HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-10-24, Page 7Call Us Your Gearing Agents K, r a The W!mhass Ad ante-Tbues, Oetobw BI, WS—Ese T. Lucknow ch urch ceremony Y unites cov ie fn marria e P � Catherine Nieman of Kitchener ' and Murray Ritsema of Wing- ' . ham were united in marriage in a 6 four o'clock ceremony on J. 3 y. Saturday, September 29, in Lucknow Christian Reformed Church. Rev. Leonard Van Staaldutuen performed the ceremony and Miss Lynne Hilverda was organist. Soloist Brian Dorscht sang 'The You other' n ivi ua exercises, in the morning, to strengthen muscles, Wedding Prayer" and "The Rr a mgham Legion Hall. Guests U can deper ,i Harvey Houston, touring Song" and Miss Valerie Crafts such as knitting, crochet- everyone eryone manages fairly well," she added. from Texas Maryland and Michigan WWedding cask played a trumpet solo, Teeswater Creamery and CKNX They � toured the following Ont ing, � , . . : � , ....and horticulture': are practised d the of- "O Perfect Love". in the U.S. Pembroke oroKitchener, e&uling Waterloo, all , , day by Mrs. Vi Chambers to • ... V. p B belonging . id xs endence and halon ' within muni s needed help,the club o y are geared_-1or�`f_Aas been Pushing orward: A enjoym: The p clothing core The meeting opened with a si -a4on led by Mrs. Don Ross g The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Nieman of the, community.. needs. Were po rtable classroom has been _ Kitchener. of Whitechurch followed with the lunch at the home of . and Victims are provided with • there in the form roo Parents ofthe groom m ordered and will arrive sometime experts who singing of several familiar songs are Mr. and Mrs. Tjaart Rit- _., ... and fine finger movements. are fast, reliable, . esus, Wingham. N . Saskatoon, showed slides and and reQ8,pnable. A TRIANGLE t Given in marriage by her, Foulds, RNA, added, "There are good name to know. For honeymooning at Silver father, the bride wore her eeach presented with a gift, a wedding dress which is 30 years old. It was made of ivory ; <R '< satin with covered buttons down RfADMAN the back French lace and satin F layered the skirt in panels and A she wore a floor4ength trailing CLEANERS AND MEN'S WEAR veil of French lace. She carried a �k Josephine Street, Winghomsemi-cascade of red roses and, Phone 357-1242 white forget-me-nots. s £' Mrs. Debbie Graham of Burlington was her sister's matron of honor. She wore an elegant . aping blouson � soft dr d gown with slit sleeves in a cin F s 3 x~ .. y namon color. She carried aL ' wicker basket containing an arrangement of _roses, daisies, r> . primroses and forget-me-nots PRACTISING PHYSIOTHERAPY—Stroke Club co-ordinator, Mrs. Nadina Foulds, en- trm�niedwi � lace. Aqua Fresh -100 ml. courages stroke victims to practise arm exercises. The club is designed to help victims In similar ensembles were they recover and lead an active life within society. bridesmaids, Rebecca Nieman T. : THPASTE • 9 9 and Gloria Cormier, both sisters . of the bride from Kitchener, and Julie Petersen, a close friend, of Wampole -100':, 100 mg. � Kitchener. , VIUMIN C Volunteersfor Brian Potter of Brussels, the • groom's brother -in law, was best Teesroter host man and guests were ushered by Listerine - 18 s - � ... � THROAT LOZENGES Antiphlogistine fi 4'h oz. A -53S RUB MJNI PJIDS. Jim Scott of Collingwood, a • 99 brother-in-law the groom, and to district institute stroke recove, e u brothers of thea bridal couple, Mark Nieman and Ed Ritsema, A meeting of Bruce South from England accompanied by a both of Kitchener: District W.I. members was held gentleman also from abroad. The 11099The Stroke Recovery Club, a Ron Khuranna, hospital ception that there is a lot of lif- in Teeswater Sept. ceremony, a i dFollowing the 19. groups - toured in the area by F' volunteer program, was therapist, conducts one hour of ting, but there isn't. Teeswater W.I. hosted the mg and Mrs. Jul anized last to ' ' 'd 1 << reception was held at th Mrs. Ross Cumming erg y b rug together homebound stroke of cl n ivi ua exercises, in the morning, to strengthen muscles, I tram volunteers how to lift safelyand Rr a mgham Legion Hall. Guests evening meeting. Mrs. Ross Harvey Houston, touring victims. Operating one day per Crafts such as knitting, crochet- everyone eryone manages fairly well," she added. from Texas Maryland and Michigan Cumming, district g, president, chaired the gathering of 60-70 Teeswater Creamery and CKNX They � toured the following week, Tuesday, it has succeeded • in giving members a feeling of in- ing, � , . . : � , ....and horticulture': are practised d the of- With or without the com- in the U.S. Pembroke oroKitchener, e&uling Waterloo, ladies. , day by Mrs. Vi Chambers to • ... V. p B belonging . id xs endence and halon ' within muni s needed help,the club o y are geared_-1or�`f_Aas been Pushing orward: A enjoym: The p clod and n were rel eived the mothers the The meeting opened with a si -a4on led by Mrs. Don Ross g Douglas Point and WalkertoiL � group was .. ._. �.:.. J for the, community.. enjoyment and movement of po rtable classroom has been of groom of Whitechurch followed with the lunch at the home of . and Victims are provided with • there in the form damaged muscles, Mr Wood] 'd th ordered and will arrive sometime ' singing of several familiar songs Mrs. Ross Cumming, Ripley and, - _._'Forr�+ M- �,r.� py exercises and an opportunity to discuss ey sal e U B 16 . this month. Upon delivery it will members consist of homebound '.be placed on Carling Terrace, The brides mother wore a mut green accordion by a quartet of Whitechurch ladies by a number of Riply W.I. members visited the Irish 1ifIQ.-95 gr, personal :adjustment problems. out-patients and those still in between emergency and the doc- pleated gown with raglan sleeves and a white accompanied Mrs. Agnes Farrier at the piano. with guests. They were ektertained to dinner at the SOAP 3 Recreational activities are in- corporated into therapy for hospital. "Many don't have any other outside but toms' office. The classroom will be gardenia corsage. The groom's Mrs. David Ireland of home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 969 PP, Mrs. Christine Currie, activity the equipped with ramps, two mother chose a turquoise Teeswater, district delegate to-. Wall, Wingham. After all at - Elliot, PM, and Scott Reid, PP. muscle strength, coordination club." wheelchair washrooms and a polyester gown with an orchid the National Convention in tended the evening meeting in Sharon Cowman, Warder Mrs. and fine finger movements. Program coordinator Nadina kitchen. corsage. Saskatoon, showed slides and Teeswater. The visitors were TRIANGLE t Communication skills are also Foulds, RNA, added, "There are At the present time the group For honeymooning at Silver gave a most interesting report of eeach presented with a gift, a D 1 !S CUt N T taught to those suffering from aphasic, a speech disturbance. potentially nine more stroke victims that could join, but meets in a crowded room inside the clinic building. Lake, the bride wore a two-piece beige that convention. Mrs. Ireland remembrance from Bruce South p cancer research. we wool suit with a corsage of expressed thanks for giving her District and Bruce County. WHITECHURCH Bill Woodley, director of don't have enough volunteers." Several weeks ago the club was coral roses and ivory forget -me- the opporturnity to attend the Mrs. Rena Fisher gave the and Kevin Walker, Mr. and Mrs. nursing at Wingham and District The original objective was one given a medical consultant, Dr. nots. convention. courtesies the meeting closed Open 9 e.nL to 9 p.m. Weekdays • Sundays Noon to Six Hospital, explained the program volunteer for every member. So Leahy of Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs. Ritsema will Special guests in the district with `b. Canada". Lunch was at their home Friday evening, is divided into two sections, 75 far there are only eight regular Program organizers hope to reside in Wingham. were two W.I. exchange ladies . wed by the--.Teeswater W.L. • percent for rehabilitation and 25 and four part-kime volunteers. incorporate the club into a day percent for social activity. "More are needed to keep this hospital concept. They also wish program viable," declared Mr. to extend the meetings to two Woodley. days instead of one. "But we need Mrs. Foulds attributed the lack of volunteers to the miscon- more volunteers," said Mr. Woodley. 11 DAT aI1bSTMAs -Enjoy o the sun and surf at Christmostime In Florida - Take 'the family - special children discounts. Actommodations directly on the beach with pool. Close, to shopping, restaurants and theatres. A gala Christmas dinner included. Rooms equipped with kitchenettes. DEPARTS Dec. 22 - Twin price $319.00 each. f• f f f f .} • f w f f f• f f• f f f f f f f 1 f f, FLOR111A STAY MOT - We havetwo destinations - Ormond Beach -and Lakeland. Rooms at Ormond Beach are efficiencies. At Lakeland you have a choice of effici- encies or regular motel rooms. Call for prices and brochures. Departure dates for 14 days - Jan. 12, 26, Feb. 09 Departure dates for 21 days - Feb. 23 n!ARnrl..re A—# --9w M .iw.. 1�... 1 A �vV M �,- 2 AL N Departure dates for 42 days - Jan. 12, 26 Departure dates for 56 days - Jan. 12 • - • • • - • 1 • • • • ♦ • . .. . . . . . .. . . 14 MY ESCORM R AMM CMCIS: This tour features something for everyone. Thirteen nights first class accommodation. Admissions to Busch Gardens, Cypress Gar- dens, Disneyworld, Cape Kennedy and many other sights. DEPARTS Jan. 12, 26, Feb. 09 and Feb. 23. 9 DAY MID TERM - Always a fast sell out. Take a "SUN BREAK" this year. No over- night driving. Accommodations in Orlando area close to major attractions such as Disneyworld, Cypress Gardens, Sea World, etc. Take the children. DEPARTS March 15 - returns March 23 - $319.00 twin price each. PRE CHRISTMAS FUN NEN ORLEANS: A few seats left. Don't miss this experience in the South. Departs November 06 - 9 days. S MY TOLE00, oNNI SNOPPING AND TNEATRE TOUR - Let's go and have a great time. Start your Christmas shopping early. Departs November 16. ,- ROCHESTER, N.Y. SNOrMNG - 3 days - Get on the band wagon. Christmas will be here before you know it. Departs November 30. 1RAjfitElllgll'ill, MI000i with Bavarian Hospitality. See "Bronners Christmas Dec- orations", one acre sales room and factory complex features decorations from 35 nations. Call up a friend or take your spouse and get away for three days - Departs December 07. 3 DAY RETNLENEM CHRISTMAS NOLIOAY - See the famous "Star of Bethlehem". Includes tours and shopping. Departs December 06. Our friendly staff are here to help you with all your travel arrangements. Don't be shy, ask! rc i i CS TRAVEL 184 Main Street, 117 St. Andrew Mount Forest, Ontario Mitchell, Ontario 323-1545 348-8492 Huron Chapter OES holds installation A large crowd was present for Armstrong, Worthy Patron the installation of officers for Wallace Conn, Associate Matron Huron Chapter 89, Order of the Mrs. Llewella Armstrong, Eastern Star, for the coming Associate Patron Hugh Arm - year. strong, Secretary Mrs. Kathleen Mrs. Florence Reavie, PD- Moffat, Treasurer Mrs. Jean DGM, and her installing board, Leitch, Conductress Mrs. Nelva Mr° 5,,A-^; IM -!-2 .• la, l u a. uGu1 L, Nssuciate conductress Donelda Moffat and Jack Kopas, Mrs. Leona Miller, Chaplain Mrs. were assisted by Alex Robertson, Noreen Gnay, Marshall Mrs. PP, Mrs. Christine Currie, Mildred Blackwell, Organist PDDGM, Mrs. Kathleen Mrs. Louise Swanson, Adah Mrs. Forester, PM, Mrs. Phronie Shirley Langridge, Ruth Mrs. Elliot, PM, and Scott Reid, PP. Maudie Fisher, Esther Mrs, The following were installed: Audrey MacDonald, Martha Mrs. Worthy Matron Dr. Alma Conn- Shirley Brooks, Electa Mrs. Sharon Cowman, Warder Mrs. 2Sth anniversary Dorothy Wall, Sentinel Jack MacDonald. is Two lovely duets were sung by celebrated by Mr. and Mrs. Murray Gaunt. Bluevale couple Mrs. Kathleen Moffat presented the immediate past matron and BLUEVALE—Mr. and Mrs. Patron, Phronie Elliot and Farish Clarence Henning. were invited Moffat, with their jewels. Mrs. by their nieces and nephews to a Jessie Kerr and her special smorgasbord supper at thelunch. ittee served a delicious Wingham Golf and Curling Club The order is having a special on Sunday to celebrate their 25th„.Oj . . 'r , Ulla year to support wedding arwiversary. Enjoying the special occasion cancer research. were Mr. and Mrs. Marty Cretier, Amy -Jo and Janell, Mr. and Mrs. Lary Elliott, Mr. and WHITECHURCH Mrs. Kelvin Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moffatt, Kathy Walker, A wedding reception was held Ken Skinn, Daryl, Marie, Sheila in the Community Memorial Hall and Kevin Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Saturday ung for newlyweds Harold Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. David ^Elliott. George Fischer and Mr. and Mrs. Music for dancing was supplied Joe Walker. ' by Tiffin's Orchestra. Elroy Mr. and Mrs. Henning were Laidlaw add eased the couple presented with gifts to mark the and Archie Purdon presented occasion. Open House will be held thein with a gift of money. David at their home Friday evening, w MI , - , - I appreciation on behalf October 26, from a to 10 p.m. 5 Of him W and his bride. ti