The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-11-28, Page 4"Whoserfi/ a -was
It's hard to knock a party, without cpm-
Ontario housing ministry, another from the
Ing out looking like Scrooge. &A when the
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
party is held at taxpayers' expense and on
and what appeared to be the entire staff of
questionable pretext, when this Is done not
the Huron County Housing Authority. The
once or twice but an average of 40 times a
cost of taking all these people away from
Year, and when the whole affair conies off
their jobs and bringing them to town foran
looking less like a party than a grandstand
afternoon undoubtedly runs high, yet ap-
for bureaucrats, that Is cause for some ques-
parehntly such ceremonies take place across
the province nearly every week of the year.
This was the case recently with the
An interesting twist to the occasion was
grand opening for senior citizens, apart-
the fact the housing ministry apparently
merits here. Granted therovided otxasan pa
deems it requires between eight and a dozen
party for the residents. and there's nothing
Pairs of -scissors to postern a ribbon rafting
wrong with that. But a nagging doubt per-
In, proper fashion. After the long line of
erste: Would the people responsible have
been quite so eager or so lavish if they were
notables had obediently snipped together at
the count of three, they were Iri irited to keep
paying the shot?
the scissors, complete with leather cases
or woman a vote-getter_at the polls. Perhaps
bearing the emblem of Ontario, as souvenirs
After all, the newest building has beau
of the occasion. Multiplied by 40 openings,
open — unofficially, perhaps, although that
this adds up to a hefty bill for scissors each
didn't seem to Inconvenience tin residents—
year. C
for some four yeas. And of the ollm throe
As We abvserved at the beginning, we
buildings included In the ceremony, some
have no intention of condemning parties In
have been around for 10 to 15 yeas and serv-
general, and certainly no one deserves a
Ing well, all without benefit of ribbon -cut-
party more than our senior citizens. But it's
hard to believe our local ribbon -shippers
Nor was It judged sufficient to send just
couldn't have handled the job just as effec-
one representative of an appropriate gov-
tively and far more efficiently. We have seen
department aid local cans
� successfully amerpro-
co ti .entlyy�and
th neveryet
the omaslon required at least two from the
taken four yeas to get around to It.
T ` teringon the brink ,
A madman with a mob at his heels is off attacks on American embassies in Pakis-
"Ir• ing with annihilation of a planet. The tan and in India. A holy war pitting Moslems
MWOus fanatic who has seized power in against the West is not impossible and its
Fran is doing his level best to touch the match � � 10. M - ,. -L would eventually embroil the
to world-wide conflagraflon. entire world.
President Carter and the United States The United States will obviously not
governrnerrt have been phased in an Impos_ force the Shah to leave their country, but
sible position by the Iranian demand that the everyone would breathe a sigh of relief if he
iormer Shah be relue, d to Iran, where would make that decision himself. He has
nothing but a painful death round await him. been offered refuge in both Mexico and
Despite Ift alleged misdeeds, the former Egypt. Lets hope he makes his move while
ahoahardn simply cannot be used as al there is still time.
r rnae k etabiewith which to buy
That sort 1
He wont be forgotten
peace. of would do
01111-11 rr'°re"'a" °°��' '� °`
ler n rthe
r; Love him or hate him, you aren't likely
party in a somewhat shaky position. With no
'to forget him l
representation from the Canadian West, at a
Ing. It the U.S. moires to military interven-
Former Prime Minister Pierre E. Tru-
time when the economic balance of the
deau has bowed out with considerable grace.
nation is definitely shifting in that direction,
He will act as leader of the Liberal party
the Liberals may find it Increasingly diffl-
only until a leadership convention can be ar-
colt to win a majority in the House of Com -
'ranged, possibly next spring. His announce-
mons. So far only two names have been seri-
iment last week virtually guaranteed office
ously mentioned as leadership possibilltiei
;.for the troubled Clark . mment for the
— Donald Macdonald, whose home base is in
next year. The •Liberals are certainly not
Tto and .;o;,.-, Tu► r*r of ii,?a, ir,. Com: �;
going to want an election campaign before
one of these men will have great appeal to
they have named a new leader.
w.,,,::. :1 4.
During his eleven years In office
Which brings us to the point of ponders
Trudeau brought a certain flare to Canadian
those qualities which make any single man
politics. In his early yeas, when "Trudeaw
or woman a vote-getter_at the polls. Perhaps
piania was rampant, Canadians witnessed
John Turner, a former finance minister in.
r' ;iorthe first time since the days of Sir John A.
the Trudeau government, seems to have
' *VkC.donaid, a national leader who possessed
captured the public fancy. A (though es ifhe
' and dash. The legislation for which
parently unpopular In -inner circles of the
ftudeau and his party were responsible— or
party, the general public is keenly aware of
- . perhaps the lack of It — certainly failed to
this man who has made practically no public
Jaln the unanimous support of all Can-
., ,, .....Ms since his resignation four years
adlans, but nobody ever forgot the man him-
ago. All at which points to the fact that
al appearance has much to do with
Despite his occasional descent to boorish
public Choice. Quite frankly very few people
language and a tendency toward arrogance,.
know enough about John Turner to make a
his alter ego was that, of a gentleman. The
fair ent of leadership qualities,
heartbreaking antics of his young and
.much less his grasp of statesmanship.
beautiful but utterly foolish wife were never
In the meantime the Clark government
used for "political opportunNy. The public
will be able to get on with the job of dismant-
was never treated to one word of complaint
ling Petro -Canada and allowing oil prices to
or criticism through those long months of
climb without much hindrance. Perhaps not,
embarrassment and pain.
a comfortable time in Canadian history but
-Trudesu'sresignation leaves the Liberal
at least an interesting one.
T ` teringon the brink ,
A madman with a mob at his heels is off attacks on American embassies in Pakis-
"Ir• ing with annihilation of a planet. The tan and in India. A holy war pitting Moslems
MWOus fanatic who has seized power in against the West is not impossible and its
Fran is doing his level best to touch the match � � 10. M - ,. -L would eventually embroil the
to world-wide conflagraflon. entire world.
President Carter and the United States The United States will obviously not
governrnerrt have been phased in an Impos_ force the Shah to leave their country, but
sible position by the Iranian demand that the everyone would breathe a sigh of relief if he
iormer Shah be relue, d to Iran, where would make that decision himself. He has
nothing but a painful death round await him. been offered refuge in both Mexico and
Despite Ift alleged misdeeds, the former Egypt. Lets hope he makes his move while
ahoahardn simply cannot be used as al there is still time.
r rnae k etabiewith which to buy
That sort 1
peace. of would do
01111-11 rr'°re"'a" °°��' '� °`
ler n rthe
End to large
aroisco und globe.
Zile alternate choices are nerve -wrack -
Ing. It the U.S. moires to military interven-
tan the s of the 4! rn
.8 ealcan , held by the
terrorists will asrtainiy be to k4l. Un-
In China the government doegrn't mind
' arhswerable, loo. III the aftHude Of the Soviets
entering the L ' , , i.. of the nation.
to any such military operation in a oouxhfry
which borders their own f If the
Worded about Its spiraling population,
, .
Americans are nervous about a Soviet prem
the government has announced an incentive
once in Cuba, just Ir now the Russian Itt-
wan to limit the size of famlihm There will
Ws which would i, shy an American
be cash rewards for famIIWs where there
invasion of Iran-
only one child. On the other hand there will
be extra taxes levied on families of three or
The other unknown factor Is the attitude
more children.
of the otter Moslem powers in the 1W die
That's some switch for a country where
East. Should a shoofirhg war start, seizure of
large,families have been the rule for count -
the oil wells In that area would be a plain
less generations. Indeed, the new laws will
qty- No Pr'mM-dhr wmY could jeep
have a profiounxd and disturbing effect on a
Its machines rolling or its planes frying
plopie who have traditionaily venerated
w ilhout Middle East oil.
their ,. . _, , ., and many descendants are a
The Iranian episode has already touched
requisite for that veneration.
Published at Wisgysin. Ostarie. by Wermer Bron I.imiter
Barry Wenger. President
Robert o Merger. Sec -Treas
Member Audit Bureau of Circulat wets
Member — Canadian Community riew"oper Assoc (Marto WeelGfy Newrspaper Assoc
SM.M per year
Second Class Mail Reparstwn bio 0821
Retutm postaIle guaranteed
t.1 t
By Jehra W. Patrb..
In the fall of ISM they town
council was looting for a new in-
dustry that would not conflict
uvula factories *eady present. A
` proposal whist received from
: William C. Bu1lwA of Toronto. He
i wanted to build an iron and brass
foundry. He would erect build-
ings and install machinery to the
value of $",000, to employ
'> seventy-five to one hundred
skilled mechanics. He wanted a
loan from the town for $20,000 for
ten years and no taxes for ten
Years. He was thinking of going
to Wiarton but would prefer
Wingliam for a location.
In December Bullock and his
402ate John Galt met the cotm-
>".<" cil to discuss the building of a
<:....foundry. The mayor stated that
the town could only loan 117,000
for 15 years, with no interest and
no taxes, except for school tax,
for ten years. Bullock was to
erect brick buildings and put in a
`' I cYA[LOh C �'� plant, to cast not leo than
,rrvs' UT'$25,000, to employ 100 men. He
promised to have it b
g" Pito � Y �1
1,. 1901 and would give the town
the first mortgage for $17,000.
Bullock -told the council be li�d
been in the foundry business for
twenty years and his partner,
- John Galt had been the city
en-gineer in Ottawa. The bylaw to
authorize the loan was submitted
to the people on December W and
carried by a good majority.
"Find a job yet?" By the end of January the char-
ter for the "National Iron Works
Ltd" was received. - The
authorized capital was $200,000 in .
2000 shares of $100 each. There
. were seven directors. Besides
bullock and Galt there were two
from Wingbam, probably to
etters t t emake it look better. They were
John A. McLean, lumber mer-
chant and A. E. Smith, private
• • learning experience for me and I Tt►rot►to are something in which banker.
In aaareewt�on of teachers am % aware of the aimcu ll every senior should be in- The plans and, specifications
■ were ready
and .: a , 1017a
task and long hours of teaching terested. site began. The location chosen
Dear Editor: Well, after working with most staff. It seems difficult to make was west of the Maitland River
How many of us look at school of the teachers in most of the R. W. son seniors realize that if we did not
and south of the Grand Trunk
teachers balking at their wages schools in Huron County, I found Provincial Constable have the USCO (United Senior
for what they do and the time off that teachers were workingGoderich OPP Citizens of Ontario) to con- Railway, which would give con -
the et in the summer, the .. t railroad sidings. It was
Y g through recess noon boors and tinuhally'present our pleas to the
Christmas and spring break? Ob way past 3:90 recess,
It was dif- various . :, .. eats, we would the ...rhe of J. J. Kerr. The
es, and those PD (Professional front w the buildings would ,face
Y ficult to carry' on a � � � � � � :. � � tion �+�. not have nearly the arrests we � �. � side of the bill was
Development) days where they . at times as -andup be T have today,,to be levelled and sodded. A
get a day off practically every �g teed a� . . Our eiie¢ptive in � Toronto
month and the kids have to stay sketch ef We plant with the bank
home and bob a new ane'` mvrte: members :...:.� , �,ts` osier 1,000 affiliated ..
ysitters have. to be A teachers' lounge is sure no 'dubs now. I am not absolutely terraced and the name National
r Iron Works m e letters on
hired. real hideaway either. Students. Wmgbam Advance -Times �,e, bud we have over 200,000 the side of the hill wasted in
Boy! Those teachers st a have knock wanting a soccer ball or a Dear Sir: •,.„;, 1i and this is only a �'
it easy! As president of the WIngliam the Wirhgham Times. The eon -
spoon for their soup or to tell that portion of the seniors in Ontario. tract for the was let to
"so and so won't let me play and Senior Citizens Happy Gang, I At the big convention in Kingston Toronto contra The Alex
• me would like to appeal to more of this year there were somewhere
' keep slapping Y Hardware of W re-
�� � to I have teacher friends who goour °effort � scomeniors make an .. in the vicinity of 700 delegates. c� the glass tract. There
home with a stack of material our mIt seems sad that we olden was to be a machine oho
Towne Players and join our dub. I realize there p, an iron
�y can �y cam, and work young people do not support the f
Dear Editor till the wee hours man nights. are so many organizations in whole organization to a. greater �'Y, a brass foundry and a
I would like to ens m To add up all the hours a Wmgham that one simply cannot two storey brick curare. This
than to the W � Towne works. I'm sure they have more attend everything. However this Taylor latter building is still used as
Geo. Pr si such b the Western F
�m dub and the parent one in Y' �'Y•
Players for presenting another than made up for the summer President The National Iron Works pro -
excellent play two weeks ago, 'A break, Christmas and spring posed to manufacture fire
Murder Has Been -Arranged'. break. Ob yes, those PD days are hydrants, bras valves, large
Without exception I feel the not holidays; they are learning
casting was superb. Each days on which the teachers are drinkingsteam fittings, water meters, and
,�cter was portrayed well taught new ways and means of Bowl your tro vb-le s away., fountains.
nY twas the addition er
and I feel the set was very well teaching y� �, daughters in Canada for a b
used. and monsters. hydraulic manti-
I know all this because I have The idea that bowling is a calm meditation in motion for many facturer in Scotland..
Diane Simpson and Nancy and tranquil sport may be a bit Americans and most don't even A temporary oiRce was opened
Gillespie and their friends again been teaching for 3% years now hard to swallow for anyone who realize it. Bowlers project the in the Meyer Block to sell stock in
did a terrific job with wardrobe and certainly have it better M- has watched and listened to ball to its destination, focusing the company. In June Bullock
and makeup. Also the backstage sight into . the teaching pro- yam, or even adults, in the their attention away from the purchased the old f on
crew as usual were excellent with fesson. beat of competition. However day's tensions and stress, away Minnie Street, had the machinery
Wig, prompting and sound As I resign from the position of such is the claim made in the from the cares and problems of , , , . to the new works and at services officer, I following article, which a, , , . i their lives and . ,. ll at the once sold the
One yang lady who often ss not would like to express my ap- `* ' `.. , y r to J. J.
mentioned is Sandra Lee. As well preciation to every teacher and is a Taranto .. , , and was inanimate pins. Its an op- Elliott V. S. By JdY the plant was
�, [:1 in Bowling News. portunity for relaxed con- ready and it was opened by much
as being the director and �3t pri�pal I ha'v'e worked ,ung may be the .most centratim and attention.' fanfare. However it was not long
,, ,w .;.. of this play she is the with in Huron County schools. effective means of coping with "Dr. Berthold E. Schwartz, until . , _.:
main force behind the I would particularly like to ceased. The ex -
main stress and calming the nerves psydhi8thric consultant to New case given was that the plant was
Towne Players. Only those who thank the principals for ac- since the tranquilizer, say Jersey's. Essex County Hospital dosed for stock taking. By
have worked with this local group cepting me and arranging class PsychologistsCenter, backs up Dr. Berman. He November the . , .. p , .. ,, was
know how much Sandra has done schedules for my r , w,10,, � ., the says: 'Bowlers have to get bankrupt and the town owned an
for little theatre in Wngharn. secretaries for their efforts in "Thee sport helps promote brain together; bung their differences. empty foundry.
This is an amatetw group, but copying printed matter for me, waves which indicate a calm and You've got this bowling ball in But all was not lost. The Iron
its efforts are co and I can't forget the Media tranquil state, say.
any standard. I town Centre staff of the Huron County "Dr. Dale Berman, program � stetting and you'vee. The Works was sold for WA* tw to J. J.
Board of Education, Dave, director of the Biofeedback and Cunningham and four others
entheir fntua�e and countryside will had time � li�rylin and Jim. Stress Management Institute of object is to clobber those parts 8.0® Toronto in 1902. This was
joy productions. with the bawling ball. Better to the beginning of the Western
Jin Bradley All in all it has been a great Greenbelt, Maryland, says:. ... clobber the pine than to clobber Co. Ltd.
In a sense bowling is very ma your husband or wife Y
That affable smile shows a lot about Andy, a 10 -year-
old Indian white boy who very much wants to have a
permanent place in a family be can call his. Good-
natured and friendly. Andy is enjoying living on a farm
just now, helping his foster father with chores and
especially looking after the animals.
Andy is in good physical and emotional health and bis
only problem is stuttenng ware be gets excited. He has
food potential intellectually tut performs below average
just now in Grade 3. Given the'tsecarity of loving parents
and a stable home. this should improve.
This handsome young man Sets along well with adults
znd whtb children his own age. He would do well in a
family where he would receive individual attention and
encouragement and where good educational facflfties
To inquire about adopting Andy, please write to
Today's Child, Ministry of Community and Social
Servics. Box Mm. Station K. Toronto. Ontario, M4P 2H2.
In yip& letter• tell something of your present family and
your way of life.
To inquire about adopting Andy, please write to
Today's Child, Mirth try of Community and Social Ser-
vice, Box 888, Station K. Toronto. Ontario M4P 2H2. IN
year letter tell something of your present family and Your
way of We.
New Books
,-� in the Library
Dallas Miller
Sweeping through a quarter of
20th century history, moving with
enthralling power from Ireland
to Hollywood and Washington,
DC, this novel tells the parallel
stories of Nara Shannon and
Patrick Cassidy, two Irish im-
mig&nts who, through widely
different means, fight their way
to the top of the new worlds they
seek to conquer.
DOMINO by PbyBb A. Whitney
Haunted by a past she can
neither remember nor entirely
forget, Laurie Morgan is
precariously balanced on the rim
of a motlaral disaster. Not even
the men who love her have been
able to reassure her when the
strange. silver light flashes out of
the past to threaten her with the
reality she had once been forced
to flee.