HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-10-24, Page 5A
dill mirror r
Tliwr W;iotfhus a Avaoea-Times. October PA,
Report fmStudentCaundl Sing, Mustangs
The school year of 1979-N at homeroom to attend council Student photographs were As any student of F. E. Madill
Madill is off to a good start, as the meetibgs and report business of taken in early September, but, would know as they walk by the
Student Council has been bus the council to the students of their due to a malfunctioning cafeteria on certain � of the �+
Y inning camera, Y'
with activities that will help to homeroom. some of our smiling faces did not week, the F. E. Madill choir has
make this year one the students The first dance of the year was turn out. Retakes were taken on again launched into a new
will enjoy and remember. held on September 21 with music Oct. 19. season. Strains of "One World",
provided by a band, Helix Staff advisors of the clubs have "Canticle of Praise" and
The year began with the elec- �� �� "Autumn Leaves" can be beard
tion of class representatives. There was an excellent turnout submitted their budgets to the from the voices of a large section
These are people elected by each and a profit of $700 was made. Student Council. The council will f from
the student
begin work on passing these as /'' body as they at -Grade Nione Night 8O°° d po icetempt to harmoniously put to -
Grade Nine Night (Ankle- gem � Peep chosen by �director, Mrs. Douglas.
biters' Eve) was held on October t
The purpose of Grade Nine to flush the toilet ; and baseball 12 to welcome the newest mem The beginning months of the- choir are always the most difS-
Night is to make the first year game# which had everyone of the Madill student body, pt' cult. The students are preparing
students of F. E. Madill feel at totally confused as to who was on An enthusiastic group attended _ 1
home, and certainly the grade first base. and hopefully, all had an enjoy- to sing for commencement, the i
niners should feel welcome for By this time, everyone was get- able time. �'7 Remembrance Day assembly, _ • ;
they were treated to a night of the annual CKNX Christmas
Hh ting hungry, so it was off to the The Athletic Council has ani- ,�: taping and the Christmas
fun, food, and entertainment. cafeteria for a delicious meal, tiated something new this year —
To start things rolling the thanks to Mr. Lee and his staff. Grade Thirteen Intramurals. assembly. t
grade niners, or anklebiters as Grade Thirteens who are looking So far the thou' has met in two
they are affectionatelyknown The evening was to off b separate groups the Juniors
� topped Y for something to do on their lunch � `,.� ., .•
were greeted b our cheerleaders a dance. Music was provided b consisting of Grades 9 and 10 and
6r Y Y hours be sure and sign m the Seniors, Grades 11, 12 and 13.
who showed what the purple and our own "Studio", actually Kemp Last, but not least, remember The bo
white spirit is all about. Games Currie and Stephen Pritchard. that October 31 Hallowe'en is of both
were next and the grade niners Ail too soon it was 10 o'clock and Purple and White Da at Ma- Junior anare d the teb140+ Too
Senior choir be- `w we is 116meweA tool ;
cause there are so few of them.
played such games as blind time to go home with some happy dill!! All to students (and staff, IN MY OPINION , w
volleyball or pinball, to name a memories. Special thanks to Ian too) will be wearing the school • �'m certain that the choir will
few. Mann and Norma McIntyre, our colors. Those who don't will have Show a little more respectJust this
Entertainment was provided school president and viceresi- th w� y continue Editorial
-P to contend with Madill s .own have in the past. They'll continue
by the Drama Club which pre- dent, and anyone else who `Non -Purple; People Eater". to come to F. E. Madill special 1
seated "A day in the Life of Tele- helped. I WON'T LET MY COUNTRY for instance, an advertisement on events just to "share a smile and i
.� DIE BECAUSE OF television. Did o " vision .Television shows ranged Just one more thing, Y u know that a a song or twoROTTEN TOMATOES hardware store was sel ' TOki I I o r not to kill�
from the Moppet lab, which hada WELCOME, grade miners, and The curtain opened and an dian flags for � �- Alice Vander Klippe
secret formula to help "grade we hope you enjoy your stay at gs r under four dollars?
niners" grow, guaranteeing they "good of FE". Jr. Girls' image of the Canadian flag (I can probably see the excite- A few da
flashed on the screen. Sighs and, ment rising in days ago while leafing who of m is on the sub -
yes, even a few groans from my I could probably,sa and not i ' �O� the newspaper, a e°�' ject.
basketball fellow audience resounded be far frothe truth, that about Stud@nt inter unobtrusive headline, lost in the No?
middle of Section One ca
throughout the theatre. I watched �,o caught my
son to
In Goderich on Friday the Jr. per cent of the population What do you think of the eye. "Death Penal
Mustangs G la ed ri excellent as people sluggishly got to their took any notice. They would be schools jogging program? pig for Early Debate", it death feel
or a murder that putting athey have
played feet and, believe it or not, most of the Joe Smiths or the Myrtle Its neat 0!", Karen me- ,
game against to Goderich team to audience was s b to Michael 10E. read. Apparently numerous bills committed deserves some
lag Y Browns who brush their teeth in p searching. It deals with the
. which is expected to win Huron- time to last "O Canada" echoed to morning to the strains of our "Jogging is okay when the (as many as 20) have been yo-
_ Pert this year. its lonel chord. Oh well that was weather's fine they shouldn't Posed in Parliament in the hope reality of extinguishing the life of
national anthem and who fait- but
The first quarter showed fast, better than the last time; half thethat one will come up for early a human being, a life in which
fully never go to bed until the last make us run when it's raining, debate in the Commons. Prime and tears has itself.
exciting basketball as the Mus- audience was still sitting when note of (You guessed it) "O snowing, or just plain cold!"
tangs controlled bot offensive to song was finished. "Very Canada" plays to its triumphant Sandra Irwin 10D. Minister Clark has already indi- Yes, they who have committed
7 4 and defensive boards. The score good class, now tomorrow we'll end. Then and only then can tele "I think it's pretty good, but we cated he will allow a bill concern- murder are humans.
at the quarter was 12-9 for Goder- teach you how to feel pride when patriotic citizens, our Joes, our could get just as much out of n8 the death moult' to be de-
'�'- = ich, but turnovers and an explo- you see our Canadian red and Myrtles rest comfortably -• -• see," Patty Barger bated and voted on, in the form of Humans have been known to
sion of points for Goderich re- white." through to night. 10A. a free vote, sometime this year. change in outlook towards ideals.
r salted in a 26-17 half-time score. "Hey, come on You guys, can't So much for to two per cent • "It's different," Brad Curran I have long debated with Today the Nobel Prise is given to
,1 Two quarters of good basket- you show a little more respect?" now what about to other 98 per 12A• myself the justice, necessity and people who have tried to bring
ball now
theiround own, the
t thue Mustangs holding (I never say this out loud for fear cent of you? We have got to "Sometimes it's somewhat mitsomethingthiness of capital punish- about peace. #
Y � Pr I will be sabotaged by rotten to- shape up,,. I mean its easy to boring. Anonymous. Alfred Nobel developeda
and inexperienced shooting matoes or something else of blame the government for all the "I think it is very challenging Cf pre to be but another form tructive force and now dee
finally put to end to hopes of a „ � of Premeditated murder: This gives
equally undigestible quality.) economic upset but we re just as and tats all! Marilyn Renwick w,� I welcome Jack Whytock of awards for peace. That is a
Madill victory as Goderich went Don't get the idea that movie bad by letting our country flotn; 11H-change12K as guest editor to put fort in human outlook. There -
ahead to win 42-28. buffs are the only culprits. Take, der in it's Own great lakes. We "It's no good!„ Nancy K,enzing his views on the death penalty, an fore, if there is the slightest
athe life jackets; we're the 10E. chance of human change in the 4
ones who are going to hold it uta;.priscam condemned to deatL,
No team in history ever wog can we take his life? No. The
tror�g door �'ashiori Center thing en'when the bleachers were I it person must be given the chatnce
Pt3'• �� u to change, and that dtantx Is life.
What we need is a little more L ' ' If we fail in giving this chance we
NNHAIT Canadian Spirit and to only have judged something beyond
answer lies in us. So the next timea the bounds of a human.
I sit in a theatre and watch people ,,•t The H GrapOvine
hate to national anthem because Today many are concerned
_ muscles wit the cost
it means using some of their leg of keeping a
I= FLM. will and standing power I UNICEF CROSS COUNTRY merit
� Prisoner; rather they see punish-
NOY , "Come on you guys, The United Nations started by death as a way of reliev-
can't you, show a little more UNICEF in 1945. It was the first On O� 11''�Om- lag the state of added financial
All I- respect?" project done by the United dents from HOonck Central Plkr- burden. People are much too pre-
SALIL I'll take my chances with to Nations. The organization is ticipated in a Cross Country meet cious to have a money value
rotten tomatoes! especially for children under five for half a day. The meet took placed upon their existence.
years of age. This year UNICEF Place near Turn: .• .. , J school.. These cold thoughts, of money r .
las e - is helpgmg 104 countries. The -six s res Placed before human life, are $
Thirty of to students n in aced
the meet. The results for to
money nes for food medicine thoughts - • I without love,
Howick runners are: Senior Bo
teachers doctors da care cen- Ys understanding and true human
NO -WAX Sr. Girls'
SUNDIAL c ters, seeds, pumps for clean R�ttan led Haasnoot bit, Kevin
Tom feeling.
water and to • In In comms person to
r, F. Reg. $14.95 sq. yd. basketbal I equipment. Leek 13th, Doug Toner 15th San- a
Many Howick Central students • death we are going back to an old
will be collecting for UNICEF ford Zimmerman 16th. ideal of giving that person a sen-
SA On Friday, Oct. 12, the Mus- this Hallowe'en. It's a worthwhile fence of what they have done. In
+ef LE 1 Z sq. yd. tan Senior Girls: Barb Ten leman
s g basketball teams faced, cause. P this we fail to give accent to the
1st Darlene McGrath 2nd
F once again, their arch rivals new ear of coin
g0.y Shirley Boonstra passion towards a
Wend Groom peed is
from Goderich. Y 3rd, Jany Kor-
human. Since that
i s r
SOLARIA B`R In to Senior game, the Madill CITY NOISE porsal Sth, Darlene Kalish 6th, human we must and that
Reg. $19.50 sq. yd. squad found itself up against a In a City Park, Tammy Polkinghorne 7th. son as truly being human with
One week only. I found m astray,
�� y � tough zone press and defense. myself Y' Intermediate Boys: Lloyd �
possibility, and as a neighbor. As
The first quarter exhibited close, Listening to the city noise, Cockle 7thJeff Thornton 16th a human and a neighbor we moat
SAIE sq. Yd Here's your chance to exciting basketball as it ended in `li that comes my way. get Garniss 17th, David Har- not extinguish that life.
The zoom of cars a whizzing fast
a 10-8 score for Goderich. The hnzznng
b a beautiful The click of shoes o . Terry Simtxns 21st Y
buy 20th T —Jack Wh
^� purple and white fought back g Pmt '
ar,. l,l �� a,_, , s`� PREMIER Armstrong no -wax The roar of a' lanes in the air,Jim Cummings 27th. Inter-
and its success in breaking themediate Girls: a Patten 6th
.' $iTRDIA�, floor at a fraction of Viking press resulted in a 13-13 The high-pi�ed Voice of my
4 Brenda Martin 7th, Coral Leckie
Req. $22.50 sq. yd. what you would have lead for Madill as the half-time friend Clair, 8th, Rhonda McMichael 14th, ,
to pay at any other buzzer went. The screech of the old park
bench, Christina Mast 15th, . Debbie
K time of the year. The third quarter saw the Mus- ga�R 23rd
SALE sq. yd. Starting tomorrow— tangs in a shooting slump as they The buzz of foreign people speak_ 1
Ing FrenchJunior Boys: Ian Huth 6th, 0
put up only seven shots. Goderich
and The hiss of a cat being chased by Ronnie Strome 10th, Greg Strong
1110-WAii and for the next week took frill advantage of this and
g a d 14th, Chris Campbell 17thEric
f $ DESIGNER - you can save up to went ahead b two. Alto °g'
:•: w < ' . ° ; `Y $OIC $7.00 a square yard on good, solid defense was niav n A scampering sa_uirml t,i.0 Verateeq 21st. Micahpt Kia, wuti
Reg. $26.95 sq. yd. the final uarter, the Vikin s under a 1
Jtmior Girls: Joan Heimbecker
>' America's first family q g The swish of a tree swaying in the 1st, Tammy Storm 4th, Tracey
scored three quick baskets to to YlaBdp
s, 95 of easy -care floors that Mustangs' one. Good hustle put breeze, Dou�t,i Margaret 18th,
SALE 19 sq yd shine, without wanting them back in the game, as Tees The achoo that people sneeze, S ' Wrighti
The clang, clang of street cars tatia 21st.
• w. :.•. •Nwytne.,gwrycad•,t ly An:>alr��w or buffing, far longer Nethery came trough with two The rest Of the people that went O
than ordinary vinyl quick baskets. Numerous jump Lots of laughter and people sass- � spares. I think the runners .
as Goderich emerged victorious
floors. Hurry to take balls finally ran the clock down i andid an excellent job. It was really
�' half a da The runners -
advantage of this 27-24. Thats all the sounds I hear today worth will be awarded arm tabs at the
fantastic savings But I'll hear more tomorrow
Top scorer for the Mustangs When Igo o outside to la end of the Year for their fine
opportunity. was Tess Nethery with seven pts, Ange Petten work.
Rebounds were spread evenly
among tYou
o forwards as Kathy GLEE CLUB 1
Fischer pulled in 11, Kate Craik- Once again this year the Junior Don"t
!Ls M00r BpeWlsh _ _ shank and Janet Wood hauled Glee Club under the direction of W I NGHAM
• 'selection of Armstrong floors down nine each and Debbie Mac- Mrs. Bailey is starting upTheyHave
Special showcase displays for shopping convenience Donald retrieved eight. will be singing on the twent
Regardless of the lose, the fourth at an assembly based on BODY SHOP Money
Decorating tdeee enol colour aooMtnation assistance game was a good one with strong International Year of the Child
Free colour bMhurm on products and floor oare rebounding present and the Mus- being done by Mr. Farnell'# SID ADAMS Tree?
e Feet professional installation servloe tang man-to-man defence grade three and four class.
Quality materiel and workmanship becoming more and more un- Marsha Tersteegp\ Lompl.:•
Perieu`aute. A future match -up RADIATOR SERVICE You may not need one
with Goderich is eagerly looked JOKE OF THE WEEK Check your Spore
forward to, as the Mustangs Why does a cowboy wear a for room, attic and
anticipate a Madill victory! wide het? Autornobil•s, Light Trucks, Turn uneoded items
Ace"Answer: 'PVQq SM MA°J n Farm Tractors
into cash
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Each time a man stands up for What's the common phrase? Rodding columns in the
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s prove the lot 1 Wear le ��e Acle ADVANCE -TAMES
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of hope 'J Aispun Owl lion e =&sWCALL 357-2320
• —Robert Kennedy