The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-09-26, Page 14Ilk
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Page 14 --The Wingham Advai . < , �cpLvll:t;rr .'0 1971J
in China
is Belmore
WMS topic
>kii•M0=— "Christianity
last judgement as recorded in the
has aeW bee popular in China
25th chapter of the gospel of
becausn tics eburches reminded
Matthew. Miss Edith Stokes
WO Cb hftb of the imperialist
chose a meditation entitled
pad", reported Mrs. Ken
"Facing Affliction Joyfully" and
Dkkson at the September
led in prayer. Hymns describing
aseeting of the Women's
a Christian life of brotherly love
Missionary Society of Knox
and service were sung.
Preebytwian Burch, Belmore.
The roll call"How has this
. C 614enth ,of ane per cent of the
study of China affected your view
Population is Christian and they
of freedom?", was answered by
bald their servipes in homes in
nine ladies who commented that
the fteni"H with no Paid clergy,"
freedoms are taken for granted
she said, in Presenting the topic,
and felt this study has increased
"Christ and Community in New 'awareness
and appreciatiqp of
China". She reviewed the ad-
the freedoms which are by -
vantages which atheistic com-
products of democratic govern-
munism has brought to the poor
peasants of China.
Presbyterian calendars for
A good discussion developed.
1980 may be ordered from the
from the questions she
secretary, Mrs. Bruce Darling.
distributed. It was suggested
Members are invited to attend
Christians should pray for the
the Bluevale Auxiliary
Chinese people but not try to
Thankoffering on September 30
force Christianity on them.
when Captain Iain Trainor of the
The president, Mrs. Ralph
Wingham Corps of the Salvation
Dickson, opened the meeting
Army will speak; and the Gorrie
with prayer and later read an
Auxiliary Thankoffering on
article entitled "Things of
October 9 when Mrs. John Bell of
Lasting Value". Mrs. Carl Nickel
Whitechurch will be the guest
head Christ's description of the
speaker. The fall rally of
Maitland Presbyterial will be
held in St... ew's Church,
Wingham, onober 11 when
Beatrice Scott, missionary
nurse from India, will speak.
Mrs. Myrtle Weir served
delicious lunch during the
fellowship hour.
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MOSTLY IN STITQVES article and a club name.
BELGRAVE—The 'Mgrave Janet Laidlaw showed
girls have begun the needlepoint needlepoint pictures and. Mm.
club which is proving very in- Elliott discussed primary and
teresting. The 14 members are secondary colors and hum. Mrs.
led by Mrs. Dorothy Coultes and Purdon discussed threading
Mrs. Mary Hunter. The officers needles.
are: president, Georgina The girls learned two new DID YOU KNOW
Chettleburgh; vice president, stitches and worked on them CHRISTMAS SEALS
Cathy Shiell; secretary, Julie during the meeting. The next
Gnay; press reporter, Lisa meeting will be held September FIGHT LUNG DISEASE
Thompson. 29 at a a.m. at Mrs. Walter ALL YEAR WITH:
Mrs. Coultes explained the Elliott's home. Health Education and
requirements of the club and told BELGRAVE 11 Information
the juniors they must each make
six coasters and another article. The first meeting of Belgrave Emphysema Clubs
Mrs. Hunter showed the girls the II was held September 17 at the
different types of canvas theWomen's Institute Hall. The Asthma Programs and
coul4,use and samples of yarn leaders are Mrs. Ross Higgins Camps
were *lso shown. and Mrs. Clare Van Camp. Research
Sheila Anderson will buy the Joanne Wood was nominated
bristol board for the book covers as president, Anne Procter as Smoking CoWtion
and Meribeth Scott will design vicqjpreskdent, Dannaffisain Programs
the covers. The leaders helped tree urer and Joan Higgins,
the girls design their patterns on secretary. There are 14 dub FOR INFORMATION
graph Pape' and they learned a members in this unit.
new stitch to help them make The club's name is the "SneakyhCONTACT YOUR
Stitceroos". The book cover will amu' coa�'I+• LUNG ASSOCIATION
THE POINTER SISTERS be designed, by- Bonnie Burchill
Whitechurch—.President Janet and Anne Procter. Each member LUNGS A R E
Laidlaw opened the meeting and received her books and canvas.
minutes were .read by the lu girls discussed the different FOR LIFE WEEK
secretary, Lorie Purdon, when kinds of canvas and four different
the girls held their second types of yarn. Tbe club s'+ OCTOBER 1-7
meeting. Roll call was answered bored sed _arced dm& ahuwaa.
with a design for a free -choice y,
Mm. A&
hosift ng
WHAT FUN I—Riders were forced to hang on tightly as'they were jerked to and fro at high of church Guild
speed in this, one of the more popular rides at the Brussels Fall Fair last week. GORRIE—Mrs• Mtuict Griffith
opened her home to the members
of St. Stephen's Anglican Church
Guild when they held their
temher meeting recently. TheFa t finder appointed Prayer, recited ;n unison,
opened the meeting and Mrs.
\ Harry Zitnraermah gave two
teachermboard contra � ° "For This gave
c talks and "A Thanksgiving
Plans were made for the
By Jeff Seddon according to the law. More meet- appointed. She said one of those. harvest supper on October 4 from
The appointment of a fact ings were scheduled in the spring is.impasse which she adds "gets 4:30 until 7 p.m. Mrs. WiMam
finder to assist the Huron County of the year but ended with the everyone hung up". Bennett auctioned the farm
board of .education and its arrival of summer. She said negotiations are not at produce and. baking. Several
teachers reach a contract agree- The director said he has been an impasse. She said the Act games of bingo were enjoyed.
ment for 1979-80 is pot neces- sitting in on talks thus far but states that if an agreement be- Rev: O Trance Laramie closed
sarily a sign that contract talks, would not comment on any tween a board and its teachers is the meeting with prayer and
have stalled.issues. He said both parties not reached by September 1 a ' lunch was served by Mrs. Griffith
The fact finder was appointed agreed not to make any negotia- fact finder will be appointed. ' and Mrs. Harold King.
September 12 by the Education tions public. "'if there's a problem it's with The next Guild meeting will be
Relations Commission to assist He said the teachers and board the Act," she said. a miscellaneous shower to honor
both parties by reporting on the have not reached an impasse. He Weary conceded that negotia- Miss Kathy Bennett: and will tie
state of negotiations and to de- would say that while the talks jFe tions have been slow but 'said held 'at ihhe hohi% of Mrs. Merrill
termine the outstanding issues. slow they are fruitful. they have been' worthwhile: She Fisher on Octgber 10. Mrs.
The appointment was made The contract settled after the said she could not comment on Ronald Bennett will be in charge
under the terms of the Education 31 day teacher strike in 1978.ex- specific issues but would only say of devotions and Mrs. John
Act and is not being'construed as pired in June of 1979 and teachers "we're still negotiating". Stafford the program.
a sign that teacher negotiations returning to the classroom in
are at a standstill. September did so with no agree -
Dr. David Moore, a lawyer ment with the board. That situa-
••a�- ,, RACES
SEPT. 30
Heats at 11 a.m.
Finals at 1 p.m.
Congratulations to the
.winners of our OPEN
hite Arctic Cat Jacket Joan Smith
Oil Phillip Malder. Suit - John Feagan
Pre Season checkup - Marilyn Forbes
Boots & `'roque :. Rebecca Stevens
Helmet - Brad Snider J
VAgNA vats;.. r ' •: 3
262-3318 w 262_5809
from Toronto, will meet with tion occurred in September of
negotiating teams from the 1977 when contract talks were
teachers and the board within 30 stalled and resulted in the strike
days and write a report setting in February of 1978.
down the positions of both par- . Neither the teachers nor the
ties. The report may or may not board is prepared to compare S40 ...FACTORY
make recommendations as to these talks with the 1978 strike. 0
iniw a seu.iemen[ can De reached.
As Cochrane pointed out the
easy handling tractor with the
John Cochrane, director of
teachers could work for 'years
steering with a, short 12 foot
education for Huron, said the
with no contract until some sort
dealership with a special money-
appointment of the fact ,finder
of settlement is finally reached.
was necessary according to the
But he added that "doesn't
We've been given a factory
law. He said the Education Act
mean they are or aren't" going to
requires a fact finder to be ap-
work with no agreement.
extra savings for you on these
pointed if settlement has not been
reached in September.
The dispute in 1978 involved
popular MF utility Kktors:
school teachers. This
E Massev Ferguson
Cochrane said the main reason
no settlement has been
fact finder will be dealing with
HANDY 60, 6�j
negotiations for both secondary
here is because negotiations
and elementary school teachers.
broke off for the summer months.
He said talks are just now resum-
Shirley Weary, spokesman for
the secondary
The director said the opening
school teachers'
negotiating team, said she was
the appointment of
round of contract. talks took place
a fact finder was hasty.
in February in accordance with
-Weary said there are three
the Education Act. Negotiating
clauses in the Education Act
teams were set up and met once
which require a fact finder to be
FAIR-GOER—Young Kara Kerr found the fence a perfect
vantage point from which to watch the cattle Judging at the
Brusspls Fall Fair. Kara Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Kerr of Jamestown.
Big power in a small package, an
diesel power, 8 or 12 speed
easy handling tractor with the
transmission, and hydrostatic power
_ strength to get things done fast.
steering with a, short 12 foot
They're waiting for you at our
turning radius. Plus, Massey -
dealership with a special money-
Ferguson dependability at big
saving price during Action Time
See us for details!
We've been given a factory
allowance of $400 on all new MF
265-275-285 tractors which means
M F;
extra savings for you on these
popular MF utility Kktors:
E Massev Ferguson
MF 265-60 HP; MF Z75-67 HP;
MF 285-81 HP.
This offer expires September 28 and
is subject to available inventory.
Here's what you get: Perkins
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