The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-11-07, Page 2Page d
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� " Advance'1'111YCJ, l97b
Townships o con roItes
As of Jan. 1, IWO, control of minimum number of vehicles correct position in the first place.
derelict motor vehicle sites will would be allowed before Council members were con -
fall to the townships. properties would be considered fused as to why the poles were
During Monday afternoons derelict vehicle sites. incorrectly placed, but Mr.
4` « general meeting Morris council In other business the township Elston said, It must have bow
was informed, thnutgb corns- decided to invite Robert Taylor, 'Hydro."
pondee, that in IM the minis- of Belgrave, to its next meeting PPuncillor Ross Proctor felt,
.q n�try of environment will no longer to discuss relocation of hydro "Hydro has a bit of responsibility certify the sites and the township poles. too," if it made the mistake.
should pass a bylaw to control Mr. Taylor requested earlier In any event payment of the
their number antJocation. that three poles be relocated to $625 will be negotiated during the
The minister forwarded a coincide with the boundaries of next meeting by Mr. Taylor and
sample by-law to the township for new lots he wishes to sell. Atter the township.
its porusal, however council forwarding his request to Ontario Morris also decided to back
decided to consult its ipwyer Hydro, information was received Woolwich Township in its reso-
before drawing up a suitable indicating that the total cost for lution against assessment
bylaw. • relocation would be $1,250. On- .... -tres.
Reeve Bill Elston explained, tario Hydra agreed to pay one Regarding the new Belgrave
"We should have something half of the cost but the remaining subdivision council will draw up
passed to control anyone who $= would have to be paid by Mr. a bylaw to take over roads upon
wants to come in here and set up Taylor. regiaration of an easement by
a site." However he states the township Sam Pletch or his lawyer.
Council decided that because should be responsible for the Also during the meeting the
many farmers have unusable remaining 50 per cent because Wingham and District Assoca-
cars on their properties a the poles were not placed in the tion for the Mentally Retarded
requested that Morris support its.
nursery school by donating *M
per year for the one child present
uu�umuummuuuutwuuunmuummuuuuuuwuwuunuuwuuiuunmuuwuuwt� at the sctwol from Morris.
Brookhaven Events � Proctor ting, "I'm the
program. stating, "I'm not
uusuuuuuuuuuuunununuuuuuuunsuuuunuuuuuuuuuuusuuuunnwHuuuuuuuususuuuwaw against it, it's a good program."
However he added that council
By Janis Acheson bowling trophy again this month. should be better informed about
October has been a busy and Many of our residents will at- its finances. Therefore the
exciting month for the residents tempt to relieve him of this township requested a financial
at Brookhaven! The month was trophy in November. statement be forwarded to its
off to a good start when, on Oc- October ended with a . bang next meeting .before deciding
tober 1, a staff Craft and Hobby when Brookhaven was visited by whether or not to donate funds.
Day was held. Everyone was Mrs. Colleen Robertson's kin- Wages for road employees was
impressed with the handicrafts dergarten class of witches and also discussed. They will receive
done by staff members. The goblins. The costumed children $6.75 per hour retroactive to Oct.
items on display for this occasion presented us with a program of 1 and time and one half for statu-
ar.e proof that Brookhaven staff songs which was' followed by 'tory holidays. Payment for Sun -
members are multi -talented. apple bobbing. The children day work will be negotiated at a
This event was both educational spent some time chatting with future meeting.
and fun. the Grandmas and Grandpas of An appeal for land severance
The staff and residents would Brookhaven, which- made for a has resulted in an Ontario
like to welcome Cecil Grainger of very pleasant afternoon for all. Municipal Board hearing. It will
Gorrie as our newest resident. take place Dec. 17, at 2 p.m., at
On October 6 the Snell Family the court house in Goderich.
OOOOOOP! Truck driver Norm De)ell experienced a slight problem, Monday morning, entertained our residents with a Those appealing are Ivan and
when his truck fell sideways in the plaza $ite. Mr. Deyell explained that ground under the wide variety of songs. These Fifteen take La'm1e Campbell.back tires gave way and caused the vehicle to fall. Fortunately there were no physical children sang their hearts out 9 Two members Injuries or damage to the truck. However omeers of council were
the driver found himself emptying the load by and were enjoyed by everyone. needlepoint course appointedme ato the Belgrave
hand. Many of our residents said they Community Centre Board. They
could have listened to them 'all GORRIE—Fifteen girls were are Clare Van Camp and Ross
day long', enrolled in the needlepoint course' "proctor.
MRS. GEORGE BROWN + On October 12 the Belgrave which was led by Mrs. Norman Road accounts for October
United idurcn wGl—..�:. be—,d Fa -Hes, Mrs. Larry Bott, Mrs. totalling $6,617.04 were also
Jack Ross, Mrs. Florence James Gray and Mrs. William passed'by council.
Thacker, Wellington Husk and Thornton. Due to the hospitalization of
Gorrie P Notes Miss Bella Keating celebrate Achievement Day for the 4-H road superintendent Bill McArter
their October birthdays. They members will be held December council appointed clerk Nancy
dinner in Listowel to celebrate Presented the residents with a 1 at Howick Central School, Michie as acting road superin-
The first of a series of meetings Miss Jan Fairies of Centralia program of bagpipe music, songs beginning at 9 a.m. tendent.
on "Indoor Gardening.", the spent the weekend at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. Timm's 25th and readings Which thrillod
senior short course sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fairies. wedding anniversary on everyone. ..
the Gorrie Women's Institute, Cloyne Mtcbel is a patient in November• 3o• On October 16 the Day Centre
was held in the Gorrie Com- Victgria HospiEai,.Oitdpn, where': and Mrs. Eric McKenzie of for the Homebound held a tea
K' munity Hall last Wednesday. The be underwent 'surgery. Wingham visited Saturday dance at the; Win$ham,',Ar-
course includes instruction on Mr. and Mrs. Ian Howes of evening with Mr. and Mrs. Inouries and 18 of out residents
decorating with plants, herb Peterborough and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferguson. attended. They were entertained
Dale Le Soder, rsprwptative
from the midstty of trsnspor-
taton and communication, at-
tended council to explain ten-
dering and grant procedues
because of Mr. McArter's ab-
See Our Ad in this
Week's Crossroads.
United Co-operatives of Ontario
Belgrave J& Auburn
CO.OP Branches
Blyth & District Community
Blyth, Ontario
Nov. 23'19
Is Banquet: 7:30 P. M.
� Dance tafolbw
*ANWdX1, &vsv
a' a
Adults 54.00 Chileirgn t7 M
Tickets available from store or'directors.
d1 6
gardening, terrariums.. and
Robert Grainger and David of
W Blundell of Howick, New
by Martha and Earl Heywood
hangings, etc. The next
Waterloo visited Saturday with
Zealand who d vacationing in
who sen g some songs and per-
meeting will be held Wednesday,
Mrs. Cecil Grainger and with Mr.
Canada, visited Mr. and Mrs.
formed a mini magic show. This
November 7; at 1:30pin.
Grainger at Brookhaven Nursing
Fold Robinson on Saturday
was followed by a dance.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKay,
Home, W'
and brought greetings from the
October 24 was Disaster Day at
Mark and Bradley, Concession 6,
Turnberry Township, visited
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Dennis
visited Sunday at the home of
mayor of Howick, New Zealand,
to the township. of Howick. He
Wingham and, District Hospital.
Five of our 'residents, Miss
• d
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
their daughter and son-in-law,
was accompanied Philip
Lenora VanCamp, Mrs. Helen
�'� now
Dumper Karen and Steven of
Ross, Wellington Husk, Sam
William Dickert.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Raven of
Oakville. They were taken on a
Vanstone and Mrs. Mary Caslick,
Mrs. Jennie Sturgis of Dresden
on Mrs. Glad Edgar on
Harry Mulvey, Harvey Mc-
tour of Howick Township.
took part in this exercise.
Michael and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Birks Robertson of Teeswater
Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fairies
Gibson attended the wardens'
visited Sunday with Mrs. Glad
Edgar who returned home
experience of being a mock
victim in this educational
spent the weekend with Mr. and
banquet in Goderich on Thur-
: Friday from Victoria Hospital,
Mrs. James Fakles of Guelph.
sday, November 1. 1
London. He also called on Mr
Again last month our residents
Mr. and Mrs. William Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mundell
and Mrs. Gordon Edgar.
were participants in both a bingo
visited recently at Craighurst
spent the weekend with Rev. and
Mrs. Mabel Harris of Lambeth,
and a bowling championship at
with Mr. and Mrs. George Gregg
Mrs. W. A. Henderson of
Carl Johnston of Bluevale and
Brookhaven. The October Bingo
of Toronto.
Mrs. Webster Jacklin spent a
Mrs. Joseph Simmons ac-
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sparling of
Trophy went to Mrs. Margaret
few days with Mr. and Mrs.
George Brown.
companied Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Timm and family of Bluevale to
Goderich called on Miss Jean
Sparling and Harvey Sparling on
Carter and Gordon Gannett
successfully defended his
champion status by winning theTOU
10 MA
A stove exhaust fan filter clogged with grease
and grime makes the fan motor work longer
and harder to draw air through. Just soaking
the filter in mild soap or detergent will fix
this energy waster.
U1W "Ieudy Vsehi Grease and bumt-on food really reduce
Tune-up, clean up. It's simple. Appliances your oven's efficiency. A clean oven
that are clean and well -cared for last longer works better and uses less electricity.
and use less electricity. Over the long run, Try putting tin foil on the oven bottom.
you can save money on appliance replace- It catches bits of food and grease for easy
AL ment. And of course, the less energy you cleaning and it's a good heat reflector too.
waste, the more dollars you save.
Don't wage yow erlers�
ontario hydro ...
' HY9-5753
■ ■ ■vr..�vr. z aiisurrfluAT