HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-10-10, Page 1010—The Wuigham A6,Ln c '1'uuea. October 1U, 1979
' Glyd Of Thanks � _
Yamaha Snowmobiles
Mgrs. Re Be Wa"ers We would like to thank every- min9 Events* All snowmobiles j ` ,.,.....
and who called on our mom and carry early
Mies in hdad a< their dome with gzbetiogs purchase order •
and warm wishes markup their TH SINGLES' DANCE discounts. f-
L.50th wedding anniversary. We The family of Clarence and The Howick Figure Skating Aub Festival singles' dance, Friday, For example EX440
The death occurred in �stowel (Sarah) Brears, formerly of were to see many Bertha Stokes, invite all their will sponsor '"cooking with a Dif- October 12 at the Victorian In*, List $2749.00
sharing with us, the joy od that Stratford 9 to 1. Wel-
Memorial Hospital un 1�,esday, Hawick Township, Mrs. Al vim, special day ��, friends and relatives to an open fererhce", demonstration �+i � "
October 2, of Mrs Richard (Susan) Fidler (Calgary), Mrs. house in honor of their parents, ..Luncheon Is Served" Wedttes- come all singles over 25 (no blue
Bewett Watters ul Fordwich in William (Elizabeth) Wallace The family of Ken and Lil Hastie, 40th wedding amaiversary. It will day, October 17 at 8 p.m. inNow 24 O O
her 88th year. (Toronto) and Mrs. Ernest of Gorrie be held at the Gorrie United Howick Central School.. Admis-
Mrs. Watters was the former (Maye) Jaques (Caledonia) ; and Church, Gorrie on Sunday, Oct. sion $2.50 per person. Door prizes HOT TURKEY SUPPER
Matilda Catherine Spence and one brother, William Spence, We would like to thank our 14,1979, from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 and lunch to follow. Tickets hVm Will be held at Lucknow United ClodWhg end ACcessoles
was born in Howick Township. formerly of Howick Township. family for one of the most p.m. Bestwishes only please. any Howick Figure Skating Aub Chi, on Tuesday, Oct. 16 from Have JustAmtved 3% miles east of
Her parents were the late The late Mrs. Watters rested at memorable days in our lives. To 3-10 member or phone Gorrie 335-3450 4:30 to 7:90 p.m. Adults $4.50; Teeswater
William and Elizabeth the M. L. Watts Funeral Home, our man friends, good under 12, $2. Auspices United
pet' y y e neighbors or 335 3135. Sept Kens Garage
She was a member of Trinity Gerrie Cha until Thursday and dear relatives a heartfelt RUMMAGE SALE 19 A Ott. �'� Women.
Anglican Church, Fordwich, and when removal was made to "thank you" for cards of good Wingham Mental Health Centre
the Anglican Church Women. Trinity Anglican Church for wishes, beautiful flowers, gifts is sponsoring a rummage sale at BLOCKBUSTER SHOW CHILD HEALTH CLINIC RR 3, T-o"water, Ph. 39246633
The Huron Count Health Unit
service at two o'clock, Rev. and happy memories to mark our the Wingham Armouries on Fri- Y
Mn. Watters was the beloved Orrance Laramie officiating. 50th wedding anniversary. day, Oct. 19, from 5 to 8:30 p.m. Blyth Centre for the Arts, pre- invites you to attend the Child
mother of Fulton of Richmond Final resting place is Fordwich Everyone's thoughtfulness will and Saturday, Oct. 20 from 9:30 seats Paper Wheat, the block- Health Clinic, held at the Health
Hill; Mrs. Jack (Helen) Lep- Cemetery. always be fondly remembered. a.m. to 12;30 p.m. buster show from the West, Unit office, Wingham hospital on
pington of Gorrie, Mrs. Clifford Pallbearers were Jack Mc- Sincerely, 3-10-17 Wednesday' October 24, at 8 p.m- Wednesday, October 17, from
(Dorothy) Denney, Listowel, and Clennan, Bob Anderson, Bev Ken and Lil Hastie, Gorrie Blyth Memorial Hall, Blyth. 9,30 to 11:30 a.m. for:
Mrs. Harvey (Muriel) Denney, Plume, Carl D'Arcey, Gerald RUMMAGE SALE 'Pickets $5 available by mail, Box 1. Health Surveillance 291,
291, BI 2. Anaemia
Harriston. Also surviving are 12 D'Arcey and Bruce Campbell. The A to W and yth, NOM 1H0. 10-17 8
grandchildren and 25 great Floral tributes were carried by I would like to thank Dr. Leahy,1 Y 3• Immunization
grandchildren. She was Jim, Jack and Wayne Denney, relatives, friends and nurses on District Hospital will hold a nun -
ma a sale at the W' 4. Fluoride
first floor, for kindnesses while I gm
Predeceased , her husband; John Leppington and Brian Armouries on Friday, Oct. 19 PAPER DRIVE •
four sisters, Mrs. William Russell. was a tient in W' and Y, Wingham � from 10 a.m. to 3:30 m. Phone The Wm Cubs and Scouts BUSINESS ASSOCIATION e
District Hospital. P will hold a paper drive on Saatur- MEETING
Mrs. Edith�Ontgomery 357-2569 for pickups on Thursday. hngham Be Wingham Business The WinghaBusiness Associa-
day, Oct. 20. W , EUCHRE PARTY Bluevale and Whitechurch to be tion will hold a meeting on Thum Ira • •
I would like to thank EUC
everyone Will H held at the Wingham Le canvassed. All papers must be day, October 11 at 7 p.m. in Lee's
B I T U A R I E S who looked after me, visited me gion on alternate Saturdays, at tied and to the curb by 9 a.m. If Tavern. Every business should
O and brought me things while I you need assistance phone 357- be represented at this meeting.
8:30 p.m. starting Oct. 20. Ladies 2471. Beavers' apple da Oct. 20. • 6 •
was in the hospital. PP Y,
Steven Coulter Please bring lunch, men il. Please support NEW DEMOCRAT MEETING
Prizes. 3-10-17 An informal meeting for Huron
10-Nov.28 County New Democrats will be
McCALLUM—Passed away at Home, 171 King Street South, The family of the late Mrs. Mae held in Clinton Town Hall on
Waterloo, Rev. Grant Mac- LAWN SALE Y Thursday, October 25 at 8 m. assistance
St. Joseph's Continuing Care, Bradshaw wish to extend a sin- HOWICK HOCKEY p
Guelph, on Sunday, October 7, Donald of St. Andrew's Giant lawn sale Saturday, Y,
Finlay McCallum, in his 88th Presbyterian Church of cere thank you to all who helped REGISTRATION 13, 10 a.m. to5p.m.; Sunday, Oct. Coffee and pot luck dessert. Management counselling
to ease our bereavement in the Will be held at the Howick Com- 14, 12 noon to 5 p.m. for MerridY 10-17
year. He was the beloved ciating. Interment will follow
husband of BirdenHopper; fParkview Cemetery, loss of a dear wife and mother. munity Centre on Thursday, Oct. Watt, Maitland Estates. Turn •
We wish t
dear father of Harold of Kit- Waterloo. As expressions of o express a special 11 from 7 to 9 p.m. and Saturday, east on Charles St., off Josephine, EUCHRE PART=
chener and Mrs. Nelson sympathy, donations may be thanks to all relatives, neighbors Oct. 13 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; to the end of Charles. Rain date, Will start at Sacred Heart Parish e Informationon • •
and friends for their thoughtful- also an equipment sale at the pct. 20 and 21. Anti �, Wingham, Tuesday, Oct. 16 •
(Irene) Hershey of Guelph; made �o the Canadian Cancer al P quer, collet- .• •
father-in-law of Julia and Society. ness with flowers, donations, same time on October 13. All tibles and mist. and continue every Tuesday
Nelson; also survived by two cards and food. A special thanks hockey teams from juvenile down 3-10 night at 8:30 p.m. Lunch, good
grandchildren, Blaine Hershey COWAN—Passed away at goes to Rev. Dan Sargent for his including Ringette. prizes. Everyone welcome. Can we help •
and Mrs. Jim (Linda) Valliere Knollcrest Lodge, Milverton, faithful visits and kind words. 3-10
and two great grandchildren, on Friday, October 5, William Thank You to the staff s the On the occasion of the 50th. wed- ART LESSONS
Carrie and Christopher Her- Howard Cowan, aged 85 years. Wingham and District Hospital Interested in art lessons? Call P
p ding anniversary of George and
shey. Mr. McCallum farmed in He is survived by one son, for their kind and tender care and Darling Studio, Wroxeter 335- FAYE COOK
Blvevale Addie Howson, Wingham, Ont.,
the Wingham area a few years Charles of Gorrie; five grand- the M. L. Watts Funeral Home relatives, friends and neighbors s�2
ago. A memorial service was children and seven great for their thoughtful considera- Mr. and Mrs. Brian Coe, Barry 8�: The Wingham Motel,
g tion. Your kindness will long be and Clarence visited recently are cordially invited to open BINGO
held today (Wednesday) at the grandchildren. He was remembered. with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence house Friday, October 19, from 2 Teeswater Lions Aub r WINGHAM
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Predeceased by his parents, to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. at the �a October 16
Witnesses Guelph. Interment Arthur Cowan and Mary C. Henning. Wingham United Church. Best bingo this Friday, Oct. 12 at 8 O/$; Tuesday,
P Russell Bradshaw and family Visitors the Sunday previous tom. in Teeswater Town Hall; 15
followed in Woodlawn McEwen; his wife, the former wishes only please. p'
Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. r games for $10; 3 S
Cemetery, Guelph. Eva Jane Kent; one daughter,a g Pis
Mrs. Lindsay (Bessie) Clegg, We, the family of the late Mary George Fischer
were r Mr. and
LIBERAL ASSN. MEETING for $25; Jackpot $180 on 58 calls or
'formerly of Harriston ; and one MacTavish wish to express our , $25 consolation.
MILLS— Passed away at Mount son Bill in World War IT. sincere thanks and deep appreci- Mrs. Clarence Henning, Mr. and The Huron -Brice Liberal Associ-
Sinai Hospital, Toronto, on Deceased was born in Hawick anon to all our neighbors, friends Mrs. Harold Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. ation, (Federal) will meet at the UOW FOWL SUPPER
Monday, October 8, Mrs. and relatives for the floral Joe Walker, Marie, Sheila and Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, Thurs- Wth be held in United
Richard Mills of 429 ton Township. Funeral service was
held October 8 at two o'clock at tributes, charitable donations, Kevin. day, Oct. 18, at 8:30 p.m. to elect Church on Wednesday, Nov. 7.
F Rd., Waterloo, in her 75th year, the M. L_ Watts Funeral Home cards and expressions of sym- delegates to the LPC (Ontario) Sittings at 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m.
The former Velma Amsbury Gorrie Chapel, with Rev. pathy to our family on the loss of annual meeting being held in Tickets available at Harris Sta- (Branch Office Address)
1 was born in Wingham and was Orrance Laramie officiating. our mother and grandmother. Toronto, Nov. 16 to 18, 1979. tionery; Millers Ladies Wear; ,
a daughter of the late John ' 1036 Ontario Street, Stratford Ontario
Amsb and Clara Elliott. She Interment followed in Gorrie Special thanks to Rev. Dr. Robert There are more than 100 types Scere'Y, Vance's Drug Store or phone (519) 2.71-5650 (Collect)
i �r Cemetery. Pallbearers were H. Armstrong, the pallbearers of arthritis and some may affect John Horan Audrey Swatridge, 357-2785.
was predeceased by her Bill and Bruce Abrajns, Irving and the Currie -Walker Funeral the heart, lungs and eyes ac -
husband. Surviving are two Toner, Bev Currah, Ivan Home. cording to medical advisors to
daughters, Mrs. William Haskins and Don Watson. Cameron, Lenore and family the Arthritis Society.
(Marion) Brown, King City,
and Mrs. Kan (Marna) Clarke,
Waterloo; one foster daughter,
Mrs. Norman (Evelyn) Wright,
Leaside; five grandchildren;
and two brothers, Elmer of
Stratford ,and Alan, Camp-
bellford. Funeral service will
be held Friday at two o'clock at
the Edward R. Good Funeral
Bluevale Nifty Needlers
The girls learned how to do the
Scotch stitch and the Cashmere
stitch when they held their fourth
meeting. Those making a pillow
learned how to do the Brick
stitch. The leaders demonstrated
the stitches on a block board.
At home, the girls are to
complete their stitches and work,
on their free -choice articles.
Lakelet Stitcheroos
As an answer to the roll call,
each member gave an idea for
the club's presentation for
Achievement Day. The meeting
was held at the home of Marion
and Muriel Huth on Monday of
last week.
The leaders, Mrs. Schmidt and
Mrs. Hallman, taught the girls
how to do the Scotch, Cashmere
and Brick stitches, the final
stitches of the course. The girls
then worked on the articles they
are making.
See me.
a L a
Insurance Companies,
Canadian Head Offices,
Scarborough Ontario
S EW E R RE PAI R --Murray R Itzma of the town works department was down a hole Wed-
nesday repairing a sewer connectlon which had been damaged and gone undetected
during the street reconstruction last summer.
ervice Directory
� Burke -Mcleod
Contractors Ltd.
Electrical Contracting
Motor Sales, Repairs
and Rewind
Wingham 357-1380
Industrial, Commercial,
Farming, Domestic
Imperial Esso Agent
For all your Home and
Farm Fuel and
Lubricating Needs
Lynn Hoy
Enterprises Ltd.
Honda and Skidoo
Sales 8 Service
Hwy. 86 east of Wingham
Phone 519-357-3435
All Types of
335-3525 357-2636
• Wedding
• Cut flowers
e Plants
• Flowers by
Wire Service
*14 135 Frances
Repairs, Renovations
New Installations, call
Terry Deyell at
357-2808 or 357-1229
Leroy Jackson
— Plumbing
191 Josephine St.
Wingham 357-2904
Hugh McBurney
T. M. Z T.
General Contractors
All types of concrete work
Pit Silos
Home and farm building
111XF:1v'A1,E, (ONTARIO
John Cox
Gravel and
Josephine Street
Winghom, Ontario
Phone 3572812
If Your
Business Is S
Vo 357-2320