HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-10-31, Page 7"a M*Omm Advance -Tuna, Odsbsr $ll, —FW --7
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Dance report Edftrlal
On Friday, October 19, F. E. Crossecountry of nt"111 r
M iadill Secondary School held its
Mus dancesf provided by Live Hallowe"en back For cross-country important
couldn't remember everyone's � � yds �, i � th
October 18 was the ion
'Charade", a four -man band date of the Huron -Perth mad. Well, in spite of my opinion that Steve Davidson in fourth pod-
Nith bass guitar, a keyboard The participants were all runt hers should be �er=t6d and tion, Jape deBoer itMe
nan, a drummer and lead guitar. to the littleghostsd
thoroughly convinced that Thurs- awarded positions according to Haldepby in eveq$a �g�� !tike
Phe bands choice of music ran days med at Benmiller required their personal previous best Dermis in fourteenth. Running
vainly along lines of recently re- Ab! Hallowe'en again! That holiday? If Hallowe'en still a do4tordie effort. In each divi- effort, the organizers continued this race for the first time in the
eased hard rock, and included fun but scarytime for the witches sion, the Midget, Junior and using the old system. That is, Senior girls' division were both
means so much to to, why not Senior boys and girls found whoever comes in first has won Anita R.emink and Joan Dick@=.
wch artists as "Cheap Trick", and warlocks, jack o'lanterns dress up and go out trick or treat- competition keen, for the 10 the race, no matter if his six-foot- The finished v in
'The Cars" and `The Knack". and kiss candies, apple bobbing ing with younger brothers and secondary schools were giving long legs give the impression f second and third strongly
'Charade" performed these and dregs -up. sisters? Or stay home and give place -
telections very well, and was Every year Hallowe'en re- their best to be in the top three motorized toothpicks as he tively. Following were Jand
out the treats to the scary visi- teams which wouldo on to lung es across the finish line.
generally enjoyed by those in mains a `kids' day, yet every tors? It's really fun (believe it o g
attendance at the dance. year we hear of some tragic incl- not) to be there just to hear the
WOSSA. Wood in ninth and Dianne Mc -
country Seriously,
did in the Bride The Sealer eleventh.
Social convenor Kemp Currie dent that marks the holiday and "Guess who I am! " as each f the The weather was absolutely overalls In the Mi ' Junior
and Midad
,eports there were 596 tickets threatens to end this old tradi- visitors comes in. Better yet, why beautiful. It brought back tandings' Midget boys and Senior girls competed in
Old in total, at the door and in tion. The threat of razor blades in memories of Lon girls division Peggy Gibson their team standings so well that
chocolate actual not have a Hallowe en party with g, languid finished eighteenth, Mandy they advanced to the Western
tmount ofowever thecleared andles, p son in ``tricks' have all the fun of telling ghost stories, summer, but the atmosphere was Miller, twenty-fourth, Shirley Ontario Secondary School mad
Y holding seances and just ggper- energy -charged and laced with Dorsh twenty eighth and Judith to be held at Benmiller on Fri-
hrough ticketsales is not yet de- caused some families to forget ally oaring the heck out of competitiveness- As the day ran McMichael thirty-first; while day, October 26.
this school
i The second danceely determined. the festivities. everybody?
Ton the answer to the most asked their male counterparts finished Dianne McBride
Y f jokes that there
la e e � Year let's remember to question, "How'd ja do?", lost its with Tom Foulon second, Arthur
ear went over ver well on the are played ed every whom the holiday really belongs meaning. To me it didn't matter Versteig seventh, Mark Mc-
vhole, and without incident. We Hallowe'en as fires burn in the and what the f it reallyany more if someone came in c-
vish the social committee con- middle f a main street, auto- is. Let's leave burning, the seventh or seventeenth. The per_ ty�hird and John
inued success on upcoming mobiles are lambasted with eggs . brawls, the fights, and I.eedtharrn twenty-fourth
egg gh give Sorel best was what counted. The At the end f the Junior delay
lances. and rotten tomatoes and bags f Iiallowe'en back to the little struggle to find something within ��P. A. treats are stolen from the small ghosts and witches that knock on Yourself to k the race we found e , Davidson
fry. It seems like the `big kids' our doors. was the fight (Truth was off' Tom White, Karl
r7 just can't let go of this holiday. Morrison thirteenth. For the The sale of the 1980 Courier has
Commencement / 9 Are we so insanely jealous of Junior girls Caryn Nicholson been continuing at Madill for the
o finished sixteenth, Anne Simpson past few weeks. This year's edi-
November 2 1979 at 8:15 the
younger folk that rightfully
must seek it eighteenth, tion will be a hard cover and
destroy what is rightfully their Comment g Sonya Colvin
graduation exercises will be held twentieth and Kay Morrison costs only $6• When you compare
n the large auditorium at F. E. _ twenty-seventh, the price to that of a pair of jeans
This i�°8aa Secondary New column Please consider us re a pizza, you can soon see how
pec night for the reasonable this cost is. Student
graduates. This is not only the support has been promising, but
t on which the receive their Thus year we on the school page Our board trustees — it ap- position is vwe need more
nigh y cry temporary. He participation to,
liplomas, for which they have staff would litre to open The pears, to them, that students will work for a mere two months Let's go make this year's book a success.
vorked hard. It is a night for Mirror up to the entire student have been missing at least a and then he must return to an in- According to the sales records,
riends to get together and talk of body by making a new column for week of school days in January. stitute of higher education. the students of Grade 9 have not
he new all of the' more creative Mus- "A week of school days But unfortunately,he does not "Let's go purple'n white; shown the good judgment f their
enges of everyday life they have tangs. This column, to be entitled missed? Preposterous! Some- at present, have the funds. The purple'n white go, let's go." elders by buying a yearbook- I
experienced in the past year. "Creative Corner", will be a spot thing must be done. A week is too employer is sorry, but he does not It is 3:24 on a Monday night and would like to address a few re -
Some of the honored awards where students can see poems, long. Let us make it, a month in- seem to have a position for some- the Senior football team is ache- mats to them. Buying a year-
+ + rose and short stories rated stead. Of course have no fear, we one so temporary. "No," he duled for practice. But where are book may not seem like an im-
tre Big M winners, proficiency p p „ they? are all those muscu-
iwards for each grade and spec- that are works of a fellow-stu- will make up for it in July. apologizes, I do not hire stu- Y portant part of school life right
al awards donated by various dent's mind. We hope that, by As well, it appears to them, dents for one month in January.' , lar, talented, hunky brutes of now, but think ahead. Don't be
pours• providing this new column, all costs of heating the school in Hereby the policy has ruined the football players? Where is the embarrassed in June when your
The Madill choir will perform a Oe' poets and authors will come January are astronomical. "We purpose of a summer vacation. spirit of F. E. Madill? more far-sighted friend wants to
ew selections and after the cere- out of hiding and give added in- cannot pay that much! Instead One of the functions of a F. E. Madill is a school of more sign, his autograph in your non -
monies are completed, lunch will terest to the Mirror. This is your let us pay for the air conditioning. summer vacation was to enable than 1,100 students, but very few existent,, ;. You first think
e served. paper. Use it to your advantage. What is this you• speak of? Did I the student to v aa-- -- f tom; '""`- '` --
Mieexperlence Y�"F�•ayn.c ua oa+awa "wily didn-i "a U" One
"- • L- nrl.icles IOr "Creaiive Comer" hear — air conditioning? By no given b work; to introduce the sports. Sports are a way.to meet Your first year at Madill will
Grill ho 8, s is ac ieve- keep physically probably be one of your most
can be submitted to Mrs. Mc- means can we afford such a student to the outside world. This people, to kfit to
Rams!honors your achieve- luxury! help learn new skills (and it also memorable. Two es f the '80
rents • Donald in Room 218 or to .Kathy U7nnTT •" policy would defeat the purpose peg
Diane Dennis Underwood, 12K. Alas for the poor teacher at- of the vacation. gets you out of class). By coming Courier will be devoted to Grads
tempting to stuff knowledge into Let us consider, as well, the out for sports you.give pride to Wine Night and all grades get
the nodding, overheated heads. poor parents. Suddenly the bur- Your school and yourself- It equal ., , " . in candids, etc.
The above ideas will put the den of entertaining their child, or would be much betW to say yoqw Capture the idiotic costumes of
student into a plight. Imagine the in some cases two or three chil- team placed third in .the stan Purple and White Day forever.
case of the r, unlearned bein dings, than not to have a team at Preserve 1980 forever and a
_raincep� being,. dren, is thrown upon them for lent
attempting to find summer em- month. In a country position it �• Everybody had his own ex
attempting for not participating. The its also show that the
ployment. He and, the employer would not prove to be too cafes- I am sure you have heard the reports
are aware of the fact that his trophic (although I think it would y Grade 13's haven't purchased
_ old excuseeven for, "I'm not good their quota of r either.
a ■ ■ �Howeverme a r forba town student ,�
enough. You never know how Unless some terrible, unforeseen
e C it would definitely spell boredom, good you are until you try. Even calamity befalls you, this will be
if you do hot make the team, in- our last at Madill. Make 1988
with a caotal "B". It is a trifle Y
4 door-, /air conditioned, power Be true to you difficult to find, things to do in a y� urals are always open to count. See the memories f your
town covered with snow, when For all graduating year collected in one
cc^^ ��//�� p You are the only living you. our friends live 10 miles awe you `tough people who volume, the 1980 Courier.
Windows, .7t/ -.7V SpI It Seat, 350 You are the only living one who down an unplowed, snowbound would rather smoke and try to be Home room teachers are guilty
barrel engine, auxiliary y light- you"'
ht- can smile just that way road and there are few if any jobs cool,why not go out on the f yearbook treason too. If
l 9 Or wear those jeans and look like being offered for a one-month court and be "hot"? Forget about don't buy a yearbook, bow will
you. pleasing your friends and 'do you show our
ung _pkg., bumper rub strips. term- Y
PLUS PLUS You are the one person who can Is this what we must come to? what you think is best. great-grandchildren how you
say "I like this or that" Is this what the board desires for Of course, students are not the earned your living in the OLD,
c , And make it really true. its students? I hope not. I hope only ones to blame. How often are OLD days. Think f the yearbook
List Price 10,454.43 00 You are the only being that can that it will take into consideration we let out of class to support the as part f your family tree and
�� decide whether you'll be team? If it is not possible for stu- buy one!
Lie. #OZP 022 JUST the bills a the student not the
Sad or happy today. dents to get out maybe the cheer- Lastly, a message to the stu-
bills of the school. I feel if this
You are the one soul who can will policy were to come into effect it leaders could. They always give dents' council. It has been
your mind and body teams a "lift" while playing. brought to this reporter's atten-
To struggle would harm the students their rough pow
Bel Air 4 dr. gg past their limits. parents and eventually, the coon- Maybe we should face the fact tion that certain prominent
that not everyone will get in- members of the students' council
You are the only living you.volved. Well, if you are one of have not I t not
Please, Board, will you con these le come out and sup- ' � ' purchasedlight blue, 305 V8 engine, wheel
Don't let anyone shortchange Sider us? people It- their yearbooks. I consider this a
you in that respect Alice Vander Klippeport others. Being behind is not grave erre on their part and
covers, steel belted radial white Be the person you want to be and quite as bad when the fans are hope they fail all tests until this
walls, AM radio, hod side mold- love yourself for that. out cheering for you. If you can- has been corrected•
yYou are a special, unique, one -in- not participate, support our This year's Courier will only be
.Pep rally
a -trillion you. cause. Your donation of a cheer successful if the entire student
i ngs . Not one other person is just like would be greatly appreciated.
� l Let's go Oct. 31 1979 is the day body gives its support. Don't
A GOOD VALUE you. Not one other person set aside so that all Madill stu- Lori Goodall delay. Buy your yearbook today!
Should be like you. dents may wear their favorite
List Price 7682.45 DO Be an individual you. Live up to colors "purple and white". There
6075 your own standards. will be short periods and at 2:30
Now Shakespeare wasn't so dumb everyone will congregate in gym
Lic. #NXM 855when he said, 228 for the excitement of the pep READMAN
"Above all, to thine own self be rally. There the cheerleaders will
true." do a routine; then everyone will CLEANERS AND MEN'S WEAR
After all, you are the only living follow them to the football or
& Sedan vou, basketball game, where you will Josephine Street, Wingham
Impala 4
help the cheerleaders cheer. Phone 357-1242
Air- conditioning, tinted glass, Cross-country So wear those purple bloomers
set off with a white dress or your
appearance group, AM radio, re- This Friday the cross-country purple pedal pushers that have
team of F. E. Madill will travel to been rotting away in your closet
mote mirror, 305 V8 engine, Benmiller to particiapte in the with that white shirt you spilt
r �
WOSSA meet. The teams which grape pop on when you were in .�
bumper rub strips, pinstriping. qualified for this were the Senior Grade 9.
girls' and boys' teams as well as Jo McCormick T
List Price 9037.45 Junior and Midget boys. They did
so by producing excellent z=
standing in the Huron -Perth meet Comm events
JUST 716500m
held at Benmiller a week ago
Lie. #OYD 049 Monday. Commencement exercises will
be held on Frida. November 2.
Coaching the cross-country � p O
team for the first time was Mr beginning at 9 p m. in gym 254
Campbell, who obviously enjoyed Exams are now less than one
month away, so be sure to et
this task. When asked about the g a
lanufaeturers' Warranty Included team's efforts he said this year's head start oro studying''
team did very well in both prac-
tice and meets. He. aiso said he Girls` basketball
3 and Fabriguard enjoyed coaching them and that
he had a good group of runners. On Monday, October 22. the
"er$ Warranty Available numbering 46 members. His Mustang basketball teams
f� prediction for WOSSA was, succeeded in bringing in two vic-
"We'll place fairly well". tories as the Seniors galloped We Guarantee A Job
The runners deserve appre- over the Norwell (Palmerston) Well Done
ciation for their efforts. They team, 62-24, and the Juniors over
were willing to brave all kinds of powered the visitors for a 37 18
weather and running conditions win. a ,�
during practice as well as in Top scorer for the Seniors was
a P I easers" meets. Even if they don't place in Tess Nethery with 24 points. • • • We'll give your clothes that
Win ham 357.2323 WOSSA, the cross-country team Congratulations, teams, and "lust bought" look!
g has a year to be proud of. best of luck in your last three
Bernice Paswhier season games.
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