HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-10-31, Page 5Elioft"
(Formerly Hamilton's)
.Q en
6:30 am, it 10m
` Except Tuesdays
Kitchen and Gas Bar
take out -orders
FU3ERG.LAS84N6L "-Tip"
Put easy to install friction fit batts.betweenG.
you.and higher
energy costs,
Convenient and easy to install.
R8. R20
( 150 SQ. FT.) ( 50 SQ. FT.)
1530, 1315
R12 R28
( 90 SQ. FT.) ( 32 SQ. FT.)
1411 :P5
Pouring Insulation
Simple, clean and
a, ..
Stop drafts and save
Just pour it out and level,
then watch your fuel costs
go down. A 3 cubic foot
bag covers 10 square feet,
3 inches deep.
, 7t
�+OY.i:. ,f� �.. `�" 4fi �•x�`. S'i'd,` ,• � y,• .'•.. d►e ..•d.
W'iVham Advanx• 7l111ar, OLlaber Sl , 1878-flaw5
Beig"'rave'' PersonaI Nofes
Mr! hila Wer%!,A^ n/ Wim_ MAN* ♦ WP ,2re ...rr.. • �.` � ♦�• ��_ —"
ham, Mn. Laura Johnston, Bel- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hibberd William McArter of RR 4, Bnz-
grave alit Mr. and Mrs. P.oss visited with Mr. and Mrs. Nor- asls is a patient in Victoria Hoso-
H198i1M, RR s Brussels attended man Gedcke of KurtzviUe on Gel, London. Friends and neigh -
the fiiwal of their uncle, Earl Wednesday and on Thursday aU bors of this area wish him a
Mathers, on Saturday at the called on Mr. and Mrs. Harvey speedy recovery.
Wayne Smith Funeral Home at Timm of Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Edgar
Embro. Other relatives attending The North Huron LOL span- and Mr. and Mrs Lewis Stme-
were W. and Mrs. Bert Johnston sored the service at Huronview house were dinner guests of Mrs.
of Belgrave, Mr. and Mrs. Mel- on Sunday evening. Don Vair was Irlma Edgar of Wingham follow-
ville Mathers of RR 4 Wingham, the guest speaker. ing the anniversary service in the
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mathers, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wightman Wingham United Church on Sun-
and Mrs. Carl Johnston and attended the wedding of her oday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. William Peacock of niece, Twyla Dickson, to Kenneth' Miss Margaret Higgins of
Bluevale. All visited at the home Gilbert at the Belmore Presby- London and Mr. Jerry Higgins of
of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Irwin and terian Church on Saturday eve- Stratford visited over the week -
Sharon of Hickson following the ning. end with their mother, Mrs.
funeral service. Mr. Harold Keating visited re- Robert Higgins, and attended the'
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Martin and cently with his sister and brother- funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Gor- '
family of .Kitchener visited on in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley don Wggins on Sunday afternoon. '
Sunday afternoon with her Snell and Mr. and Mrs. William lira. Margaret Anderson of x'?`
grandparents, Mr. and, Mrs. McLelland, all of London. Vancouver visited with Mrs. Earl
Anderson and cousins this past ,.
Premium qublity acrylic
latex caulk. Waterproofs �1
and forms tough, flexible YYY
seal around doors, win -
down, .frames, panels, fu
flashing, vents, duct work.
Will not stain. Dries in 30 �un
minutes. 11 oz. tube. 312
mi. Ratchet type gun holds
Available in white, gray or standard i t oz. cartridge.
brown. Converilent pistol grip.
On Sale 1 aAN tube only 2ml5each
We prices cash only. Sale ends November
10, - %
11 North St. E.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grasby
spent the weekend with Mr. and
k `
Mrs. Cecil Armstrong of Thorn -
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Storer of
Kitchener spent the weekend
w th her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Hanna. Mr. and Mrs.
Larry Mayberry and family of
Londesboro visited at the same
This community wishes to ex-
press sympathy to Gordon
Higgins and family in their re-
cent bereavement.
Dinner guests with Mrs. Albert
Bieman on Sunday evening were
Mr. and Mrs. John Leppington of
THEY'RE READY—Look outl All the witches and goblins are ready for Hallowe'en,
Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bie-
complete with make-up, masks and costumes. Wingham Nursery School students, are well
man, Miranda and Melissa of
ahead of the rest as they had
time to practise at the school's Hallowe'en party held yester-
Wir-gham, Mr. and Mrs. Roger
day morning.
Bieman, Kent, Blair and Susan of
RR 2 Lucknow and George Inglis
of RR 1, Belgrave.
. Saturday evening dinner
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Johnston of Blyth
were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
From now on the County of
counties and felt the existing
further under had there been a
Edgar, Mrs. Irlma Edgar, Mr.
Huron will pay for land pur-
policy didn't provide sufficient
full complement of workers.
and Mrs. George Gibson, all of
chased for road widening
compensation. Committee
Wingham and Mr. and Mrs.
projects at the rate of $2,400 an
Chairman Cal Krauter of
Ron H. Kaufman of RR 29
Lewis Stonehouse,
acre, almost five times the
Brussels said his group spent
Gorrie,,is the recipient of one of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Black
previous rate of $500 an acre.
quite a bit of time on the new
the $150 Huron County
and family of Mississauga and
At the council meeting last
policy and thinks it has come up
scholarships this year. Joan
Cecil Black of Britton called on
week the road committee report-
with something more realistic
Coulter of Goderich, Margaret
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wigthtmen
ed it had icA d the lard
than the nat nnP
,_Q --
14a Ir of RR 9 [9�t— T -1—
on Sunday afternoon.
purchase policies of adjacent
County Engineer Bob Dempsey
... 1
Mustard of Brucefield and Linda
noted one of the purpos :.... of
Marie Blake of Holmesville are
buying an additional 17 feet when
the other . �. � . • • :_. . The scholar -
Neipd to count blesSingS
a road is widened is to allow
the fences far
ships go to students from the
placing of enough
county who are recommended by
sQys Be grave
back to prevent damage from
sIf a new 1�ce is
the university or college at which
are studying.
purchasedpurchase'd `tzrig it
BELGRA' Vz — The afllernoon
by Mrs. William Coulees.
structed &Y Ile county. at a price
.t+elfte>cw,[ll•tike over as..
administrator of Ht .. ' : ,' the
unit Of: the United Church Women
Consideration is to be given to
of $12 per rod to be deducted from
county home for the aged at
met in the church school room,
inviting new members to the
the land purchase price.
Clinton, effective Jan. 1, 1980. He
October 16.
group, also to a social afternoon.
will replace the retiring ad -
Mrs. Cecil Coultes led the wor-
The county health unit is
ministrator, C. A. Archibald.
ship service, opening with re-
Mrs. Helen Martin continued
recommending to its staff that
The management committee
ference to the burden which
the Bible study of Mark's gospel,
they should not smoke "in
for Huronview reported the
many carry — an over abun-
reading from Mark 1: 35-39.
situations where it would not
decision to hire Mr. Lester was
dance of gratitude as expressed
Jesus had no time for himself. He
support the objectives of the
made following advertisement of
in Psalm 68: 19 "Blessed be the
needed prayer to feed His mental
health unit's programs".
the position and interviews with
Lord, who daily loadeth us with
powers. If this was necessary for
Eileen Palmer, chairman of
eight of the 27 applicants.
benefits". She stated, "Every
Him, how much more is it neces-
the board of health, reported
Mr. Lester is currently
day should be a Thanksgiving
sary for us? Prayer strengthens
some board members are quite
assistant administrator of the
Day:" The poem Gratitude by
us for tasks to be done. Jesus'
concerned over staff smoking
home and as a result of his
Mary Strohschein was read.
dream was to help others.
while they are conducting
promotion the committee will
In her meditation Mrs. Coulter
She spoke of leprosy victims —
programs in public schools.
advertise for a new assistant
spoke of the pilgrim's Thanks-
dead though alive, because of
She admitted she is not the
giving, the mythology of Thanks-
mental anguish -
ideal person to speak to them
giving, not since 1621 but since
s mett thedede-
cal suffering. Jesus
(she smokes), but said she hopes
Attendance the Huron
the beginning of time. We need to
of need and fulfilled the
staff will abide by the policy.
County Museum is down slightly
count our blessings and re-.
law,sperit h combined compassion
law, with
this year, Curator Ray Scot -
member that our fellow men are
and wisdom. Hymn `Just As I
The number of persons
chmer reported. However it has
the unborn generations.
Am", was sung.
receivingwelfare assistance
been picking u d
pi g p wring the latter
It was noted that the regional
through the county social ser-
part of the summer 'and the
meeting will be held in Belgrave
Mrs. Fenton conducted the
vices committee was up to 270 in
difference as of mid-October was
in 1980. Coupons from Nestles or
mission study on Japan where
SePtember , , an 8% per cent in-
only 159 people. Total attendance
related products will be received
christianity. is practised under
crease over last year.
to Oct. 19 was 16,679.
difficult situations. She referred
John McKinnon, director of
He said donations have been
to the "Kyodan" the union of all
social services, noted the lack of
received' this season from 65
E re Winners
Christian churches in Japan,
to co-operate
brought p�
a family benefits worker in
Wi m since Jul has slowed
sources and include a doll
collection, a collection of ham
with the national' policy of the
transfer of to the
arrowheads, spearheads, etc.
BELGRAVE -- Nine tables
Japanese government,
provincially -funded family
benefits. Evert so, his department
and four photographs and -frames
taken by R. R. Sallows, a
were in play at the first euchre
Prayer by Mrs. Coultes closed
is under budget for the year, he
prominent photographer of
party held in the WI hall on
the meeting
noted, though it would be evert
Wednesday evening October 24.
High lady, Mrs. Verena Bone;
lqw lady, Miss Lillian Potter;
novelty lady, second high, Mrs.
Ella Irwin; high man, Lewis
Stonehouse; low man, Arthur
Hagerman; novelty man, second
�' 1
high, Gordon Walker.
There will be a euchre party
every Wednesday evening
starting at 8 p.m.
Kinsinen cats
beef banq"ue-
BELGRAVE—Last week
)obell, Allan Bridge and I
.vans catered a beef bangs
heir fellow Kinsmen in
3elgrave arena. At this me
vere 32 Belgrave Kinsmen
hree guests from the Harr
Deputy Governor Larry
,poke on expansion awards
;one conference. Awards
)resented to Mr. Bridge
Obert Gordon, who co -ch,
he cystic fibrosis campaig
he past year:
A ladies' night is planner
)ec. 5 and a buddy night for
!1. Tale club was advised tl
pecial television progran
•ystic fibrosis will be shoo
leritage Day, Feb. 29. 1
alert will perform, with
)roceeds going to help
:hildreen with the 'Breath of