HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-10-24, Page 2a
Page 31--7be Wi� Advance -Times, October YA, 1979
Mai. GtONA MO W t4
Gorrie Personal Notes
Mrs. Isabelle McDougall of
Mrs. Elisabeth Fellows of
Listowel visited Mrs. Glad Edgar
Brampton spent the weekend
on Sueday. Mrs. Edgar went
with her son, Rev. Ernest
Monday to Victoria Hospital,
Fellows, and Mrs. Fellows.
Mr. and Airs. Ian Howes,
Mr. and Mrs. George Noble and
Marcie, Mandy and Lana and
Ken Noble spent u,e weekend
Mrs. Annie Howes of Peter -
with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lynden,
borough spent the weekend with
Mrs. Cecil Grainger. Mr.
A number from here attended
Grainger was home on Saturday
the anniversary services in St.
from Brookhaven Nursing Home,
Andrew's Presbyterian Church
in Wingham on Sunday when
Mr. and Mrs. Kuno Schuitema
Rev. W. McClure of Whitby,
of Groningen, Holland, have
formerly of Gorrie and
returned home after spending
Molesworth, was the guest
two weeks at the home of his
brother and sister-in-law, Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordan Coulter of
and Mrs. Andy Schuitema, RR 1,
Kitchener visited relatives in the
village on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Brown
Recent visitors with Mrs. A. L.
visited Sunday with Miss Mary
Stephens were Mr. and Mrs.
Lamont and Melville Lamont,
Greg Stephens, Misses Debbie
' RR 1, Ethel.
and Cheryl Stephens, all of
Mrs. Lloyd Jacques ac -
Kitchener, Misses Kim and Keri
companied Mr. and Mrs. John
Stevens of Port Elgin.
Jacques, David and Rachel, who
Mrs. Frances Lewis of Kit-
visited at the home of Mr. and
Brener spent the weekend with
Mrs. Orville Awrey of Barrie on
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Melville Dennis.
Gorrie celebrates
carry ea r
church anniversary
discout its.
GORRIE--Special services,
At the evening service, Mr.
marking the anniversary of the
Fellows chose as his theme, "A
Gorrie United Church, were held
Right Heart".
Sunday at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. with
At the morning service the
the minister, Rev. Ernest
choir sang "Jesus Has
Fellows, in charge.
Promised" and a trio comprised
At the morning service, Mr.
of Mrs. Robin Bolander, Mrs.
Fellows spoke on the topic,
Raymond Gowdy and Mrs.
"Hear the Good News",
Robert Strong sang "My Task".
challenging the congregation to
Mrs. Sheldon Mann and Mrs.
lay claim to the promises offered
John Freeman were organist and
ry Fortune, John Van Beers, Bev Brown, Jim Hunter and
by Christ so the potential of each
pianist. The male chorus from
Merle Gunby form part�pf the 1979-80 executive for the
life may be fully realized: Trade
Melville Presbyterian Church
Huron County Federation of Agriculture. Mr. Gunby and
your dime-Christianity.forhigher
provided special music at the
Mrs. Fortune were reacclaimed as president and 1st vice
values," he urged.
evening service.
Yamaha Snowmobiles
All snowmobiles—`'
carry ea r
pure', aso . f der
discout its.
For example LX440
List $2749.00
Clothing and Acemsodes \ r
Have JustArrived 3% miles east of
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president, Mr. Van Beers was acclaimed 2nd vice president
and the other three were elected directors -at -large. Addi- Buy your home, life, boat, and auto
tional directors on the executive will be chosen from within insurance from a friend
the board of directors at its first meeting.
Sr. Citizens enjoy supper Hard tomes ahead for agriclulture
GORRIE—The Senior Citizens' Jack Ferguson, vice president. a
Come Alive Club enjoyed, a Mrs. Lloyd Jacques read the
ebountiful supper in the town hall minutes and Miss Jean Snarling ion member warns fa m ron Tuesday evening with a good gave the treasurer's report, federats
attendance. A letter of appreciation was
This was followed by a short read from the Salvation Army as There are, hard times ahead for business to make a profit." chose their executive members meeting in recognition of service
business meeting conducted by a result of the successful Red agriculture and farmers must :In other business at the for the coming year, making few to agriculture in Huron County,
Shield campaign. The members stick together to weather the meetft the .Huron federation changes to last year's executive. was not presented Friday night
of the Come Alive Club greatly + storm, Frank Wail of the Ontario passed .two resolutions to be Merle Gunby of RR 1, Dungan- as the recipient, who was not
Former residents appreciate the substantial Federation of Agriculture forwarded to the provincial non, was acclaimed for a second announced, was unable. to be
donation from the Gorrie warned last week.: - - fedeeatiop. One asked that the term as president and Gerry present. It will be presented at
mark a�niversa Teenage Dance Group of which Speaking to a group of about OFA seek to ensure that farms Fortune of RR 1, Wingham, was the next meeting of the county
'.1 _ . - Mr. ,iwd. Mrs. William Keil and _?AO fairmers gathered at Brunds continue to receive adequate returned .as first vice.. president, federAtion. "
._.. -v.. •w :.. ,erre•,,, -_
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Keil were for the annual meeting and energy supplies and also en- also by acclamation. John Van A special gift was presented to
%xORRIE--Mr. and Mrs. Clar- chaperones. banquet of the Huron County courage programs aimed at Bis of RR 1, Blyth,was ac- Bill Pullen of RR 1, Blyth, in
once Stokes celebrated their 40th The next meeting will be a Federation of Agriculture, Mr. developing alternative energy claimed as second vice president, recognition. of his work with the
wedding anniversary recently in, Games Night on October 30 at 8 Wall predicted a lot of farmers sources for farms. The other replacing Bev Brown. federation. Mr. Pullen is moving .
Gorrie United Church. Open p.m. will be forced out of business this asked that the OFA request the to farm in Grey County.,
House was held in the afternoon year. Canadian Federation of In the only election of the night
and evening with a dinner at five Agriculture to establish a public Jim Hunter, RR 1, Belgrave,
�g Knox WMS He sees a lot of successful p Max Demers ,
o'clock. Athree-tiered wedding .relations committee to resent y, RR 2 Bluevale
farmers in Huron, be said, but and Bev Brown RR 1 Bluevale
cake, candles and flowers a -the farm story to the government
decorated the table and a farmers aren't as safe as they and the public. It cited a lack of were elected directors -at -large.
delicious dinner was served. Tan o er�ng brink. High energy costs and understanding between In his year-end president's
escalating interest rates have
Forty-seven, guests were present GORgEE_The f� �Of- � squeeze and there will producers and consumers which address Mr. Gunby reported he
from Oshawa, Ingersoll, fering of Knox Presbyterian be a lot of 'farmers going into should be overcome. enjoyed serving as president. He
T h a m e s f o r d, Wingham, Women's Missionary Society was - in 1979.A resolution urging municipal called the OFA one of the finest
Belgrave, Lucknow, Teeswater, held in the church recently governments to make more use organizations farmers have ever
Gorrie, Langside and other president Miss Louise Matthews Three ingredients are required of snow fences in an effort to cut had in the province, but said it.
points. Sixteen of the guests had gave the call to worship on a to keep agriculture . - - . ,..' .1, he energy used in snow removal was has now reached a plateau
been present at their wedding 40 thanksgiving theme and a hymn said: production, marketing and defeated. Maurice Bean objected ung a constant effort to
years ago. was sung. Miss Matthews led in ,the politics of agriculture,,.that the Cost of snow fencing maintain memberships at a high
Mrs. Stokes is the former prays. It's critical for farmers to unite would more than outweigh level. More than 200 new
Bertha Richardson, daughter of Mrs Bert V Cook ducted and become one body, capable of anything saved on snow to members were signed up in the
The Co -Operators
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Mrs. May Richardson of devotions on Thanksgiving. Mrs. influencing political decisions at and Gerry Ginn added the money count' during the past year, he-
Wingham and the late Walter Hugh Deighton and Mrs. Gordon the local, provincial and federal could be more effectively used to noted � yet overall there was a
Richardson. They farmed on the Moir sang a duet, accompan" . 1 levels, he declared. build up roads so they wouldn't slight decline in membership.
corner farm on the sixth con- at the organ by Mrs. Alvin We re not lo this thing for the drift in so badly. The Huron County Award,
cession of Culross on the Kinloss Mundell. The offering was fresh air and exercise. We're in Federation members also normally presentgd at this • �� -�' (' �'
boundary, where Bertha spegt received and dedicated,followed
her girlhood and attended the by the singing of another h
Langside School. Later they yns°'
Mrs. Mundell introduced the
farmed near Belmore where get speaker Mrs. John Bell of �'�&
Bertha and Clarence were Whitechurch, as her
., y� , tidy, ' .t� t
married. They spent quite a few theme, "Many are called but few
years in Wingham and Gorrie are chosen". Mrs. David Neilson
and now live in Ingersoll. thanked the speaker and after the
Their son-in-law and daughter, singing of a hymn, the meeting
Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, and zp
closed with the Mi ah
grandson Wayne now live in benediction. A social half hour
Gorrie. teen spent in the' iAtstOh parlor. � H "s� � � : �,•:,�.�: ..� �, ,�i
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SPECIAL GIFT—Bill Pullen of Morris Township was honored for his years of activity
with the Huron County Federation of Agriculture during the federation annual meeflng
and banquet last Friday. Mr. Pullen, who has sold his farm and Is moving to Proton -
Township In Grey County, was presented with a special gift by Bev Brown and Brenda
McIntosh on behalf of .the federation.
and shlWng. And It contains sodium , 0.00
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