HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-10-10, Page 2I
Pis 2,77UWinaMn Advance -Times. October 10. 1979 111111
--OWN adopft
Continued from 1P11eot PW Snap up the opportunities
• • that &e
with mInisi metriessbbe placed is aces pit •ToWhshipbac�Cs hospital in battle
� by alt•vietg the taeohstoor to a in the
East Wawanosh Township red and decided to close the beds. cipalities respond. If the The agreesneuat ads uP an switch would save flee township cea�to a centralar eewift &e
t m
Oouncd is standing solidly behind and lay off staff. majority give to the defence fund autonomous board to run the money on interest payments. in each cemetery•
VFu*ham and District Hospital in She added the board thought Fast Wawanosh should too. arena and community' centre, reporting that some- townships At its sq*m mewoff CLASSIFIED ADS
its battle with the Ontario health this decision might get the Public However Councillor Ralph with representation from the two currently don't have any money ;1
council decided
nunistry over et cuts. steamed up. Cam told the others they townships and from sports and borrowed while East . Wawanoeh The Adnw�ca-T1wNa 867-1�0
e Cemeteries
Ata meeting last week coun- Councillors didn't want to see should get more steamed up community groups in the village. has $80,000 outstausding. She slso �W regarding
he h '
Council discussed a letter this a Y public.
CLUOiS voted unanimously CO the hospital Cut Derck, but mttWly about the thing. reported only township In «� busmesi, auncQ:
come up wish the $1,755 asked of they were reluctant to commit "If they're going to go ahead received from the Huron County in the county to still use a single
the township provided the funds. to what they feared was a and fight we should back the Federation of Agriculture billing. Approved fee •, .; an
hospital board goes ahead with losing cause. Reeve Simon board," he declared. "It's our Proposing an area meeting on the Councillors weren't sure the a I alrellaa by Stewart Douglas
itcourt case against the Hallahan reported he had been hospital and $2,700 is not that topic of revised equalization would save all that much, of fid' �ce was for
ministry. That figure is East talking to lawyer Jack Goodall much per capital in the township. factors. It agreed to take part in a though, noting it would require OF
the south portion a[ bus 11, 12 and TOGETHER
Wawanosh's share of the $50,000 and it was his opinion the board People spend more than that on meeting if one is scheduled, but going en
g to the extra expse of 18 as can. 1S;
made a mistake in closing the 1 members of council feel farmers p� billing system- Recommended t0 the landSERVE
the board hopes to raise for legal ing Ottery tickets• hrnng a cons division committee that a �
expenses, based on the town- beds now. Mr. Goodall feels it is a Council responded with a really dont have much to Mr. Currie said he would want to
ship's 51,a per cent shay�e� of ad- waste of money to fight now that unanimous vote to provide the complain about when it comes to see figures on how much would seveof rance application a Garry
missions to the hospital I year. the beds are closed, he said. money if the hospital pursues its taxes since they can get a grant be saved and Councillor Neil Ball down. r. a, Gerrie be in 4_
Isobel Arbuckle, hospital board He also reported he had been case. on half their land taxes. �t Commented he would resMr.
Ball was severing ! S
representative fEast talking with Howick Reeve AGREEMENT SIGNED Farmers have a good thing gave the township borrow acres from th aures' .
Wawanosh and Blyth, attended Harold Robinson and others and In other business at the gig and they shouldn't squawk, lens interest rate and pay Reported that a representative
Of the Ministry at Transportation
the meeting and read a copy of they felt, too, the. board has meeting council finally got all the was Mr.. Hallahan's opinion. a uu,e extra an his tax bill than
the letter sent out by the citizens' admitted defeat by the closures. signatures on the agreement Council got a blueprint with a borrow himself at 18 per cent visited the township and reported
the roads are is at
committee acting for the hospital The township could afford to between East Wawanosh and sketch of the proposed Hutton interest to meet an early tax excellent hCon-
board in trying to raise the raise the money next year, he Morris townships regarding the recreational vehicle park, to be billing• dttioa and a lot of work has been
money. noted, but its no use throwing proposed 13elgrave Community located west of Hutton Heights. B>d�g permits for Ralph alloteddone for the amotmt of money
to the township. Reeve
She said the board had been money away. Centre Board. However a letter from the county Campbell, a sow shelter; Worthy Harold Robinson also said that
prepared to close hospital beds Councillor Don Dow com- Morris Reeve Bill Elston came Planning department said the McNee, an implement shed; Alex council endorses the work of the Buy your home, life, boat, and auto
back in the but because mented that if the township is to the meeting with a revised Proposal does not conform to the Nethery, a carport; Jack Arm -
the Citizens' s Action Committee behind the hospital it should be draft of the agreement which he county official plan and should strong, an addition to the house; road aupermteccounndent. insurance from a friend
`and the c were so it Prepared to put its money where said suits his council much not be permitted. The letter end Doug Campbell, a garage, Approved accounts totalling
public opposed • 138 832.10 which includes a road
changed its mind. She said at the its mouth is. He doesn't know better. The changes provide that recommended the township were approved as presented by
meeting Sept. 12, aaccount of =15,088.11.
t which the whether the courts are the right each council must be consulted should consider designating the Building Inspector Jim Taylor. The Co -Operators
board decided to take its case way to fight, but likes the idea of by the board before they can be area for recreational use when it Council also approved payment rests. DEMLL HALLMAN
before the Supreme Court of putting up some opposition, he required to provide more than draws up its secondary Plan- of its $600 assessment to the Blyth Lakele t
a said. their initial donation of $250 each A letter from Queen's Park Union Cemeteryand to
Ontario, there was no intention to informed council the province the
your credit union Sponsored
close beds, however by the next Councillor John Currie and also set Dec. 31, 1961, as the P cleanout of the Jaretzke r ,
week board members felt the suggested East Wawanosh could date after which the agreement has approved the zoning bylaw Municipal Drain and main- Mrs Irene Waal insurance company
hospital was going too far into the wait and see how other muni- must be reviewed. for the agricultural -commercial tenance on the Harrison drain• visited last week with Mr. and
development . on the Congram Bob Pegg, a conservation of- Mrs. Jim Inglis. Mr.
farm. This bylaw now takes full fiver with the Wingham office of and Mrs•
force and council will look into the natural resources ministry, I spent Thanksgiving
try Suandnd ay with Mr. and Mrs.
• having its provisions enforced, will be invited to address council
,,Tempers f a t n u n �' I �udmg P�t� a screen Of at its November meet' Am Vernon t1 and bays m For -
trees between it and the �• oo8 m°ns
other topics, he will speak on, the Carl Huth underwent surgery
• residential development next rabies problem. Mr. Hallahan in London last week. Lakelet
o v e r h o s 1 t o I f u n d r. e u est door said the rabies tion is way friends wish him a speedy
P oPosal up this year and some farmers receovery•
to switch to twice -yearly tax are considerin vaccin tin
TurnbeTy Township Council
on the matter.
anyone how they voted, but he did
billing from the current single
g a g
Mr• and Mrs• Brian Edwards of North Huron Credit
London visited Sunday with Mr.
got into a heated discussion dur-
Councillor Doug Fortune asked
admit the. decision to take court
billing in the fall. Clerk -treasurer
Council's next regular meeting
and Mrs. Ken Denman and Union 357-2311
,*g its meeting Tuesday over
Mr. Elliott, "Whose represen-
action was not a unanimous one.
Winona Thompson, said the
will be the afternoon of Nov. 6.
Wingham and District Hospital's
tative are you?"
The discussion ended with
request for donations toward
"The township's," he an-
council opting not to donate
legal fees.
toward the fund. Mr. Elliott was
-Well thea damn it if ou are
the only member opposed to the
Before ref to contribute to Y
�� a ., :,r,.. w;,..,tative of the people of decision. ,
the 'Save the Hospital • Fund' this township then you should tell Mr. L. Hartung of Cox Con- ■
tempers flared because Deputy the people how you voted!" struction in Guelph was also C 0 0
Reeve Harold Elliott, who sits on In his defence Mr. Elliott ex- 'asked to ittend council -to discuss
the hospital's board of governors ed that board members the yment for gravel sold to -the
Plans Pa
refined to disclose how he voted were asked not to reveal to company for asphalt. Cou neff
argued that the agreement was
for 50,000 tans including anything ~o.op .
removed from . the pit face.
Brussels Friendship Clubtons wasteof
resumes autumn meetings' face is still left jn the pit �h ---_ _ : - :I r
esu es auto mee gs and Cox Construction didn't �- _- --- - AUREOMYCIN
intend to pay for it. p
Co-operation among Co -Ops.
Located in the
Credit Union Building.
S Alfred St., [corner of
Josephine St.] Wingham, Ont.
The Co-operators
BRUSSELS.—The :Senior , Mrs. Edna "We've never had to pay for CRUMBLES «"we
Friendship Club met -Wednesday Hackwen; bleat press reporter, anything we've tett,„ explained 1 Tn"goo
afternoon of last week beginning Mrs. Claire Long; Health, Mr. Hartung, adding, "If we have a� ing growth
rate aidinimprov- =a
a new year after summer recess. .. b, Mr. and Mrs. to pay for materials that we CiD•o� ing growth rate and increae,
Past president Edwin Martin Frank Hopper. didn't use we will come out on the ing feed efficiency in cattle,—s><
opened the meeting with The ram consisted of short end of the stick." swine and sheep. Vitamin
P g program Aa Crumbles are also an aid in
everyone singing "O Canada". readings by Mrs.. Edna Hackwell Mr. Fortune commented that suppression of infections and
The report of the nominating and Mrs. Dave Watson, followed the gravel left, "is just waste to �ruc9 losses due to diseases and CO-OP zIw Terramycins
committee was received and by nine tables of progressive us. It was my that ��. stress. Man 200 m�: 106 InjeClagle
zss.� Ck.
vacant offices were filled as a euchre. High scores were held by we would get paid for anything
Effective for treating calf Broad spectrum activity for
result of nominations from the Mrs. Mary YuiU and Edwin taken out of the face_" He added, Cpneumonia and secondary treatment of cattle, swine
members. The new officers were Martin; low, Mrs. Verna Thomas "If I buy something knowing that 251<9 infections associated with and sheep infections
f cially introduced and and Gertrude Bolger; most lone part of it is waste, I know enough Co-op virus disease. Treats vib- caused by oxytetracycline
ened. They are: president, hands, Mrs. Dave Watson and to pay for that too." j e ronic dysentry in swine. susceptible organisms.
Fred Thuell; vice president, Mrs. Ernest Stevens. After an hour of discussion Mr. ................ 403-385 ................ 403-3913
Frank Hopper; secretary, Mrs. The meeting concluded with Hartung pdmitted he was not '
Gertrude Bolger; assistant, Mrs. lunch and a social time. The next authorized to pay the township ytTAr1
Allan Webb; treasurer, Miss meetif, will be held Wednesday for the waste and said it would
Laura Lucas; assistant, Wilber of Tober 24. have to forward a letter to his
4.10 ... y stating its complaint.
Council voted to bill Cox _
Construction 25 cents per ton for �= - _ _-- SEECO-OP
the waste and 25 cents. per ton for _ �- _w__- FOR SPECIAL
any usable gravel removed from PRICE. THIS
the pit over the originally agreed --=_= -- --_ _ -�
upon so,°oo cons.
------ - WEEK ONLY-
.-.._.. -_ -
Council also voted that a _
permit would have to be obtained
in advance by anyone wishing to 4.-
n -
build a modular home within the
��„ township. Prior to this, modular e= _. _
?! home owners were billed at the CO-OP Iodine Wound
end of the year for their permits Pig Bon=g Dtesseing
plus . the number of months` For stimulating vigour and A protective film formingauu-
�. between occupation of the vitality and preventing or tiseptic which proides
r property and the time of treating bacteria 1 scours in ' germicidal qualities when
�- -
,ffaia ' i
evtnsato ocuts
Clerk Dorothy Kelly explained tibotrsand 8 ams abrapplied
Non -stinging
................ 403-360 220
coating f the home doesn't stn on the g
N MiDli�tla I l eN jIIwy•IIMrMuMrt
will be issued.
Tenders for snow r- emovalLT-0wCr LICEC.C. 'El were received by council. Glen
y Snell's tender was approved Ain
subject to MTC approval. He will y,�,,., p. CSYMIU1rs
be charging $19 per hour actual %y ' �" , : '►>:...� e
working time and $10 per day ~'iff
standby. j p•i , . ADE L
After meetingin committee of
the whole, council promised a + • • ' y,- -
dump would not be created on the , rali • _
property being purchased by � w. � � —•
Dave Martin, Lot 15 Con. 9. The Wy.
agreement will be in writing and t.0 -OP Suimet 25%
.►,- A.,,,a �oR entufine Spotton Cattle 473 01,
°1 ro-OP ADE
If in fact, Mr. Martin pur SrEC1A+. TRICE Sulfa drug with high an -
chases 6uau 7`6:.3:.-...
chases the McGill farm he also I '^#
Economical and test- tibacterial activity against
will be leased township property disease causing or Nsrbs.� For the prevention and cor- Fast, easy-to-use applica-
south of the river at f6W year Convenient Lyktoff rection of Vitamin A and D tion with no waste. 2.84
P� Y Acts quickly, maintaining
for five years. This is subject to a An effective method of controlling biting therapeutic blood levels for deficiency resulting from Litres 355 treatment
lease agreement to be red and sucking lice on beef and dairy cattle. dietary deficiency, diseases ............ I .... y001
gr preps g Y 24 hours per dose.
by the township regarding gravel for all o your . Justimal health n. Shop CO-OP or other stresses. Gun sold separately.
removal rights
The township decided that the 16 oz ............. 240-135
Maitland Valley Conservation
Authority has acquired con -
exceeding lands in the past years
exceeding its budget. As a result New, .. Animal Health Care Brochures for Beef, Dbiry and Swine. Complete with quick reference chart to the most
it requests the MVCA's i9so important and effective herd health products available at CO-OP. Pick-up your free copy.
budget have zero per cent in-
crease over 1979 and the V O UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO \
proposed budget not be overspent BELGRAVE B
as in 1978.
An application for the town- N..FA�
LITTLE PEOPLE—T. P. O'Malley blames the leprechauns ship's consent to sever land for
for the odd bit of work on this ear of corn from his garden Tolton Motor Sales, Lot 53, Wingham Belgrave, Ontario Brussels
Not content with a single ear, it has several smaller ears Bluevale, to Les Greenaway was 357-2711 PRICES EFFECTIVE TILL NOVEMBER 3,1979 d87-6453
sprouting from its sides. also granted.
1 t k
1 4
� . 1