The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-11-07, Page 13... . .r:...�� ... . .. .. 0000, ,. .,.
Zoning bylaw still causing
The Wingham Advance-j!M BIswqm6w 7, 197% --Pate a
PIMC Ilem-S tor East
A Boning bylaw passed last regulate commerew um �a hiw uuon eoumn Medved a letter Wwi the* land divwm nam- event had cleared more than
summer W permit cmAmetim property, but nearby residents signed by a number of residents mittee in Goderleb.) @.X0r $900 more than last year.
d an &O'ecituraleummereial are complaining it Is being of Hutton Heights pointing out In other business at the The money gess to support
development adjacent to the ignored and are asking the bylaw violations and asking for meeting council consented to a Bedgrave arms. the
Itttttsn Hd&s subdivision is still council to enforce its provisions, action. Jim Taylor, township severance application from Allan She also asked whether oouncil
causing problems for the East specifically with regard to building inspector and zoning McBurney, who intends to sever had given any furdr coil -
Wswanosb Township council. parking of school buses. administrator, reported he had a 30o by 35o foot lot at the corner dderatioa to golr>g to more than ►
The bylaw was passed to At its meeting Monday after- also been sent a letter on the of his home farm on Lot 34, Con. one tax bill'ng, n hug that : .
matter by a nearby resident. 10. The consent was made subject Wrest on mouvy born cowed awn,. ,w
The residents complained that to notification of the Maitland the year acco:nts for .,,ore than
while the bylaw allows for Vey peva gy, five mills on the tax b,Js, and will
parking of two school buses, since the property in question be more if interest rates keep
there are often seven or eight falls within a potentially rising. Council had earlier
buses on the lot as well as high- hazardous area on the all line decided to stay with one billing in
way buses which are not mapping. the fall and there was no further
provided for in the zoning. They Building permits were issued discussion.
G?fsm also noted the buses are not to Allan McBurney, a house and Council learned it had received
ilff parked in the designated areas, an implement shed, subject to an additional allocation of $9,200
fuel tanks are not properly en- obtaining a severance and ap- for tile drainage loans and
• . closed and a planting strip of proval of the county health unit; decided to split the money among
trees and shrubbery to go bet- George Chhettle�burgh, an imple- the three outstanding ap-
p ween the houses and the new shed went shed; Norman Bonnett, an plications, those of Wes Jef-
Ve,Je e • has not been started. addition to the barn; Neil Vin- ferson, David McClincheY and '
Reeve Simon Hallahan told cent, a silo; and Fred Came, an John Noakes.
jQ council he had mea with solicitor addition to a trailer. w .
�YV a Robert Campbell and with Keith In response to a letter from the - f
• Montgomery and 'Allan Silver Circle Nursery in Poor turnout for
Nicholson, the two principals in Wingham, council decided to given
the agricultural -commercial the nursery school a grant of flood donor Clinic
* ��Q�fGTIJl ll�iliQiICB development, and had been ;100. The nursery, which cares
assured they would comply with for mentally retarded youngsters Jim Stuart, organizer of
Mum (��SE� the bylaw. They seemed to want and tries to give them a head Wingham's second annual blood r `
* t to get things cleared away as start for possible entry into the donor clinic, was a bit disap-
soon as possible, he reported. school system, needs money for pointed last Thursday. "The
* He noted the township will have operating expenses and is turnout was lower than we ex-
? j )� u i f � to enforce the bylaw and all requesting grants from all ��," he said.1" members of council agreed municipalities with children It was hoped the clinic, held
something will have to be done. attending. Thursday afternoon and evening
C4V w h )m? They agreed with a motion by The letter reported that at the Wingham Armouries,
-TT Ralph Campbell to send a letter another nursery in Dashwood would attract 225-25o donors.
to Mrs. H. Congram, the owner of gets $20 per month per child from However by 7:30 p.m., just one
"'- s@@ our R@pr6seli et%v@ the 0 0 0 0 :..,, , notifying her of the municipalities and said the Silvmer half hour beforebeforethe door closed, A BLOOD DONOR—Gerald Rhody of. Kinloss Township took a flew minutes of his time last
FAVI COOK complaints and giving notice the Circle is hoping to adopt the sae only c
dy 56 people had taken the time Thursday and became a blood donor. The was held at the Wingham Armouries, last
zoning administrator will be system. The majority of the out to give blood. Mr. Stuart Thursday afternoon and evening.
Huron Financial Services checking the property. operating expenses are paid by explained that last year the goal
306 Josephine St., aat Win h(A hearing on an application to the provincial government, but 13 set at 200 was easily reached.
9 sever the property for sale to Mr.per cent must be raised locally. The sponsor for this year's
on., Tuesdays of each Montgomery was held Tuesday 2nd and 3rd TCouncillors were not aware of clinic was the Masonic Lodges of
y North Huron District. Ladies who
month. Next visit Nov. �. an children from East
Wawanosh attending the nursery took down information and
. and felt that the two mentioned in worked in the kitchen were
AVHUNTING? volunteers from the Huron
the letter actually come from Chapter Order of the Eastern
Wi_ngham, so they decided to give
P ,
- _+� - Ctar Nn- A�Ir Winohnm. ^..way icor
FEDdE/?AL BUSS$- s _ _ f ;100 mates trona for the donors were supplied by
a7 � a tum sum o
AWEVEL BANK Thompson gave councillors a the Kincardine branch of. the L
Eastern Star. The soft drinks
financial statement from the were donated by local mer -
(Branch of110a'Aftess) Belgrave Turkey Supper, notingng juice by Zelhrs
See Our Ad in this 'chants; orange
For prior information call 271-5650 collect that in spite of increased prices and the .coffee by the Bruce
Week's Crossroads. for the turkeys and roasting the ,
or write 1036 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ontario nuclear social clubs.
1,65443 .....:.......... 39.45 o o Wo . . . . . . . . . . . 27.66
DRw78=14*00000e....000*o 62095 o 0000 a 0000..o44.06
ER48=14ee..000000000soo64e45*e 000000,00*0000*45e11
GR-78-14000*o 9. e,eoo;o*0000.....49.31
GR48-15,oaeeee..0a00000070�45 0.4..•00a000000e49o31
..,.1,r7815o'0000000*oo*000075e45 •••eoao*oo*oao*o52081
JR4845oo eoo00000*0..%75.45 oeooeoo90000000052081
James F. Waft Holdings limited, . lo **n* St. .S' ilex 10._ Wif�ri, Ont.
NOG 2W0 'Mils ��19) 3T -9y1!1
plaza's electric company,
Tom Robinson and Les
experience a hydro rate jump in
rr '
ThompsonpUC employees, p gees, will
the coming year, announced
pay two thirds of the PUC costs it
attend a five-day journeyman
Wingham Public Utlities Com-
will be cheaper for everyone.
power lineman course for the
The decision is a result of a rate
If the plaza has its own tran-
tike announced by the board of
sformer the lines would have to
Members felt the course was a
iirectors of Ontario Hydro. The
travel across town, underground.
good idea because of new pro-
ncrease, affecting 334 municipal
"This would cost them hundreds
vi� �Y regulations.
itilities, will result in an 8.6 per
'of thousands of dollars," said Mr.
rent increase over the 1979 rate.
Bennett, adding, if the PUC de-
ropes and rigging, utility
With the rebate ending along with
Inti -inflation guidelines, the
transmission lines the two meter
of minsulate
ncrease will actually be 16.4 per
plan could be negotiated.
wotiated. Costa will be =100 each
Ken Saxton, manager of the
handle the extra if we can get a
oval commission, said, "We
two meter installation instead of
Mr. Saxton said he would try to
won't know until the end of 1979
arrange a grouping of all area
what this increase will mean to
PUC members were a bit
utilities for a St. John Ambulance
he average customer."
1,65443 .....:.......... 39.45 o o Wo . . . . . . . . . . . 27.66
DRw78=14*00000e....000*o 62095 o 0000 a 0000..o44.06
ER48=14ee..000000000soo64e45*e 000000,00*0000*45e11
GR-78-14000*o 9. e,eoo;o*0000.....49.31
GR48-15,oaeeee..0a00000070�45 0.4..•00a000000e49o31
..,.1,r7815o'0000000*oo*000075e45 •••eoao*oo*oao*o52081
JR4845oo eoo00000*0..%75.45 oeooeoo90000000052081
James F. Waft Holdings limited, . lo **n* St. .S' ilex 10._ Wif�ri, Ont.
NOG 2W0 'Mils ��19) 3T -9y1!1
TESTING BLOOD --Gerald Rhody came all the way from Kinloss Township to give blood
pt the donors clinic In the Armouries, Thursday. Here _Marie Veale, London, tests his
blood for typing.
Hydro rates to jumpin'1980
Wingham area residents will
plaza's electric company,
Tom Robinson and Les
experience a hydro rate jump in
rr '
ThompsonpUC employees, p gees, will
TESTING BLOOD --Gerald Rhody came all the way from Kinloss Township to give blood
pt the donors clinic In the Armouries, Thursday. Here _Marie Veale, London, tests his
blood for typing.
Hydro rates to jumpin'1980
Wingham area residents will
plaza's electric company,
Tom Robinson and Les
experience a hydro rate jump in
Kearsley Electric Ltd., has to
ThompsonpUC employees, p gees, will
the coming year, announced
pay two thirds of the PUC costs it
attend a five-day journeyman
Wingham Public Utlities Com-
will be cheaper for everyone.
power lineman course for the
The decision is a result of a rate
If the plaza has its own tran-
tike announced by the board of
sformer the lines would have to
Members felt the course was a
iirectors of Ontario Hydro. The
travel across town, underground.
good idea because of new pro-
ncrease, affecting 334 municipal
"This would cost them hundreds
vi� �Y regulations.
itilities, will result in an 8.6 per
'of thousands of dollars," said Mr.
rent increase over the 1979 rate.
Bennett, adding, if the PUC de-
ropes and rigging, utility
With the rebate ending along with
livers plaza hydro on existing
Inti -inflation guidelines, the
transmission lines the two meter
of minsulate
ncrease will actually be 16.4 per
plan could be negotiated.
wotiated. Costa will be =100 each
Mr. Sexton reported, , We can
and will result a provincial
Ken Saxton, manager of the
handle the extra if we can get a
oval commission, said, "We
two meter installation instead of
Mr. Saxton said he would try to
won't know until the end of 1979
arrange a grouping of all area
what this increase will mean to
PUC members were a bit
utilities for a St. John Ambulance
he average customer."
confused over a ministry of
course- He will also find out if the
He said the PUC hopes to ab-
environment report on the
firemen will teach employees
sorb some of the 16.4 per cent in-
sewage debenfilre the
external heart massage.
Hesse, however the hydro rate
town. Ma aT Bill �,
�en have already taken the
will be going up.
"We'll have a meeting starting at
Chairman Roy Bennett added,
9 a.m. and we'll stay time all day
There is nothing we can do
until we get it straightened out!"
It was decided that the town
hbout it; our costs have to rise."
Mr. Saxton explained the
and PUC will work together
In other business the com-
sewage charge is collected on the
again this year with regard to
nission decided it may lump
hydro bill. He said the PUC
tree removal. Mr. Walden
stores for the new plaza into two
should receive a charge from the
commented, "No point in us
groups, the supermarket and the
town for collecting payments
Paying money and having it
dx strip stores. This means that
because they go directly to the
going out of town," referring to
only two meters will have to be
town, not PUC.
having a private firm remove
nNalled instead of seven.
However a final decision was
trees -
Mr. Saxton said the seven
not made on the matter because
The commission also decided
nater ides would result in more
of the confusing debenture
to spend about $6.000 on a new
work and higher eehwr Cin- she
pop" mor.