HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-10-24, Page 9Dam Advanes-'liaise, OeWbar N. 1979 --Paps q
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R °.~` a W.° waftDemonstration on flower
KCALof Junior WI
<91 to «erw �. ws-TAT M rn ;,. �, = HOWICK--The Junior Institute and Uvnsum,s report were read.
wrab �,���� W+' - members met at Howick Central F! S I . tots»• F,rarM, r�
why tiiey like or
y the
_Icer ops�tFs a - - Scfiool on '1liursday of last week �wa�gaaaasr answered b
with M members and four guests dislike fail.
•-~- present, Darlane Harding in-
troduced the speaker, Julie Hallowe'en d�srice en of 36 t
Eade, who works for Zyta at the Hawick Commtutit
Florists. Her sister Linda was y
also a guest at the meeting. Centre. Proceeds will go toward
For Notice TO Creditors Coming
Jule show the members and � � Woo'�� Di:at.Et $6.00 a fame y � Renf;Vents a make a oo Pve � be Tickets available at the door.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS each with her own. She then gave E
a demonstration on v making a Everyone is asked to come in
HbuSE in Whitechurci, refer -
AND OTHERS dried flower arrangement. She costume and ladies are asked to
Phone 404•»'11 ent�6 required, Phone 528-2006 apartment, colored fridge and MARY OLIVE GALL AHER Will be held at the Wingham I,e- OPEN HOUSE was thanked by Brenda Booker.
stove, washer and dryer for ten- ALL PERSONS having claims There will be an open house at the President Lis Hargrave opened The meeting dosed with the
Bion an alternate Saturdays, at home of Mrs. Marilyn Bridge, RR the meeting with the Mary Institute Ode and lunch was
Clinton 24 rrb ants use, electrically heated, against the Estate of Mary Olive 5:30 p.m. starting Oct. 20. Ladies 5, Wim, for her daughter, Stewart Collect and the minutes served.
located on the main street, front Gallaher, late of the Town of please bring lunch, men ;1. Sharon ., frons 2 to 5 ;
MORRIS TWP. - 1 acre on pov- THREE BEDROOM semi -de- and rear entrances, parking at Wingham in the County of Prizes. _ I
lathed home. Phone 1-821-6046 rear. Available Nov. 1. Phone Huron, widow, who died on 10 -Nov. P.m. and 7 jo 9 p.m., on Saturday, 1.
ed rood. 7 room modern bun- Oct. 27. Everyone welcome:
golow, surrounded by maples evenings. 357-2870 or 957-1015. September 26th, 1978, are requir
17 rrb ed to file proof of same with the
f1LYTM 1 '/� storey brick HOUSE TRAILER, phone 357- undersigned on or before the 10th Holyiiglican To be held at the Salvation Army, KEITH
home on Hamilton St. Every- IN BELGRAVE, one bedroom 3757. Apply at Wilken's Garage, day of November, 1979, after that Church Edward St W vt
Thornhill Junior Choir will be Wingham, Saturday,
thing in perfect condition. apartment, with electric heat, Whitechurch. date the Executrix will proceed ' y'
stove, fridge, washer and 24-31 to distribute the Estate ha guest singers at services Oct. 28, Oct. 27, from 2 to 4 P.M.
Should b* seen to be appr*c- dryer. � in Knox Presbyterian Church,
fated. saw care d snow removal regard only to the claims of Gorrie 9:46 a.m., and St. An- ROYAL WINTER FAIR
FABRIC STORE • Located in supplied, No Pets.RAJ,"'•� �~ SMALL PIG barn, Wroxeter which she shall then have had drew's Presbyterian Church, Bus to the Royal Winter Fair, eRpKER
Village of Blyth. Apt. above. ply Phone 357-2999• area. Phone 335-3808. notice.Molesworth, 11:15 a.m. All wel- Monday, Nov. 12. Phone 357-9014
MORRIS TWP, - 2 ftoor brick 2431 DATED at Wingham, Ontario, come or 357-1270.
home on S acres with frame ONE BEDROOM apartment on this 15th day of October, A.D. REAL E S TAT E
barn, 2 miles from Blyth. Sw- main street in Wingham, above a TWO BEDROOM house in W 17-24 24-31 WINGHAM, DIAGONAL OROD RAI O • 3 57.1'117
Wing- 1
*red. store. Phone 528-M after 6 p.m. ham. Phone 524-613 after 5 p.m. CWL FALL TEA BAZAAR AND TEA
MOM WN. - 2 miles from 24 rrb 24.31 Crawford Mill do Davies, AND BAZAAR ATTRACTIVE HOME
Olyth on 1A acre lot, 7 room Belgmve Anglican Church Ba- .
Win' Onto' Will be held Saturday,Oct. 27 � and Tea on Saturday, Nov. 3, Brick home in excellent condition, now decor throughout. Kit -
brick home in I Ike new con- p ent in Solicitors for the Executrix &M 2:30 to 4:30 m. m the IOOF at 3 p.m. in the Women's Institute then with dining area, separate dining room, living room, two
dition. Heated works Rea I Estate TWO BEDROOM a 24-31-7 P' baths, four bedrooms all with closets. Updated hydro, plumb-
• For Sale Belgrave. Phone 8876090. Hall, Wingham. Crafts bake Hall. Everyone welcome.
LONDESBORO - 1 '/2 storey ing, heating and insulation. Priced to **If. Call for an appoint -
17 -24 fie, Penny auction and a draw mens.
frame ham, ZrQ nacre lot. HOUSE for sale. New 3 bedroom NOTICE TO CREDITORS for Centennial Colonial Lady TURKEY BANQUET 2 STOREY HOME
bungalow in Belgrave; large lot, LARGE 3 bedroom house in IN THE ESTATE OF Q!iilt• Sponsored by the ladies of St. Paul's Anglican Church Will Brick home in beautiful condition. Large living room with natu-
FOQlp FOR THOUGHT • A fully landscaped, low taxes, spa- Wingham. Phone 392-6M. LORETTA STURDY the Sacred Heart Church, Wing- hold their annual Turkey Ban- ral fireplace, family room, brand new designers kitchen, three
Weight Wafthers dropout ad- eious kitchen -dining area, foil 19 rrb ham. quet on Wednesday, Nov. 14. bedrooms, new large 4 piece both, 12' x 50' patio with privacy
mlts she hasn't been to a ALL PERSONS having claims 17-24 Adults ;5, children tender 12, fence, large private back lawn. This home must be seen to be
meeting In a month of sun- basement, exterior bridk.'Ready against the Estate of Loretta =2.50. A limited ntunber of tickets appreciated. Owner moving, very fairly priced. '
den• to move in. Must sellonly TEN ACRES for crop. Roy Mc- Sturdy, late of the Town of Wing- TURKEY SUPPER will be available from members REDUCED TO SELL
;37,900. Call 357-1749 after 6 p.m. Kay, 357.3529 ham, in the County of Huron, re- Walton turkey supper of the board. Onl 51 8,000 full nee for 3 bedroom Bel raw home with,'
24-31 tired housekeeper, who died on y Pper will be P g
on V,idnesday, Nov. 7 from 3:30 new y renovated interior. Kitchen and dining area have custom
HOUSE IN Brussels. Phone September 2kb, 1979, are re- to 8 p.m.; adults;4; 6 to 12 years OPEN HOUSE quality cabinets. New living room, 3 piece bath, central oil
357-3114. quired to file proof of same with ;2; preschoolers free. Will be held at the*Sme of Mr. heating and 100 amp electric service. This is a valuable offer
24 rrb the.undersigned on or before the 17.24-31 and Mrs. Clarence Henning to you may not want to miss.
10th day of November, 1879, after celebrate their 25th wedding an- OVERLOOKING MAITLAND RIVER
Open Ho -se . A a• n ! FARM HOME, highway location, that date the Executor will pro- niversary, Friday, Oct. 26, from 8 Building ANNIVERSARY SERVICES g lot on high ground in a very attractive setting. Full s*r-
.� - outskirts of Wingham. Phone Ceed to distribute the Estate hav- Will be held on Sunda Oct. 28 in to 10 p.m. Friends' neighbors and vices. Price open to offer.
Keith Fitzsimmons, 357-1117. mg regard only to the claims of y' relatives are welcome.
which he shall then have had Wingham United Church; 11 a.m. Ken Ducharme, Representative, 570 Shuler Street,
19 rrb notice. Worship; guest speaker Rev.
Jack C. Thompson, B.A., B.D. 50TH ANNIVERSARY Wingham, Phone 357-2594
BARN 50' x 75', 2 miles -north of DATED at Wingham, Ontario nal ' On the occasion of their '
this 15th day of October, A.D. with inspirational music by his parents
Wingham. Phone 357-160-1 1979 wife the former Miss .Tena Reid; 50th anniversary, the family of
10-17-2431 alsoselections by the Junior and Percy and Min Rennie, Wing -
Crawford Mill A Davies, Senior choirs; 7:30 p.m. celebra- ham, cordially invite friends, to
THREE BEDROOM house in Wingham, Ontario, tions, relatives and nes to bring
Solicitors for the Executor guest speaker Rev. Alex J. neighbors, ring
Bluevale. Immediate possession. Farquhar, B.A., B.D., with music their best wishes only, to an Open H UTTO N
Rent $165 per month. Phone God- 2431-7 by the Ctaigellan Singers of God- House, October 27, 2 to 5 p.m., to
erieh 5242725, x, Coffee hpm yolu be, held at their daughter and WINGHAM - Perfect location only 2 blocks from Post Office.
10 rrb swipe- Everyone wel�e son-lnlaw's home, Margaret and Brick bungalow, features include: living room, diningroom,
NOTICE TO CREDITOR" ,i• v7 Sunset Cr foundry room, and hot water heating. Hous* and yardr vlrislt
- I<N-•IPHEES•LhMLOF r _-,_ __-...._._.__ _ __ .._ _�._ ... Retmies have maintained. Its a must for-retirernetit fbMili`
cozy 3 bedroom bungalow on a 9fthar and tea at Corrie United three daughters, Jean ( Mrs.
large garden sized lot; separate ALL PERSONS having claims Chtn'ch on Saturday, Oct. 27, 1:30 Robert Moore) Hamilton; Joan WINGHAM - New custom built 3 bedroom bungalow on a 70'x
laundry room, screens full base- against the estate of June Anne to 4:30 p.m. Crafts, garden (Mrs. Raymond Hall), Stoney 115' lot situated in prestigious area of fine homes. You get -
Due to the success of our previous ment with combination oil and Casemore, late of the Township centre, home baking etc. Week; and Margaret (Mrs. Rob- electric heating, plastered interior as well as finished garage -
open house, we welcome you once again ... wood furnace ert Gavreluk), Wingham; eight and partially finished rec room. Priced in the forties - it's real
5'L00 per month of Z'ri�rrY in Y andchildren and one sharp.
the County of
to Wingham's beautiful also optional on same property a Huron, housewife, deceased, who TARGET SHOOTING great- ***twx
40' x 40' heated workshopdied on A The Maitland Marksmen Club is grandchild. WINGHAM - Two acres right in town witha brick 3 bedroom
with usual 30th, 1979, are roe- i
Ma i t I a n d -Estates cement floor and 14' high door, quired to file proof of same with recruitng new members. Anyone home, immaculate throughout. `Lot has many mature trees and
;100 per month. For further the undersigned on or before the 18 years old Or over interested in HALLOWE'EN 'EN DANCE a spectacular view of the river. For future development, look
AA C information contact 357-2747 after 27th day of October, 1979, after 20 metre indoor range, sporting Friday, October '26 in Belmore at this one.
Sat., 00,27,.,1�. _a...M...... -5.p. M. 6 p.m. that date the Administrator will rifle (22 cal.) target shooting is Community Centre. Music by ******
24rrb P to distribute the estate Welcome. To apply for member- Gilmore. Dancing 9 to 1, ;3 per BELGRAVE - New three bedroom bungalow with living room,
ilnspl the�model homiest! Person- Lunch included. Prizes formal dining room, eat -in kitchen, electric heating and patio
having regard only to the claims P, contact D. Hynes 357-1682 or Pe
ONE BEDROOM apartment of which he shall then have had Bob Hollenbeck 357-3289 or Ab for best costumes. Tickets avail -
doors to deck. Priced in the upper thirties.
available- Nov. 1, electric heat, notice. Rintoul 357-1965. able at door. ******
fridge, stove, and air -Condition- 24-31-7 WROXETER - One acre lot with good brick house, _-extensive
ROYAL HOMES DATED at W Ontario renovations have been done -lots of cupboards, good broad-' ing• Apply to Box 2124, c -o The Ingham, , TURKEY SUPPER loom, new garage. An excellent property with shade trees
this 2nd da of A.D. INTERNATIONAL
Wingham Advance -Times, Wing 1979. y October, CRAFT SALE Fordwich United Church turkey and fruit trees. All reasonable offers considered.
_ LTD ham, Ont. NOG 2W0.supper is on Tuesday, October 30, ******
17-24 Crawford Mill di Davies, Items from Haiti, Bangladesh, reg from 4:30 p.m. on; adults 100 ACRES MORRIS TOWNSHIP No buildings, 83 acres work- ,
Wingham, Ontario. Hong Kong, Colombia and Israel $4; 12 and under ;1.50; preschool able, excellent crop land.,
Solicitors for the Administrator. will be on sale at the Salvation
Wingham, Ont. Tel. 357-2444 10-17-24 Army on Monday, Oct. 29 at 8 MEL MATHERS, WINGHAM 357-3208 ,
p.m. Come and shop early for SINGLES' DANCE Representing
Christmas. Festival Singles'
TEMPLEMAN—In loving mem- dance Friday,Oct. 26, at the Victorian Inn,
ory of a dear father, Frederick A.
Tap Howi�k Stratford; dancing 9 p.m. to I. Broker, Kincardi396-2061
The Man October 16, 1952, and a dear Annual meeting and euchre party Welcome all sin g es over 25: (No ,
mother Mabel A. Templeman, ��ft` speak on Tuesday, Oct. 30 at 8 p,m. at blue jeans). 4
QUwho passed away October 19, the Wingham Golf and Curling
To See Is 1972• on eitizenship Club. Everyone welcome. BINGO
In the book of life there are mem-
em- Teeswater Lions Club's last bingo D
ones' FORDWICH—For the October BAZAAR AND TEA for this season will be this Fri_ 0
AND MORE - to be derived from savouring the Of the happy days we knew meeting on Citizenship and World Bluevale United Church Bazaar . day, Oct. 26 at 8 p.m. in Tees- -�
spaciousness of a three bedroom home in Wingham with coup- And recorded in love are the Affairs, each member of the and Tea, Friday, Oct. 26, at 3 water Town Hall; 15 Regular
try kitchen, newly broadloomed living area and extra large blessings FoairsWomen's Institute was P.m. Everyone welcome. games for 3 Specials for ;25
dining room (or family room), a king size attached workshop, Of wonderful parents like you. asked t bring a young guest and ..
'M" 17-24 and Jackpot ;190 which will go. �m�r I
handsomely treed 66 x 198 lot LLU
town nnrrt,a. inn. rh•e.11 A 1'.. -1 �. - L_-
', .,, inkroauce ner guest as a rots can. 00` � � 1t�:
.age and asking a more >~11,I00. � family and grandchildren. A total of fourteen nests at- 1:5
1 A I
THIS HOUSE - is deceptively small from the outside but take a tended. g
look inside .... spacious entrance hall, elegant living and din-
ing rooms and large family kitchen. Main floor laundry room, Card Of Thanks Miss E. Foster conducted the
two bedrooms and
piece bathroom. Third bedroom, bath- devotions and Mrs. D. Harding `,
room and storage upstairs. NOW REDUCED TO $32,500. ably spoke on the motto, `The Guaranteed w AND INSURANCE AGENCY LTD.
GRACIOUS 2 STOREY BRICK HOME - on a large treed lot in Gor- The family of the late William 1 nvestrnc nt l �i l l� ��t15
He. New, fitted kitchen, new bathroom with sauna. Four bed- G. VanCamp wish to eaprees Pence and prosperity of our > >
moms, large living and dining rooms. New wiring and Lomb- their sincere appreciation to all future depends on the well-being WINGHAM
g g g g P their relatives frien(W and of our children today'. She For the best of your life in this brick home. 5 bedrooms, 2 full
Ing. Price to sell at $39,900. bora for all the loves florall tr� stressed- discipline, lovingly baths and kitchen. Furniture arrangement is easy in these
ATTRACTIVE HOME- with a substantial 10% mortgage. If you're utes charitable donations mos- dispensed, and children knowing large rooms, living room, dining room and family room with a
In,the market for a house, don't pass up'this three bedroom ' their limits under discipline.
bungalow with finished rec room and walk -out to patio, built-in sages of sympathy and many "This would lead them t peon- cement d fireplace. Art attached single car garage with a
bar ue and love) garden. At $45,000. you must see it. kind deeds during our recent ber- cement driveway completes this attractive offering.
b*q y g y fidence in preparing for the later WINGHAM BUILDING LOT
ONCE IN A WHILE - a finer older, home appears the market- eavement, in the lass of our dear „
Majestic ceilings, traditional living room Iireplac , large formal
father. Years, she said. Excellent location. 89.28' z 98.93'. All services paid. Listed price
dining room, master bedroom with dressing alcove, expansive At the conclusion of the $13,000.
treed lot and priced perfectly. Give us a buzz for the, complete We wish,to express our sincere business part of the meeting Mrs. COMMERCIAL — LUCKNOW
sto 7000 thanks and appreciation to every D. a intrMueed four guests Two storey, brick commercial building in the heart of the busi-
ry• one who contributed in an wa m i ness section. The rental income from the two apartments up-
OBEAMfVILLE - is a charming three bedroom country home on Y Y fro owick sl School,
p to help make our golden annivet i.ioyd Lockie, Lea AAne Wright, stairs and the commercial business on street level will more
a half ecr*,,fram*d by majestic maples, hos four piece updated ser such a a
baht, savory functional kitu►�rrs,, extra Largs living room. de Y happy and memnr- Ctnnhan gn.m— x- n�a Boon than pay the mortgage.
tochod concrete block garage but MOST IMPORTANT: a breath able occasion. Many thanks to all alfa. These, students had written
taking location near a bushl Very impr•ssiv! $34,500. who attended our Open House to four top essays on citizenship in 5 years. $SM. minimum. Other interest options available If you want to farm good, you start with a good farm. 90 early
TME SETTING IS A JEWELI - Beautifully kept lawns, toll trees celebrate with us, and for the Grades 7 and 8. All essays were
flowers gifts and beautifW cards. well written, well read and � T� � acres of worko 1* Harriston loam. Attractive 2 story 3 b*d-
and the riverl Now it our chance to own this delightful old , gi D*strictlot ll l lst room home. Set up for beef and pigs. large barn with formatio
Blwvale r ust nth* market. There is even a small Special thanks to the UCW for the equally interesting and at the mill and automatic feeders. 2750 bushel grainary and silo 12' x
property i delicious refreshments. conclusion, each student was
barn, and twt4other sheds. Great potential for tlioss with groat WALKERTON �'• For more details giw us a coil.
ideas I George and Addie Howson thanked by Mrs. J. Robinson and, HOWKK TOWNSHIP
with words of congratulations, 301 Durham St. E. 100 acre highway farm with 80 acres workable. Capacity for
Call us today for more details. i would like to thank all those with Cookie of presented each with 1381-3700 3500 fat pigs yearly. Three larger newer barns, augered feed -
who sent cards. called or helped a desk pert in a marble holder Ing system, liquid flush manor* system with capacity far
Contact. in any way while I was in hos- with their names inscribed on a E. David Buehlow • Manager 1,572,000 gallons, two largo granaries and much more, Two
C pital. Special thanks to the small plaque. Their picture was MEMBER: CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION sforey double brick home with S bedrooms. Coll us for all the
OFFICE 357-1344 nurses, Dr. Bruce and Dr. Green also taken. Branches In: London 2 Guelph, Strathroy, Kitchener, details.
STAN CHADWICK 357-2497 at St. Joseph's Hospital in Lon- Following the singing of "God Toronto, Elmira, Brantford, Port Colborne, Port EI in, 327 Jos• hine St.
Coast to Coast MARGARET DAY 357-2196 doff, It was all very much appre- save the Queen", lunch was g P
Real Estate service JOHN PHILLION 357-3896 ciated. served and -a social half hour Walkerton, owes Sound. Wingham , Ontario 357-1414
Manlev Moffatt MJoyed• r /