HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-10-31, Page 13w s
no W loon Advance -Taos. October al, IFIV—Page 18
Passing of Ermin CoP eland u
n: +:or nQd b'- a i'iwst of friends
A boat of &I=& and many County Vey Bond Campaign
hwmer co -waken are mourning A, Committee, World War u; past
the death of a highly respected chairman of the Wingham
re•d°nt of Wuigbam, Erwin General Hospital Building
Stuart Copeland of el Patrick Committee (1945); and a
>ltreet West, who passed away member of the Wingham Senior
Yenday, October 22, in the Citizens, the Commercial z
Wingham and. Disitrict Hospital. Travellers' Association and the
Mr. Copeland was in his tyenc Canadian Manufacturers'
and death followed a brief illness. Association.
Mr. Copeland was born in He contributed also to life in
Culrbes Township, Bruce County, the Wingham United Church
on September 15, 11106, a son of where he was an active member,
the late William E. Copeland and past chairman of the Official
Mary Barbour. He attended the Board and an organizer and
Wingbam High School and the leader of the Triple V Bible Class.
University of Toronto. At the age On June 28, 1922, he married
of 17 he joined the Canadian
the former Grace Birdys (Birdie)
Army and went overseas with the Robertson in Wingham. She
1st Canadian Contingent in 1914. predeceased him in 1909. Left to MICHAEL MOORE
He was wounded in action but mourn his passing are a daughter Michael Moore, son of Mr.
returned to active service, was and a son, Mrs- Marjorie Guest of and Mrs. Richard Moore,
promoted rapidly and at the end Wingham and George W. W RR
of hostilities was with the S, Ingham, graduated from
teak of Ca ins s� Ial unit community and church life, Mr. Copeland, Q.C., Toronto. There St. Clair ColMye. WIndN1r.
Copeland served the town well in are eight grandchildren and one
attached to the Y.M: special
Oct. 20. He cow leted his
his earl life many capacities. He was a life great grandchild. He was course as a pl•stieptechnleian
During Y member of the Royal Canadian predeceased by two sisters and
Copeland was employed by Bell Legion as well as a 50 -year life three brothers. and mold maker and Is pros.
Telephone and from 1920 until his member of the Wingham Funeral and committal service ently employed in the Wlnd-
retirement in 1906, he was Masonic Lodge. He was a charter was held at the Currie -Walker sor area.
general manager and one of the member of the Wingham
principal shareholders of Lions Funeral Home on Wednesday,
and Blackhall L,td., Wingham a Club;.* life member of Wingham October 24, at two o'clock with
and District Hospital Rev. g. Barry Passmore coq
msnufadurer offine upholstered Association; past president of ducting. A personal friend of Mr.
IY1 • •'-- furniture• Wingham Chamber of Com Lionst- Copeland, Hap Swatridge, was our
Always active in business, merce; past chairman of Huron organist during the service.
area farms
Resident of Morris DIED WMgMMLions Were tre"to
a taste of the country life last
• • Tuesday, when menbers were
d i es I n 8 1 st ear E V E R I C K—Passed away given a tour of three area farms.
y Tuesday, October 16, at Lions visited a swine, a beef and
Shelburne General Hospital a dairy operation.
A lifelong resident of Morris three sisters. Mrs. Freda Everick, the ford dairyer
President Nick O'Donahue said
Township, Mrs. Gordon Higgins Mrs. Higgins was a member of mer Freda Gertrude Wright of the Purpose of the tours was to
of RR 5, Brussels, passed away Knox United Church, Belgrave, 490 7th Ave. E. Owen Sound. aquaint townspeople with costs of
Friday, October 26, in Wingham and belonged to the United She was the widow of the late operating a farm, modern
and District Hospital in her 81st Church Women and the Women's and current
year following a lengthy illness. Institute. Cyril Everick; mother of equipment
Stewart of Petawawa, Graham management technology.
Funeral service was conducted of Shelburne, Mrs. Joe Following the outing members
'The former, Florence A. by Rev. John G. Roberts on conducted a general
Procter was born in Morris on Sunday at 2:30 at the Currie- (Loretta) Steffler, Owen 8 meeting at
February 25, 1899, to the late Walker Funeral Home. In- Sound, Mrs, John (June) the Wingham Golf and CtwliDg
George Procter and Ellen Moran, RR 3, Teeswater, 'and Club.
Sixty years ago, on to mete followed in Brandon Mrs. Ivan (Irene) Bish, ung the meeting members
- Wilkinson. Six Cemetery, rs werve. Hamilton. She was the sister of discussed this year's candy cane
June 18, 1919, she married Mr. pallbearers were sin nephews, �• Sophie ort of Owen Pr�'�• Seven hundred
Higgins at her fathers home in Donald Procter, RR 4, Brussels, DYm candy
Moms. George Grigg of Win ham Sound' Harry and Mrs. Sadie filled canes will be order along
Besides her husband those left g ns u Irwin, both of Detroit Sim of with 500 miniature canes.
Charlie Higgins, el 5, Brussels, Ripley This year miniature canes will
to mourn her passing are four Clarence YuillBel ave Alvin P Y and Mrs. Frank Y
sons, Jack Higgins, George & (Bessie) Morgan, Kincardine, not be for sale, but Lions hope to
Higgins and Robert Fitch, RR 1, Wroxeter, and Alvin Also surviving are 22 donations with the
Higgins, Wingham. Floral children andel 15 t ted minimum set at $5 each.
{ of RR 5, Brussels, and Chester tributes were carried by grand- children. She wastetp Lions also reported that x,580
Higgins of Brussels. There are predeceased
x children, Donald Higgins of b two sisterst T, ere was raised for the Canadian
$C: -fit i. •xtoii
five grandchildren. She was Brussels and -Joan RR 5 Winnie; slid three r
eceased by one brother and ' z . r "NStional Institute 'for° ` be'l'ly & "
�;', Brussels' Jahn, William and Wesley. Members canvassed for the
Funeral service was held money with help from several
r w Friday, October 19, at 11 a.m. students.
N ' siomas W Gannet with interment following ;n
-� Kincardine Cemetery after
z cremation. Donations to the
posses i nhospita'l Canadian Cancer Society are A two -egg serving contains 13
being acknowledged by the gram of protein. Since- the
family as expressions of average woman needs 41 grams
The death occurred Wed- Wright, RR 4, Wingham, and sympathy. of Protein each day, a serving of
,: nesday, October 24, in Wingham Mrs. Deryl (Beverley) Price,
' and District Hospital of Thomas Pickering. There are two
Wilbur Gannett of 417 Minnie grandchildren, Shari and Jeffery
Street, Wingham. He was in his Wright; and one sister, Mrs. • • •
Nth year. Harold (Elsie) Smith of Toronto. onfano um
Born October 11, 1892, in Friends paid their respects at
Bluevale, Mr. Gannett was a son the Currie -Walker Funeral Home
of the. late John Gannett and until Friday when funeral service
Sabina Smith. He received his was conducted at two o'clock by adopt now. trade name
education in Bluevale and Captain Iain Trainor. Howard
worked as an electrician and Price of Toronto sang "Until At the 39th annual meeting of identification for credit union
machinist before his retirement Then" during the service. the Ontario Credit Union League provincial organizations would
in 1962. He was a member of the Mr. Gannett was borne to his Limited the delegates approved be advantageous.
Wingham Corps of the Salvation final resting place in Wingham the adoption of the new trade As well as providing a cohesive
Army. Cemetery by Norm Bonnett, Bill name, Credit Union Central of national identification — the
Mr. Gannett is survived by his Henderson, Harold Hutton, Ross Ontario. The change came into trade name Credit Union Central
wife, the former Irene G. Arm- Smith, Jim Wright and Raymond effect on International Credit is a clear concise term for the
strong, whom he married in Wright. Flower bearers were Union Day, October 18. organization which can be more
Toronto on December 9,1950; two Harold Metcalfe and Herb Although the official legal easily understood by members.
daughters, Mrs. Gordon (Susan) Phillips. name for the Central will remain The stylized hands and globe logo
Ontario Credit Union League composed of the letters OCU will
Limited, all outward identifi- be retained and used • with the
cation will be Credit Union Cen- words Credit Union Central of
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • s, • • • • • • tral of Ontario. In accordance Ontario. This symbol has ap-
• with provincial government peared on all Central eommunl-
W h o t!s n e w at • regulations the trade name was cations since October, 1975.
registered on April 24, 1979. When the Central was formed
• • Credit unions, over the past in .1941 the official logo was "the
• H u r o n v e w : several years, have grown in little man with the umbrella".
• numbers and have become more This was the first trademark
• visible. Therefore, to achieve known all over the world as the
Religion or Christ was the topic and the discussion groups con- consistency throughout oda, symbol of the Credit Union move-
■ ■ ' of the sermon at the Sunday sidered other responsibilities it was felt that a common term of meat.
in� n our s ore ■ morning service given by Rev. such as welcoming new
Everythg Darrell. The scripture was read residents, communication and
by Frank Bissett and Mrs. Elsie cooperation with administration
Henderson played the organ. and staff as well as fellow
'Jews, Rose of Sharon' was sung residents. FOR A GOOD
cashares by - the choir. The Christian Encourage making new friends
Reformed Choir consisting of 30 and create a desire for residents CATCH
10% off Mastereharge & Chargex purl aSes. voices sang at the evening ser- to participate in physical and FISH
vice. Marie Flynn, Stanley Hillen social activities. Residents
Layaway now for Christmas with a small deposit and Wilson McCartney provided reported they found the day most
music at Old T me Music informative.�1
Monday afternoon. Huronview would like to6Q* IN N
1Mrs. Grace Peck held her welcome Mrs. Alice Cornish fromNOVEMBER ,2,3 ONLY paintingcissa in the craft room Clinton, Walter Elsie McIntyre, from The
Tuesday morning. Residents are Exeter and Mrs Elsie MBait
invited to come and try their who is from Ashfield Township.
Sale excludes H�aIsl figurines. ►aat painting' Who know' your hook WANT
you may have a hidden talent of
/ ... .....�a:�fi ei.�+�r� _ _ - — - - - '� 'L L:. "�l!'.4l1�lt . .��hrll::___��.__ ,.�,.,n� , •., _ .
Which you are not aware.
by calling
Twenty residents enjoyed the
afternoon at the Vanastra
Recreation Centre. Dancing and
entertainment were the order of
the y, followed by a delicious.
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Scott of
Wingham and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Jim Ruddock, Mrs. Mabel
Howson of Blyth were in Kit-
Garrow, Mrs. Henderson, Mr.
chener on Sunday where Mrs.
Bissett and Les Fortune attended
Scotts sister-in-law, Mrs. Bill
the Residents Council mini-
conference number one at
Orvis of Waterloo, received her
Bachelor of Arts degree in
Huronview Thursday afternoon.
"HOW can we meet life's ongoing
sociology from Wilfrid Laurier
University Mrs. Orvis is a gad-
challenge?" was the topic
diseswsd at the morning session
nate of Wingham High School.
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