The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-11-07, Page 50
RESULTS you'll applaud
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1'hr W fu�rr� ddvat►�+ j100. Not4niller 7. IM— Palo b
F IVErl ll
7Eir •
Aius •ri
�� "Paper Wheat" nevi
Memories should he P - ew
on October Z Mrs. Wfin'sand humoring them. The be-
charished, snot tarnished rade 13 English students (aid a ginning portrays a train going
` few lucky 12's) travelled to Blyth west and as it's going, the stories
Joan Crawford was an lives, true or fabricated? Cer- y � �� to are "Paper Wheat", a Cana- of the various immigrants are
alcoholic child abuser. Rivis tainly the money involved mustthan play based on the history of told, from the Englishman's
Presley, a crazed drug addict. be an important attraction. But - the prairies and the forming of complaint of `bobs cfiasietg their
And Marilyn Monroe, a pathetic, no matter how enormous the 1 gram pools and cooand co-operatives. bloody foxes" over his lto the
suicide -prone mental ca ... or sum it is not enough to justify the though the topic sounds dull Ukrainians plea for freedom.
so we've been told. But were destruction of a person's life. We i + ' f the Performance was tremen- The f'a'st act carefully por-
theY'• place our heroes on a pedestal to s dour. The comedy was great and frayed the struggle of pioneers
All of the above mentioned be admired and adored — only to l f ':� �� there was plenty of singing and breaking the first sod and the
people are dead, one of,tbem for have them toppled at our feet by dancing to keep it entertaining. constant fight against the
17 years. But they are being kept the words of one person who feels 1 l , I ` Many of the themes 1 elements. The loneliness of the
alive by a morbid few who will it is "their duty" to expose ",kit., ` ��� (� I ir, r ��II in the show coincided with People was portrayed with
not let them rest in peace. They truth". Why not let sleeping dopy" - themes studied in class. There humor, yetw with a tinge of sad -
are easy targets to be raked over lie. What we don't know won't - _ .�i was even a lesson in economics. tress and bitterness against the
the coals by those intent on obli- hurt us, but often, if revealed, I ,Y, , One actor juggled two rubber speculators who preyed on help-
terating any pleasant memories can be very painful and destruc- ,_ �� %� balls and a bun, gradually eating less farmers. Every area of
we may have for these people. tive. the bun as production costs were Pioneering was dealt with,
The mentioned three are not the Shelley Long in _ a deducted. In the end, he was hope and determination aswell
only ones who have fallen victim juggling a small crumb which as their (prairie wheat farmers)
to the mad dogs of the media. was representing what the far- realization of strength in num-
Almost everyRUSTIC MEMOIRS by Kathy &WWI me' received for his wheat. bers, thus human cooperation.
prominent person With scenes like this, there is The final act centred com-
death torture. who dies is subjected to post-
no wonder that : enjoyed �pletely on the fight to create the
The public is just as guilty as THE STEVEN TRUSCOTT STORY WOES OF A the Play. , Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, thus
the gossip mongers. After all, if GRADE NINER "PAPER WHEAT" gaining a foothold in controlling
we did not read the "tell -all" Every night to someone I pray, On fiber 24 and 25 "Paper their own destiny. Superb por-
articles there would be no reason"Deliver me from homework,
Wheat", a Play performed by the trayals were given of those in-
to write them. To cite a more 101st e h a . to ■r There's more every day." 25th Street House Theatre of strumental in the pool's creation.
tangible example, the book Saskatchewan was presented in As time passes the actors showed
"Mommie Dearest" written by It's been 20 years since the . last 20 years constantly stating, h' typing my fingers will miss the Blyth Centre for the Arts as the change in ,the wheat pool from
Joan Crawford's adopted da raped guilty, up to this point j� the keys, Part of its national tour. Some v'O�ng for tbe. common man to
op ugh- ped and strangled body of a 12- "I am not „ light say that people would not be in- suddenly growing out of his
ter has been on the bestseller list Year-old girl was. found in a bush in vain. Now, with the arrival of In science I light my .burner and
for months and has just been re- near Clinton, and it's been 10 Bill Trent's book, "Who Really en in a PjaY concerning the grasp, a scene that seemed to
leaped in paperback.. years since the man convicted of Killed Lynne Harper?' on the Math is one thing I'll never get growth of the Saskatchewan leave just a touch of betterness in
*by do writers swarm over the that murder was released on market, it must seem to Steven through, fie', but it deals with the the Wig'•
famous dead like vultures, pick- parole.. Yet still the suspense goes Truscott that the time for his Angles are - ling' equal, common of all man- As the plpy closed, a group of
ing apart every detail of their on as more mysterious details well-deserved release from guilt and reflex too! kind. In the past the struggle old People were sitting, quietly
continue to be brought to light. has finally arrived. Perhaps now against the land and in the reminiscing about their work in
And now, 20 years later, the casebe will be able to live free from As I wade through the deep Present the struggle with the begging when tines were
may be reopened to finally that stigma of "guilty" that tar- homework sea, mechanization. They seemed bewildered
exonerate the man who has been nishes his name. I wonder if I'll ever be free. The set was boldly yet simply by the change that "left my son
M done. Strong lines etched figuresworth 1 % million dollars h om
_ proclaiming his own Innocence Nothing can ever fully make up Y tells of Hercules, of a pioneer woman stanland I barely survived salt". Yd
since the day of the murder. for the anguish torment and Did he learn wars, and French. ding one wish was left. If only
Twentyand atomic theories? bravely within hands and another y to be
years later the old humiliation that Steven Truscott
- wounds will bleed again and new and his family went through. But had a huge pair of hands encom- Young again • - .
L Stacking lockers, switching �� � fruit of their )arbor, With the employment of ma"
ones will start. Is it all worth it . exoneration from the crime, a grain. It was offset talents, including
_ For Stever Trusear surely it total clearing of his name, would coli th � background of dancing, � 25th Street Hoose
singing, mW
is. As new evidence arises, it be- help to at iPast partly ;-164. &1-4 Of combinati� — do a__ tn��
cemec mom and inure evident wrong. I forgot my combination yellow and blue, giving the wind
"TWO PER CENT didn't that Truscott wad framed. As a Kathy Underwood Frustration, anger, consterna- feeling of the Prairie. a Play that sensitively portrays
result of that frame-up he spent tion! Costume selections were con- the struggle, not only ., of the
mind the homework, 44pe' six nerve-wracking months on stantly appropria .., with de- Prairie farmer, but of any farmer
more, simple styles for the strug- and of mankind- man's struggle
cent didn't like it but did it death row, alone. He went . Condensation, sublimation, to understand himself and ulti-
anyway and 54 per cent said, through his teenage years in a Book rev 1 eW Why must they change so much? j pioneers, 1°ua, �� plaids
'What homework?'." penitenti for the 1940's and the inevitable mately a struggle of man march -
He has lived for the Could they not find a comfortable forward towards the estab-
• one . blue jeans for more recent times. '�
SUNSHINEAll From the. opening songs to the lishment of the brotherhood of
4 1 Author: Norma Klein these changes are no fun! final sentences, the entertainers man.
This is a true story about held the audience, cajoling them Bernice Passchier OF
Katherine Hayden, who had an Yes, every night I kneel and Pray, .
TO g
unsuccessful marriage. Her
through another day.
_ happiest memory with her hue- If until the weekend I survive I'll make it through grade nine _
band, David, was that she had a alive.
baby girl named Jill, whom she
adored and whom David used.
Kate met a carefree fellow
named Sam and they fell in love. Creativity
They wanted to get married, but ' 1
David wouldn't grant a divorce
CANADA SAIRNGS unless Kate gave Jill to him. Corner
They talked David into giving her
a divorce, and they thought that a fl
life full of happiness was ahead of It was dark now. Not a leaf
BONDSNO. W. them until Kate learned that she rustled, not an insect stirred. The '' !
had cancer of the leg and had two forest was still, in a hushed aura - -
options: one was amputation and of expectancy. Something was ,
the other treatment was chemo- Present that•was new and foreign \
to the stand of trees. ��
%FIMtheraphy radiation. '
Since she would not let them From beyond a rotten log came \-\
amputate, she, went on chemo- the soft yet distinct sound of the
theraphy and radiation treat- agitated breathing of an animal. - - - -
ments. She was rapidly getting His eyes were glazed with fear,
worse and realized she would the fear that hung, suspended, -
never see her daughter grow up. like a fog over the forest. Every a
She wanted Jill to know her muscle in his body ached for
O mother so she made a tape movement yet he remained as he
recorded diary that was to be was, hunched behind that log. s
O given to Jill when she got older. Time passed. Mihute after
Kate and Sam wanted to get minute crept by. Still all was
married before she died, so they
motionless and still the curtain of
got marred in the- hospital. fear remained. The leaves
There was so much to do in so drO°Ped from each twig and hung
little time. She had so many still. The little clearing was
YFARS feelings to feel and every caught in a. web of fear. And the
moment counted. `darkness was there. Black as BILLOWING SAILS b Dianne McBride
On November lo, 1972, Pitch, the clearing was, and black y
Katherine Hayden died in the was the form that lay cramped
Niles Clinic in Vancouver. She jmju°d the jog• GRADE iZ ESSA Y
INCREASED RATE OF RETURN= ' With the new rates a $100 was twenty years old. Suddenly, from the silvery
The rate of interest on the new __ Compound Inter I think this novel was ver midst of a thundercloud, a star 11 s► / po est Bond well Y emerged. One lone star in the Nothin to do".
Series of Canada Savings Bonds grow to $202.37 at maturity1n moving. Since it was fact, it Y
seemed to be even more moving dark sky. The form saw the tin
has been increased to 11 /o for = ___ - just 7 ears. �6 in int of 1' "Boy there sure isn't an friendlier! You can take a
1 Y than other similar fiction novels I P >m ight that pierced the anything
the first year and 101/2% for _ _ have read. You become a part of clearing's blackness and sud- to do around here! I know I would romantic walk under the stars
each of the remaining 6 ears. =-F _ �� BUY Katherine's life and understand denly, the fear was gone. And in tee' be able to stand living in a with your sweetheart and not
y - its lace, a tin m rural area. There is no social life even et m
The new average annual yield to � = the different feelings she ex- P y glimmer of hope 8 mugged!
o r�. _ _ T New Canada Savings Bonds are periences, the different decisions sparked, a tiny beam of courage whatsoever 'around here, corn- 'When Miss 'R' was at my
maturity on the Bonds is 10.59%. on sale now wherever you bank or she makes and the changes she made its presence felt. pared to what I am used to." home, she could not believe the
Everyone who has already bought, invest. You can buy them in various goes through. r Strengthened, the animal a That was just a statement from number of people whb greeted art
or who buysnew Canada Savings If you want to read about some- stirred, then got to its feet and Young woman, whom we will on the street or eves, stopped and
g amounts up to a total purchase limit one, who really loved life and ex- was gone. And the dark re- cell Miss X. Of course, Miss `X' talked. She happened to mention
Bonds will get these higher rates, of $2$,000. Buy yours today! perienced what little life she had, mained. But so did the star. lives in a city. Contrary to her be- later that she did not know her
even though the bond certificates this is the novel. It will make you lief, I would rather live in a rural neighbors. I was amazed! Our
have the old rate printed on them. laugh, think and cry. .11� area than in a city anyday! I do neighbors are a big part of our
Diane Dennis 12C PURPLE CHASER not believe we are so backward lives! We exchange Christmas
SAFE, SECURE AND SIMPLE Tn CASH Winter — the time of year when or boring as some city people presents, recipes, flowers, fruits,
New Canada Savings Bonds are a safe,
RETURN ON PAST SERIES INCREASED it gets later earlier. would like to believe. vegetables and no one's birthday
Some people might be shocked, is ever forgotten.
secure investment that earns you good The rate of return on all outstanding Series of COillll! @Y@lits but rural areas do have socia]
interest year after year. They're backed by Canada Savings Bondi has been increased to 9 life! Maybe it is not as glittering In a rural area everyone knows
11 % for the year beginning November 1; 1979 This is not good news; neither UNICEF, the United Nations or glamorous as in the city, but it everyone else's business, but that
all the resources of Canada. And they're Y g' g is there. There are dances, is not so bad. These people would
and to�0'/2% for each,remainin ear until is it completely bad news. But Children's Fund, really believes par- to cash when there's a need. g Y whether we want it or not, every child in the world has the ties, roller skating, ball tourna- be the first to help in a crisis.
Y the bo s mature. For Series dated before November exams are loomingright to smile. In this, the Year of menta, hockey games, fairs, corn Miss 'X' liked the idea of close
ACHOICE OFBONDS November 1, 1977 the increased return will ahead of us before we can stop the Child, neighbors.
Y°Ui Purchase of roasts and church socials (just to
be paid through an increase in the value of "Mn. To most of us the first day UNICEF cards and gifts can name few)! All these things can Finally we proved to Was X
Canada Savings Bonds also offer you a the cash bonus payable on the maturity date of school seems like merely make a child happy. By sending be done in the city, but rural that the country was not so bad.
great choice. There's a Regular Interest Bond of the bonds. For the last two Series the higher Yesterday, and now we must al- UNICEF cards you help provide events have an unique air about She really enjoyed herself. At
Which paZi�lher
snterest each November 1st at rates will be payable for each remaining year ready conternplate the torturous children in 102 developing coun- thein. They are not so crowded least a little progreta was made.
the new, rates. And a Compound until the bonds mature. Complete details are
thought of the the first day of tries with clean water, adequate with people who are pushing and She even humbled herself amugh
Interest Bond that reinvests your interest available where you bank or invest. exams — Nov. 15 through 23. nutrition, medical care and edu- jamming. to say she might like to come and
There is one bright highlight, rational opportunities. Buy Other things i like about the for a summer! Before
automatically, earning interest on intere!�t. re -
however. exams, school UNICEF cards today, because coup
During y, try are the peace and quiet, turning to the city she said, "You
ends at 3 p.m., and buses leave every child has the right to smile. clean air and beautiful scenery! country hies do know how to have
CANAM SAVINGS BONDS -A Bt i I Lk CHOICE THAN EVER shy atter' So, till then' happy Call (416) 863-0W for informa- The crowds and traffic of the city fun!" i thought that was pretty
. tion on a UNICEF card outlet do not thrill me. I prefer a slower nice coming from a "City
• Huirietta Oklengarm 12F near you. pace. Evan the people seem Slicker"
' diV14.��riaiytaalr • . i — - -- - - - -- - - - -
1'hr W fu�rr� ddvat►�+ j100. Not4niller 7. IM— Palo b
F IVErl ll
7Eir •
Aius •ri
�� "Paper Wheat" nevi
Memories should he P - ew
on October Z Mrs. Wfin'sand humoring them. The be-
charished, snot tarnished rade 13 English students (aid a ginning portrays a train going
` few lucky 12's) travelled to Blyth west and as it's going, the stories
Joan Crawford was an lives, true or fabricated? Cer- y � �� to are "Paper Wheat", a Cana- of the various immigrants are
alcoholic child abuser. Rivis tainly the money involved mustthan play based on the history of told, from the Englishman's
Presley, a crazed drug addict. be an important attraction. But - the prairies and the forming of complaint of `bobs cfiasietg their
And Marilyn Monroe, a pathetic, no matter how enormous the 1 gram pools and cooand co-operatives. bloody foxes" over his lto the
suicide -prone mental ca ... or sum it is not enough to justify the though the topic sounds dull Ukrainians plea for freedom.
so we've been told. But were destruction of a person's life. We i + ' f the Performance was tremen- The f'a'st act carefully por-
theY'• place our heroes on a pedestal to s dour. The comedy was great and frayed the struggle of pioneers
All of the above mentioned be admired and adored — only to l f ':� �� there was plenty of singing and breaking the first sod and the
people are dead, one of,tbem for have them toppled at our feet by dancing to keep it entertaining. constant fight against the
17 years. But they are being kept the words of one person who feels 1 l , I ` Many of the themes 1 elements. The loneliness of the
alive by a morbid few who will it is "their duty" to expose ",kit., ` ��� (� I ir, r ��II in the show coincided with People was portrayed with
not let them rest in peace. They truth". Why not let sleeping dopy" - themes studied in class. There humor, yetw with a tinge of sad -
are easy targets to be raked over lie. What we don't know won't - _ .�i was even a lesson in economics. tress and bitterness against the
the coals by those intent on obli- hurt us, but often, if revealed, I ,Y, , One actor juggled two rubber speculators who preyed on help-
terating any pleasant memories can be very painful and destruc- ,_ �� %� balls and a bun, gradually eating less farmers. Every area of
we may have for these people. tive. the bun as production costs were Pioneering was dealt with,
The mentioned three are not the Shelley Long in _ a deducted. In the end, he was hope and determination aswell
only ones who have fallen victim juggling a small crumb which as their (prairie wheat farmers)
to the mad dogs of the media. was representing what the far- realization of strength in num-
Almost everyRUSTIC MEMOIRS by Kathy &WWI me' received for his wheat. bers, thus human cooperation.
prominent person With scenes like this, there is The final act centred com-
death torture. who dies is subjected to post-
no wonder that : enjoyed �pletely on the fight to create the
The public is just as guilty as THE STEVEN TRUSCOTT STORY WOES OF A the Play. , Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, thus
the gossip mongers. After all, if GRADE NINER "PAPER WHEAT" gaining a foothold in controlling
we did not read the "tell -all" Every night to someone I pray, On fiber 24 and 25 "Paper their own destiny. Superb por-
articles there would be no reason"Deliver me from homework,
Wheat", a Play performed by the trayals were given of those in-
to write them. To cite a more 101st e h a . to ■r There's more every day." 25th Street House Theatre of strumental in the pool's creation.
tangible example, the book Saskatchewan was presented in As time passes the actors showed
"Mommie Dearest" written by It's been 20 years since the . last 20 years constantly stating, h' typing my fingers will miss the Blyth Centre for the Arts as the change in ,the wheat pool from
Joan Crawford's adopted da raped guilty, up to this point j� the keys, Part of its national tour. Some v'O�ng for tbe. common man to
op ugh- ped and strangled body of a 12- "I am not „ light say that people would not be in- suddenly growing out of his
ter has been on the bestseller list Year-old girl was. found in a bush in vain. Now, with the arrival of In science I light my .burner and
for months and has just been re- near Clinton, and it's been 10 Bill Trent's book, "Who Really en in a PjaY concerning the grasp, a scene that seemed to
leaped in paperback.. years since the man convicted of Killed Lynne Harper?' on the Math is one thing I'll never get growth of the Saskatchewan leave just a touch of betterness in
*by do writers swarm over the that murder was released on market, it must seem to Steven through, fie', but it deals with the the Wig'•
famous dead like vultures, pick- parole.. Yet still the suspense goes Truscott that the time for his Angles are - ling' equal, common of all man- As the plpy closed, a group of
ing apart every detail of their on as more mysterious details well-deserved release from guilt and reflex too! kind. In the past the struggle old People were sitting, quietly
continue to be brought to light. has finally arrived. Perhaps now against the land and in the reminiscing about their work in
And now, 20 years later, the casebe will be able to live free from As I wade through the deep Present the struggle with the begging when tines were
may be reopened to finally that stigma of "guilty" that tar- homework sea, mechanization. They seemed bewildered
exonerate the man who has been nishes his name. I wonder if I'll ever be free. The set was boldly yet simply by the change that "left my son
M done. Strong lines etched figuresworth 1 % million dollars h om
_ proclaiming his own Innocence Nothing can ever fully make up Y tells of Hercules, of a pioneer woman stanland I barely survived salt". Yd
since the day of the murder. for the anguish torment and Did he learn wars, and French. ding one wish was left. If only
Twentyand atomic theories? bravely within hands and another y to be
years later the old humiliation that Steven Truscott
- wounds will bleed again and new and his family went through. But had a huge pair of hands encom- Young again • - .
L Stacking lockers, switching �� � fruit of their )arbor, With the employment of ma"
ones will start. Is it all worth it . exoneration from the crime, a grain. It was offset talents, including
_ For Stever Trusear surely it total clearing of his name, would coli th � background of dancing, � 25th Street Hoose
singing, mW
is. As new evidence arises, it be- help to at iPast partly ;-164. &1-4 Of combinati� — do a__ tn��
cemec mom and inure evident wrong. I forgot my combination yellow and blue, giving the wind
"TWO PER CENT didn't that Truscott wad framed. As a Kathy Underwood Frustration, anger, consterna- feeling of the Prairie. a Play that sensitively portrays
result of that frame-up he spent tion! Costume selections were con- the struggle, not only ., of the
mind the homework, 44pe' six nerve-wracking months on stantly appropria .., with de- Prairie farmer, but of any farmer
more, simple styles for the strug- and of mankind- man's struggle
cent didn't like it but did it death row, alone. He went . Condensation, sublimation, to understand himself and ulti-
anyway and 54 per cent said, through his teenage years in a Book rev 1 eW Why must they change so much? j pioneers, 1°ua, �� plaids
'What homework?'." penitenti for the 1940's and the inevitable mately a struggle of man march -
He has lived for the Could they not find a comfortable forward towards the estab-
• one . blue jeans for more recent times. '�
SUNSHINEAll From the. opening songs to the lishment of the brotherhood of
4 1 Author: Norma Klein these changes are no fun! final sentences, the entertainers man.
This is a true story about held the audience, cajoling them Bernice Passchier OF
Katherine Hayden, who had an Yes, every night I kneel and Pray, .
TO g
unsuccessful marriage. Her
through another day.
_ happiest memory with her hue- If until the weekend I survive I'll make it through grade nine _
band, David, was that she had a alive.
baby girl named Jill, whom she
adored and whom David used.
Kate met a carefree fellow
named Sam and they fell in love. Creativity
They wanted to get married, but ' 1
David wouldn't grant a divorce
CANADA SAIRNGS unless Kate gave Jill to him. Corner
They talked David into giving her
a divorce, and they thought that a fl
life full of happiness was ahead of It was dark now. Not a leaf
BONDSNO. W. them until Kate learned that she rustled, not an insect stirred. The '' !
had cancer of the leg and had two forest was still, in a hushed aura - -
options: one was amputation and of expectancy. Something was ,
the other treatment was chemo- Present that•was new and foreign \
to the stand of trees. ��
%FIMtheraphy radiation. '
Since she would not let them From beyond a rotten log came \-\
amputate, she, went on chemo- the soft yet distinct sound of the
theraphy and radiation treat- agitated breathing of an animal. - - - -
ments. She was rapidly getting His eyes were glazed with fear,
worse and realized she would the fear that hung, suspended, -
never see her daughter grow up. like a fog over the forest. Every a
She wanted Jill to know her muscle in his body ached for
O mother so she made a tape movement yet he remained as he
recorded diary that was to be was, hunched behind that log. s
O given to Jill when she got older. Time passed. Mihute after
Kate and Sam wanted to get minute crept by. Still all was
married before she died, so they
motionless and still the curtain of
got marred in the- hospital. fear remained. The leaves
There was so much to do in so drO°Ped from each twig and hung
little time. She had so many still. The little clearing was
YFARS feelings to feel and every caught in a. web of fear. And the
moment counted. `darkness was there. Black as BILLOWING SAILS b Dianne McBride
On November lo, 1972, Pitch, the clearing was, and black y
Katherine Hayden died in the was the form that lay cramped
Niles Clinic in Vancouver. She jmju°d the jog• GRADE iZ ESSA Y
INCREASED RATE OF RETURN= ' With the new rates a $100 was twenty years old. Suddenly, from the silvery
The rate of interest on the new __ Compound Inter I think this novel was ver midst of a thundercloud, a star 11 s► / po est Bond well Y emerged. One lone star in the Nothin to do".
Series of Canada Savings Bonds grow to $202.37 at maturity1n moving. Since it was fact, it Y
seemed to be even more moving dark sky. The form saw the tin
has been increased to 11 /o for = ___ - just 7 ears. �6 in int of 1' "Boy there sure isn't an friendlier! You can take a
1 Y than other similar fiction novels I P >m ight that pierced the anything
the first year and 101/2% for _ _ have read. You become a part of clearing's blackness and sud- to do around here! I know I would romantic walk under the stars
each of the remaining 6 ears. =-F _ �� BUY Katherine's life and understand denly, the fear was gone. And in tee' be able to stand living in a with your sweetheart and not
y - its lace, a tin m rural area. There is no social life even et m
The new average annual yield to � = the different feelings she ex- P y glimmer of hope 8 mugged!
o r�. _ _ T New Canada Savings Bonds are periences, the different decisions sparked, a tiny beam of courage whatsoever 'around here, corn- 'When Miss 'R' was at my
maturity on the Bonds is 10.59%. on sale now wherever you bank or she makes and the changes she made its presence felt. pared to what I am used to." home, she could not believe the
Everyone who has already bought, invest. You can buy them in various goes through. r Strengthened, the animal a That was just a statement from number of people whb greeted art
or who buysnew Canada Savings If you want to read about some- stirred, then got to its feet and Young woman, whom we will on the street or eves, stopped and
g amounts up to a total purchase limit one, who really loved life and ex- was gone. And the dark re- cell Miss X. Of course, Miss `X' talked. She happened to mention
Bonds will get these higher rates, of $2$,000. Buy yours today! perienced what little life she had, mained. But so did the star. lives in a city. Contrary to her be- later that she did not know her
even though the bond certificates this is the novel. It will make you lief, I would rather live in a rural neighbors. I was amazed! Our
have the old rate printed on them. laugh, think and cry. .11� area than in a city anyday! I do neighbors are a big part of our
Diane Dennis 12C PURPLE CHASER not believe we are so backward lives! We exchange Christmas
SAFE, SECURE AND SIMPLE Tn CASH Winter — the time of year when or boring as some city people presents, recipes, flowers, fruits,
New Canada Savings Bonds are a safe,
RETURN ON PAST SERIES INCREASED it gets later earlier. would like to believe. vegetables and no one's birthday
Some people might be shocked, is ever forgotten.
secure investment that earns you good The rate of return on all outstanding Series of COillll! @Y@lits but rural areas do have socia]
interest year after year. They're backed by Canada Savings Bondi has been increased to 9 life! Maybe it is not as glittering In a rural area everyone knows
11 % for the year beginning November 1; 1979 This is not good news; neither UNICEF, the United Nations or glamorous as in the city, but it everyone else's business, but that
all the resources of Canada. And they're Y g' g is there. There are dances, is not so bad. These people would
and to�0'/2% for each,remainin ear until is it completely bad news. But Children's Fund, really believes par- to cash when there's a need. g Y whether we want it or not, every child in the world has the ties, roller skating, ball tourna- be the first to help in a crisis.
Y the bo s mature. For Series dated before November exams are loomingright to smile. In this, the Year of menta, hockey games, fairs, corn Miss 'X' liked the idea of close
ACHOICE OFBONDS November 1, 1977 the increased return will ahead of us before we can stop the Child, neighbors.
Y°Ui Purchase of roasts and church socials (just to
be paid through an increase in the value of "Mn. To most of us the first day UNICEF cards and gifts can name few)! All these things can Finally we proved to Was X
Canada Savings Bonds also offer you a the cash bonus payable on the maturity date of school seems like merely make a child happy. By sending be done in the city, but rural that the country was not so bad.
great choice. There's a Regular Interest Bond of the bonds. For the last two Series the higher Yesterday, and now we must al- UNICEF cards you help provide events have an unique air about She really enjoyed herself. At
Which paZi�lher
snterest each November 1st at rates will be payable for each remaining year ready conternplate the torturous children in 102 developing coun- thein. They are not so crowded least a little progreta was made.
the new, rates. And a Compound until the bonds mature. Complete details are
thought of the the first day of tries with clean water, adequate with people who are pushing and She even humbled herself amugh
Interest Bond that reinvests your interest available where you bank or invest. exams — Nov. 15 through 23. nutrition, medical care and edu- jamming. to say she might like to come and
There is one bright highlight, rational opportunities. Buy Other things i like about the for a summer! Before
automatically, earning interest on intere!�t. re -
however. exams, school UNICEF cards today, because coup
During y, try are the peace and quiet, turning to the city she said, "You
ends at 3 p.m., and buses leave every child has the right to smile. clean air and beautiful scenery! country hies do know how to have
CANAM SAVINGS BONDS -A Bt i I Lk CHOICE THAN EVER shy atter' So, till then' happy Call (416) 863-0W for informa- The crowds and traffic of the city fun!" i thought that was pretty
. tion on a UNICEF card outlet do not thrill me. I prefer a slower nice coming from a "City
• Huirietta Oklengarm 12F near you. pace. Evan the people seem Slicker"
' diV14.��riaiytaalr • . i — - -- - - - -- - - - -