The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-12-05, Page 11THE ffiWiInCV-TIMIS.
Unpopular dectsion ,
Wingham town council's decision to sell queried a representative of the provincial
the CrWckshank Memorial Park Immediate- authority which acquires land for this type of
.A► page of editorial opinion
December 5, 1979
New Books
in the Library
ly of the commercial area on Jose structure we were told that only one site had --T� �p� ;HOROwITZ MRS. wA8H1NG-
phlne Street as the site for a new rentor been shown to the ministry's represents .;.
cl#izens' apartment has created more op- tives, the Implication bel that no other` TON by Hoary Oester
p ng ® • Samuel Horowitz is the
position among citizens of this community altos were suitable and available. \ �`\� \\, \ ,
,.`� \ feistiest stubbornest most
than we have witnessed In many years. Surer /there Is no shortage of sites ,\�� , \ \\�� \; �� \ \ \ C \ cantankerous 70 -year-old in the
Some of the business ov�t s lir the perk area
today. The land occupied by the former \ \\� .\�� . ` `\ � Doone a sharp
are Intent on preventing sale b what Lloyd plant at John and Leopold Is one; there
pr g L� Y eopo ; �\ �\�; \ ' \� ,� : ; tongue can land you in trouble
ever means possible. is plenty of open space on Victoria Street ��: s •,�`;�D' ��� `
` .� �:'` With a pair Of m1s, and In
Basis of the opposition Is that the land \ \ \\`
West, both only three short blocks from �- � \_ � � ;.�\::•�` \ �. this case it lands Horowitz in the
Y ;
was designated and beautified as a mem- shopping facilities, as well as several other ;�' � \ ` \` °'��
hospital with a knife wound and a
oriel to a man who was very highly respect- lots close to the town's centre. -ti•. �'?�` �� G \`` �\ �;\`;stroke that paralyzes his left
—+►� :?;
unseemly that In the AS a matter of fact, the Josephine Street, ����\ ��j;�\��; ,: side. Marvin, his loving son, has
ad, and that It Is total)
matter of only a few years the town council site Is less than Ideal for a seniors apart �w � ls� '!✓ . • \\ the nerve to hire a black physical
should decide to disregard the memory to men$. Anyone who has Ilved In an apartment �' \ _ �, a�� '` �a\\\..:_,. therapist, t, a woman named Mn
which the site was dedicated. on the main street knows that mid .`\�; .��� ����`�<< Washington. Horowitz has
Posing this question when the sale, or Its dle-of-the-night traffic Is often noisy In the �,,�\ \ his match in the indomitable,
extreme. \\ �'� �\ �` �o`\� ��`���,,. unflappable Mrs. Washington.
Intention was first announced, The Advance- ` \ \A�
Times was told that members of the Cruick- If, indeed, the memorial park has to be
shank family had no objection to sale of the sacrificed It has a commerical value far In �, ����� \�\ ����� POPE JOHN PAUL H by M.
land for use of the rentor citizens. Under the ki
excess of the figure quoted as the town's of- `; �\ \ lifelong
for to the ministry. '� As only a lif friend could,
circumstances the family had little choice; All these ;actors should be taken into``
quite naturally they would not want to Father Mawhic tells of the
appear as opponents of a plan to make consideration before final papers are signed. .� ,.1 tragedies which marled the,
Town councils are elected to serve the public °:• youth of Karol wojtyla —the tan -
housing available for the elderly. \ k timely deaths of his mother,
Apparently council's premise was that Interest and a survey of public Interest right \
Would give council ver reason to ``��\ \ ��� brother and father — of his harsh
the park site was the only land ava)labte for ` g y good /� "���``°�•�� ` and clandestine life during the
the apartment. When The Advance -Times reconsider, �``;�
/ : Nazi occupation, of iris decision
- j�FK, /✓G \ \\ \ to abandon an ailing career for
\`\ `� the priesthood, of his role in the
E 601 DEA)
fight to preserve religious
One man s opinion n' o n freedom in communist state
p and of his growth within his own
The presidency of the United States Is a Iranian extremists. country and within the church,
powerful office; so powerful indeed that It Is Although several American embassies- • leading to his election as pope.
ENEMIES by Richard Harrisgo to secure and hold the position. Consider- tries, Carter has exercised patience. Thus This book.covers five days and
Ing, the tensions and worries which ac- one can imagine his chagrin when some rst five nights in the life of John
amazing the lengths to which aspirants will have been savaged in other Moslem coup -
ette t
company that elevated office, one cannot but enterprising American newsman sought an Flood, a columnist on, a
wonder why It is so much In demand. ''interview with former President Richard _. in a New England
Witness the plight of President Carter. Nixon, who publicly avowed that the U.S. has • others, we look forward .to PD thought) in containers and sunk city, days and nights of
Health unit assists sponsors P ing story bewilderment, terror, love, rage,
� ----Bedeviled by a dramatic fall-off In public only one useful course of action —the use of P days to len other outings. I m in the Baltic Sea. The stn did
support for the past year or more, he has force. To quote the deposed president, the sure most parents realized why not end there as the escaping guilt and flight from enemies,
suddenly been faced with the Insoluable Americans should go in and "turn these Editor, Advance -Times We would welcome ,the op- they have PD days, but what I'd chlorine has . created marine 1Upwn and unknown.
problems of events in Iran. So far it may be people over". He also referred several times Dem' Sir: portunity to assist sponsoring like to know is what do they learn havoc in area of late years. The
assumed that his restraint In public to the "irrational" leader of the Iranians. The Canadian government, families or groups and will make to teach monsters? Allies' unused chlorine was
utterances about the Iranian mob and his Mr. Nixon should at least have Intimate first- chinch and civic groups and this process as easy as possible Mrs. Linda James sealed similarly and sunk in deep
obvious Intent to pursue every possible hand knowledge,�the meaning of the word incitizens have been for all concerned. RR 2, Wingham water west of Scotland.
means of saving the lives of the hostages has irrational. responding to the current plight Yours sincerely, Applying modern "educated" County approves
of -Indo-Chinese refugees in the Brian Lynch, M.D., D.P.H., . logic, the circulating waters of •
gained him some valuable points with AS if having a brother named Billy most humanitarian way possible, Medical Officer of Health, Enjoys the paper ff ted areas would be purified-i�iereaSe In
American/ voters as election year draws wasn't enough, Mr. Carter has no doubt been -- for ever and ever so lona. Strange c�ecinn nOV
namely, opening the doors of the Cosnty of Huron. _
near. Although he has ordered elements of made aware of his mothers gentle response country and. their homes to these Dem' Sirs, how minds of advanced science - a
the American fleet into possible action sta- to the situation. She has been quoted as unfortunate homeless people. A Please find enclosed the work. A mini amount of chlorine
tions near Iranian waters, he has been care- saying that if she had a million dollars she subscription for the Advance- in the water we drink is bene- Huron County Council ap-
small number of refugees have �f
fol to avoid the threat of military action would simply hire someone to kill the already located in Huron County. parent's S VIeW Times for two years. We enjoy ficial, but in the air we breathe it proved 10 per cent increases in
which might precipitate retaliation against Ayatollah Khomeini. That should help the I would ask sponsors of the Wingham news and the ex- is harmful. committee and session pay and in
the 49 Americans still in the hands of the Carter cause in the, Moslem world! Deur Editor, cellent way in which it is They may be few and far be- the warden's honorarium at the
refugees to inform the Huron resented, tween but there are individuals meet Nov. 29.
County Health Unit prior to or ' I regard to the letter that was P meeting
"i when a refugee arrives. Tlies�i I tedJast week from Constable I Particularly . want to Ecom- that still believe that two wrongs The warden's honorarium will
impact. people immigrating to Canada Wrrilb n;I think it's only fair that pliment everyone on the cen- don't make a right; be it itn our be increased to X4,300 pet gest �''
The Ryanso ` e df u6 rents have a right to tennial celebration, which was crime and punishments ten or from ;3,000 while council
will have been exposed to Pa gh system
s out. I for one do not think well handled by the whole embers hostage taking'. mentors will receive >j.55 per day
illnesses much different to the P y g
illnesses prevalent in Canada. It of teache� as built-in babysitters community. Re chlorine, one Liberal men- or $35 per half day for attending
Last week the Liberal party In Quebec Big changes are taking place all over the is important for their sako that as his letter implies. We are Dr. J. S. Hall ber of Ontario legislature and one committee meetings and council
won Its seventh straight victory in as many world today, not only in Canada. The present they receive appropriate' health made to send our children to Port Colborne, Ont. organic chemist of University of sessions.
by-elections, defeating the PQ candidate in impasse in Iran is but a small symbol of the care as part of their ac- school from the time they are five Waterloo said that sewage • A car allowance of $60 plus 11
each case. Most of these victories have come antagonism of the Moslem world to the na- climatization to Canada. years old; if we don't we are in To the Editor, treated with chlorine can create cents per kilometre or alter -
since Claude Ryan assumed leadership of tions of the West. It may be the beginning of Many of you, already involved trouble. Commenting in his inimitable PCBs and that is not something natively 14 cents per kilometre
the Liberal party and brought to Quebec a conflagration to quell that antagonism in in sponsoring refugees, will have I would be the -first to give style on the recent derailment in you buy at MacDonalds. was approved.
voters a new vision of what good government one fel I swoop. We will have to seek better been through much required red teachers credit for their work Mississauga, past president of When we appoint, elect or The council also . I ' s
could be like under an intelligent and moral- understanding of the hundreds of millions of tape. The Health Unit does not and I agree it's not a nine to five CRTC Harry J. Boyle ended his otherwise vote persons into office county optic d Plan increasing,
ly upright leader. Moslems on this planet and accommodate wish to add to this but rather to Job, but let's face it, nobody held verbal picture with a recall of the to do much of our thinking for us, the benefits to $75 from $40 every
As the date for Quebec's referendum ourselves in some degree to their needs and assist the refugees in the a gun at their heads and forced chlorine gas used by German we unintentionally create more 24 months.
draws closer it becomes ever more Import- aspirations. maintenance of their own good them into the profession. I troops dining WW I- problems by becoming `guinea County Clerk -Treasurer Bili
ant that French-speaking Canadians listen to The energy crisis has been the lm- health and to ensure the residents always thought it was because What was not said was that the pigs' with occasional grunts to Hanly moved to Level 4 from
y y y
the voice of reason and common sense. Mr. mediate vehicle of Moslem re -assertion. The
of Huron Count that the may they loved to teach. surplus chlorine, after armistice, voice our disapprovals. Level 3, increasing his salary to Ryan achieved just such a reputation as the underlying cause goes much farther back — safely assist them. In our home, and' I know of was sealed forever (so they W. Stephan ;30,784 from ;29,588.
editor of one of the province's strongest
French language daily papers and it now
seems possible that Quebecers are being
Influenced by a man In whom they trust.
Whether Mr. Trudeau's withdrawal from
federal politics and his Intended participa-
tion in the referendum debate will have a
similar solidifying influence remains to be
Let It not be imagined, however, that a
victory for the Quebec Liberal party would
immediately re-establish the former status
quo in French-speaking Canada. Mr. Ryan
has his own Ideas about Quebec's place with-
in the national framework — ideas which
have not yet been fully spelled out. Under his
leadership, however, the rest of Canada
would surely be expected,to make some ac-
commodations for the French presence.
However, many English-speaking Can-
adians have had time and opportunity to
think deeply about their relationship to Que-
becers in the years since Rene Levesque
came to office. We have all faced the pos-
sibility that Quebec might, Indeed, seek sep-
arate nationhood, leaving the rest of Canada
divided both emotionally as geographically
— and the truth Is that very few among us
would welcome that situation and the
international Implications of a weakened na-
Those among us who profess to a
reasonable and fair attitude have been
awakened to the deep unrest and dissatis-
factions which young Quebecois have In-
herited, and the ease with which their dis-
trust of Anglos can be aroused. It Is likely
that Mr. Ryan's proposals for some realign-
ment of national priorities would at least be
heard in a more open-minded way than Mr.
Levesque's overbearing demands.
- - �- - --- -- I 1-7-1 _
back to the long period of time during which
the West assumed that the Eastern nations
were peopled by semi -ignorant and pov-
erty -ridden desert nomads. The actual facts
are that the Arab nations have a background
of culture and intelligence which precedes
our own civilization by many centuries. The
arithmetic symbols, for example, which are
the daily fodder of our sophisticated com-
puters, came to us not from Greece or Rome,
but from Arab universities.
The Arab world fell on very bad times. It
was left behind by the industrial revolution.
Many of its peoples became shepherds and
desert dwellers, not for lack of Initiative, but
from sheer force of necessity — facts of
which young Easterners are well aware.
There is no attempt here to justify or
condone the outrages which have been com-
mitted by the PLO or the followers of
Khomeini, but rath to point out that some
of the earth -shaking we are beginning
to witness are realities with which we and
our children will have to contend. The conse-
quences of history will be with us for many
years to come.
let's take a cab
The crash last week of a New Zealand
airliner Into the side of a mountain In
Antarctica has driven another spike Into the
coffin of the ill -famed DC-10 aircraft.
One could hardly blame those air travel-
lers who would rather not get to their
destinations aboard DC -10s. More disturb -
Ing, it brings up the entire question of air
safety and the efficiency of those who are, or
should be, committed to meticulous Inspec-
tion of all aircraft and their certification of
air worthiness.
Published at Wingham, Ontario, by Wenger Bros. Limited
e Barry Wenger, President Robert O. Wenger, Sec.-Treas.
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Member — Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc. Ontario Weekly Newspaper Assoc.
Subscription $15.00 per year Six months $8.00
Second Class Mail Registration No (A21 Return postage guaranteed
Wingham .. .
In its 100th year
SUCCESS STORY—Lynn and Annabelle Hoy have made a
success of selling snowmobiles and motorcycles. The busi-
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