The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-08-22, Page 7i
Moving safe
We are now right behind the
Huron County Building
1/3 OFF
10% OFF
PHONE 33S-3422
Lined or Plain • 9 9
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The Wioslum Advance-Tbass, August 22, 19119 --PST
S entemen
WMS members examine
at WDustma9, c show
the sinfulness of pride
Whitechurch—Mn. Bill Evans with the MiWah ben"etWo.
About Z children and some presented the topic on "The Mrs and Joan saved
mothers too &bowed up at the Great Sin" when the Chalmers refreshments.
Wdnglam town hall for a w-gical, Women's Missionary Society met ,
hour of fun and entertainment Wednesday of last week at the
Saturday. The attraction was the home of Mrs. Peter deBoer. ORDER NOW
Andrew Forgrave Super Duper Mrs. Evans told of the evils of ALUMINUM
Woofle Dust Magic Show spon- Yy the great air which is pride. It
sored by the Huron County was through pride that the devil WINDOWS
Library system and the free became the devil. Pride leads to
admission made the program every other vice. It is the com- AND DOORS
even more enticing. {' plete anti -God state of mind.
Andrew Forgrave, a teenager L Pride gets no pleasure out of
from Chuen Sound, has been a having something, only out of
entertaining audiences with his having more than the next man.
magic tricks for nearly three In closing, Mrs. Evans said, •TOP
years. He really enjoys per- "Pride has been the chief cause Quality
forming for children and places of misery in every nation and
more emphasis on entertaining family since the world began." �rlad
them than fooling them. He in- Mrs. Evans opened the Now-
` viten them to get involved in the. 3` meeting with a poem and all sang Mnaperiy
show and help with some of the 4' a hymn with Mrs. Don Ross leatd%d
tricks. `y organist. Scripture from Paul's
Andrew said his interest in letter to the Ephesians was read
a b Mrs. Wes! Tiffin who also
magic started at the age of nine, � � � Y Wesley
when he was given a magic kit. s� gave a brief meditation and .
Later he got a used top hat and closed with prayer. Readings
his career (part-time) was on its were given by Mrs. Dave Moffat,
ways Mrs. Victor Emerson and Mrs. guaranteed
Saturday's show was a real hit u Alan Falconer.
for both the children and parents. Mrs. Evans also dealt with a Complete
Although some of the tricks took second topic, "Why I Go To
a little too long developing for M Church". The article ... ; 1 GLASS SERVICE
some of the children's tastes, he many answers and gave many Window glass
always left them amazed in the reasons why people attend a "
end. Just when everyone thought worship service. The offering heavy 3/16 glass,
they had the trick figured out LOTS OF NOISE—The ABC trick was so noisy everyone had to hold their ears. All the was received and dedicated by mirror, plexiglass
something would happen to show REPAIRS TO ALL
.them they really didn't know how children were Instructed to yell out one of the three letters and they made such a fearsome Mrs. John business
As the business began, minutes
noise they made the letter B disappear. SASH - WOOD
it was done. of the last meeting were read by
At one point everyone in the i Mrs. Bill Purdon. The roll call
grit 1 one b one. out—buns Except for some
audience was sure the card with had disappeared. sticky e88 Y was answered by ten with a verse
the letter B hadn't disappeared at The final trick was probably u his questred in—Over
Intoclean the bag h f clean as a whistle. crumbs the inside of the bag was on harvest Arrangements were Home
all, as claimed, but was just the most suspenseful, especially pour the protests amade for the Thankoffering
being hidden. However when for the one member of the one lady who warned him several l Later in the day Andrew took service in October. Readings Stores
Andrew finally displayed the audience who lent her handbag times, "That's an expensive his show to the Brussels library. were given by Mrs. Don Ross and
hidden card, at the pleading of for it. Everyone watched as the per"—flour, milk and finally This is the second summer the Mrs Purdon and all sang a hymn
the audience, it proved not to be magician placed an egg in the thrust in a flaming handkerchief. show has toured county libraries. before the closing prayer was STAT NTON
the letter B at all; the letter realy bag. Then, as he went, to remove At last to the surprise—and It is funded by the library system given b Mrs. Evans. The Sep -
it, there was a familiar cracking relief ---of the audience, he through a grant from Outreach tmber by held at HARDWARE.
ed Ontario
BIC,PENS 6 / 6 9 _ sound and he picked out pieces of upended the �8 and pom' the home of Mrs. Don now. P.O. Box 194
�� Mrs. John den gave the
Ladies' Aid financial statement. Wingham, Ont.
rentien" iblasa
i �A• • �► and accepted the offering for that Phone 35772910
COLOURED PENCILS 099 vr6ai+iiouain. Tile meetingu
Mrs. Claire Rainer of
1010 to Markhall �*Jlwvv
m spent last week with `
I her mother, Mrs. Clarence • •
Chamney of Diagonal Road, n i toChurch
TAPE 2 •7 9 n MffedmayU d
SCOTCH Wingham
A miscellaneous bridal shower WINGHAM
Acca'Press was held for Debra Rude at St. St. Paul's United Church, Anne Klein, who sang "The and her bouquet also contained
BINDER Paul's Anglican Church on Mildmay, was the setting for a Wedding Song", "Walk Hand in mixed summer flowers.
• Saturday. Her bridesmaids, Mrs.. pretty marriage ceremony Hand" and "Thank You, Lord". Joey Watson of Kitchener, a
Karen Snow, Lynn Williams and uniting two Kitchener young Linda is the daughter of Mrs. cousin of the groom, was best
T R 1 A N G lE I Susan Rude were hostesses. people, Linda Stewart and Scott Helen Stewart of Mildmay and man and guests were ushered by
Q Deby received many beautiful Galbraith. Rev. Hakyoo Park the late Vincent Stewart. Parents two brothers of the groom, Clark
D .� ��i, O e M T gifts for which; abe expressed her performed the ceremony amid bf the groom are Mr. and Mrs. and Keith Galbraith of Kitchener W lers - 22 oz.
thanks to everyone. Lunch bouquets of gladioli. Yellow and Kea Galbraith, Wroxeter. The and Goderich. y
followed. Out-of-town guests red roses marked the guest pews. marriage took place Saturday, Bouquets of sweet peas and Orange, Grape, Lemonade$1
open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Weekdays Sways Nosh to. Sh + attended from St. Jacobs, Kit- Mrs. Florence Klein was organist August 11, at four o'clock. fern decorated the guest tables at 039
I chener, Goderich and Brussels. and accompanied the soloist, Jo- Given in marriage by her the Mildmay Community Centre
mother, the bride wore a gown of where the reception was held.
white jersey with a matching Receiving the guests, the bride's Blue Bonnet Coloured • 3 Ib. Carton 9
• i , I 1.11's nr 2 ►1 f i i n n n 11 l 11 I fill 'ir cape and hood. She carried a mother wore a dress of dusty rose
r mixed orchids and chiffon with a corsage of pink MARGARINE
bouquet of B
- — - roses. roses. The groom's mother chose
Dianne Wilson of New Ham- subdued blue chiffon with a Schneiders Oktoberfest.
i - burg was matron of honor at her corsage of pink roses. Ib. � •
��� 1i sister's wedding. Her gown was For travelling to Quebec City SAUSAGE
blue polyester and fashioned on A the bride chose a white and blue
lines. Mixed flowers comprised pantsuit with a white corsage. On Schneiders -Regular, Red Hot, All Beef
her bouquet. their return they will reside at R
1 -st was Kitchener. ENE S Ib. 192
In a sunilar led own y y g W I
the bridesmaid, Rita Kuntz of The bride is a graduate of
Q Palmerston. Flower girl was
Debbie Wilson, the bride's niece, Fanshawe College, London, and
1_- - of New Hamburg. Her dress was the groom graduated from STORE NOURS:
Conestoga College, Kitchener M t0 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 10.01-
1 \ white and blue flowered eyelet Campus. OtldOy Friday
Out-of-town guests at the Saturdays 7:30 a.m. to 7:0011.a1 -
=wedding included -Sister JoyAnne Phone 357-2240 CLOSED SUNDAYS W680111M
IIS = - Day Centre iand Marina Watson of England. -
clients have
To celebrate Simplicity's 60th Anniversary we are
offering a $60 Anniversary Rebate on the purchase
of a Simplicity automatic washer and full size dryer
pair now through September 29, 1979. We are also
offering a $30 Anniversary Rebate on the purchase
of a Simplicity automatic washer or full size dryer
purchased separately.
.lo�6pllrW. St
a busy dayno
The Day Centre for the
Homebound's clients met ■
Tuesday for another busy day. ■ � Env �v���
An enjoyable singsong started �Ser�/�ce
the day off, with Elinor Neill
playing favorite pieces. Anne
Adair then led the group in
exercises, followed by an ac- Get your sewing machine tuned up for (311 your
tivities period of cards and
Shuffleboard. back to school sewing.
A tasty meal of lasagna, salad
and ice cream was served by the . �� ,� � save volunteers. Doreen Mali gave a Bring the coupon
nutrition talk from Canada's food
The afternoon program of � Our regular
chided making macrame pot
hangers and playing cards. The
day ended with coffee and a dwirge
snack. Gordon Carter did a ,■
dandy job helping the staff hang
the new day centre sign.
Regular service charge in store price 15.00 (plus parts)
WMS visits WITH COUPON (plus parts)
nursing home
r r
GORRIE—The Women's ;
Missionary Society from Knox : `W i
Presbyterian Church visited the r We service any make or model
Fordwich Nursing Home Aug. S. WORTH $5.01 OFF Dealer for Omega 9 Bernina
The program began with a regular service charge Offer good until August 31.
reading, "He giveth grace", by r coupon or ad must be presented ;
Louise Matthews. Mrs. Gordon ;
Moir then read a Bible story and --- ------ - ,�— --1 Ingo -•" - ---- -----.r
led in prayer.
Several hymns were sung, as
well as songs requested by the
patients. An action " was led Wffigham
by Mfrs. Alvin Mutrilell, with
e Thi haJoiving g birthdays in Sewing Centre
August were remembered w"
gifts and everyone enjoyed the
tea and cookies, with Mrs. Chas. Josephine Street, Winghorn
Flnky pouring tea.