HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-10-03, Page 100
Pop 1.0. 11lie Wingham Advance -Times, October 3, 1979
Saturday, October 6, 1979
10:00 a.m. Sharp
Of Form Equipment
I1114=W100040t Tractors, combines, haying and harvester equip-
ment, tillge equipment and all other types of farm equip-
ment as well as lawn and garden equipment plus snowmobiles.
Cliff Gilbert, Auctioneer
Auction Sale
Of Household Effects and Antiques will be held for
Tom Wharton
At Colin Hardy's farm, approximately 5 miles north of Tees -
water on Highway 4, on
Monday, October 8
Sta rti hg at 1:30 0-orno
See sale bills and listen to CKNX frist.
Terms—Cash T
Owner—Tom Wharton
Teeswater, 592-6170
Ripley), 395-5959
Lot 28, Con. 9, fast Wawanosh
6 miles north of Auburn on County Road 22, or
5 corners west of Selgrave and 1/1 mile north
10 Hereford cows with spring calves and rebred: Hereford bull.
Allis Chalmers WD 45 tractor with chains; Ford SN tractor with
loader and chains; snow blower fits Allis Chalmers tractor;
harrows; Allis Chalmers 3 furrow plow; 9 ft. rubber tired culti-
vator; wagon with 16 ft. rack; 2 wheel trailer with stock rack;
Skeleton 30 ft. bale elevator- New Holland 68 baler with grain
chute; International 15 run power lift seed drill with gross seed-
er; Massey 6 ft. binder; John Deere manure spreader, has new
tires; hammer mill with belt; grain auger with motor; corn
scuff ler; chain saw; 30 ft. extension ladder; cattle clippers;
barb wire; scales; wheel borrow;- garden tiller; Fax mini bike;
10 speed bicycle; 1971 GMC Y: ton truck (as is) Woods freezer;
fridge (as new), electric stove; wringer washer; clothes dryer;
buff6t; drapes; chairs; wood stove; chest of drawers; war-
drobe; dresier; cradle; single bed; spool bed; trunk; some
antique items.
TERMS: Cash or cheque with I.D. Day of sale - Form Sold.
Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents
George Powell - CLERK arks Mallovf- AUCTIONED
Of Farm Machinery, Ski -Door, Antique Guns
and Household Effects for
RR 2, Brussels
N'h Lot 30, Conc: 8, Morris Twp., 2 miles north of
Walton or 2 miles south of Brussels on County Rd. 12
Monday, October 8
at 1:00 P.M.
FARM MACHINERY: Intirnotional :1104 tractor; Fordson gas
tractor. David Brown tandem axle P.T.O. spreader, International
45 baler with motor and P.T.O.; International mower; Livestock
trailer with loading chute; Massey Harris 4 bar rake; Massey
Harris stiff tooth cultivator;, Cockshutt spring tooth cultivator
on wheels; Massey Harris 3 furrow plow; bale buncher; King
WW~ bale elevator; hay and grain elevator with P.T.O.; har-
rows; I 1 horse mower: I:OCKsnuu flay ;;,�� ; = !-
110 or 220 electric motor; International 45 baler for parts; grain
hood for bale elevator; land roller; woven wire stretchers; 2 hest
housers for 706 International and 5000 Ford; quantity of scrap
Won, '65 Oldsmobile, as is; Joyco truck cap; liquid protein feed
tank; two 200 gallon tanks; three wooden wheel rubber tired
wagons; wheelbarrow, New 12.4 x 26" tractor tire; 19” tire and
rim for Fordson tractor; pile of lumber.
FEED: 12M bales of hay.
SKI-DOO 8 ETC.: 2 Ski-doo s - '68 and '71 Olympique; '71 Snow
Prince, Ski Boo"; Honda CT 70 trail bike.
ANTIQUE GUNS: 1!M Cop 46, 6 -shot revolver rifle; 1871 57.7
EreflMd: 1859 67.7 Enfield: 303 Enfield: 12 gauge musket; Wake-
field 12 gauge double barrel musket; W. Richards 12 gauge single
shot; Shur shot 12 gauge single shot; Italian 6.5 carbine; Cooey
single shot 22: Powder hom % full; caps and shot; sword.
(Bring your Firearm Acquisition Certificate with you, as you will
need It to purchase guns).
HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Chesterfield and chair: two black and
white TV's: electric guitar; table sew, 'A inch drill press and
oder miscellaneous Items.
Owner or Auctioneer not Responsible for Accidents, Day of Sale
Any Anna - or Corrections Given Verbally - Day,of Sale
• Auctioneer.
RR 3, Ustow•I, 291-2049
Pr or:
RR 2, Brussels, 887-900
' Harvest service -
*" _ MRS. GEORGE',i ,•,. _ �__
,wh -
e vest Home service was him _ Listowel �
GorrI e P e r s o n a l Notes Sunday at Trinity Champ here with Rev. rrance Orri (519) 291.3040
Laram i in charge. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT; .
The church was tastefully
Mrs. Archie Miller and Mrs. 200 entrants in the endurance decorated with fruits, vegetables
Ken Hastie attended a shower in test. Cern }
Harriston on Sunday for the Mr. and Mrs. James Alcorn Cecil Grai�r used "s patl � everyone one rerealize that the have /��
former's granddaughter, Miss attended the wedding of Susan for fe r` aad Disaiec y AUCTION ION SALE i
Brenda Brears. Cameron and James Pierce on for a few days last week and elle Rr>wah for which to be thankful as
Mrs. Wesley B. Ball of September 22 at Faith Taber- Thursday was transferred to once again at this harvest ceases Of Household Effects will be held for
Thamesford, Mrs. Harold Ball of nacle, Coboconk. The reception Brookhaven Nursing Home. Mr. there is e- abundance of food for
and Mrs. Robert Grainger and everyone.
Montreal and Mrs. Kathleen was held at Miners' Bay Lodge. v;
England, visited one Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson David of Kitchener v_r and Mrs. Harry Judge was the Of BELGRAVE e,
day last week with Mr. and Mrs. attended the International with
with Mrs. Grainger and soloist.
Wesley R. Ball. Plowing Match at Chatham and Brookhaveenn. Grainger at TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9
Mrs. William Penman of spent a few days at Dearborn, AT 12:30 NOON
Pharr, Texas, spent a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Taylor pment Chesterfield 8 chair; refrigerator, electric stove; washin4
and visited other relatives and Christian deVe�O machine; television (black and white); extension table; kit-
friends. then cupboard; ,stool cabinet; wooden cabinet; Duncan h
Mrs. James Alcorn has Phyfo table; 3 rocking chairs and odd chain; utility table;
returned home after spending 2 small tables; studio couch; bedroom suite In good condi•
three months at their summer UCW pffvqy�-wmt eme SCHILL—Mr, and Mrs. Donald tion; 1 antique bedroom suit• and mattress; 1 antique b�home on Shadow Lake,SehW of Wingham are pleased and wash stand; 2 wardrobes, 1 Quebec hooter; 1 coal all i.
Coboconk. While there, her GORRIE _ ,Christian De- inspiration she received both to announce the arrival of their stove; treodl• sewing machine; 1 set Britannica Ency-cle-
family, Mr. and Mrs. Rick Alcorn velopment,, was the program from the formal lectures and also first child, Karen Lynn, at podia and bookcase; 3 oil paintings; electric radio; iron and
of Orangeville, Mr. and Mrs.HospitalLondon's Victoria on toaster; Spode china; dishes and silverware; kitchen ware;
of the UnitedChurch Women was groups. The UCW members were y' ���' �'•
Doug Alcorn, Chris and Cherri, theme when the October meeting from the contacts in smaller Tuesday, 2 card tables; electric lamps; coal oil lamps; 2 rugsand scot -
London, Mr. and Mrs. Doug ter rugs; lawn chairs; quilts and household linens; gni lawn
Ferguson and Carrie of Acton; held in the church hall. delighted to hear such excellent KEIL.—Bill and Holly Jane Keil mower; garden �ooTs; step ladder; harpsichord; sealers;
her. Mr. and Mrs. Alcorn Devotions were in charge of reports from these young ladies are pleased to announce the wooden trunks, bookcase and book:; Humorous miscol- .
Mrs. Raymond Gowdy and Mrs. and Mrs. Gowdy and Mrs. birth of a son, Mark William
also had as guests friends and (aneous items. Helen Stephens. The scripture Stephens presented each with a on Wednesday, Se , ?
relatives from several points in September 28Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents.
Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Alcorn passage from St. Luke's Gospel, small gift. at the Wingham and District
visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd chapter two, described the Hospital. A brother for Kirsten ��ar@pC@ HifnBA and Lorne CAM bill - Clerks
y King The president, Mrs. William p
development of Jesus from and Thenen.
at Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Nay, took charge of the business `BRIAN RINTOUL°- AUCTMEER `
childhood to manhood and was RICHARDS—At the W' -
Danford' Mimic°' Mrs' Irene read by Mrs. Gowdy. Ways of and the secretary, Mrs. William and District Hospital n
Burns and Donald of Oshawa Behrns read the minutes and p
' helping to achieve one's own WednesdaySeptember 26 t .
Mr. and Mrs. Tizzard, Whitby,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lazier and
personal Christian development
took the roll call. Treasurer Mrs..
Elva Jacques gave a detRilea
' ' °
and Mrs. Norman
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davidson,
were presented Mrs. Stephens
financial report and Mrs. Lionel
R chards, Brussels, a son,
Cobourg, Dr. and Mrs. David
and Mrs. Gowdy. Mrs. Velma
Mann presided at the piano.
Johnston reported for the manse
Jordon Wade, eight pounds. A
brothel' for Brandon and Amy.
Allan at Huntsville. They spent a
few days in Toronto where the
The church,,promotes Christian
committee on the improvements
and renovations made during the
STEFFEN—At the Wingham and
visited Ontario Place and saw the
development in many ways and
summer. The treasurer was
District Hospital on Thursday,
opening parade of the Canadian
two were chosen for special at-
directed to transfer the regular
September 27, to Mr- and MnL `:'
National Exhibition.
tention. Miss Kendra Robertson
quarterly donation to the Mission
Robert Steffen, Wingham, a
Harvey McMichael, Harry
and Mrs. James Schefter spoke
and Service Fund.
son, Murray Allan, eight
Mulvey and Robert Gibson spent
on recent events in which they
pounds;' five ounces. A brother
three days last week at Chatham
had participated. Kendra spent '
At the request of the president,
for Mark.
attending the International
five weeks at the United Church_
Rev. E. Fellows spoke briefly on
Plowing Match.
camp at Menesetung near
the new budget system which is
BENNETT—Roland and Donna
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Webs',
Goderich. She attended for one
to be introduced. Two invitations
Bennett are happy to announce
Mrs. Allan Gibbons, Timmy and
"reek as a senior camper and four
were received, to attend
the birth of their daughter,
Tanis, visited Sunday with Mr.
weeks as a counsellor. She ex-
Thankoffering services in neigh-
Suzanne Dawn, nine pounds, 10
and Mrs. Ronald Mann and
plained some of the camp,
routines, some of the
horing churches. At Knox -
ounces, on September 18 at
Wingham and District
Gorrie, Mrs. John Bell of .
Mrs. James Gray and Mrs•
and the rewards of the camp
Whitechurch will the speaker
Hospital. A wee sister . for
Robert Gibson were "the
experience and expressed the
1�' �
on the evening of October 9 and
Pamela Sherri and Jane.
delegates from the Gtirrie
enjoyment and inspiration she
Mrs. Orrance Laramie of Gorrie
Proud grandparents are Mr.
Women's Institute who attended
will speak at Molesworth on the
and Mrs. Stewart Strong and
the Huron County WI rally on
Mrs. Schefter attended the
afternoon of October 10.
Mr. and Mrs. William Bennett,
Monday in Elimville United
weekend at Westminster College
all of Gorrie.
Church, Exeter. Mrs. Elva
as a representative from Gorrie
UCW last May. She told of the
Reporting for the bale com-
KING—Mark.. and Pamela King
Jacques- also attended the rally.
mittee, Mrs. Mann announced
are happy to announce the safe
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Dennis
that the bale will be packed on
arrival their .six -pound 12-
attended the International
Plowing Match at Chatham onVern
A am
October 17, with articles to be left
at the church on October 15 and
ounce baby brother, Stephen
Bradley, at Clidton Public
Hospital on September 20.
Chuck Gibson of BridgeportIn
die's at 60
other business,,ft members
reminded that the bazaar ;s
Proud parents are Bradley and
and Mr. and Mea. Robert Gibson
� �
le>jl s (Gibson), King of
w1'it,„ Sunday at Conestogo
and sftten ed the Conestoga
Vern M. Abram"02 Waterloo
being held October 27, on8„�iwet,�. CliAton.. Grandparents are
earlier than usual. The d8f11!.for. ' . Geaijeand'FAdyftdibson and
Endura Motorbike race. Douglas
and formerly of Listowel died of
the annual fowl supper has been ,
Harold and Jean Hing, all of
Gibson of Orangeville was one of
his residence on'Sunday, Sept. 30
set for November 13.
at,the age of 60
the top contestants of more than He was born in Grey Township
on March 17, 1919 to the - late
Auction Sale Maxwell Abram and his wife,
Frances C. Abram. .
He resided in Listowel and
AUCTION SALES Waterloo for most of his life and S, M C
AUCTIONEERS was a member of Highland Road
WALLACE BALLAGH United Church in Kitchener. e. Directo
Teeswater 392-6170 Mr. Abram is survived by his ry
GRANT McDONALD mother who resides in Waterloo.
Ripley, 395-5353 The funeral service was held at ELECTRICAL SALES AND SERVICE PLUMBING CONSTRUCTION
1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 3 at
MONDAY, OCTOBER 8 --Sale of the Robert Trench Funeral
household effects and antiques Home, Listowel. Rev. L. Weigand " A Lyon. Noy
for Tom Wharton, at Colin of Kitchener and Capt. George Burke -McLeod - T. I To,
Hardy's farm, approximately 5 g Enterprise: Ltd -
Kin of Listowel conducted the • -
miles north of Teeswater on Hwy. _ service. Electrical
Interment was in the Win Contractors Ltd: Honda and Skidoo CONSTUCTION
4, starting at 1:90 p.m. Wingham -
cemetery. Sales a Sehrice PLUMBING General Contractors
SATURDAY, OCT. 24—Sale of The pallbearers were Vern Electrical Contracting `^rye 86 east of Win hINSTALLATIONS All types of concrete work
farm machinery for Duncan Far- Klemp, Arnold McDougal, Ken MotorS'
�DSOI�, Repairs H 9am Pit Silos 1.
rish, part of Lot 8, Con. 14, Ash- Parsons, EdwinKrauter, Oscara
Nickel, and Do nd Rewind Phone 519-357-3435 Repairs, Renovations Home and form building
field Township, starting at 1 p.m. ug Trench, - New installations,- call CALL BOB THOMP9M:
-Wingham 357-1380 357-2808 or 357-1229 :157 -:wets
Of 100 acre farm, Registered Herd of Polled Herefords,CN Frail,
Machinery and Some Household Items ' $ ELECTRIC
will be held for Wingham All Types of Leroy Jackson John Cox
GEORGE PATTERSON Industrial, Commercial, Insurance —Plumbing
Lot 42, Con. 10 East Wowanosh Township, 1 mile north of Forming, Domestic 335-3525 357-2636 —Heating
-. Belgrove on Number 4 Highway. PHONE GORRIE WINGHAM J
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11 AT 12 NOON 357-1-583 F 19 Tinsmithing Gravel and
LOWERS 1 Josephine St. Topsoil
19 Registered Polled Hereford cows with calves sired by PRINTING P Wingham 357-2904
Bars lea Anxiety Extoller 3H; 3 open yearling heifers; 7 ! Zror:6-
bred heifers; 2 year old herd Bull Lannon Progress 2J year- nts
ling; Polled Hereford bull; cattle blood tested arv. r, egnanc WINGHAM BA
checked. Catalogues available. y •Cut flowers BACKHOE 357-1297
International 6z4 aiesei tractor with loader apd chains; Allis PRINTING • plants
Chdlm•rs D14 gas tractor with loader and chains; Allis Chal- SERVICE ,• HAIRDRESSING
mere 3-12 plow; 3 pt. hitch cultivator; 3 pt. hitch disc; Bisset
•Flowers by Backhoe
disc; 10 ft. packer; chain harrow: George White post hole e PRINTING Wire Service Work
digger; Mohawk 507 roto mower; George White elevator; • PHOTO COPIES � 9ut'Ciz u Oars.
hey conditioner; 4 bar rake; wagon with rack; Massey For - • REGISTER FORMS'' LEWIS BEAUTY SALON
hitch fertilizer spreader; P.T.O. manure spreader; 2 water
guson M3 baler; International 3 pt. hitch; 7 ft. mower; 3 pt. . RUBBER STAMPS
troughs; mineral feeder; cattle oiler; McKee 6 ft. snow blow- e WEDDING FLOWERS Hugh McBurney "SPECIALIZING In PERMS
er; Lincoln welder (new); approximately 200 electric fence 135 Frontes
stakes; cedar posts; wire stretcher; Icdd•rs; Propane fur- WINGHAM Josephine Street
nate; FUS 70 model BTU 7000; stone boat; block and tackle; 314 JOSEPHINE STREET Phone Wingham, Ontario
3000 bale hay; 500 bale straw; numerous household and
WINGHAM 357-3880 357-3814 Phone 357-2812
small articles.
Property has 100 acres with 60 workable, balance bush and 357-3800
pasture. Barn 82 x 52, cement yard, loose pens, shed 23 x \ •�
26, Targe hen house. Beautiful storey white brick home FUELS If
with 5 bedrooms, wood and oill furnace, cupboards, bath
and drilled well. Form In ideal location on highway 1 mils
from village, 3 miles from town, Will be offered for sale at BiLL tIFFIN • •
1 p.rh. subject to a reserve bid if not sold previous. ✓{mperisl Esso Agent S e r v e e
FOR INFORMATION PHONE a19 -9s7-3440 Business is
Terms on property 10% down day of sale, balance, In 60'days
when possession could be given or owner would consider THE
a first mortgage on part of balance. For all your Home and t
Terms on livestock and machinery cosh or cheque with ID. Farm Fuel and ADVANCE -TIMES 'R 377-2320
Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents. Lubricating Needs
George Powell - Clerk 367-14ll!