The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-11-28, Page 2ar
T -A a &Avance-Awis, November 28, U07V
Severance po cy is
UP tlocal counc'161s
The much publicised com- minister has told us we're not to "lire question is not whether
aunts of the , . r , .. , s new comment". these pockets can or can't be
agricultural minister, Lorne Mr. Flaming who along with used for non-agricultural uses.
Huoduram, came in for con- Mr. Davidson addressed the The question is what is the ac-
siderable discussion at a seminar on the topic of the Food cumulative effect of them being
resources management seminar Land Guidelines, went on to say used for non-agricultural pur-
on Saturday at the Midwestern there is "no doubt" but what the poses on the agricultural area as
Regional Centre, located on minister is aware of what the a whole?"
Highway 23 between Listowel Guidelines say. Questions
and Palmerston. Answering another question as In reply to a question regarding
The seminar attracted over iso to "Who is taking orders from conflicts which can arise because
f� delegates from the five counties whom?", Mr. Flaming said that of the policies of two different
of Huron, Bruce, Perth, civil servants like himself were ministries such as the Ministry of
Wellington and Grey. More than the "underlings" and as such Agriculture and Food and the
a few of them wanted answers to took orders from the minister. He Ministry of the Environment, Mr.
the dilemma which has been stressed however that farm Flaming said the only real an -
created by Mr. Henderson's severances of the type supporA swer was "education".
opinions regarding farm by Mr. Henderson still must "The non -farming segment of
severances for the purpose of adhere to the Agricultural Code the society," he said, "is going to
allowing a retiring farmer to of Practices. have to understand that living in
build a second dwelling on the Guidelines an agricultural community is not
farm for his own use. Describing the Food Land like living in the city."
While most municipalities have Guidelines, Mr. Flaming said Mr. Davidson added that as
taken the somewhat unpopular they were nothing more than a local councils become more PERTH WELCOMES pELEGATES—Perth County Warden Ormond Prldham (at
stand of disallowing such "tool". The authority and adept at handling this kind of hone) delegates from live
-. 1 ..,; ..: on the grounds that responsibility for food land complaint, people will get the microphone) welcomed del eg counties to the resources management
subsequent owners of the second planning, he said, rested with the message. He encouraged rural seminar held Saturday at the Midwestern Regional Centre located on Highway 23 between
dwelling could cause problems local government. municipalities to strongly sup- Listowel and Palmerston. Seated at the table are David Watson of the Ministry of
for the resident farmer, "However it should be noted port the needs of their farm Industry and Tourism's London office and Steve Fram, counsel with the Ministry of the
Agricultural Minister Henderson that the majority of ministries population. Attorney General who discussed proposed changes In the Trespass Law.
has spoken in favor of allowing are utilizing the Guidelines and
such , , .,, , .: on a number of the Ontario Municipal Board also
. &ions. accepts the document as MIM. WILLIAM SOTHERN
Some rural representatives at government policy and uses it as
the seminar pointed out that the such in deciding planning mat- .c 0,
Notes from Fordwieh
province's Food Land Guidelines ters."
isn't really much help in solving Mr. Flaming , said land areas ,
the dilemma. designated for agricultural Mr. and Mrs. Hector Browne with Mrs. E. A. Schaefer.
In one place the Guidelines purposes must be kept as large as and Mrs. M. Kirby spent the Friends here extend sympathy
support Mr. Hegderson's stand, possible and not be interrupted weekend with relatives in to Mrs. Trev Hainstock of Milton,
stating that farmers t to "LP.14_1
ori • . n�
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W%wx y non,agnc r Ta Unionville. formerly of Fordwich, in the
allowed a .• . , ., ,,..: to retire on allow residences, etc., on pockets Mrs. Ellen Siefert visited death last week of her husband
their own land. In another place of
P>a Pte' agricultural land, he said, Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred. also to Mrs. Robert Connell of
however, the Guidelines state would "negate the agricultural Siefert at Cambridge. Listowel, formerly of Fordwich, M Take it from Santa! r Y
that farmers should be tion".
retiring �g� Misses Jennifer and Sarah on the loss of her brother. The_'"�>":?>�::::::�•<::>::<>::�.}�•<��,...:;. • ••
encouraged to retire to nearby "The objective of the Allan of Blyth spent the weekend funeral for the late Trev Hain-
towns and villages where Guidelines 'is to establish _ an with their grandparents, Mr. and stock was held Saturday from the° ...
municipal and health services ;l where agriculture Mrs. Met Allan. Watts Funeral Home, Gorrie
are available. is a priority land use." Bill Sullivan of Camp Borden Chapel. The CO-OP
While :. tatives of the Mr. Flaming said that while spent the weekend with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Cun- -
Ministry of Agriculture and Food the Guidelines is not a panacea, it Sullivan and other relatives in ningham of Drayton visited
. 1 to a their answers is a provincial ;., hedge Pro guide and offers a the vicinity. _ Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
to questions regarding Mr. means of protecting agricultural Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miller visited Glenn Martin. has a
Henderson's stand, Huron land from "unwarranted in- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Friends will be sorry to hear
planner Gary Davidson made his trusions". Douglas, near Clifford. that Dick Agla is a patient in
position clear. Noting that it is "much easier Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Armstrong Listowel Memorial Hospital. -
f Mr. Davidson said the im- to formulate policy than it is to were visitors in Stratford last C14PI-QTUportant point is not whether or bring A iniu practice",Mr. itursdAe ey e
not such antes should be Davidson said, "The battle tends Sympathy is expressed to Mr. Song sheets
allowed, "but whether or not to be won or lost in the im- and Mrs. Lorne Kelley in the
local municipalities have the plementation process." sudden death of the latter's new available '.
right to set their own policy" "What we're really 'dealing sister, Mrs. Cherrey, in Glen.
Noting that he is in favor of with is what level is it going to be Allan last week. at A -T office
local planning, Mr. Davidtatplemented at? Today the Mrs. Bob Petznuk of Kitchener The songs people most love to '' -
said the procedure now is fcW} 'implementation is at the local -spent a few days last week with sing are part of a 40 -song '
approval to be passed by local level and I agree with this her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira collection now availablefrofn
municipalities and then signed by policy" Schaefer. Tonal News
the Ministry of Horsing. When it comes to planning, said PaP� `::;'>'':.`;,•,',,:,',... ,•
Larry Clarkson, Garr for r
Y Network. Included are lyrics to
The Huron planner said he had Mr. Davidson, "S. ,, is Schumacher John Browne Rick
attended a recent conference in always able to justify old ere Young,
like When You and
�. Y j Y�ng McCann, Pete and Ted Browne.. I Were Young, Maggie", to happy
o Ottawa bf provincial farmland out of production, and attended the Grey Cup Game in singalongs like "I Want a Girl" municipalities and a lot of added that he sees a lot of people Montreal on Sunday. and "Pack Up Ybur Troubles".YOU! delegates were questioning. the on councils planning on both Mrs. James Vittie Mrs. Carl
There is also a collection of the ; •-:w:•>.>:
rights of the agricultural sides. Stewart and Miss Dorothy best-known Christmas carols. _
minister to get up and make such "More emphasis is going to. Kreller were guests Saturday at Any group planning a With ever u re ha se of.
PO licy statements if the have to be placed on the the Becker -David wedding in singalong may obtain these song y p
responsibility for local planning economic basis," : he said. Trinity Lutheran Church, Ayton• sheets at the Advance -Times
i rested with the local council. "Agricultural land is important Friends of Mrs. Stewart charge. y * 1. tO11ne'� ,PfeMIX Ol' Sllpp�i�filwn
4 office, free of ch e. The will
In answer to a direct question but equally important is the Rowley will be pleased to hear add'to the fun at any group or
as to where the Ministry of social structure and the she returned home. Friday from family gathering, particularly at '
Agriculture and Food stands economic structure that supports Victoria Hospital, London. Also
P this holiday season. * � ' �$. � . Co-op.. Mineral
regarding the agricultural the agriculture area." Mr. and Mrs. Ira Schaefer are The ' Bluewater Regional '
minister's position on farm, Agricultural communities, home from Listowel Memorial Newspaper Network is an
severances for retirement even . those with the highest Hospital. association of weekly newspe- ' . 4 tonnes- Ce'"1'M
Balanced Feed
dwellings, Harold Flaming, rural• quality of agricultural land, will Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wendt of pers serving communities in this
planning officer with the have pockets of non-productive Toronto were weekend visitors
ministry, replied "you know the land. Mr. Davidson said. area.
from Dec. 3 to 7
Ward relocation .. .
uontinued from Front page an administrator, he thinks it You will receive a
could have been kept on the first
Since the project is directly floor.
related to hospital care there is
W Ie Moues no special government grant Mr. Hayes said the ad-
ministration chose the second _
1 cup Oki Colony` maple syrup available, he noted, and the floor location feeling it would be $1CASH BONUS,
0 "10
2 egg whites hospital will have to find money the best place to confine the noise �l
Warm syrpp over low heat. 11 WAProm in its budget if it is to continue the and also taking into account 0=0P
-7Beat egg whites until very stiff. 0!d cdow program He commented that a
I factors such as the numbers of
• i_� Beat in maple syrup gradually. �� there is money available for the ,
Serve in dessert cups. `day hospital' 'concept, and this Private and semi -private rooms,
•A119„1f,b1..a.,,,.,k could fall under that if and when winch Produce revenue for the Dollar Certificate
it's approved. hospital, and the desire to keep $10 4Y
The Ontario Hospital chronic care patients together in e
Association and the Ontario one area. He asked whether a A Gift t0 You from your Local Co-op.
College of Physicians and second set of doors would reduce
problem. Surgeons are conducting a joint the noise p� BRANCH
survey at the hospital this Thurs- He also told the board that if it
North Huron Credit Union bey as a preliminary to further wants him to administer the ��10 These Certificates Redeemable Until Oacambar 31st 1979. FS�O
discussion of a day hospital, hospital it should allow him to ; „ ;
featuring improved outpatient run it. "If you want the manage -
services. aunt committee to run the,Redeemable for any store pur0ase.
Now offering to members 13% Following an objection by Drs. hospital then hire them and pay
Wilkins and Mowbray that them a salary," he declared. "If
for new 90 Day Specials laboratory services at the I'm going to be second-guessed
hospital are being cut back on everything I do then I w't G I FTS
Deposits. continually, Mr. Hayes suggested stay."
that perhaps it isn't a baa thing to Remember anyone can Shop'
Co-op 1
let people feel the impact of In other business at the
Other Services: reduced health care funding' meeting Mr. Hayes reported that Maximum Number of Coupons: 3 per family
If people get upset then maybe use of the hospital is below last
• something will be done about the Year, but he noted the average COUNNS EXF"E DE�EMgER 31, Im
Free Personal checking - no minimum balance system, he said, whereas if length of patient stay, at 5.9 days,
*Free Life insured savings hospitals keep trying to maintain is very commendable indeed and OFFER VALID FROM DEC. 3 • to 7 ONLY'
• the same 'level of service on well below the provincial
Free life insured loans averse "
fewer dollars eventually the f3 • ,He commended the / CO UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIOI
•RRSP and RHOSP plans available whole system "will collapse medical staff for coping with the / w.l,.eto rnow ant rue►ewa,. ►aYac►M
*Travellers 'checks around our ears". reduced number of beds. *►
The doctors had pointed out the L1MWR KANCN
most recent restriction on hours He also reported the hospital - 1105 vete Ave._
for lab tests would mean a fac- foundation has agreed to lend the North
Now over 1 million dollars in assets tory worker would have to take a hospital $6,000 interest .free for ":'""' 291-4040
day off work in order to get tests one year to hire an occupational
done. therapist to help with the stroke ULGRAVE NAM
-2311 Also at the meeting Allan unit. The physiotherapy 111mosels 187-6453 a Out
was welcomed to the department is overloaded now
r 1NhlgherM 357-2711
board as the new representative and has asked for assistance, he AUWRN
from the town of Wingham. Mr. said, adding that therapy will Call TON Free Zo M 1"29
Your money works for you in your community Harrison is taking the place of hopefully allow stroke patients to
Mayor William Walden on the get back into their homes more
tx►arrl quickly.