The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-11-21, Page 6LAIE 6-7%0 Whilffham Adv"ca:r Tuutia. November,91, IV79 Covenant Playws w111 perform at MilleraStokes ceremony �he United Church A " of worship relatively "Itasidlia'asawar now to this am of Western � t enhanced by autumn so"#"& Ontario, Christian drama, will be performed Sunday iporning Forty golden ta"isig. Presbyterian Church, October V, at seven o'clock. The during the service of worship at surrounded by floral Te"Wateir, whew marriage vows double -ring 'tic Wingham United Church. arrill""41b in autumn cola's were exchanged by Wanda performed by ceremony was Presented by a team from of *,Zdl*w and brown, 010- Stokes of Teeswater and Carl The Rev. G. Thompson, Covenant Players, the drama =C7 bride is that daughter of the altar of Knox Mil London, on Saturday, Mr. and Urs. James Stokes, will comprise 43 minutes of the service. The sermon entitled Teftwatff, and parents of the . 0-- 4, groom are Mr. and Urs. Lorne "Transit Gloria" will look at Edwards, RR 3, Tonwater. ordinary man, his weaknesses and strengths, and how he has Mrs. Bruce Keith was organist throughout the 'ceremony and learned to live with them and Ww accompanied Jack Mytocit _"ake them work in his life. as be played a violin solo of 11% As Sunday's theme touches Lord's Prayer". every life, so does all the work Given in marriage by her lox uted by Covenant Players. Parents, the " chow a flow- Their work is Communication,, QVa'�ty Work length gown "white lace ac- aimed at making the Christian canted with sequins and boa, faith relevant in today's world 0 #A 'ways work and styled with oval and in today's churches. Where 0 necklilfw, lilypoint sleeves and there has been a breakdown in A- Youcan rely on Us to do attached train. Her long veil was communication in the church, the any dry cleaning job to outlined with lace and drawn players have asked themselves together into a beaded headpiece. 'Why?'. It is not the message, for your liking. We use the Her bouquet was comprised of 'Jesus very newest methods! Fast Christ is the same butterscotch, buff and orange yesterday, today and tomorrow,. reasonable! mums, yellow roses, petite white So it must be the method. carnations, miniature cattails and Pheasant feathers on -a dark Their method, that of drama, Fitzgerald Photos, Culiton brown fern background. has reached many people since READMA Mrs. Debbie Hulley of Lw1_ the group began in 1963 in N desborio was matron of honor and California. In the last 15 years, CLEANERS AND MEN'S'WEAR wore a gown of sheer orange and they have travelled all over the Hueltherr4Phillips vows brown floral over orange satin. 'Winghom world and have given 250,000 Josephine Street, She carried butterscotch and Performances ranging from Phone 357-1241 orange mums and yellow room Biblical drama to modern-day eXC with a brown fern background. contemporary work. Their hanged at ��s 11 Alex Golovchenko of London repertoire consists of more than was best man. In keeping with 500 plays, ranging. in length from Angela Phillips, daughter of Best man wall John Wilson, St. Paul's Church the color scheme, the groom 15 seconds to more than two Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Phillips, friend of the grown, of Chain - wore a three-piece dark brown hours, and they now have 40 Seaforth, and Dave Huether, son paign, Illinois, and the usher was (ANGLICAN) corduroy suit fulltime touring units. Their Of M". and Mrs. Murray Huether, Brian Huether, brother of the Following the ceremony dinner founder and director is Charles Brussels, were united in groom, of Brussels. WINGHAM was. served in the church M. Tanner. marriage Saturday, October 2o, The organist was Mrs. William basement where guest tables The basic equipment of in a double -ring ceremony held in King of Brussels and the soloist John Street at C&ntre Street were decorated with cen- Covenant Players is a table and Melville Presbyterian Church, was Don McDonald, uncle of the The Rector: The Rev. John T.M. Swan, L. Th. trepieces of autumn leaves and two folding chairs. But the Brussels, with Rev. Kenneth groom, RR 2, Brussels• dried flowers. Guests were audience is transported easily Innes officiating. A reception followed in 1W from scene to scene as settings The matron of honor was present from Toronto, Bramalea, s Diane Brussels, Morris and Grey Petrolia, Shelburne, London, change from homes, schools, Clark, sister of the bride, of Community Centre, B 9* SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25 russels. Paisley, Listowel, Hanover, churches, offices, wherever Woodstock and the bridesmaid Dave and Angela are residing at "The SundevAillixt "re Advent* Holyrood, Whitechurch, Lon- modern man lives and works. was Mary Ann Johnston, sister of 359 Bartley Bull Parkway, 8:30 a.m.—Holy Eucharist desborol and Wingham. They do not set fees but depend the bride, of Goderich. Brampton, Ontario. 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School The bride's mother wore a on freewill offerings where they ll:Wa-m.—Sung,Eucharist and Sermon broadcast over long-sleeved teal blue dress with give performances. Theirs is a CKNX Radio a corsage of American Beauty ministry of faith when often they On. aft k. Ankews DNY— 10:00 a.m.—Holy Eucharist and blue silk roses. The groom's do not know where the next meal U CW executive named mother chose a grey -blue three- will come from. piece suit with a corsage of pink Sunday's team will consist of BRUSSELS—The 1980 slate of meeting to worship by quoting a and blue silk roses. Diane Nixon of Edmonton and officers was announced when scripture verse. For travelling to Florida and Robin Goettl from London. In members of the afternoon unit of Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Crocker WANTED addition to the portion of the the United Church Women met ULOVA Af 41f "UT Disney World, the bride wore an at convened the devotions based on Students interested in learnina skills leading- Qapxnca the .All Mrs -Hazelwood's '16-- vory dress withmatching shawl. J FA eOTAI , 1421--y ewas a Remembrance Day theme. to high paying and rewarding careers in the They will reside in London. will also conduct a mini- Tuesday of last week. Psalm 46 was read, followed by a The bride is a graduate of workshop at 9:45 for members of The nominating committee meditation. . A poem entitled MEN'S field of Techno1ogy. presented the following list Y Centralia College of Agricultural the Sunday School and interested of "Aware" was read by Mrs. Smith Technology. adults. Their visit to Wingham is officers: past president, #92505 Presently. Lambton College's placement ident, Mrs. E. and all the members joined in Accuse feature. Goldtone. LADIES' "Peace, Silvenone linen • being sponsored by the teen class Hemingway; president, Mrs. reading the hymn ial. Day/date #92079 Me daft fiot,�ha.?,:4 Cudmore; first vice president, 'EnglishIFrench day disc. Sol"I'llone rects"tular case o9y* at the Wingham United Church Perfect Peiw4,19 1iDch0`W1`1 I with braided edge. T&WW Mrs. Tyerman; second vice bracelet. Snow-white dial. graduates or Co-op students to fill .existing The seMPRwe from the ift Jewelled crown. vacancies. president, Mrs. Ida Evans; chapter of St. Luke's Gospel Jarst two of our many styles secretary, Mrs. R. Hupfer; pertained to the International Of SullOwdl WOtChOS - Me -our Voice for Life CWL winners assistant m-- ir - 1 cOmPlillitilir Collection. %J exist L%J >LUWF0"L::i, 1" 1 ay or; Year of the Child. This was Technology Programs. 7" about id meets at home Fourteen tabltreasurer, Miss Laura Lucas; followed by ihe story of Helen es were played at pianist, Mrs- V. Thomas; Bacon, a nurse in a lepers' wing MpeClU the CWL card party Nov. 13. assistant, of R. Campeau Mrs. W. Turnbull; of a Thailand hospital. The For information concerning , Lombton Ladies' high was Olive Lewis, program committee, Mrs. special care and love offered by low was Agnes Williamson. High Crocker, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. this arse to Asher — x- Coll"'s Tediiiiiallogy Pecipai contact the The Winghain pro-life group i, 'the leper InFnrrnr-,tir%^ Centre -& c:Ao-"r_i , man was Tony Straker, low was Steffler, Mrs. Cudmore Mrs• bov comnl el cha —1 11" met at the home of Mr. —A is— F. Richard Campeau on Nov. 12. Charlie Bosnian. The door prize Hupfer. attitude of rejection to that of tao J Mrs. Campeau opened the was won by Annette Kut. Mrs. i Fifteen members answered the being a person. W S 4' Freiburger I Carl W % A lassiblon' relleye meeting with prayer. and Mrs. roll call with a verse on 'hope' "Rather than regarding un- S Raymond Schmidt were the and 54 visitations were recorded. fortunate pi During the education report it eople. as outcasts Alillilled ArLs and Technolo�p- was noted the pro-life booth at the conveners. Mrs. Hemingway called the because of some physical Cj Teeswater Fair was good, with weakness, we need to see them • many people interest. through spiritual bifocals and BULOVA IT WATC# #12333 The open line program on the treat them accordingly," the gifts with Love 17AW classic local FM radio station also went speakers said. come from over well and many calls were Scripture from I Samuel in- =in od W linen dial. received on the topic of abortion. troduced Mrs. Crocker's study on A television ad for the In- who personifies faithful N STE'TT.. the life of Hannah, the woman motherhood ternational Year of the Child is After years of prayer, a' W1. now being shown at various time 'NGHAM intervals. The theme is "Think son, Samuel (asked of the Lord), ew �LLERS LIMITED was born to her. She in turn Jr6vA EW adoption, not abortion". It was consecrated the child to the the namlo you've trusted ... since 1950 noted that prospective parents service of God. are waiting up to four or five Christmas cards were 203 Durham E. 11 Albert Street 26 Main St. S. FRUIT,MARKET years to adopt a baby and it was distributed to be sent to shutins WALKERTON CLINTON 284 Main St. suggested the problems of SEAFORTH EXETER and former members. Volunteers 881-0122 482-3901 adoption and abortion can both 527-1720 235-2468 offered to spend some time at the Size 125 be solved by stopping abortion nursing home, assisting with crafts, visiting, reading and and giving up the babies for adoption by. childless parents 8 enjoying music with the residents' Tangelos doz. 9 who desperately want a child. there. Better Buy -128 oz. The meeting closed with prayer by the president. Liquid Bleach 1.01 Weeklyeuchre Better Buy - 128 oz. Fabric Softener 079 BELGRAVE —Eleven tables 1 of euchre were played at the W1 Swifts - lb. Hall, last Wednesday evening. 1 1 9 The winners were: Premium Wieners High lady, Mrs. Lewis Stone- house; low lady, Mrs.. Nelson Higgins; novelty lady, . Mrs. Hazel Davidson; high man, Edgar Wightman; low man, Mrs. 41 Store Hours: Clarence Hanna (playing as a Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 P.M. man); novelty man, Garner FAMILY Et CHILDREN'S SERVICE8 Saturday$ 7:30 a.m. to 7:00p.m. Nicholson. There will be another euchre Of Huron County Phone 367-2uo CLOSED SUNDAYS We Deliver next Wednesday evening at 8 Requests your Support for the annual p.m. A; CHRIS'T'MAS BUREAU "Cults on University CamSIS"CHRISTMASM COMING111 A public meeting about "Cults on University Campyis" will be hold in St. Andrew's Capt. lain Trainor is the co-ordinator in Wingham and the de t t The Presbyterian Church, Josephine Street-, Winghorn, Salvation Army Citadel, Edward Street, will be open December 10 poto 14 be- tween 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Thursday, November 22nd at 8:00 p.m.. PlIllosill support this annual games, gifts, new and good community Proi*cf with donations, toys, The speakers will be Ion Haworth, a former member of a Cult and President of the used clothing for all ages. Council of Mind Abuse-.' The Rev. Dr. A. W. MocDougoll, Secretary for the Department Income Tax Receipts for all financial donations. Registration No. 0104192. 01 -05. Plooso include address on all personal cheques so that receipts may of Church and University of The Board of World Mission, The 'Presbyterian Church in Can- be sent. Wa. A question period will follow the address. THE WEDDING of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Niessm. (Susan THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED Swanson) took place November 3, In the WlngMm United Church. The bride Is the daughter of Mrs. Joan Swanson of FAMILY & CHILDREN'S SERVICES This meeting is sponsored I by The Winghom arl90istrict Ministerial Association. BeIgrave and the groom is the sart of Mr. and Mrs. Helmut I Niessen, RR 4, Wingham. The couple Is now residing In 46 GLOUCESTER TERRACE, GODERICH, ONT. N7A 1W7 Mississauga. s