HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-08-29, Page 84
L', a—re wb#M Advance -Times. August 29, 1979
ThompsonarAnger vows
♦ .. w 1. . . .
RC,board wants publicity on
need to report child abuse
amid a eandleli ht settin
DUBL>N� Hm"O°-��
director for the Huron Perth
Attendance Officer William
register. During the ceremony,
Roman Catholic Separate Sehod
board, was asked whether this
Innes of Stratford had his wage
RR 1, Belgrave, Mr. and Mrs.
Ferguson of London, read the
chapter "On Marriage" from
Board would like to see the public
has been a problem in area
increased to 96 per hour from
Vows were exchanged at a
in-law of the bride, and Judy
Brussels Community Centre
made more aware of the
regulations governing hitchers
schools and he responded the
problem has been of "sufficient
$5.75; be also receives 22 cents
per mile.
pretty summer wedding by
Anger, Wingham, sister of the
where guests were received by
in cases of suspected child abuse.
significance" to justify concern'
The board instructed its
Jewme Anger and Murray
7b on, both of Wingham, in a
bride. They were gowned alike in
baby blue floor -1 gowns of
the mothers of the bride and
groom . The bride's mother chose
At a meeting last week board
a request
He added that a memorandum
from the education ministry on
property committee to study the
1980 capital expenditures
sit o'clock ceremony on July 26
polyester angel knit, styled with
a gown of rose polyester jersey
members supported
from the London -Middlesex
the problem woad he discussed
program and bring t^ 0- F,
at Sacred Heart Church,
empire waistlines with all-round
knit, a corsage of pink and bronze
separate school board that the
at a meeting of school principals.
meeting in October a five-year
Wingham. Rev. A. J. Sonderup
united the couple, accompanied
sunburst pleats, accented with
matching capes. They carried
roses and white accessories.
groom's mother a green
education ministry publicise the
a teacher has to report
In other business at the
with music and song by the
bouquets of colored daisies with
polyester gown wpink roses
all such cases. That board is
meeting the board approved an
,Sacred Heart Folk Choir.
white mums, pink roses and
and white accessories.
concerned such reporting,
average increase of about 15 per
Some Scenes
and language
may be
` offensive.
a opt. 7th
Joanne is the daughter of Mr. baby's breath. They wore gold For travelling to Nor ernes ode of cent in 1978.80 school bus rate 'PAL
and . grace Anger and necklaces, gifts from the bride. Ontario, the bride wore a pale required schedule. Using an example of 60 THE ANNUA.ML, Murray is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Heidi Fisher of Teeswater, pink dress with white ac the new (Mild Welfare AM, could miles travelled per day during
John Thompson, all of Wingham. friend of the bride, was cessories. create severe problems between the inlay school term
Given in marriage by her flowergirl. She wore a floor- Guests attended from Kit- teachers and parents or guar
ens. increase paid to bus operator's
father, the bride wore a floor- length gown similar to the bridal chener, London, Toronto, diIt said if the parents un would be 18 per cent for a 48-
length gown with sweetheart gown but trimmed in blue. She Hanover, Mitchell and Calgary, derstand a teacher must r rt passenger bus and 12 per cent for ENUMERATIO.*44
neckline, long bishop sleeves, carried a basket of red roses. Alberta. Honored guests were the acted abuse the ewill a 72 -passenger bus'
empire waistline and chapel Robbie Thompson, cousin of the bride's grandparents, Mr. and P Y
train. The gown was trimmed groom, was ring bearer. Mrs. George Anger of Wingham Probably be less resentful or STARTS NEXT WEEK
g g g Mr. Eckert reported hiring of
with soft French lace as was her Doug Chapman, Bluevale, and Mrs. Ann McLaughlin, disturbed when a teacher con- staff for the coming year has
veil which, fell from a Juliet friend of the groom, was best London; and the groom's facts them or the Children's Aid been completed, with several
headpiece. She carried a bouquet man and ushers were Bill Anger, grandmother, Mrs. Dorothy Society. William positions filled at Zurich schools.
Eckert, education posThe annual municipal enumeration will begin on Tuesday, September
of red room, white orchids and Wingham, brother of the bride; Thompson of Bluevale. d hoc
baby's breath with matching soft Larry Johnston, Bluevale, friend The board named an a 4,1979. During this month, an enumerator, carrying a proper identifica-
French lace. of the groom; and Steve committee to act as its liaison tion card, will call at your residence for a few minutes to check basic
Cindy Curran, friend of the Thompson, Wingham, brother of with the Huron County Board of
bride, was maid of honor and the groom. They wore navy blue Gorrie church is setting Education. Committee members information required in determining:
bridesmaids were Pat Campbell tuxedos with white frilled shirts are William Kinahan and Ronald
of Bluevale, friend of the bride; and navy bow ties. Marcy, board chairman and vice • the allocation of education property taxes between the public and
Debbie Anger, Wingham, sister- A reception followed at the for Arnold -Ferguson vows chairman, as well as the separate school systems;
chairmen of the board's four
Gorrie United Church, length candlelight gown styled on standing committees: John • the distribution of provincial grants. to local governments to help
decorated with baskets of gladioli silhouette lines and featuring O'Leary, Ronald Murray, Ted reduce local tax bills;
in coral and cream shades, was crystal pleating and a chiffon Geoffrey and Tim McDonnell.
• the preparation of jurors' lists; and
the setting for the ceremony cape. She carried a white leather -
uniting in marriage Lois bound Bible which had been • population information needed for other municipal programs.
Ferguson of Toronto and James carried by her mother on her
Arnold of Guelph on Saturday, wedding day. It was adorned with Relatives meet The enumerator must record such information as the name, age,
August 18, at four o'clock. Rev. coral roses and cream ribbons.
Wesley Ball of Thamesford and Mrs. Earl Schmidt of Oakville, for anniversaries Property status (e.g. owner or tenant), school support and residency of
Rev. Ernest Fellows of Gorrie a close friend of the bride, was all members of the household.
officiated at the double -ring her matron of honor. She wore a When the enumerator visits please check that the information on
ceremony. coral jersey gown and carried a BELGRAVE =�A Beecroft pic-
Mrs. Sydney Thompson of sheaf bouquet of coral and cream nic was held at the WI Hall on the Enumeration Notice is correct. If it is not, revise it and verify the
Wingham provided con- , gladioli. Sunday afternoon to honor Mr. changes.
temporary organ music and Mrs. Hector Hamilton of
throughout the ceremony and John Paul of Carleton Place, a Gorrie on their 35th wedding If you are not home, a Notice will be left for you. If changes are
:i also accompanied the soloist, friend of the groom, was best anniversary and Mr. and Mrs. necessary, please make them and mail the Enumeration Notice, as
Lavonne Ballagh of Wingham, as man. Guests were ushered by Jasper Snell of RR 3,,Blyth on soon as possible, in the self addressed postage` prepaid envelope
she sang "Evergreen" when the Lynn Ferguson of Glen Williams, their 25th wedding anniversary. P P g P P P
bridal party had taken its place brother of the bride, and William accompanying the Notice. For any additional information, please
at the altar and "Morning Has Arnold of Russeii, cousin of ine
Guests present were: Mrs. +..,.+ +r,,, 1,,,. I �ccoccmnnt nffira
A h f il f RR coo itact thV wv?, ,
y : Broken" during the signing of the
Eccles Dow an er am y o
3 Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Gil -
register. During the ceremony,
A reception was held at the
hart Beecroft and their family of
the bride's brother, Blake
Wingham Golf and Curling Club
RR 1, Belgrave, Mr. and Mrs.
Ferguson of London, read the
chapter "On Marriage" from
where dinner was served and
dancing enjoyed to the music of
Hector Hamilton and family of
Mrs Melville
' "The Prophet" by Kahil Gibran.
Phil Parsons' "Exception" The
bride's mother received uests
Gorrie; Mr. and
Beecroft and family of Otterville
. The bride's parents are Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Young of Wing- .
and Mrs. Jack Ferguson of
and chose a gown of champagne
M,a Gorrie. The groom is the son of
jersey and chiffon for her
Mrs. Irene Arnold of Ottawa and
daughter's wedding.
Everyone enjoyed a smor-
° .; the late James Arnold.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold will reside
gasbord dinner. After the dinner,"
Given in marriage by her
in Guelph. Both are graduates of
celebrants were presented with
parents, the bride chose a floor-
_ -
the University of Guelph.
St. Paul's Church
John Street at Centre Street
The Rector: The Rev. John T.M. Swan, L. Th.
• The Twelfth Sunday After Trinity
8:30 a.m. — Holy Eucharist
11:00 a.m. — Sung Eucharist and Sermon
WIDNMAY — 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist
8:00 p.m. — The Board of Management
THURSDAY — 2:00 p.m. — ACW in the Parish Rooms
7:30 p.m. — Choir Practice
Stokely Fancy Cream Com or
FANCY PEAS 14 oz. 2/19
H.InZ AT I *79
Schneiders Breo&W - 1'/e Ib. bog
Glen Warwick wed
in Zurich church
Marianne Groot and Glen cousin of the groom; and Jeannie
Warwick were united in Groot, Zurich, sister of the bride.
marriage Saturday, August 11, at The best man was Doug Smith
St. Boniface Roman Catholic of London, friend of the groom.
' Church, Zurich. The bride is the Guests were ushered by Peter
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Groot, Hensall, brother of the
Groot, Zurich, and the groom is bride; Scott Bridge, Brussels,
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd friend of the groom; and Neil
Warwick, Bluevale. Warwick, Bluevale, brother of
The maid of honor was Cheryle the groom.
Beecroft of London, friend of the
bride. Bridesmaids were Elze After a honeymoon to Niagara
Groot, Zurich, sister-in-law of the Falls, the couple is residing on
bride; Linda Warwick of Blyth, the groom's farm at Bluevale.
MMisr to Frhby MO a.m. to l:00 p.m.
Sstwisyst 7130 s.w. to 7s00 p.m.
PbNe by wiftm or"
�/_� I — - .
:: it
W. F. Jenkins
Regional Assessment Commissioner
Huron/Perth Region
Phone: 524-7326
Zenith 66-500
J. R. Costello
Regional Assessment Commissioner
Bruce/Grey Region
Phone: 371-1121
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