The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-08-29, Page 9M
September 4 t S
9:00 , 11:30 a.m.
1:00 - 3:30 p.m.
Half day program offered for
children 2 - S years old.
Drop in core also available.
For more Information phone 357-2362
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Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Weekdays Sundays Noon to Si=
For the boys heading back
to school we have a
full line of prewashed
GWG & Levi's
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Sizes 7 to 20
New Stock!
Boys' Tops
New stock of
Men's Sweaters now i n !
aALAL i_
Josephine St. Wingham, Unt.
The W_inghaw Advance Times, August 29, 19"—Pa--
Afternoon ceremony eremon chosen
by Wingham
bride an groom
Four o'clock on August it wu Wingham. St. Catharines, Toronto, Bit-
chow by Maria During The brown and yew theme chener, London, Cambridge,
and Gary Patrick ,Ryan As the continued at the reception which Waterloo, Harriston, Gus -ria,
time to exchange vows and rings followed the wedding. Guests Clifford, Holyrood and Delhi.
and become husband and wife. attended from West Germany, Mr. and Mrs. Ryan will reside
Wingham United Church was Chicago, Illinois, Niagara Falls, in Wingham.
decorated with orange and
yellow gladioli for the occasion
and H. Swatridge provided organ
music. Rev. Barry Passmore
officiated at the ceremolpy.
Siglinde is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Gerhard During of
Wingham. The groom's parents
are Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ryan,
Given m marriage by her
father, the bride wore a
traditional white gown, with a
long train and long lace veil. She
carried an arm bouquet of yellow
roses and baby's breath.
Erika During of Wingham was
her sister's maid of honor and
bridesmaids were Evelyn During
of Wingham and Angelika Bain,
Niagara Falls. The attendants
wore yellow gowns with brown y
and yellow chiffon capes. Their
flowers were orange tiger lilies
and yellow daisies.
Groomsman was Dave Miller
of Weston and guests were 't*
ushered by Ian MacDuff, Rex-
bale, and Dino Maleganos,
NO PLACE LIKE IT—There's no place like a cannon for eating a popsicle on a warm, pay centre
summer afternoon, Marnie Hugger and Kelly Beggs discovered last week. The girls were
making the most of the time remaining before school bells again start to ring.
tea dance was
Data on conservation great success
The Day Centr6, for the
Homebound was gaily decorated
savings with streamers and flowers last
shows energy
week in preparation for the Tea
TORONTO — Seventeen of involved had conservation p
downtown Toronto's largest grams already underway, th
building owners and tenants have were asked to submit da
reported major savings in energy comparing their energy
consumption in response to a sumption last year with thei
request from the provincial energy consumption -the y
government last year. before they began their progra
In April, 1978, Premier William "The initial results are m
Davis met with representatives gratifying," Energy Minist
of 29 companies which occupy or James Auld said. "On avers
manage the major downtown the energy savings achieved
office buildings and asked them the 17 companies reporting ba
to implement voluntary energy to us so far are almost 22
conservation programs and Cent."
report the results to the Ministry The 17 companies occupy
of Energy. manage.26 buildings in the do
Since many of the companies town core. Their annual savin
Dance. The regular morning
in energy from all sources (fuel
program was held and lunch was
ey oil, electricity, gas, etc.) is the
served, With the only difference
that both Tuesday and
to egLLival,t of 172,vw barrels U-1being
fuel oil: enough fuel oil to heat
Thursday clients came for the
r 7,800 houses for one year.
special day.
At 1978 prices, the decrease in
musicians for the Tea
Dance were Elsie Henderson on
m. energy consumption represents a
the piano and Cecil Skinner on
saving of ,a2.5 million.
er The purpose of the Ministry of
the fiddle, both residents from
Energy's downtown program is
Huronview. Mary Montgomery
also played a few tunes during
by to establish a co-operative ap-
the intermission.
ck proach whereby business and
About 80 people attended the
government work together to
dance, with guests from
conserve energy, demonstrate
Brookhaven Nursing Horne,
or the results in actual savings, and
Brussels, Lucknow and
exchange information on energy-
Wingham. A special visitor was
gs saving techniques.
present from Lethbridge,
Since the meeting with the Pre-
mier 16 months ago, Ministry of
A snack of fruit punch, cheese,
Energy officials and co-operating
crackers, muffins and grapes
organizations have been working
was served. The help of the
with company representatives to
volunteers was greatly ap-
assess energy consumption,
preciated as they did a fantastic
devise individual conservation
job in making the dance go
programs, and monitor the
Some of the energy-saving
methods include daytime care-
taking shedules, improved light-
ing, and more moderate use of
heating, ventilation and air-
conditioning systems.
Mr. Auld pointed to the lower
demand for electrical energy last
year in Toronto as evidence the
Miss Yvonne McPherson spent
program is having an effect.
a few days in Toronto last week
"In 1978, the peak demand for
and while there attended a
electricity from the Toronto
wedding anniversary dinner for
Hydro Electric System actually
friends at the Cricket Club.
dropped from the previous
year," he said. "This is the first
Christie and Eimile Mc -
Mc -
significant reduction since 1911,
Cormack of Orangeville visited
and I think that these remarkable
last last w eek with Mrs. Clarence
results are due, at least in part, to
ey of Diagonal Road.
the success of our downtown pro
Fleming Ballagh quietly
� The Ministry of Energy has
celebrated his 97th birthday
formed an advisory committee
Saturday at Brookhaven Nursing
consisting of representatives of
Home. Members of his family
the natural gas and electrical
honored him at a birthday dinner
utilities, the Building Owners and
the week previous at the home of
Managers' Association of Metro-
his daughter, Miss Myrtle
politan Toronto (BOMA), the
Ballagh, Bristol Terrace.
Building Maintenance Contrac-
tor's ASsociation (BMCA) and
Mrs. George Thompson of John
several participating companies
Street and Mrs. Millan Moore of
to review and encourage energy
Whitechurch attended the
conservation programs in down-
wedding in Oakville on Saturday
town Toronto.
of their niece, Heather Watt, and
The ministry will continue to
David Masson. Heather is the
monitor the results of the down-
daughter of Rev. George Watt.
town program as reported by the
father performed the
particpating companies, and
marriage ceremony and she was
given in marriage by her brother,
make the techniques and advice
Rev. Donald Watt of Alberta.
available to toehr communities
After the wedding, Mrs. Moore
interested in establishing similar
and Mrs. Thompson visited with
voluntary programs, in conjunc-
tion with the province's Muni-
the former's son-in-law and
cipal Energy Conservation Pro-
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gary
Duncan of Mississauga.
Miss Ruth Dunbar of Ewart
Mrs Kerr honored
College conducted the morning
worship service at St. Andrew's
on 90th birthday
Presbyterian Church on Sunday.
Miss Dunbar assisted in the
On Saturday a number of old
congregation earlier this year
friends and neighbors gathered
and members were pleased to
at the home of Joe and Wilma
welcome her again. The last two
Kerr to extend best wishes to
Sundays, services have been
Mrs. Isabel Kerr on the occasion
conducted by Rev. William A.
of her 90th birthday.
Henderson of+Woodstock, in the
Mrs. Kerr enjoyed renewing
absence of Rev. Dr. Robert H.
acquaintances and appreciated
Armstrong who is on vacation.
the lovely cards, gifts and good
The Gideons will conduct next
wished of her many friends. Tea
Sunday's service of worship.
was served by the family.
On Sunday 20 members of the
Mr. and Mrs. John Clark, Greg
family enjoyed a family dinner to and Steve of Dundas were
honor Mrs. Kerr and wish her
weekend visitors with Mr. and
more years of good health and
Mrs. Rowland Ballagh,
happiness. Catherine Street.
Fordi Studio, Kitchener
1 House Plans Drawn
= Free estimates. References.for
at,l previous work.
LISTOWEL 291-1449
Beginner to Amateur
Register at
Sept. 6 - 4 - 6 p.m.
or phone 523-4219
The Teeswater Creamery
The Oldest Creamery in Canada
Manufacturers of
Cheddar and Colby
Conveniently Located on Highway No. 4 of Teeswater
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday to Saturday
(Holidays Included)
Carl and June Lavonne Bondi
would like to announce that
they have sold
Bondi Wholesale Fruit
to their sons Charles, Barry John
and Chris.
Carl and June Lavonne would
like to thank their friends and
customers for their support over
the years and hope their sons
will receive the same support.
The Wingham Fruit Market QVd
Candy Shoppe will continue to
be operated by Carl and June