HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-10-03, Page 66--T►e Win�hata Advalhee-Tbmea, tk'ieber d. 19'48
St. Helens Church is scene
of Ta to
rmMacDonald grows
Calvin Unit" Church. St. ,
Relens, was tiwt wated with
lied ca "n sad daisies in
ydlvw aad white colas, for the
uniting in marriage
Doyle Margaret MacDonald of �' i4► r
St. Eld as and Jeffrey Stephen v
Lacknow. at 5:30 on
Saturday, September a- The bide
is the daughter of Mr. and lira- �^ °
Angus MacDonald, St. Helens,
and the groom is the son of Lawns'
Taylor, Lucknow, know, and the late
Mrs. Taylor. xs
Rev. Albert Cook officiated and
Barbara Cameron was organist
Linda Taylor and Kathy
of Wingliam, sang
19laroing Has Broken" as the
wedding party entered the
church and later "Sunrise, '
Sunset„ and "Annie's Ste,.
Given in marriage by her
parents, the bride chase a floor- Kenneth Reid of Lucknow, a reside in Lucknow.
length gown d white silt chiffon friend d the groom, was best The bride is a graduate of CENTRE FOR THE HOMEBOUND—From {eft, Edithe N1eKanzie, of Lucknow and
with Queen Anne omit lme and man and guests were ushered by Lougheed Business College and 1- Lan Elliott, Blueval% point their own handmade ceramics. About li senior eMlnans
bog bishop sleeves. Guipure lace brothers of the bridal couple, the groom raduated from took advantage of the centre's fadlMles last Thursday aflarr100f1 at the Armouries.
trimmed the neckh . sleeves Eric Taylor of Lucknow and Conestoga College d Applied
and , istiloe and the shirt back Donald MacDonald, St. Helens. Arts.
featured on . i.o pleats which Christopher MacDonald of Outof town guests came from. Knox anniversary service based
d a s thin' She wase a "bum the bride's nephew, was Brampton, London, St.
white picb" bat d "'chiffon ring bearer. The male senior Catharines, Waterloo. Artane.
trimmed with guipure lace and attendants wore dark brown Catharines,
Point Clark. Wingham
featuring a sbouder-length veil. tuxedos with beige riffled shirts. Strathand Iroy, Poi Honored guests
She carried a `cascade d yellow The. ring bearer ware a beige on tole of the G*od Samaritan
rewith baby's breath and tuxedo trimmed with dark brown "e1'e Mrs- Sadie Barbour,
Regtish ivy and wore an ivory Silk lapels and a beige ruffled 6 E ° � , ther of the bride, and
rase necklace and earrings, gifts shirt. All wore yellow rose Mrs: Mary McClenaghan, great BEL,GRAVE —Arrangements and especially to the guest today; also C the former
Bel -
sunt of the bride. of multi colored autumn flowers speaker. Dr. nipple of grave Men's Chow which had
hem her grandioother. boutonnieres_ in the satteuwry; of Knox United Calvary United (larch, lAndou, sing in his,M .. . at a London
Vera Mi11ar of Waterloo, a A followed at the Prior to her marriage the bride Chin -ch made an attractive set- and lies. Tipple. C. °11 :i � J, i, 6.
sister of the bride, was matron of Lucknow Legion Hall wh re was honored at five showers. ting for the anniversary service Dr. chew r lure He 90�' "fit makes
boon and bridesmaids were guests were received by Relative shower were hosted by Sunday. reading tAke 10:2551, which sense In mon' Via°?
Valerie Errington and Barb bride's mother assisted b the Mrs- Don Montgomery, Mrs. Mrs. George Procter, organist, relates the story of the Good Perplexity? err Simplicity?"
Aitchison, both friends d the groom's sister-in-law, Mrs_ Glen Porter, Mrs. Eric Taylor =e ley prelude numbers Samaritan, as the basis for his There are three influences an
bride hom St_ Helens. They were Bonnie Taylor. The ride's and Mrs. Dianne Taylor. Valerie, well as accompaniment for the eloquent message. His intro- religion, be said: the Roman low,
gowned alike in floor -length mother wore a floor -1 gown g, �; and Barb Aitchison choir anthems and the hymns.. ductory remarks referred to an Greek pm , , • w .,, and art and
yellow ., , . silk, in dresses in a ., �,r .j shade th fitted held a shower for the bride's Rev. John G. Roberts extended anniversary as a s.l day Jam' . The Hebrews
styled with blouson bodices, bodice, full acro plead friends and a community shower a warm welcome to visiting to share or thanks with thooe eskW What? Who? What do we
.spegZhetti straps, flowing skirts skirt and matching sheer cape. was . L01 I by her neighbors. church members, the large char who made possible what we enjoy do?
and poncho -style capes- They She wore a pink rose corsage. Jesus asked y, .,� �. .., in order
ware yellow flowers in their hair Airs. Taylor diose a. calf -length to find the answers. The Jews
and carried yellow parasols dress of violet with long sleeves lived in the centre d an idol-
,1 with yellow roses and and accented with gathersat theland. Jesus saw unity;!*
w�da an tyled , M neckline, and _ Mrs'.Tom Leeis essential txu&
married in oiswrye smi e mGta I To b*e Ln a similarly�tyled gown was Her corsage was also pink
More and more, the ancient
the tlawer girl, Patricia Mac- For travelling the bride chose a � Jews saw God as a God' d Law.
Donald d Aub�an, niece d the two piece lime green suit with ��
bride_ She carried a basket d black trim, black a. _ and her mothers W Y i n y had 5 od as s all negative.
yeilaw and white daisies. corsage of yellow roses. They will g gown, Laws were so complex that five
laws could be broken while trying
In a scene reminiscent d a Oay The bridal gown was white of white daisies, yellow and Doral to obP: amp
mare than 20 years ago, satin with portrait neckline rosebuds and yellow Jesus came- He tolled of the
Turk of Landon entered St. Am -edged with lace and satin ruffles- Murray McBague of RR 2, God of law. What is the greatest
drew's Presbyterian Church, The skirt featured side panels of Wingharn was best man at his law? First love God, then your
Wingbam, her arm linked in that alf, M bag lace and satin in dose 's wedding. Usbea neighbor, as illustrated in "The
of her father and wearing her gathered ruffles and the bodice were MacDonald, friend Of Good Samaritan". The despised
mother's wedding gown. At the was designed with tiny covered the , of RA 2, Wingham, outsider, .. , , , : by the
altar she met her groom, Tom buttoosg to the waist and Lang and Turk, the bride's : Jews, picked up the needy man
Lee of Landon, and together they hlypoint sleeves_ in her hair brother, of London_ The groom and paid the tab.
g; pledged their vows before Rev. ware the bridal tiara were a silver grey tuxedo with Who is my neighbor? "The
Dr- Robert H. Armstrong. The which had been warn by the steel grey lapels, silver grey bow man who helped
took place Satirday. groom's mother at her wedding, tie and vest and plain white „• was the tn-
Der e, at four o'clock- answer_ Beneath the
September tiny white velvet and seed pearl ruffled shirt- His boutonniere was complexity of religion neighbor-
Colorful bouquets of fall flowers_ silt coral Sweetheart a coral carnation. The other male liners stands out, to refugees,
flowers, gladioli, :.. $pdragans, rases adorned the tiara and she members of the bridal party boat people or just lonely people.
dahlias and asters, and yellow ware her great great grand -
were silver grey jackets with We are C bristum whey we care
` tapers in candelabra provided mother's gold locket centred with steel grey lapels, steel grey and respond. The fact that people
the setting for the ., tr• a pearl- She carried a cascade of trousers, vests and ties and matter is the essence of life and
Mrs. Ilan Robertsonprovided coral roses sprinkled with yellow black -edged ruffled shirts. Their
organ music- Before the stephanotis. [. +tlJ _1 were yellow car- Our rel4ion tells to become
� F
' Dale Butler Baker. d Hamilton was nations. too con foo complicated.
_ � Mary pix, plica
: Clan'l Help Falling in Lave" her sister's matron of honor and Following the ceremony dinner The other side of the problem is
himself an the [.� + u were Sandra Lee of was, served in the church
guitar. Dale and his wife Judy Vrugham, the groom's sister, basement where tales were
also sang 'You Light Up My and Brigid Iaveday, friend of the decorated with vases d baby
�► Lift". accompanied by the bride, of Kitchener. They were mums and tnachdar's baRtaos A t ::
guitar gowned aline in mint green Qiana three -tiered wedding cake topped
The bride's parents are Peter float gowns• styled with with a nosegay of coral rases and
and Shirley Turk of Loodod- The braided straps. empire white baby's breath, which was
groom is the son of Airs. Mary waistlines, flared skirts and made and decorated by the _
Lee, Wingham, and Charlie Lee, �an.atyle imee-length capes. bride's brother and sister-in-law,
London- Carolyn wasven in
!p Tiley were silk coral rosebuds in Mr. and 'Mrs. Peter Turk Jr. of
marriage by ber parents. their bbm and carried nosegays Taronto,L centred the head table_
Carl Good _ of Wingham was :
master of
Brian E'lmshe supplied music
for the reception which was held .
at the Wingham Legion. HaI1-
Guest talku s � : J vases of
-,r yellow and bronze cosmos -
Guests attended from t
Kitdiener, Owen Sound, " -
dale, Kincardine, 't oto,'
Yuli-Brunkard ceremony' .
is solemnized at Elmira
Mississauga. L andesboro,
Hohlahill Centre and Wingham.
Orange gladioli decorated was Det" Billings. Elmira.
r� The bride's mother were a
Trinity United Church, Elmira. They were gowned alike in mint '� floor -length gown of orange ice
an Saturday, September 15, at green poiyedw dresses styled polyester with long sleeves,
sever o'clock .when Beth Anne with deep accordion pleated `� i matching accessories and a Jai
Bevokard and Clarence Ross collars. They wore large whitecorsage d white Sweetheart
Y1� d @mire were . bats adorned with mint green x roses. The groom's motbw diose
husband and wife by Rev. David streamers and single coral rases a floor length gown d ; ; J
Watson. The bride is the They carried coral 3i& a X� Q;ana with a matching Grecian- `
doughtw d lir. and Mrs. Jahn on mimt green lace fans- style pellet-
(lraham of ®mita and the Tom i.enmx of Cambridge was " y ti . �. were bone sad she �.
groom's parents are Mr. and groomsman and ushers were = _ � =;: / wore a corsage of white
yIL Clarmce yuffl. Belgrave. brothers of the bridal couple. ,j Sweetheart roses
t Cfearvwater
The bride entered the church to Allen Brnhkard of Elmira and
e strains d -'Prase, Yui
ll, My Soul. Cameron , Belgrave. �� - and Disney Warid Florida,the
`�t� bride wore a powder blue figured .a
the Kong d Heevva" phayed by Guests from Toronto, Landon, sheer dress with standup collar.'
the organist gad was given in Ingersoll, Ildwton. L '� �; .
marriage by her father. She ware Wim, >�A'ave• YBelmare, gathered skirt and elbow -length
a floor -length gown d white Moorefield and Elmira attended r^P� ;Sill sleeves. She coca navy
drifian ovtafkla which was the : , which was held at !t . _ _. and a corsage of
er `w
Sweetheart rases and
designed by her sista. Patty Club ori, RR 3. Listowel. The .,. yellow
Graham d mto
Tmr. The dawn bride's mother ware a cocktail- wore the grooms 6 °f
was styled with scoop oeekhime length dress of dusty race d,19 opal earrings and necklace. 5-`
bordered with eyelet lace, long with a corsage of white sulk qtr and Mrs. Lee will reside in a
fm sleeves with eep peari- gardenias- no groom's mother Landon where the groom is en -
buttoned ears and a formal chose a hive M 1 _ , . , cocktail- played by Eoodex f1 W 6 k I, � i 14 11. i',
train. Her headdress was ieug* cissa wiitfr a pink sib :. F , ' " - , . Division'
trimmed with seed penis and arabic. r, Honored greats at the wedding j._.t
held her sbsohderaength veil d Fahlo.wil" a [ ., Y t ► „/ were the bride's maternal
hlie iiLsion. She carried a Na dm 0 Ontaris, Mr. Md Mrs, grandparents. Yr. and Mn.
Willism Cl th, Guelph. Gemini ew
Tdm are at No. 2 L3itrst ,r• + e 11613
cascade d white silk gardenhas �
and green silk diefenbachia Street, Elaira- The bride's w the greeas's her. Mrs.
iee�et. sail eat beige with a ."t Wee L!e d Wham. and tris ,� � w«, l„+ow•i 214 loswpNinw St. winahom
Rare McL sea d was wh1Me baa r, to grardtaaw, w Sam Walsh of 291-3661 357-2670
Word Rn�rta�r P16,,.tn Ksttardine-
sssid d lanae err/ hrYt�eW and a gardenia eowsaRe. * -
r religion to ham" too simple- Lose excess weight -- put your
is is daagarous. Bad w not the heart unto it and live Langer .. .
W of God. 'lbs will of God is says your Ontario Heart Founda-
,methiog witb which we sting-
e. The message is lite a golden
read wearied through your lite.
and yaw We inGod. Centra it
Gad. U the
we and relate to
is right, your life is right.
choir anthem, Thy
Love" was very well re-
Professional Pictures at
The male section of the
Amateur Prices
mw, with suilport Iron► former
( Your Place or Mine)
anbers of the BdXm a Man's
offered a fine rendition of
1, r x lo~ end 3,4" x S"
Things of Thee Are
fer $12.50
Sitting included
The large congregation of
Weddings as low as $150.
and visitors was a
d appreciation of this
Blytb 523.4455
happy anniversary occasion.
The Teeswater Creamer
The Oldest Creamery in Canada
Manufacturers of
ConreniwI ly Located on Highway No. 4 of Teeswater
>j1i0RE NOMb ,
8:00 a.m. 10f00 p.m- AAonday to Solurday.
(Ololidc" included) .
Paul's Church
John Street at Centre Street
The Rector: The Rev. John T.M. Swan, L Tb.
* The Seventeenth Sunday aft*r Trinity
8:30 a.m.—Holy Eucharist
10:00 a.m.—Sunday School
11:00 a.m.—Sung Eucharist and Sermon
Gof feest
��e n
Coffee with a
Have your morning coffee or tea "as you like
it" while you browse at home-made goodies
and handicrafts.
Where? The Salvation Army
292 Edward St. Wingham
When$ 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Thursday, Oct. 4th
Admission: 75c includes coffee or tea
and goodies.
Sponsored by -
The Salvation Army ladies' Home League