HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-11-21, Page 4X
A page of editorial opinion, November 21
Community centres vital MUSINGS1
By Jobs W. Psul"A
Last wee There had bow much talk of a
the residents of ttw Bluevale arena complex which can be used for corn- now town hall in Wingham, but
am voted to put up their share of a $X,0W munity gatherings• nothi became
of it unill Judge
munity Hall. They should be commended W* was the duty of the municipahty
A community Centre Is more than APE-
enov tion program (and much of the neces. B. L. Doyle pointed out that It
sary labor) to rejuvenate the Biuwvale Com. building in which to hold entertainments an:
fowl Suppers. It Is the focal point at which to provide a fit place to bold
the foresight which Indicates that "Whall Is, residents can gather to discuss their mutual court. He condemned the old
a vital asset to their rural commucity. Problems, to hear candidates for -public of T town hall which had been the first
Major portion of the cost will be In pro- fice declare their objectives when they we school down at the corner of Leo
viding health and safety facilitiesgold and John Streets. At the
rightly de- election —and of course to provide a locale am June 1889 council meeting, a
manded by provincial legislation. Such for many social functions which are the last
• motion was passed to instruct the
renovations are, like all else today, expen- remaini evidence of the close-knit com- clerk to prepare a bylaw to
sive—but It would be difficult to measure in munity evidence
a rural neighborhood should (,..j
dollars the benef Its which will accrue to this continue to be. borrow money to build a new
generation 'and perhaps several more, In Knowing the people of Bluevale, Turn- town hall, not to exceed $10,00.
maintaining a Centre for community activity
This was later reduced to $8,W0.
berry and Morris Townships it is safe #0 pre-
and debate. Unlike many of Its neighboring dict that they will meet their commitment us There was discussion pro and
con. Some said a high school or
townships, Turnberry does not have an with flying colors.
street lighting would be pre-
ferred. Others claimed the old
hall was so uncomfortable that
people would no longer attend
'77. 7� meetings there. Besides, a Igo -
ahead town like Wingham needed
Low on the scoreboard a good town hall. This was all
Parents of minor hockey players, par- with the conduct of a game — verbally. At 171y I(/NDA, OCAFY
ai19, dot a public meeting on July
titularly nwthqrs, didn't score very high In a least one response stated that mothers By august, a plan had been
A/er.. N,
recent survey conducted by the Ontarlo should be kept out of the arena at game time. 7VIAfKAVERICAAA0 1"YAR)?l Kerr and ten -
recent drawn by William
E 00VIr By 7
Hockey Council. OIL DOW
All of which sounds like a prettyfough C
At a meeting last week at the F. E. assessment of those parents who want to am dens were called. It was to be 90
711=Pz: feet by 50 feet, with two wings 24
Madill Secondary §chool In Wingham minor their youngsters excel) at our national sport. x 12 to give stairway room. The
hockey was given the full treatment. Similar Obviously not all can or should be Included In first floor to contain offices and a
Meetings have been held right across the the ranks of the comparative few who pose a council chamber. The second
province, inspired by the Increasing criti. threat to realization of the true objects of the floor was to be full size for an
cism of violence In minor hockey. Although game. assembly hall complete with a
the attendance at the Wingham meeting was Other problems which should be ad. 0.M stage. The front of the building
light (approximately 16), the OHC officials dressed Included neglect of school -work' was to have a mansard roof, ex -
weren't unduly discouraged. They claim that when hockey Is awarded all the priorities,, te s r e s lending around to the sides•
has been the pattern at previous meetings. and the inordinate amount of time and_ There was to be a bell tower in
More significant than attendance was physical endurance demanded of young. NOVEMBER 1932 location, the former Williams At a meeting of the Wingham La front centre. The hill was to be 43
i Lawn Bowling Club, replacing
the summary of a detailed questionnaire players when they try to'keep up with a At a meeting of Wingham Town Restaurant. - Lions Club, certificates of Mrs. L. Elliott. Other members feet from the street and placed in
which had been widely circulated to hund- schedule of two games a week, at least half Council it was decided, after Rev. P. R. Sitter, rector of membership were presented to of the executive are Mrs. A. the centre of the lot which was
reds of people Interested In minor hockey to ofthem requiring long hours of travel to discussion, that transients be the Anglican Churches at two new members, Lee Vance Lunn, Mrs. R. Downie, Mrs. G. two chains wide. The first ten -
learn the ways In which It can achieve maxi- other towns. supplied with meals instead of Belgrave, Blyth and Auburn, has and DeWitt Miller. MacKay and Mrs. G. Godkin. ders were all too high and it was
mum benefit to young players. A common observation was that chit- them going from house to house accepted a call to the Church of A group of held over to see what changes
A fairly high proportion of the answers Oren should be taught to play the and notice be placed in the local the Epiphany in London, after NOVEMBER 1965 people received Young could be made. 1,
dwelt on the role of parents In the minor Europeans play It, with strong em game as paper requesting citizens to send serving here for three years. The 1965-66 slate of officers of medallions from ved bronze Alterations were made, such as
emphasis on om the Royal Life
,W; Saving Society as .,wards for wood shingles instead of slate on
skating and stick -handling skills rather than Mayor illis. Sunoco distributor, has pun- last week. Mr. and Mrs. Scott the mansard, wooden window
hockey program. Some of those answers all transients requesting meals to Ross Scott of Brucefield, Blue the Eastern Star was installed
gave the lie to the off -repeated slogan, on physical, contact. The Ontario Minor Miss Mary G. King has been chased the Clegg house on Reid are Worthy Patron and passing exams as lifeguards• sills, plain stone foundation and
"Take, don't send your boy to the arena." In Hockey Association recently refused to ban awarded the second Carter Patrick Street, also the lot from Worthy Matron. Associate Mentioned were Barry Paul, no vault. Tenders were. called,
Larry McDonald, Bob McKay,
fact It was frequently suggested that parents body checking In the kIds'game5 — the only Scholarship of $60 cash. This the house to Josephine Street. Matron is Mrs. Ken Leitch and Marilyn Riley, Sharon Willie, again. The lowest was for $K%
push their youngsters too hard, expecting, provincial association to do so, award is for the highest standing George K. Armstrong of the Jack Reavie is Associate Patron. 'Bonnie Willie and Edith Austin. from Robert Patterson of Ren -
even demanding that they try to become These objections are not new. Many in ten papers in the Senior village of Teeswater., was ap- Richard T. Kilpatrick has sold Miss Riley and Ann McKibbon sail, which was accepted. John
superstars In the national game. Some of the coaches and parents have been voicing these matriculation examinations. pointed a county OROWe for his general insurance'business to won awards as instructors. Elder was appointed inspector,.-;
answers suggested that there should be same opinions for years. Hockey officialdom A new low level was reached in Bruce in place of Vhx;ent Pet- William S. Reed of Wingham. The construction was Carried out
bench penalties for parents who Interfere has been very slow to get themessage. -the price of hogs when a car was teplace who resigned. Jim Robinson, an Ontario At the regular meeting of in, 1890. By November of that year
shipped from ' Belgteve on The Ashfield Township unit of scholar, was valedictorian -at the Majestic Rebekah Lodge, the tenders were called for two hot
Thursday and the price paid was-, the, Federation of Agriculture commencement exercises of new Canadian flag, presented to air furnaces and for seating in
.$3.10 a cwt. glected , Wilfred Farrish Wingham District High school. ,the - lodge by Sister Doris the hall. Two Clan Bros. fur -
o -Witt(Ifitesideut.,f Other officers are He also received a University of 4a''
Mtn,7_1 *ton, in memory of,.her , aace&, were _.p.q;h*Bed witid
has a M#A-ftboaWflon i6 tkwrge 'Itirkland, T. J. Lannan Waterloo scholarship. Other -father, the late Alexander - James Diffield ai00osi4a, install't.
The Missi. saucia Iesson *'4 Bakery,in Gorrie. Carid Earl McDonald. scholarship winners included MacKay of Kincardine, was them. (Their shop was where the.
Mr. and Mrs. Mery i Dev es � 00 George Lloyd, son of Mr. Floyd Smith, Joyce Procter, dedicated. PUC office is today.) Two hun-
It's still hard to believe! Almost a obvious that dangerous gases should not be and family are In from and ?&s. R. H. lJoyd, has been Frederick Alcorn, ' Douglas
Dr. Murray MacLennan, a aced opera chairs were secured
,quarter of a million people moved out of placed anywhere near explosive or flam- Rapid City in the neat future and promoted to the, rank of Flying Elliott, Brain, Kerr, James longtime member of the Public at $2.10 each, to be placed at the
11heir homes in a matter of a few hours,,., mable cargoes. There should be a very close will live in Hanover where Mr: Officer. George has been in Nasmith, while the top athletes School Board, has stated he will front for reserve seats. Common
housed In makeshift accommodation, some examination of the ability of tankers to with- Deves has secured a position in England since early spring, were Murray J?rocter and Doreen not be running this year. Also up chairs at twenty-five cents each
of them for nearly a week, blazing and stand accident without rupture. the furniture factory. Thomas O'Malley and family Smyth. I'll for re-election to the board this were bought for the rest of the
exploding tank cars of propane fuel and one Train cargoes are by no means the only The Red_ tross Outpost and Miss, Bridgetta O'Malley Airs. Webster was elected the year are William Harris, Roy building.
of deadly liquid chlottine4— and not one dir- ones which pose a threat to publicsafety. Hospitals are in peril. Some of moved from their home at new president of the Wingham Bennett and Murray Gerrie. The council finally accepted
ectly related death. Scarcely a day goes by without at least one these havens for the sick and Whitechurch to London. Miss the hall from the contractor after
. .
The entire exercise deserves com- big truck tanker passing through the main mJured of northern Ontario are in Eileen Snell, who has finished her they appointed Charles Lloyd to
mendlation for the citizens who co-operated business section of this town, and some of da . ger of being forced to close business course at the high work with the inspector to locate
their doors unless financial hep school, left with them to get a job be corrected. The
with such unexpected willingness and good them are driven at speeds which make an lt b trouble spots to C
order, the policeand firemen who super- unexpected collision not only a possibility is -forthcoming. Twenty-four in London. O O O :),��CD 1�D extras amounted to $42.50 above
vised the evacuation, the volunteer or- but a tragic accident just waiting to happen hospitals extend over an area of NOVEMBER 1955 the contract price. John Hama,
ganizations which provided the bulk of the - hundreds of square miles in the airman of the
This is by no means the first time such a pos new sections of Ontario, giving First test pattern for CKNX-TV
manpower needed to move, house and feed sibility has been mentioned In this column. A went on the air on Friday af- committee engaged Mr. A. Trato,
- few years ago just such an accident occurred nursing care available to moon and although there was a scenic artist to paint scenery,
the thousands who were temporarily home the only hospital and trained Day Centre News the '
less. One can scarcely believe that such a on the main street of one of the towns In the thousands of settlers. very little to see, many people in for the stage. Many different
ghastly threat was attended by a merciful Lake Erie region and It was pointed out at f the district tuned in to Channel 8 dr%x were painted, such as
conclusion. that time that every smaller community NOVEMBER to view the first telecast from over 6o senior citizens from street, parlor, kitchen, woods,
However, the near -tragedy is a lesson faces the same threat. Can you Imagine the The Coffee Shop, which hati Wftham- Wingham and area gathered at &therine Rae. The Tuesday landscape, rock and jail scenes.
I possibility The pgroup is diligently working on its The drop curtain had a picture of
which must be learned at its first teaching; It death and destruction which would result If a been operating in the Queens that there may the day centre this week to ceramic projects with Mrs. Anita Venice painted on it. Mr. Hama
Is unlikely that a second occurrence of this car suddenly emerged from a side street Into Hotel for the past nine years, is - be bears or wolves at large in participate in recreational, social Mahehad received the funds to do it
kind will have such fortunate consequences. the path of one of those travelling fire moving this week to its new East Wawanosh has caused and educational activities.
Now that the evacuees are all back In bombs? anxiety arnung farmers in the from public spirited citizens.
township after a number of The groups that meet each On Tuesday the group was Wingham then had an opera
their homes It is time to assess the blame — As a matter of fact this would be a good- calves have been reported killed week have an active part in treated to a special musical house second to none in the west
and blame there Must be. Governments are time to revue the entire question of truck I
already busy formulating the la and partly eaten. Nelson Dow, determining the program for the concert with Cameron Somers of equipped with scenery for any
sws which traffic on town streets. Not only carriers Melvin Taylor and Frank Ethel, Harry Lavis of Lucknow play•
have long been needed to cover uck situs- of dangerous cargoes but many other heavy next month. November was busy Two rooms on the north, side
T"mitsen have all lost calves in with the clients receiving legal, and Mary Montgomery of
tions. Officialdom, which always busies It- trucks roar through our business section the past three weeks and car Whigham. The group played were rented to the Mechanic's in -
self with so many trivialities In the realm of perhaps within the legal speed limit, but ob' New Books ceases- and nutritional advice.
December is booked up with a
have been partly some old favorites for its audi- stitute for one year for $65. The
public safety, will now be forced to pass sen- viously at a rate which would not permit a in the Library 1 devoured. ence and several who were partition was removed and
safety seminar the police are
Bible laws to control the transport of danger- quick stop should a child run from between a Congratulations to Great White planning for us. Christmas is just present got up to dance. Proper shelves installed. Part of
ous cargoes. Those regulations should In- couple of parked vehicles. Heavy trucks are HURRICANE HAZEL by Betty Shaver Vic Loughlean who has around the coinet and plans are The success of the program the cellar was rented for $50 a
Kennedy Year to James Armour. The
clude very low speed limits for any vehicles, certainly a necessity In our modern world, opened a new barber she on the well underway for a party for the depends largely on Our vOlun- rooms on the south side were
rail or road, when they are carrying lethal but their size and weight demands some spe- On Oct. 15, 1954, after carving a main drag.
loads through built-up areas. Certainly It Is tial regulations. path of destruction through the A new program for snow groups. teers and drivers. Several rented out as insurance and real
Caribbean and up through the removal on the main street of Wingham and area residents estate offices for many years.
eastern seaboard of the United town will be tried this year. The The ladies have have offered their help and ex -
The front grounds were sodded
very well on their craft projects. pertise to the centre. The staff find three walks put in. A gas pipe
States, Hurricane Hazel swept new system embody the A child's fla el quilt was started volunteers are excellent workers
Lake Ontario and of a rented tractor with loader, to fence was installed around the
across will use nn
devastated the Toronto region, be operated by men of the public last week and many showed an and their time and effort are front.
They aren't starying What happened? Betty Ken- -works department who will active interest in working on it. sincerely appreciated. If you The telephone in the clerk's
nedy's book carefully traces the endeavor to remove the snow as The macrame towel rings and pot would like to become involved as office came early in 1*7. Mr. J.
Probably the average guy who has to panies based In Calgary are not exactly train of events of those October it falls rather than to let it ac- hangers are started and well a volunteer call 357-1440 for more A. Morton loaned a safe to the
meet Inflation and vaulting energy costs will going down a dry well hole. Their profits days 25 years ago. cumulate, underway under the leadership of information, town the same year. The vault
never really know just where all the oil range from $700,000 to $2 million — riot In a A DREADFUL MAN by Brian was finally installed in 1910 by W.
profits go. We hear so many stories about year; not In a month, but in one week. Com- Aherne H, Rintoul for $375.
how much the oil companies need f--- pant ownerships are largely American. One Brian Aherne, a famous and
ploration and get a dozen reasons U.S. resident i who owns a healthy slice of distinguished actor, was one of
should be paying world prices that one of the biggles personally has an income Sander's close friends. In this
intimate biography he takes us TODAYFS CHILD
con as impossible to sort out truth from I- of $24,000 each and every day from his share
culated fiction. of Canadian operations. into the private. life of an
He probably will be able to meet the cost amazingly talented star whose This brown -eyed blonde sweetheart Is Christine a
It Is, however, Illuminating to a certain of higher prices for home heating oil this unpredictable behavior and feminine little girl who loves pretty clothes. Christine 6s
degree to learn that the three major ol I com- winter. brash temperament often led the just turned 5 and though small for her age she Is a bundle
author to joke that he was "a of enerv, and so adventurous she needs to be watched so
dreadful man", but who was she won t wander away.
nevertheless capable of genuine Christine's develpment has been uneven, for In some
ways she Is a good deal below average but on the other
kindness and compassion. hand she has a surprisingly large vocabulary. She
THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES THE CRUELLEST NIGHT by attends a special school for below-average children but is
Christopher Dobson soon to be tested to see If she really belongs there. Once a
Published at Wingham, Ontario. by Wenger Bros. Limited When disasters at sea are moody little girl, Christine Is now much more even -tem -
discussed the names which inevi- pered. She loves music and likes to play with dolls, cars
Barry Wenger, President Robert 0. Wenger, Sec. -Tress, tably come to mind are those of and puzzles.
the Titanic and Lusitania. No one This little girl hal a special need for parents who can
Member Audit Bureau of Cirrulat ions ever mentions the Wilhelm offer her gentleness, stability and security, and who will
Gustloff, yet about 7,000people, help her develop her own potential, whatever that turns
Member Canadian Community Newspaper Aqq out to be.
oc Ontario Weekly Newspaper Assoc. nearly five times as many as To Inquire about adopting Christine, please write to
went down in the Titaniq, Today's Child, Ministry of Community and Social &r -
Subscription $15.00 per year Six months $8.00 perished when the Gustloff Was vices, Box 889, Station K, Toronto, Ontario, M4P 2H2. In
L,, � Jin your letter, tell something of your present family and
- _
Second Clans Mail Registration No. 01121 Return postage guaranteed on a January night in is*, your way of life.