The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-09-26, Page 4•tr � u
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Thea a of extremes
We seem to have arrived at a stage In
anti-nuclear people, as well as the "sober
oyr social development In which there is no
statements" of Hydro scientists and the
place for reasoned discussion. Surrounded
Atomic Energy Commission of Canada.
by literally hundreds of special interest
"Every time someone Stubbs his toe at
groups, none of them can admit to any truth
Bruce or Pickering the PR man in charge
or integrity in the people they oppose.
duly reports this. There is no other industry
Adrian Vas, writing in The Blyth Stand-
which does this and if they did, there
Ord and The Brussels Post, injects an air of
wouldn't be a newspaper that would print it.
common sense into a question which threat-
Because it is a nuclear plant It becomes
ens to surpass all the bounds of reason. Vos
says, "1 was very disappointed In the con-
"Let's not be carried away by the
tents of Keith Roulston's last column on
rhetoric of a number of people who won't
Ontario Hydro and nuclear power ... No one
listen to reason and oppose everything that
can accuse me of pandering to Ontario
may have some risk . . . Let's Insist that
Hydro (in the past), but to simply statat
scientists keep adding to the safety features
Hydro deliberately misleads the peopl of
of our proud nuclear plants. Let's insist that
Ontario Is simply unthinkingly aping the
we are told the risks so we can decide if we
statements of the anti-nuclear lobby." ,
are willing to cut back on electrical use and
The writer points out that he has read
standard of living, but let's not tell honest
much of the literature sponsored by the
men they are liars."
The age of suspicion
One morning last week the popular chil- ened age in which we live! Since such a
dren's TV program, Romper Room, devoted danger is indeed a reality in our large urban
a little time to warning against a danger of centres it is quite proper to teach youngsters
which we in country places are not very to avoid the risk of personal harm, but just
much aware. The children were cautioned imagine the attitude of mistrust with 'Whlch
against opening the doors of their homes to these kids will meet the adult world a few
any strangers who might ring the bell. The years hence. Trust no one who is a Stranger.
advice for the wee tots was to get mother or Move in tight circles with your known and
dad to confront the stranger on the proven friends and acquaintances. Some -
threshold. times one feels it's not all bad to be "over the
What a sad commentary on this enlight- hill".
A page of editorial opinion
September 26, 1979
SS NO.2 HOWICK, LAKELET, 1891-1900—This photograph the teacher. Names of the pupils were not provided.
shows the Lakelet school at a time when John Darroch was (Photo courtesy of Arnold Gadke)
What's new OI -
On Friday morning our b1W
residents held a meeting in the
Q*ft Room. Roman Catholic
111hss was said on Friday morn-
ing also in the Chapel. Bingo was
played in the auditorium on Fri-
day afternoon.
Rev. Wittick spoke on 'God's
Promise' on Sunday morning.
Pamphlets were passed out to
each resident. Sunday evening
Dick Roorda held a service.
As Molly Cox was away, there
wasn't any Old Tyme Music.
Practice was held in the after-
noon for the program that Huron -
view residents put on in Dash-
wood for the Dashwood Senior
Citizens. The program started
out withthe Huronview Cboir
singing "No one Understands like
Jesus", and "Amazing Grace".
Mrs. Elsie Henderson played her
bells to the tune of "Count Your
Blessings", and "When the Roll
is Called up Yonddetr". Nelson
Lear told the audience what a
stern old bachelor felt. John Mc-
Taggart played "O Them Golden
Slippers", and "Red Wing".
Margaret McQueen sang the
solo, "Beyond the Sunset".
Cecil Skinner played on his vio-
lin accompanied by Elsie Hen-
derson at the piano "Tenneasee
Waltz". Josephine Cunningham
sang "Beautiful Isle of Some-
where". Nelson Lear and Mrs.
Elsie Henderson sang the duet
"Ten Thousand Angels". Morgan
Dalton sang "I'm Looking over a
Drop a few tears fff Bryce Four -Leaf Clover", and "When
Irish Eyes are Smiling". Elsie
Poor Mr. Mackasey. Those heartless ousting a very promising Liberal would-be Let,ters t t e Henderson brought her dancing
Conservatives have ousted him from his canejdate from an Ottawa riding, but so doll which she made dance to the
;590,000 a year job as chairman of the board what? Come election day, however and the tunes "My Lassie", ands "Tbere
of Air Canada. How sad to think that a man voters left him at the bottom of a slate of a is a tavern in the Town . PYank
Recommends Centennial Contests Bissett and Elsie H;
of his ability will have to join the ranks of the three. played a piano duet "In Shubert's
unemployed. However, if he can't find work Not to mind, he was a close friend of the Day", followed by "The Pixie's
there is always unemployment insurance to PM, who promptly found him his juicy post Dance". The choir closed the
fall back on. at Air Canada, a field of work in which he divertingMaitland were lots of fun Program with the hymn "Living
As a matter of fact it is unlikely that we had absolutely no experience whatever. For Jesus".
will be able to fire up all that much en- The shoes have been switched in recent I A lovely lunch was served to
thusiasm for Bryce. Indeed, he was an able weeks and the Liberals are moaning about Dear Editor, below the Lower Town bridge — Wingham Advance -Times the time to complain, not later in the Huronview residents by the
cabinet minister in the Liberal government the blatant manner in which the Clark Is it indeed that the day has the further the better — and free Dear Editor, the paper. But I suppose that Dashwood Senior Citizens, and a
until he decided that he could mal# a bigger government is appointing PC supporters to arrived when: "To him that hath up our land for proper use! They As one of the few at the 109 since everyone else there was gift of candy was presented to
name for himself in Quebec politict. But that the lucrative posts. shall be given and to him that do not have permission to tun the sawing and nail driving contest having such a good time the each.
didn't last too long when he found he really Well, look at it this way. If we must have hath not, even that which he Maitland River on our property; during the centennial I would like complainers would have been Wednesday afternoon the
wasn't the sole voice of Quebec Liberals, so barnacles it's better to have fresh ones. It seemeth to have shall be taken show me where it says they do! to comment on the letter of Aug. shamed away. I have had some Zurich Women's Institute helped
he decided to seek yet another seat in the will be a while before they create as much away"? ,,;MQst of the laud needed to divert 22 (letter to the editor—ed. note). experience in trying to help run all residents whose birthdays
House of Commons at Ottawa. That meant drag as the old ones. We thought that we had five the. North Maitland River to join In the company of friends from some events in Wingham and all I were in September celebrate. Joe
F Wingham town plots, being 33'4 the Middle Maitland below the New York we arrived when very can say, girls and boys, is there Boland played some sweet music
acres more or less. Huron County bridge is already in public hands. few were present. Norm Anger, will always be someone yapping on his violin accompanied by
says that we have flood plain I have also been told there is ,whom I have known for many and complaining. Just keep up Alfred Denomme at the piano. A
Need for changes obvious • P • � some evidence that the river just years, was trying to help the girls the good work and try to do your sing -song was held with the resi-
r I insist the cause is because t%yo might revert to its original bed. get a little 'interest going in the best in all your endeavors, dents getting the opportunity to
rivers are being funnelled under What would give it the last push, contest. I competed in the nail whatever they may be. guess the tune before it was sung.
(THE LISTOWEL BANNER) one small bridge, thus backing it an earthquake? Then who would driving contest and had a hell of a I would like to take this op- A skit was staged with Ruby
Police in Canada have traditional) k regarding up. There is an alternative and be living in the dangerous area? lot of fun doing so. Many friends portunity to thank you for a very Neeb remembering her life from
y kept a g police action must not only be just they know it! Also Highway 4 1 am against 'land use' as I see had as much fun as I did. My enjoyable afternoon. And to all little girl to mother. The little
low profile. That kind of attitude suited not but appear to be just. To have police bodies from last building on main street it as usurpation (look it up in a friend, Norm, won by one stroke; the centennial people, the girls were Natalie Brokenshire
only the police but the.public. As a people, investigating police action does not inspire to first house outside town should legal dictionary). All this fuss the Snow lad was third. Those celebrations were enjoyed im- and Jennifer Deichert; school
Canadians are a modest, retiring lot. We confidence even though we haven't a'doubt be one high, overhead bridge perhaps provides jobs for civil who were in this part of the mensely by me and my family. girl was Mrs. Belle Merner; col -
don't go out of our way to draw attention to but what the people on those bodies do their instead of the causeway dam it servants and possibly at a high contest had no complaints. F.S. I believe Norm and I lege girl was Joan Smith; actress
ourselves and most Canadians like it that utmost to investigate complaints in an im- now is! standard of pay too. You want a Norm and I were in the log could, with a little practice, be was Verlyn Fisher; nurse was
way. There's another side to the coin partial manner. Also to point up that "to him job done you usually have to pay. sawing contest. Dick, my friend, very good at log sawing. acted out by Agnes Regier; the
however. Complaints regarding policing don't only that hath is being given": 50 -acre No human, however, can be all- was also timing this. The girl in The second-best nail driver in bride was Elsie Doerr, and the
Besides being a somewhat reticent people, come from civilians. The unfortunate farms when they come up for sale knowing, even if they try to set question was right on as far as Wingham, mother Myrtle Hay. Cupcakes
Canadians . are also a trusting people. situation that now exists in the neighboring can only be sold to the farm on themselves up as such. "The everyone was concerned and if, Bob Deyell and tea were served after the dis-
Perhaps too trusting. Perth County Town of Mitchell between either side. best -laid plans of mice and men just if, she had not been, then was Amherst, Nova Scotia tribution of gifts.
Unlike our democratic neighbors to the members of the council's police committee Do all the residents of can go awry—and usually do," as
south, we have no freedom of information and the police chief make it clear that police Wingham agree that people in the old saying goes.
law. We trust our government to tell us what officers also need some kind of protection. Lower Town should have their
we need to know. The new Clark government There is just no justification whatever for land devalued? What if the river As for saying the public cannoto ea �o to share
has promished to change this, but many the kind of degrading treatment that has shifted and flooded your be trusted (would sell land to
people, mainly journalists who seem to be been handed out to Mitchell Police Chief Property? Would you think you build a house in the wrong area),
the only ones bothered about our lack of Stewart Stark. There is no doubt but what should get full value or have your I think that trust has to be
access to. government information, will both sides in the Mitchell situation have land devalued? Twenty-eight mutual. What about our trust in 0
believe the change has occurred when a complaints, but it seems to us that if the years ago we lived on this land public officials that they would without
'� ��'O rants
without suffering flooding. not become dictatorial? How did
freedom of information bill has been given police chief is not doing his job, then he How differently we treated the we ever get along before these
final reading in parliament. should be relieved of his duties. If he is found victims of a tornado! That is people were born? A number of local groups will Timmins and the town of two grants, one of ;2,218 toward
A similar situation exists in our not to be derelict in his duties, then he should recent and different? So are flash P.S.. Public servants are have a share in the latest round of Wingham will get ;88 toward the the groat s, purchasing and in -
relationship with our police. We do not have be treated with respect. We must admit that floods (different and recent)' supposed to be polite!' I know, Wintario grants announced by purchase of a public address stalling dugouts, lighting,
the guarantees of rights which we are ac- we find it somewhat puzzling that the Tree removal upriver, ditching I've been one. Also I have served the Ontario culture and system for sporting events. backstopsand fencingat the
customed to seeing on American television. organization of police chiefs has made no and draining •
are causing quick the county of Huron well and recreation ministry. A grant of 15,000 has been Gorrie ball park and a second of
A Canadian arrested for example, is not read comment whatever regarding the treatment runoff! They do their bit to cause faithfully for a good number of The hockey club at the local approved for Auburn's 125th ;1,430 to share in the cost of
his rl hes. ' ^- rki-f Stark. flash floods!
g Aad he, or she, Is always given �� • ..• • � ears. I never was impolite to office of the ministryof natural Birthday Committee to assist
the opportunity to call a lawyer with any _ _ y � y heating the tractor and machine
'y that the North Maitland anyonel resources will get ;600 to help with the cost of the celebrations room at the arena.
The situation in Mitchell brought home -•-- yz --=• et - qts in attending the this past summer.
degree of privacy. We have traditionally should be diverted to loin the For freedom iirsi arra Q,.»Qy�. ,��.t:. �r;_
trusted our police to act In a right and just another point to us. In Ontario it is not Middle Maitland somewhere Ena Hill ministry's
mandatory to have a Board of Police hockey tournament to HowtcK ivw�Y�u;e, i� r ;i , T--� wnir„� Area Snorts. Club
manner on our behalf. That trust has taken , a--� has received approval for a grant ;
us to the point .where some top-notch Commissioners with a mixture of provincial
..:•f•:a.:•;:•:::.: •,::::::.;;;';>::: ;:;>;;:r :::: of 1 419 to help buy ll
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appointees and local politicians in char of kc
criminal lawyers now tell us that equip -
9e _ :;:<:::;.;:r:;::.;:s:;>:.;:,::.;.:.,...<::,:.:':<::.:::::::::.:::,.::::.,,.
f.......,...�,%'•'�'�.'::., meat.
police In police matters. It is also acceptable to have a
Canada have more power than their coup- � The Dungannon Women's
terparts in any other democracy in the police committee of council overseeing r x Institute hashadagrantof;1,000
world police operations. This is what the Town of -
So what, one might ask, It has worked well. , approved toward the cost of
Mitchell has — a police committee as o
P I printing the Tweedsmuir History
Yes, it has; but life in Canada is changing. posed to a board of commissioners: We thinkTODAYS CHILD book and a grant of;585 has bow
We are a more complex society now and the pitfalls in such a ser -up are all too -,w M approved for the Ashfield
perhaps It's time we took the care to evident. While a board of commissioners Is
` ` Recreation Committee to assist
by no means perfect, It at least does not safeguard Morse freedoms of which we are - P� •� � � with the Purchase of baseball
all so proud In writing. provide the same opportunity for the playing BY HELEN A LL FN equipment.
of petty politics.
n g`
Certainly happenings Involving policing In s
rte A grant of ;815 has been ap.
Metro Toronto over these
past few weeks It is time the attorney -general completely proved for the Lueknow
would indicate changes are required. It overhauled the Police Act and the first order Larry is as likeable a bot as his smiling picture shows. Recreation Committee to assist
would seem that at the very least, there of business should be to make boards of and handsome too, with brown hair and sparkling blue 4 , , with travel and accommodation
ought to be the opportunity for a group of commissioners mandatory rather than an green eves. At seen and a -half• he's a healthy, activercosts to attend the Ontario
Properly qualified civilians to investigate alternative. There needs to be a buffer body youngster who'% good at baseball and other sports. and a — • Juvenile and Midget cham-
complaints against pollee actions. As with between the good student. After a diffi( dt time in his life. which made' '
police department and piornships.
ded,tions made within our courts, decisions municipal council. him sad and insecure. Larry has become a delightful.
h a PPS' c h i I d . '� The bulk of the money granted
He enjoys having foster sisters and brothers and a dog
to Huron County Projects this
to share family activities with, and especial]' admires
his foster father. Larrx Aould blossom as the voungest month went to Bayfleld and
THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES child in a permanent home with accepting. patient. Seaforth. The village of Bayfield
parents who can set firm limits. is using a grant of $M,947 to help
PoNfisied at Wingbare. Ontario. by WenRrr Rros. Limited A famlly for Larry would also have to be open to some with the Cost of repairs, im-
contact with his younger sister, who has leukemia and provements and expansions at Its
Bs W President Robert O. Wenger. Sec. Tress. willwillbe staving in her foster home community arena and hall. The
Barry Wenger. g To inquire about adopting Larry. please write to Seaforth Lions Club received
s Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Today's Child, Ministr% of Commurtit' and Social Ser- ;47,959 to assist with the cost of
vice, Box 8M. Station k, Toronto. Qlitarlo M4P•2H2. in renovations and Improvements
• . your letter tell something ofyour present family and your Pro
Member — Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc Ontario Weekly Newspaper Assoc. wa of life. to
its pool and park.
1F or general adoption information, contact your local Seaforth
Children's Aid Society. APs also received a
Subscription f14.00 per year Six months 17.50 Dumber Of other grant&, as did
/�r,rrf , groupsClinton, Goderieh,
Second Class Mail Registration No. 0621 Return postage gwranteed % ' `��`f�i1i:,.•1;:,.,`<;:;i�/ _ _ _ �iPPen stud C1DNhwood.
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