HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-11-28, Page 14F
` 4
1,►, 14r" Advance -Times, November 28, 1979
-.._-RECEIVES NECKERCHIEF—Blaine McKittrick receives
the neckerchief of the Wingham Scout Troop from Scout
Leader Ken Foxton. Each troop has Its own colors for the
neckerchief; those for Wingham are red and white.
Mfr 'SCOUT INVESTITURE Jess Mann Is invested as a Scout' by Scout Leader Marty
wr" ' "Cretier. Assisting in the ceremony are Doug Wood and Mike Herd of the senior patrol. Jeff
was one of four boys who moved up from Cubs to Scouts at a ceremony last week.
Moose hunters
F r
to attend public meeting
With Ontario's moose herd in
years, with populations in the
difficulty, the Ministry of Natural
Kenora, Thunder Bay and
Resources is now preparing a
Cochrane areas detertor'ating the
number of policy options which
most. Recreational opporpmities,
will allow the moose population
and economic benefits have been
to increase.
A series of public meetings is
Hunting is believed to be the
being scheduled across the
primary reason for the decline
province to seek reactions to the
Other suspects include habitat
MNR proposals. The Wingham
deterioration, predation, illegal
district is holding such a meeting
kill and climate.
to discuss the moose manage-
Among the ministry
meat program at the Wingham
suggestions to manage this
Legion Hall on Dec. 9 from 1 to a
problem and reduce the kill
p.m. Those attending will be
during the hunting season are
asked to give their opinions on
shortening seasons, moving
the topic.
seasons later in the fall, closing
The provincial moose herd has
seasons and holding bulls only
declined by 35 per cent in 15
seasons. Other options include
the elimination of non-resident
hunters, improving hunter
�wvnie Cerner
education and habitat, holding
By Anna Sakasov
controlled hunts and reducing
.e;., the Brownies came in we
beg Hmi.ts•
handed in the IYC posters, Jam-
These are Possibilities to be
borne money and calendar
discussed at the public m
� VSs•
With the assistance of the public
the ministry will wake its
NEW SCOUTS—Seven new members have been received
Some of the Brownies received
their rW badges. Anna Sakasov
decision. With new approaches
Into the Wingham Scout Troop within the past two weeks.
received her Cook's badge, Terri
mmistry officials anticipate that
They are Jeff Mann, Robert Leedham, David Crawford,
Shaw and Jennifer Willis
by 1885 the provincial moose herd
received the Puppeteer badge,
Jennifer Hunter, Gwriter's,dg d
Shaundra Grove clist ba e.
will increase by X per cent.
Anyone interested is moose
management is encouraged to
Seaforth S �ea�s by
Jennifer Willis and Suzanne
attend the Wingham meeting.
Reid did Brownies in other lands.
Group A did
suggestions and opinions �'°` ste be
appreciated. People interested in
singing games.
Group B read the Brownie story
Ontario's largest game are _also
`to the Tweenies and we talked
about three good turns and
invited to. make their views
know at the Wingham distrL¢t
The action was hot and heavy goals on Mitchell Braun in the
played fishing for good turns. The
Saturday evening as the Wingham net.
Wiagham PeeWeea lost a close At the midway of the
Tweenies did sign, handshake
game to Seaforth by a score of 4- third. period Seaforth had a 4-:
and care of tie and then played a
singing game.
UY�rof's never at
2• lead. Paul Robinson comphtet
In PowWow the Brownies were
HU �O fl V I@ W ? ;
Seaforth took the lead on a the Wingham scoring at 8:27
fluke goal from behind the net at assisted by Stephenson.
reminded about the film and
Christmas Jamboree.
the 6:51 mark of the first period. ICE CHIPS—This was one a
Cecil Skinner was the soloist at
Doug Stephenson evened the the finest checking games eves
the. Sunday. morning service.
score with less than two minutes played by the Wingham squad
Sunday evening Dick Roorda
remaining in the period on a hard Only a hot Seaforth goalie
held a service in the auditorium,
backhand shpt, with an assist prevented the local team freer
A good attendance -was on hand
going to Tim Brown• scoring a convincing win. The
Monday afternoon to enjoy Molly
rematch this Thursday, Nov. 29
Cox and Old Tyme Music.
The mond period was all should be a dandy. Game time it
The men spent Tuesday
Seaforth's as they scored two 6:30 p•m_
morning in the
room preparing a mobile which
will be hung in the main dining-
room: The ceramic class net
� �
Pewee s#af'st'cs
Tuesday afternoon :under the
direction of Mrs. Betty Fawcett.
Evidence of their work will be
Team 5 5 0 43 27 10
seen throughout the home
Mfr 'SCOUT INVESTITURE Jess Mann Is invested as a Scout' by Scout Leader Marty
wr" ' "Cretier. Assisting in the ceremony are Doug Wood and Mike Herd of the senior patrol. Jeff
was one of four boys who moved up from Cubs to Scouts at a ceremony last week.
Blaine McKittrick, Brad Hayden, Bill Davidson and (miss -
Ing) Steve Thynne: With the boys are Scout Leaders Marty
CrPtler and Ken Foxton.
Double Door
with blower and heat exchanger
i 'c
131uevaie women2s institute
celebrated. with all residents 1 Greg Moore 5 games 1.6 averogb -
whose birthdays were in Novem- 30 Mitchell Braun 5 games 3.4 average A c0\'I
actient� stove. Easily in-
ber. The MC for the afternoon G A PTS sertelace or usedhas a free
.was Mrs. Charles Mathers:10 Dwayne Jenkins 3 8 11 standMouth organs were played by 3 Doug Stephenson 6 5 11Harvey Robertson aad GordonWalker, accom :.A Paul gobinson."C" _ _ . 8 1 9 Fullnor for safety and control
Conn at the piano. 'Too Shorht at `'tinti8roiiVTi"yC- =5 •. Offled.dogffor preheated combustion air
6 Jason Goodall 5 3 - 8 �. * -«"feat exchanger and blower for even heat
One End' was the name of the distribution
comical skit put on by the ladies. 19'Quinn O'Donohue 7 0 7
Following the skit the ladies had 8 Billy Cameron 2 4 6 S(x Models To Choose From
a community sing, wdtb Mrs. 2 Jimmy .Dennis "A" 1 5 .6,
Harold Johnston at the piano. 18 Greg Walton 3 2 6 Your Local Dealer If
Gifts were distributed and cakes 11 Jeff Cameron 0 2 '2 . r •
and tea "served`at the close. We 14 Todd Stainton 1 1 2 J• D. �VrA�h
thank the Bluevale Institute 5 Doug McFarlon 2 0 2-
ladies for a delightful afternoon. 16 Jamie Robinson 0 1 1 R. R. Z, LUckAOM PIIOu� 5Zd-6.391
Mrs. Proudy held Bible study 9 Robert leedhom 0 0 0
in the chapel Thursday after-
noon. Mrs. Elsie Henderson and `
Mrs. Mabel Garrow accom I
parried Mrs. Mary Gibbings, Mrs.., -
Betty Rogers, Mrs. Evelyn Ar
cher and Wayne Lester to Oak-
ville Senior Citizens' Residence :-�
for a Region 3 administrators,
activity directors and dietary
meeting. Elsie and Mabel at77M MA"
tended the mini -conference for
the residents.
Sympathy is extended to the GREM
family of Mrs. Sadie Carter. A
warm welcome is extended to our how to rky y01W acket f f j� le� "i she AW17 Thel
newest resident, Dolly Waghorn
from Wingham.
Now Wmtario goes weeldy. With a new 6 -digit k'OURTH, t"IF,I'H,,IXTH A JEVENTH
Ch• • ticket' that's a lot more fun to play. With more ways DRAWS- FOR $25,000 GRAND PRIZES,
ristmas dinner to win. With more prides -165,9'2" ofthem every
J week. Including 15 grand prizes - 3 of $100,000
planned by and 12 of $25.000.'•
And rine exciting new draws instead of sic,
Friendship Club every Thursday night live on N 12345 The next four draws are 6 -digit numbers, each of
BRUSSELS—The members of r9W DRAW -4 WAYS TO WIN $10. there worth $25,000 if your ticket number matches
the Senior Friendship Club, at the number drawn. No subsidiary prizes
The first draw is for a in these draws.
their November meeting, made ' ���, � r. 3 -digit number. And if 12-$25,000
final plans for their Christmas P� �y Th�Y"
• any 3 consecutive digits tIG>rilil DRAW FOR $ lOD,000
dinner which will be held at 12:30 " 1 in your ticket number ` ; �" ; fr
Tuesday, December 4, and match the number drawn, you're a winner For 3 GRAND PRIZES PLUS MANY
catered to by ladies of the example, if your ticket number is 123456, you MOWCASN PRIZES.
Brussels Legion Auxiliary, would win if 123, 234, 345 or 456 were drawn.
President Fred Thuell opened Thais 4 separate cdranoes at 12,000- f 10 pAzes J
the meeting and Mrs. Gertrude `
to the 1st draw every Thursday.— I ,
Bolger, secretary, read the
minutes of the last meeting. Mr. SECOND DRAW- 3 WAYS TO WIN $100. The eighth draw for die 'First Grand prizes is alio
Thuell then introduced the guest � a 6 -digit number lfyourticloet number matches the
speaker', Marg Burkhart, sales - The second number drawn,
{ ;,:.. �; � you win one of the three $ 100.000
representative and group sales 'f,; ;h, draw is a 4 -digit First Grand Prizes.••
coordinator for Huron and Bruce
number. And if And for this draw orgy if the Iasi ave digits on
any 4 consecu-
Counties in connection with Yourticket -. .,,r, dtothoseofthewlrV*1gdcket
Golden Age Travel,. Kitchener, tive digits In your ticket number match the number number, you wit? $5,000. Match the last four end
drawn,ayotr're a winner. For example, if you hold you win $100. And Ifyou have the last three correct.
She spoke of the company's w«..,aa�:, k Y
numerous short tours, especially tickct number 123456, you would win if 1234, you win S 10.
2345 or 3456 were drawn. 3 - $100,000 prhmW 270-f 1 oo
for senior citizens, and pAses, 27-(5,000
distributed brochures. 900-$100 prises m ire 2nd draw every Thursday.** prises and 2.700-$10 prises m tdhe E40A Draw
After the business session a . THIRD DRAW- 2 WAYS TO WIN $1,000. every Thursday."
contest was conducted by Mrs. NINTH DRAW -5 WAYS TO WIN
Amy Speirs on the members' The A WIN'FALL PWZE.
knowledge of Ontario geography. > <: third
The winner was Mrs. Harvey draw The Win'fall draw is a 2 dist
Dennis. is a number. And If any 2 consecu-
Seven games of progressive `5-d� number. And if 5 consecutive digits in your five digits in your ticket number
euchre were played with ten ticket number match the nvmber drawn, you're a match the nuritber drawn, you
whiner. For example, if your ticket number is win a free book of Wintarto,suets on the next draw
tables participating. The winners 123456, you would win if either 12345 or 23456 worth S5. For example, ifybur tkket number is
were: high, Mrs. Blake and were drawn. 123456, you would win with 12, 23, 34, 45 or 56.
Edwin Mallin; low, Mrs. Ethel Mrs.
Ifo- f 1.000 prtzes every Thursday.-- 150,000 Win' hd Pikes every ••
Long and Torrence Dundas. Mrs. Thursday,**
Ida Gordon won the birthday 'ndttt:Issued In blocks of one minion each numbered
prize, horn 000000 to 999999. No series number
The Friendship Club invites all
AMAZING AND INCREDIBLE—The duo of Andrew Kaufman and Robert Leedham senior citizens to join, for by "Based on three million tickets Issued �
doi an the believe
eMertalned the troop with a repertoire of magic tricks of a Scout meeting last week. For add�o t1 enjoyment of others
Instance, how do you drink a glass of water hidden under newspaper without touching the job
T Simple, and receive more enjoyment
paper p you Invite your Scout IeocNr 10 participate M the trick, order him fo pick ���• � win be made
up the paper, then grab the glass and drink the water. welcome.
-A, 41 Cl AIASN60
Blaine McKittrick, Brad Hayden, Bill Davidson and (miss -
Ing) Steve Thynne: With the boys are Scout Leaders Marty
CrPtler and Ken Foxton.
Double Door
with blower and heat exchanger
i 'c
131uevaie women2s institute
celebrated. with all residents 1 Greg Moore 5 games 1.6 averogb -
whose birthdays were in Novem- 30 Mitchell Braun 5 games 3.4 average A c0\'I
actient� stove. Easily in-
ber. The MC for the afternoon G A PTS sertelace or usedhas a free
.was Mrs. Charles Mathers:10 Dwayne Jenkins 3 8 11 standMouth organs were played by 3 Doug Stephenson 6 5 11Harvey Robertson aad GordonWalker, accom :.A Paul gobinson."C" _ _ . 8 1 9 Fullnor for safety and control
Conn at the piano. 'Too Shorht at `'tinti8roiiVTi"yC- =5 •. Offled.dogffor preheated combustion air
6 Jason Goodall 5 3 - 8 �. * -«"feat exchanger and blower for even heat
One End' was the name of the distribution
comical skit put on by the ladies. 19'Quinn O'Donohue 7 0 7
Following the skit the ladies had 8 Billy Cameron 2 4 6 S(x Models To Choose From
a community sing, wdtb Mrs. 2 Jimmy .Dennis "A" 1 5 .6,
Harold Johnston at the piano. 18 Greg Walton 3 2 6 Your Local Dealer If
Gifts were distributed and cakes 11 Jeff Cameron 0 2 '2 . r •
and tea "served`at the close. We 14 Todd Stainton 1 1 2 J• D. �VrA�h
thank the Bluevale Institute 5 Doug McFarlon 2 0 2-
ladies for a delightful afternoon. 16 Jamie Robinson 0 1 1 R. R. Z, LUckAOM PIIOu� 5Zd-6.391
Mrs. Proudy held Bible study 9 Robert leedhom 0 0 0
in the chapel Thursday after-
noon. Mrs. Elsie Henderson and `
Mrs. Mabel Garrow accom I
parried Mrs. Mary Gibbings, Mrs.., -
Betty Rogers, Mrs. Evelyn Ar
cher and Wayne Lester to Oak-
ville Senior Citizens' Residence :-�
for a Region 3 administrators,
activity directors and dietary
meeting. Elsie and Mabel at77M MA"
tended the mini -conference for
the residents.
Sympathy is extended to the GREM
family of Mrs. Sadie Carter. A
warm welcome is extended to our how to rky y01W acket f f j� le� "i she AW17 Thel
newest resident, Dolly Waghorn
from Wingham.
Now Wmtario goes weeldy. With a new 6 -digit k'OURTH, t"IF,I'H,,IXTH A JEVENTH
Ch• • ticket' that's a lot more fun to play. With more ways DRAWS- FOR $25,000 GRAND PRIZES,
ristmas dinner to win. With more prides -165,9'2" ofthem every
J week. Including 15 grand prizes - 3 of $100,000
planned by and 12 of $25.000.'•
And rine exciting new draws instead of sic,
Friendship Club every Thursday night live on N 12345 The next four draws are 6 -digit numbers, each of
BRUSSELS—The members of r9W DRAW -4 WAYS TO WIN $10. there worth $25,000 if your ticket number matches
the Senior Friendship Club, at the number drawn. No subsidiary prizes
The first draw is for a in these draws.
their November meeting, made ' ���, � r. 3 -digit number. And if 12-$25,000
final plans for their Christmas P� �y Th�Y"
• any 3 consecutive digits tIG>rilil DRAW FOR $ lOD,000
dinner which will be held at 12:30 " 1 in your ticket number ` ; �" ; fr
Tuesday, December 4, and match the number drawn, you're a winner For 3 GRAND PRIZES PLUS MANY
catered to by ladies of the example, if your ticket number is 123456, you MOWCASN PRIZES.
Brussels Legion Auxiliary, would win if 123, 234, 345 or 456 were drawn.
President Fred Thuell opened Thais 4 separate cdranoes at 12,000- f 10 pAzes J
the meeting and Mrs. Gertrude `
to the 1st draw every Thursday.— I ,
Bolger, secretary, read the
minutes of the last meeting. Mr. SECOND DRAW- 3 WAYS TO WIN $100. The eighth draw for die 'First Grand prizes is alio
Thuell then introduced the guest � a 6 -digit number lfyourticloet number matches the
speaker', Marg Burkhart, sales - The second number drawn,
{ ;,:.. �; � you win one of the three $ 100.000
representative and group sales 'f,; ;h, draw is a 4 -digit First Grand Prizes.••
coordinator for Huron and Bruce
number. And if And for this draw orgy if the Iasi ave digits on
any 4 consecu-
Counties in connection with Yourticket -. .,,r, dtothoseofthewlrV*1gdcket
Golden Age Travel,. Kitchener, tive digits In your ticket number match the number number, you wit? $5,000. Match the last four end
drawn,ayotr're a winner. For example, if you hold you win $100. And Ifyou have the last three correct.
She spoke of the company's w«..,aa�:, k Y
numerous short tours, especially tickct number 123456, you would win if 1234, you win S 10.
2345 or 3456 were drawn. 3 - $100,000 prhmW 270-f 1 oo
for senior citizens, and pAses, 27-(5,000
distributed brochures. 900-$100 prises m ire 2nd draw every Thursday.** prises and 2.700-$10 prises m tdhe E40A Draw
After the business session a . THIRD DRAW- 2 WAYS TO WIN $1,000. every Thursday."
contest was conducted by Mrs. NINTH DRAW -5 WAYS TO WIN
Amy Speirs on the members' The A WIN'FALL PWZE.
knowledge of Ontario geography. > <: third
The winner was Mrs. Harvey draw The Win'fall draw is a 2 dist
Dennis. is a number. And If any 2 consecu-
Seven games of progressive `5-d� number. And if 5 consecutive digits in your five digits in your ticket number
euchre were played with ten ticket number match the nvmber drawn, you're a match the nuritber drawn, you
whiner. For example, if your ticket number is win a free book of Wintarto,suets on the next draw
tables participating. The winners 123456, you would win if either 12345 or 23456 worth S5. For example, ifybur tkket number is
were: high, Mrs. Blake and were drawn. 123456, you would win with 12, 23, 34, 45 or 56.
Edwin Mallin; low, Mrs. Ethel Mrs.
Ifo- f 1.000 prtzes every Thursday.-- 150,000 Win' hd Pikes every ••
Long and Torrence Dundas. Mrs. Thursday,**
Ida Gordon won the birthday 'ndttt:Issued In blocks of one minion each numbered
prize, horn 000000 to 999999. No series number
The Friendship Club invites all
AMAZING AND INCREDIBLE—The duo of Andrew Kaufman and Robert Leedham senior citizens to join, for by "Based on three million tickets Issued �
doi an the believe
eMertalned the troop with a repertoire of magic tricks of a Scout meeting last week. For add�o t1 enjoyment of others
Instance, how do you drink a glass of water hidden under newspaper without touching the job
T Simple, and receive more enjoyment
paper p you Invite your Scout IeocNr 10 participate M the trick, order him fo pick ���• � win be made
up the paper, then grab the glass and drink the water. welcome.
-A, 41 Cl AIASN60