The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-09-26, Page 15a
See me.
Insurance Companies,
Canadian Hood Offices,
Scarborough Ontario
Knox annivemiry
held at GoMe
GORRIE Rev. Grant Mac-
Donald Of St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church, Kitchener,
was guest speaker at the
Knox Presbyterian Church an-
niversary service in Gorrie
Sunday morning.
Mr. MacDonald spoke on
"Essential Christianity", saying
that people Ao not take tufts
'essential Christianity' seriously
The Gospel Tones, a quartet
from the Mennonite Church,
Elmira, provided special music.
Rev. Bert Van Cook, minister at
Gorrie and Molesworth
Presbyterian Churches, told the.
children an anniversary story.
The church was decorated with
beautiful flowers which added to
the service. The interior of the
church has been newly decorated
and the church was filled for this
special service.
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Ad"A -Times, September Li, 1p'1'!t—Pam If
Women Institute holds
t„. s tt ��' •
athallagriculture meeting
to be held at Wiarton convention to be held9 and
f, Whitechurch—The Women's ,where the Sept.�-
0 Institute held its agriculture and format will be changed to a day from Belnwre to. attend the
Canadian industries meeting in and a half convention, with the anniversary Oct. 10. The rally is
the Community Memorial Hall first day being the halfto be held Oct. 18 at Armow.
Sept. 12. Hostess Mrs. Tom Miss Wilson then returned to The next meeting will be Oct.
Metcalfe welcomed everyone and chair and the minutes were 10 at 8 p.m. when guests will be
the president, Merle Wilson, read and the roll call answered Present from Bluevake, Belgrave,
opened the meeting with the Oe, by all present displaying the leaf Kairshea and Wingham Sr. in
Mary Stewart Collect and of a tree and naming it, which stitutes.
„ 1 repeating of the Lord's Prayer. Proved very interesting. Lunch was served by Mrs. Dan
k Mrs. Elgin Johnston, convener, Invitations were received from Tiffin, Mrs. L. Durnin and Mrs.
was called to preside for the Teeswater regarding the national Jas. McInnes.
•» meeting. Mrs. Bill Rintoul and
Mrs. Lorne Durnin gave
" m a readings. Community singing
' was enjoyed, with Mrs. Dan Ross
r at the piano. Belmo
PersonalsThe motto, 'Credit makes re
things dear', was read by Mrs.
Johnston, who noted that sales Mr. and Mrs. Ron Renwick are Jan and Lorie McKague took
tax, tax credit in the form of presently visiting pony to the Milverton Fall
r y ting in the Belmore Meir
` loans and high interest rates all area from Manitoba. Fair on September 22. They
make credit ear. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Harkness received first in the saddle class,
Mrs. Metcalfe introduced the were married on Saturday. third in the line class, fourth for
7 y guest speaker, Mrs. Brown, Guests were in attendance from Shetland pony in harness and
whom she had taught in school. Toronto, Port Colborne, fourth in the lady drivers' class.
Mrs. Brown then introduced her Teviotdale and the local area. Loto draw winners for Sep
s' subject, what can be made of Mr. and Mrs. George Un- tember were Phil Maier =308;
h pine cones, with the story of the derwood celebrated their 25th Rick McPherson $200; Bob Stuart
y ` ' three bears, showing the bears, wedding anniversary on Sep- $100.
chairs, beds and many flowers, tember 21 with a gathering in the In softball action last week, the
birds and wreaths all made of hall in Belmore. Midgets defeated Winthrop 42.
cones. She was thanked on behalf Belmore United Church With this game, they eliminated
{ of the institute by Miss Mary celebrated its 101st anniversary Winthrop and now go one to play
a` Hahn and presented with a gift. on Sunday. Guest speaker was Sebringville. The Midgets also
Miss Wilson reported. on the Rev. Howard Pace, a former defeated St. Paul's 1.0, tying that
Grey -Bruce convention held at minister, now retired and living series at one game each. The
Meaford Tuesday and Wed- in Harriston• Juniors defeated Tavistock 9-3.
nesday, at which -she was the
delegate from Whitechurch
- branch. She gave reports' on the •
- addresses given by FWIO
NOTHING TO IT?—Stand up the bottle by hooking It around the neck with the ring and President Mrs. Clarence Chalmers meeting
you win a prize. Contests like this one were part*of the Brussels Fall Fair. As many con- Diamond and Molly McGee,
testants discovered, they're seldom as easy as they I`ook. director of the home economics
branch. The curator's report was held at Ross home
. given by Mrs. Fred Friar and
_ resolutions by Mrs. Joe Scott.
r— MRS. LEWIS STONEHOUSE 11#1 The banquet speaker Tuesday
evening was Rev. H. MacNeill. Whitechurch—The Women's members will be responsible for
On Wednesday forenoon the Missionary Society of Chalmers Providing two fruit loaves.
election of officers was held and Presbyterian Church met at the A questionnaire on the annual
the newly elected board director home of Mrs. Don Ross with Mrs. report book was discussed. Of-
e ra V e ! P e rso n a I Notes for subdivision 17 is Mrs. Harold ferin was received an
Biasing. trophy was won R•� presiding and opening with g d
g phY by a reading entitled Live for dedicated by Mrs. Jim deBoer. A
Grey North, which had all its Something". A hymn was sung reading on "Joy" was given by
Mrs. Joe Dunbar attended the Mr, and Mrs, Lar'r'y Cook and ston of Victoria. B.C. returned delegates present both days, and and scripture from the '13th Mrs. Bell•
wedding of her grandson, David family of Dundalk and Mrs. home on Sunday after spending the standing committee con- chapter of Paul's first letter to Mrs. Hugh Simpson gave an
Dunbar, to Linda Desrocher's in Grace Cook of Goderich visited some time with her father, Mr. veners again had 100 per cent the Corinthians was read by Mrs. interesting topic consisting of
St: Gabriel s Church, Burlington, with Mrs. Telford Cook on Sun- William Van Camp and with reports. Ross who also gave a meditation three readings, "The Real You",
on Saturday. day and all attended Mrs. Etta other relatives. Courtesies were given by Mrs. based on the scripture. Mrs. "Shoes" and "Be Careful What
Belgrave friends are sorry that Cook's 90th birthday party at the James Coyne, third vice Wesley Tiffin led in prayer and a You Say". She condluded with a
George Walker is a patient in Belgrave United Church. Trinity Anglican Church was President. The next convention is reading, "If Jews Came to Your Pin, "Begin Today". An oral
Wing m^ dip sltcrh0,"pital. beautifully decorated with fruit House", was given bye Mrs. Alan Bible quiz was given by Mrs -
Mr. as Mrs. Jack Taylor We welcome Mrs.. James vegetables and flowers for the Falconer. Ross "and after the singing of
attended -the Dunbar-t�,_. _h:_,!, Walsh who moved to the village harvest Thanksgiving service on WHITECHURCH another hymn, the meeting
wedding at St. Gabriel's Church, this past weekend. 1 1. Sunday. The scripture lessons Joe Tiffin accompaniedThe minutes were read by the closed with the Lord's Prayer.
Burlington, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs.. Kenneth John• were read b Glen Van Cam and me secretary, Mrs. William Purdon, The November meeting will be
Y choir P Wingham Intermediate hall team and 12 ladies answered the roll held at the home of Mrs. Bill
sang R eanthemtradePraiser.
raTheto the to Toronto on the weekend. They call giving a verse on autumn. A Pur'don•_a------..-.
Lord", accom Hied on the attended two Blue Jays games letter was read from Mrs. D. At the Ladies' Aid meeting
tar by the rector Rev. Dan _ and on Saturday night enjoyed a Robertson accepting an in- which followed, manse repairs
g hockey game. vitation to speak at the group's were discussed. Mrs. John Gaunt
On Sunday afternoon a relative
e score weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Nicholson October Thankoffering. Mem- gave three price estimates for.
and Sherri of Alliston spent the gathering was held at the home of bers from Kinlough, Whitechurch new basement windows and'
Prn Miss Mildred Edith Seeley
for and Brick UCW are to be invited motion was passed to
. er Nicholson. and Mrs.. Gar- her aunt, Mrs. Edith Seeley of and lunch will be sandwiches and menu•
• British Columbia, who is cookies. The offering was received.and
At the service
presently visiting in the area. The fall rally will be held in after the singing of Grace, a
feria Church vont Sunoda Presby- mo- Mrs. Seeley's sister, Mrs. Lillian Wingham on October 11 at 8 p.m. birthday tea was served by the
_ Y McClenaghan, was able to come Miss Beatrice Scott of Port Elgin hostess. Courtesy remarks were
Wide, e� sontoflMr and Mrs. Glyn from Goderich nursing home to will be quest speaker. Chalmers given by Mrs. Hugh Simpson.
Y enjoy the visit.
Wide, Mount Hope was baptized
.by Rev. Kenneth Innes.
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Mr. and Mrs. Glyn Wide and
family of Mount Hope were re-
cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Garner Nicholson. Mrs., Nichol-
son went to Mount Hope with
them and spent a few days, also
visited with Mrs. Dorothy Kerr of
Dinner guests on Thursday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Stonehouse were Mrs. John D.
Murdoch of White Rock, B.C.,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnston of
Blyth, Mrs. Irlma Edgar and Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Edgar, Wing -
+rte ..�.-: +ts.�,�ijr' iiY acpuli, idol
Mrs. Elizabeth Leslie was able to
return home last Wednesday
after a lengthy stay in the Wing -
ham and District Hospital as the
result of a fractured hip.
This community extends
congratulations to Mrs. Etta
Cook of Pinecrest Manor, Luck -
now, who celebrated her 90th
birthday at an open houte held in
Knox United Church Sunday
School room, Belgrave on Sunday
Mia. Florence Coultes returned.
home last Thursday after spend-
ing a week with her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Coultes and family of
Wawanesa, Manitoba and Mrd'"°
and Mrs. Cameron Gale of Bran-
don. She also visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Black of Brandon.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vincent
visited on Sunday afternoon with
her brother, Arthur Wallace of
Seaforth, who is a patient in the
Stratford General Hospital.
Mrs. Norma Davidson of Glen-
coe and Jack Holt of Strathroy
were Sunday visitors of Mr.
William Van Camp.
Mr. and Mrs. Dougla9
Casemore and Chanda, Mr. and
Mrs. James Hunter and Glen
attended the wedding of the
latte''s niece, Miss Peggy Hunter
to Larry Bishop on Saturday at
••"a umat1 d church at Troy.
LOOKING GOOD—Anne Procter curries her beef steer to prepare It for judging at the
Brusseis Faii Fair. A lot of work, some of It costnetic, goes Into producing a champion.