holiday season.
Hospital. "It has happened periodically Huron County Council has
Provincial police at Wingham before," said Mr. Austman. appointed William Collyer of
report there were a total of eight A leak in Unit two is the result Napanee as assistant adminis-
, motor vehicle collisions during of stress and strain from ten- trator of the Huronview, Home for
4 4f� the past week which caused an perature changes on the boiler the Aged at Clinton. The ap-
estimated $12',050 in proper.,, unit. pointment is effective Jan. 1,
damage. The police laid seven In a detailed diagram of the 1900, for a probationary period of
charges under the Highway lam, Mr. Austman showed the six months.
Traffic Act and issued 12 war- leak is located in a welded joint A Lucknow area native, Mr.
nings. Five charges were laid where maximum strain is ex- Collyer was previously with the
under the Liquor Control Act and perienced. Bank Of Montreal.
seven under the Criminal Code. Two tests are completed when The position -became available
when Huronview's ad-
ministrator, Chester Archibald,
retired and Assistant Ad-
ministratorN - P separate school board Wayne I*4w was
� promoted to his position.
Mallory Duracell
Alkaline Batteries
Lasts far longer than regular
"C•" NZA 2/CD 240
••D•' size 2/CD 270
"AA" M 2/C0 Joe
9 Yon 1 /CD 210
Smoke Detector
Give your family and
home extra protection
Solid state circuitry
Modern compact style
Mounting hardware
An practical gift of safety
and security.
With battery and test
button 3610.809-1
P.O. Box 194
Wingham, Ont.
'Phone 357-2910
appoints pro tem principal
Rodeo auction
The Huron -Perth County RO-
by John McCauley, superin-
sets new record
man Catholic Separate .School
tendent of education, and Mary
Board confirmed the appoint-
llr. US
4116114 V4 V14a4 auwaw w . "ULLUL
Flannery, a special education
resource iencher, on
The V4 Kinsmen pub
as acting principal at St. Mary's
School, Goderich, for the
, o�,�`lel
education for exceptional
_ _- .
h iits annual diu auction,
Nov. 19 to Dec. 31, 1979. Prior to
Miss Flannery explained that
held Monday night.IProfits from
the appointment he had been
working out of the board office.
exceptional students are those
who have behavioural, com-
the auction go to support the
club's community service
He replaces Betty L. Clark,
who had been the principal, but
munication, intellectual or
physical difficulties to such a
One hundred sixty_two items
asked for rf;-assignment. to other
degree .that changes in the
donated u„�.,u
�" businesses and
duties. Her new job will be in the
regular curriculum must bechore
ranging W e ft;Z gce
to we6ft
than $200 were auctioned
00 we$2,92
area of curriculum development
with special emphasis on the
made andor special services
provided for in school.
off for a total of . In addition
revision and development of a
Special education is the program
$1,140 was received in cash
French program for Grades 4-8.
The position of principal at St.
made available to such students.
She outlined the role of the
After deducting for expenses of
s has been advertised and
.resource teacher, whose major
approximately ;715 for studioMary
rental, advertising, postage and
the appointment of a principal
will be made effective Jan, 1,
responsibility is to diagnose, plan
-a teaching im-
stationery this left a net of $3,345,
program and
plement this teaching plan for
Club President Terry Eames
The board will hold its
children with special needs,
reported. This is nearly $500
inaugural meeting for the 1980
Miss Flannery concluded with
more than last year's auction
noted and
d i 17 above the
term on Dec. 3, when a chairman
the statement that all records for
and vice-chairman will be
elected,. and the next regular
exceptional pupils are treated
with a professional attitude of
The radio auction is the major
meeting will be held Dec. 10.
confidentiality by all staff in-
activity of the
Wingham Kinsmen Club.
There was a presentation made
F.'Al.RADIO AUCTION—Alex Strong, of the WInghom Kinsmen, crosses off sold Items during - �- A . r �- �. c� f� ti t, 1'1 t�1'l.131i df a'1 >:1 z�i �i1 t� l'� r� r.. . . �r-::�L� s�:.:� �- .• '.-.-•,