HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-10-31, Page 446,
04 1.
A page of editorial opinion
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October 31, 1979
How the money rolls *1n'. MVSWGS
NDP leader Ed Broadbent Is convinced follows that unless those shares pay reason- By Jobs W. Paula"
that the big petroleum corporations are able dividends the shares will drop in value in 1920 the council was looking
gouging" the public — and he cites some and new Investors will be hard to find. for an industry to locate in the
very Impressive figures to make his point. Another argument Is that the oil com- empty Walker & Clegg factory.
He says Shell. Imperial and Texaco have parties do need very high profits In order to After a couple of disappoint-,,
made profits of something over SS billion In maintain costly exploration activiltles, In the meats the building was bought by
the past five years. The really big one, hope of making the country self-sufficient in Writ. Gunn, a phonograph manu-
Exxon, showed profits of one and a quarter Its energy needs. However, it ismery likely facturer from Saginaw, Mich. He
billion In a recent three month period. That's that those billions In annual profits are cal- proposed spending $75,000 to
big money In anybody's language. Even one culated after deducting the cost of explore -
$100,000 on new machinery and
billion dollars Is all but beyond the compre- tion and development — not before, employing one hundred men. Be-
henstan of the ordinary Joe. (We once read Nor can we forget that If the big, new sides buying the factory, he
bought two houses for employees.
that If happy spender had sta" flinging discoveries happen to be In Alberta or Sas-
The ti-vil was asked for a loan of
away a thousand dollars a day in the year katchewan or Newfoundland, the high pro -
$10,0M for seven years at no
one A.D. he still wouldn't be broke.) flts to which Ontario and the other no -oil
interest, and a fixed assessment
It must be remembered, however, that provinces have contributed won't help one
M"I"".X X• of the same amount, with no
oil company owners are not necessarily all bit In easing the price we will have to pay for
exemptim of taxes. This was
X . ............. 0 carried by a vote of the people on
wealthy people who can hoard their gains. fuel. I
Thousands of shareholders, many of them The new federal government seems just I :.i:*:X ..-K Oct. 4, 1920. Following this a new
people of ordinary means, reap a portion of as fully dedicated to letting the oil comheating system worth $10,000 and
those profits by way of dividends an savings, panles keep their billions as did the old one. ........ many new machines were in -
they have Invested In the oil companies. It Let's hope they know what they're Mdoing.
stalled. K.:
An open house was held on
Saturday, April 9, 1921. Everyone ilii�
was invited to visit the factory
and i... it. A tion percent
reduction was offered on opening
n X
176 e3 day on phonographs selling for
No comedy in these errors $IS to UN. The cabinets were
. . . ......... . . . . . . made, of oak, mahogany or
�1. X. walnut.
Last week the nation's a for general specialized knowledge to unravel the hor- . . . . . . . X While listening to the
disclosed the fact that the federal govern- rendous problems which are being created music, people could recline in
inert had paid out some $290 millions In un- by staggering Interest rates and all the easy chairs made by Fry
Mack", who rented
earned unemployment Insurance benefits. hardship they are bringing about —but It part of the
And that was only the latest bit of news on would appear that those we have trusted building•
the subject. The government had previously with our livelihoods aren't really so smart In September 1922, Gunn -Sm -
admitted to another $71.4 million which had after all. Ola, Co. Ltd. was formed at
Winghain, capitalized at $150,000,
gone down the same rat hole. One thing Is certain: present levels of In -
Another interesting bit of rows last week terest will spell the end for a great many = authorized to manufacture
was that the U.S. government had permitted small business people and farmers, and at gramophones, organs, pianos
the same time will drive up the price of end other musical instruments,
the latest hike In Interest rates because X 'over the business of
and to take
someone had made a slight error. Some $3 everything we have to buy.
As this column
billion In revenues was overlooked when the mentioned last week, there is no way that Win. Gunn. A couple of months
financial wizards were working on their wage Increases will be -able to follow the "Don't complain — we saved yore didn't we?" later an electric phonograph
from their factory was on display
books. And of course the U.S. Interest jump sharp upswing in the general level of Infla, at McKay's Restaurant. You put
was slavishly followed by the Bank of Can- tion. As the experts are saying these days, in 5 cents and pushed a buttm
adb without doing Its own homework. wewill have to "bite the bullet". As a matter and were with good
Most of us on the lower end of the totem of fact bullets may be more affordable than r r music- could this
have been the
pole will freely admit that we don't have the bread and butter. first nickelodeon? In November
Editorial unfairly critical of witiciency 1926, Win. Gunn died leaving his
Dear Editor, before whooping it UP with the less likely to be a flood of food EDITOR'S NOTE: The writer son Carlyle to carry In 1927 the town was asked W
In your editorial last week town folk. Besides that you have products on the market at a has missed the main point of our renew the loan for ten years, still
about the inefficiency of the -to hurry like mad to be at church cheap, below the cost of editorial. There W" no sugges- with no interest. This was
quota systems and the farmer the an time. No time for in production price. The farmer is tion that farmers themselves are granted. With the increasing sale
Changes were overdue old saying, 'Don't ',believe till half an hour before church or allowed to produce his product in efficient: rather that some mar- of radios, the. popularity of
everything you read or hear', fancy frift. Try it, there are lots an ordetly fashion, at least at keting boards are forcing some phonographs was declinipg . The
The federal government Intends to able for their behaviour, regardless of age. certainly holds true; especiall)k of farms for sale. When you cod of production, so he may segments of our agriculture into firm started on radio cabinets
Introduce a new actto cover juvenile offend- However under the new legislation a child coming from a rural newspaper. sWceed then write And criticize have a int living for himself a less than efficient position. and mild seats. The business
ors and It will contain changes which are cannot be charged with a criminal offence You speak of CEMA's waste of aid you want. The important point -is that 1UM1"VVMedt, with thirty.
long overdue. The presentJuvenile Delln- under the age of 12 years; It Is presently 28 million eggs; sounds big, but 'You talk of Canada's -rided for some, and only some of the five men employed. More me-
quents Act was passed In 1908 and In the seven years. Only those 14 years or over will that's only about one egg per foreign exchange which can be ' Mier- pop, you name it, in- marketing agencies have es- chinery was installed and pro -
capita. What about the tons of generated only by export sales, creases in price and the con- caped from the sensible controb duction greatly increased, with
intervening 71 years the whole face of our be allowed trial in an adult court and then junk mail received every day more export sales of agricultural sumer gladly pays what it says of the producers (and ewam- Mr. - Frank 'Preston the plant
society has altered, as has the age of respon- only for the most serious of crimes, such as which firms like yours received products. The farmers of this but the media never mentions it, ors) who originally intended to superintendent. Before ion
sibility. murder. income from printing? What a country have upheld their ahan even in fine -- print. But look out! provide a benefit for Camelia"
The proposed law Is to be known as the waste of newsprint! Most of it is of exports for years, such as When milk or beef is up the front at all levels. CEMA is Obviouslmore room was needed and Fry
y & Blackall Ltdwas asked to
Young Offenders Act and will differ In the Juveniles will have more rights In the immediately filed under 'G' and wheat, grain, bogs and dairy Page gets huge headlines, almost one of these. move. In July 1928 the first order
basic philosophy contained In the old one, by courtroom, Including the opportunity to tell the thousands of dollars tacked products. Now it's your turn, the the same coverage as World War was received
which it was understood that juvenile delin- their side of the story. Incorrigibility and onto consumer products. rest of Canada's population, to 11. The scream •and complaints, ved from Stromberg
Carlson for five hundred radio
quents were to be treated with parent -like sexual immorality will disappear as possible You mention the Canadian produce something for export unreal -
care and discipline. In this day and age It Is charges against juveniles, because these are consumer has to pay an ad- trade. Canada's manufacturing You tell us about the generous,, cabinets. By the next year the
obvious that parent discipline L itself Is In a charges which cannot be made against ditional 14 cents a dozen for products are priced so high that 1 1. 1 .�w... cot STUIP11110ort IP01710gralnu to factory was running 24 hours a
decrepit state, largely because many young- - administration costs of this most products such as TV, iisaid farmers- Did you forget New Books I day with 115 men. The kiln had to
adults. Additionally parents, under the pro -2 be enlarged to handle the vol-
stersare more knowledgeable about the so- posed legislation, cannot be held responsible board. Isn't part of the 35 cents a radios, appliances, even our 'about the millions of dollars use. Twenty men worked the
ciety in which they live than are their for their children's illegal acts. copy chalked up to •, ad- clothing, are imported from given giant corporations in in the Libmry
ministration costs? Even though countries whose cost of living is and industry to I I nightshift ninki the Gunn seat.
mothers and fathers. In total the new act appears to be a more in agog in expanding, relocating, They had enough orders to keep
The new law Is formulated an the, con- sensible approach to the problems of juvea- sometimes it doesn't appear to _much, much higher than ours. training, etc-? Very seldom does the plant going for a full year. An
:count- Ile misbehaviour. have any. one read that in i. SUM= GIRL by QuiMne Option W:ttaken on the Bell far -
Again you speak of someone essential luxuries that our cram tory and I they could move in,
resigning because he couldrk't society forgets they have and Young farmers are a changin I
uphold the consumers' interests. need. V*W- They're going to stand Dumpy hi and in&A was the council let them use part of
UP Mary Shelburne's first im- the Old chair factory.
The only interest consumers DO You Print twice as Many and demand the same as their pression of Cimn. Fourteen was a The crash of 1929 spelled the
have is a CHEAP FOOD POLICY copies of your weekly as You can urban friends, unlike their
so little young for a live-in end of Gunn -Son -Ola Co. Ltd.
How si I ly can you get they may enjoy the essentials sell, then sell what's left for half fathers of 'the past generation babysitter mature
Qnni seemed Collections fell off and much of
of life, such as backyard pools, a price? No sir, I bet you don't. who just did without and unusually mature for her age and the finished" product was not
A few nvxfts ago one of our pickpockets. boat, cottage, their rec rooms You explain about the findings everytime someone . yelled she was the only girl Mary had shipped out when orders were
the townofGrimsby Ina sour frame of mind. 'it will be Illegal to walkpast a dark alley with a completely stocked bar, of a federal , 1� c I . � j - . t task Inefficiency dropped his bead and interviewed who put the children cancelled. By May 1930 there
Seems he parked his car In a quiet part of the because this Is an invitation for a mugger to etc., to enjoy on their weekends, force study, that the supply worker harder, faster and ahead of the beach and the were only 37 men working a 45
town and after a ~ business can" . , , wj, Jump out at you, their paid vacations or after a management of marketing money. Chani was indeed hours week. In February 1931,
returned to the curb to find a blank spam It will bell to have windows In your tiresome, long 3Mour week. boards is tmdermining the ef- Farmers should maybe return unusually mature, but not in a the fim made an assignment,
where he had left hit,buggy. house because these are tempting targets for If the farmer lived a similar ficiency of Canadian agriculture to the ancient custom, that is to way Mary would have suspected, with the first meeting of the
lifestyle what would food prim and costing the consumer an produce enough food for 4--.j4r
Auto theft! 1�e called the police and all stone -throwing vandals. ..... any more than she would have held in Landon on
he got for his trouble was a $25 fine for leav- For years law enforcement agencies be? Two, three or four times as extra $350 million for milk, egp and his family and to bell with the suspected Cinni was capable of March 6. The plant was kept open
ing the keys In the Ignition. have been warning us about the leniency of great. and poultry. Pray tell me, what rest of you. That may be the murder. while a buyer was sought. Only
Would you give all this up to would the government know simplest solution, just imagine
Bob Roth, writing In The Gkwqarry file courts and our legal system's failure to - one thousand dollars had been
invest three to four hundred about efficiency? Do you reaHzi some morning awakening to the paid back to the town. A sale was
News, says that things are overinicii ridic- provide adequate deterrents to crime. Civic thousand dollars in a dairy farm? that farmers have "i, . � ., - - I fact there is no food. It might CAPRICORN ONE by Bernard held selling radio and phono
ulous In Ottawa, the national shrine of leaders, meanwhile, completely missing the work seven days a week, be in their efficiency far, far more make you think to put your brains L. Ron
justice and fair dealing. In that city, point, have responded by making criminals debt right to your ears, maybe than any other segment of in gear before yoll open your cabinets for as low as $2 each.
Bob, It is 111164il to leave any unattended car out of the victims. The first manned flight to The Bell factory was also adver-
even higher since interest rates society, while at the same Hine mouth the next time about how Mars, Capricorn One. It must Used for sale.
unlocked. That nvwm If you stop at a shop-. In Ottawa it's now illegal to allow some- have soared, the rest of your life? providing one of the essentials of inefficient the farmer is. succeed; the countdown has In April 1931 Brown Bros. of -
ping centre and pop inside to pick up a few one to steal your car. Yes. even the cows have to be life, FOOD? Jim Hallahan already begun. Then the life fered the town $5,100 for its $9,000
things you are a lawbreaker If you do not milked Sunday morning. even The only reason quotas don't RR 3, Blyth support system falls, so NASA holding, which was accepted. The
lock your car. The maximum fine for break- Although the writer of that column after you've been out the night appeal to you is the fact there is Dairy -beef farmer plans a SM billion fraud. Browns assumed responsibility
in%the by-law has just been I doesn't say so, it would be Interesting to see lid" and Awa. 11W
S10 to S111000. what would hanrwbn a ;;4en be
What could bmlol how charged under the bylaw. Carried to courts only bid for the Bell factory came
from the in October
iwisiea our legal have bow. ? beyond the jurisdiction of the city, a judge
The by-law is a classic example of society's would, In all probability, throw the case out 1931. It was levelled in the winter
growing preoccupation with ptolecling the, an the grounds that the law Itself Is contrary TO DAYS CHILD of 2931-32.
criminal at the of the victim. There- to both the public interest and the basic
fore, if stools your unlocked car, rights of the citizen.
particularly with the keys. Inside, Ws your Good laws must be founded, over and BY HELEN ALLEN
fault, You are the crook. above anything else, on common sense. The College Day
Taking the bylaw's app ,,o. .h of not police and civic authorities have every right,
tempting criminals to Its logical 'conc uslon 1.ndeed a compelling obligation to inform the S40 for Clinton
we can look forward to other gigantic strides public about the danger of leaving cars un- Tammy Is a happy baby full of laughs and giggles. and
in low such as: locked. There is no basis whatsoever for she doesn't know she is any diffes ei t from any other Secondary school students in
one -and -a -half year old. But Tammy is blind and doctors u. Huron County will have a chance
It will be an offence to car" a wallet, taking legal action against a person for fall- say nothing can be done to c"up that. She may have
to giet career information. from
because this is a conspicuous ternoiteflon to Ing to protect his own property. epough vision to tell light from dark, but she cannot see participating community
• objects or people.
colleges during College Day next
Born prematurely, Tammy was delicate as a baby but
is healthy now, though small for her age. She explores her week.
THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES world with touch and sound and smell, and she Is just as College Day will be held at
busy as any other little girls of her &W. She walks around o Central Huron Secondary School
furniture holding on, and knows immediately if she h In a Nov. 7 from 5 to 10 p.m. Par-
Pubbsbed at Wingbam. Onurie. bv Wereger Rro% Limited strange house or room by the feel of the floor, ticipating colleges are
Tammy loves to dance and enjoys music. as well as Conestoga, Fanshawe, Mohawk,
Barry Wenger. President Robert 0 Wenger. Sec -Treas toys that make a noise. She can say quite a few wordsbut
f only when she feels like it. She knows much of what IS George Brown, Humber,
Member Audit Bureau of Circulations bet said to her and understands the word "no." A Georgian, Sir Sanford Fleming,
Sheridan, Lambiton. Niagara. St.
tear wr of blind people se" her regularly and helps her
Member Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc Ontario Weekly mother special learning Prggmm- Clair. Centralia Agricultural
To Inquire about adopting Tammy. Plese write to College, RidiWown Agricultural
Subscs litmnS1400perypar IQ S& months S7 50 Today's Child. Ministry of Community and Social Ser- and the University of Guelph,
vices. Box NO. Station K, toronto. Ontario. M4P 2M. diploma agriculture program.
In yaw kapr tell something of year present family and Students, parents, teachers
Second Clan Mad RegWration %o 4821 Return postage guaranteed your way of life. and counsellors are welcome.