The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-08-22, Page 2.. ._ .. A --Y•. - , .. , . al o... 2—The Wingham Advance -Times, August 22, 1979 ADMIRING THE BLOOMS—Flower lovers had a feast for the eyes and nose at the flower show in the old post office building Saturday. This table of arrangements was a sight not to be missed. Flower show success h V n DteSonnfrisro li The Man Continued from hoot v�• address. t soon atter be was on quality of bomellueas, of personal his feet a� a ooupb of his witty interest in other human beings• irers, obviously indicatipg to remarks had siiaited a warm re- Indeed, one of his ° greatest ,em that he had spied an old sponse from the assembled news- achievea►estts as prime minister he tossed the was the a of Canada's first Mend over by the wjndo�w. He Popo' P �g urried over to me, his plee�dng notes aside and launched into. re- epode of human rights. It was his lue eyes boring in, with hand ex- miniscences of his early days in gign that people were more im- mded. His followers stayed well Saskatchewan. On that .theme he portant to him than great ack, convinced that he wanted could be totally • no nations. be alone with this unknown longer a politician; jot a top cquaintance. As be shook my flight storyteller among friends. and he said, "I hope you'll par- I recall that he spoke with Ion me. but I do need a fPw great depth of feeling about the ninutes to relax before I make. Indians and Metis of his north Federation will ny speech " country, of their plight and their His intent made clear I was left history, salting his tales. with name delegates roping for something appro- word-of-mouth history he had )riate to say as he sat down be- learned from one of Louis Itiel's The annual convention of the side me on the broad window sill. aged lieutenants. Ontario Federation of Agri - 411 that came .to mind was the As ever, his own brand of wit culture is slated for a move this °act that he was born at Nedstadt was in evidence. I will recall one year. Held in Hamilton for and, as it happened, I was born at of his little stories, one, I believe I several years past, this Year's Ayton, only a few miles away. have reproduced before, but it is location will be the downtown Immediately he was all atter- worth repeating. Holiday Inn, Toronto and the tion, the kind of attention that John said that after many dates are to be Nov. 26 to 29. would make any conversationa- years of asking the blessing be- Theme of the annual meeting will list feel at ease. We talked for a fore each meal, he said to his be "Challenges in the 80s"• few minutes about Grey County wife, Olive, one day, "Dear, I . and his parents' stories about think it's time you asked the Delegates to the ,convention that area and then he rose, shook blessing." Olive agreed. readily from Huron County will be hands again, and said, "Thank enough and they bowed their elected at meetings to be held you for a delightful talk," and he heads over the meal on the table. Thursday evening, Sept. 6 at 8:30. was away to the platf, )rm. After a lengthy silence he looked For those members In townships The last time I saw John up and said, "Olive, I didn't hear south of No. 8 Highway the meet- Diefenbaker was at a convention you saying anything." His wife's ing place will be the Huron Cen- in Saskatoon, shortly before his reply, he said, was brief: "Sorry, tennial School at Brucefield. For 80th birthday four years ago. As I wasn't talking to you." townships north of No. 8 Highway guest speaker he came armed What made him different from the meeting will be held at East with a sheaf of notes for a formal ordinary politicians was this very Wawanosh School, Belgrave. cucumbers, burpless, with stems, 3: Ed Fielding, Wayne Elston, Annabelle. Hoy; cucum-; bers, pickling, 2-5"1 show stems.:. 5: Wayne Elston; corn, sweet, husked, 3: Annabelle Hoy, Mrs. Carl Casemore; green peppers, 3: Mrs. Glenn Scheifele, Ed Fielding, Wayne Elston; onions, from sets, 5: John Donaldson, Shirley Donaldson, Stewart Beat- tie; potatoes, any variety, 5: John Donaldson, Wayne Elston, Stewart Beattie; squash, zuc- chini, 1: Annabelle Hoy, Wayne Elston, Stewart Beattie; toma- toes, green, include stems, 5: Wayne Elston, Ed Fielding, John . Donaldson; any other vegetable, not listed above; Ed Fielding, Wayne Elston, Annabelle Hoy. Mrs. Iris Morrey's entry "Beauty Without Bloom" was judged to be the best in the show by the judge, Mrs. Sharpe. LOVELY ROSES—The rose table at the Wingham flower show Saturday drew lots of attention. Although entries were down in all other categorles, there were actually more roses displayed than In other years. A A , U113101E h1AHoLAO r ®QvofOi�� uL MI Tit ptlMxMg2�tt CAUTION NT AV6RT1566I'�E oi,44 0""VO0I10LnrU1 Wr°M010 zallAo -W M fW0( 3608. 85 88 89 «. Aerowest Flowtron Electronic Dispenser Buy Killer Practical handy dispenser provides con- Carriage -light design bug killer ideal for tinuous fl control in the enclosed area you porches, back yards, pools, patios, cot - require. Dispenser is timed to mist the air at tages, or any outdoor area where day and 15 minute intervals. Powered by 2 flashlight night flying insects are a problem. 10 watt batteries. Easy to install. Insecticide also fluorescent black light bulb. Clean to oper- available. ................ 240-062 ate. Pollution free. 540-090 TOGETHER TO SERVE II � C7tl• psi t r�/ UTAG Buy your home, life, boat, and auto insurance from a friend The Co -Operators your credit union sponsored insurance company Co-operation among Co -Ops. Located in the Credit Union Building. 8 Alfred St., [corner of Josephine St.] Wingham, Ont. North Huron Credit Union 357-2311 Va-por 249 Fly Strip 098. Provides up to 4 months protection against flies, mosquitoes and other small flying insects in an enclosed space of up to 1000 cu. ft. ................240-044 The Co-operators 357-3739 Pic 225 Mosquito Coil 11111111. Aromatic smoke barrier quickly drives mosquitoes away from outdoor areas. Perfectly safe and pleasant to use. Gives good protec- tion for hours. ... 240-099 P� Pic Fly P 125 Number's " 388 Catchers «. Up 4so.L Hang it — pull it — forget it! Pressurized aerosol spray Fast and safe strip traps flies for indoor or outdoor use. and small flying insects. No Effective against flies, mos - pollution, fumes or odours. quitoes and certain other Sanitary and effective to flying insects; also crawling use. ........... 240-098 insects, ants, cockroaches, etc . ............ 270-208 C.V. Livestock Spray Ready to use with hand spray or automatic spray equipment on dairy or beef cattle. Protects against horn flies, house flies, etc. 240-024 —1 gal ... $ 6.05 240-025 — 5 gal ... $28.30 Economical �� Hand Sprayer 49608. Hand sprayer for insect pro- tection around home and garden. Tin canister with continuous spray. 32 oz. capacity, brass nozzle. ..... :.......... 591-074 Bait Granules *7 24 a. A granular insecticide fly bait containing dichlorvos. Kills flies by contact and by vapour action. Spread in areas where flies gather in- doors and out...: 240-041 240-042 — 5 Ib...... $8.15 Ectiban Fly To Control Houseflies and Stableflies For Houses, Stables, Live- stock earns, Dairies, Feedlots, Poultry Borns PYRETHROID INSECTICIDE Emulsifiable concentrate IU O UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO FINANCING -_ E BRANCH TAVAILAILF HROUGH BELGRAV WHERE AVAILABLE Be lgrave, Ontario brussels r n am 357--2711 PRICES IN EFFECT TILL AUGUST 18, 1979 $87-6453 Continued from front page Fielding, Mrs. Carl Casemore, or bird, Iris Morrey; animal Janet Fielding, Merle Wilson, made of natural materials: Elsa Iris Morrey; arrangement of Kibby, Merle Wilson, Iris annuals, no accessories, not over Morrey; floral arrangement in a 10" high, suitable for dining room pioneer utensil: Iris Morrey, table: Janet Fielding, Mrs. Glenn Janet Fielding; greeting card, Scheifele,; arrangement of pan- decorated with natural ma- sies for coffee table: Iris Morrey, terials, plus an envelope: Mrs. Janet Fielding, Shirley Donald- Glenn Scheifele, Merle Wilson, son; arrangement of asters, Janet Fielding. mixed colors: Shirley Donald- Section G— Vegetables son; "Two_ of a Kind", identical BPpnc, g &rn, 5: Wayne Elston, mixed arrangement in two con- John Donaldson, Ed Fielding. tainers::,anet Fielding, Iris Mor- beans, yellow, 5: Mrs. Glenn rey; arrangement in• Wingham Scheifele, Ed Fielding, John Centennial colors: his Morrey, Donaldson; beets, any variety, 5: Ena Ritchie; display of a hobby, John Donaldson, Ed Fielding, plus a floral arrangement, not Shirley Donaldson; cabbage, any over 24-: Mrs. Glenn Scheifele, variety, 1: Mrs. Glenn Scheifele, Janet Fielding; "Beauty Without Stewart Beattie, Mrs. Jacklin; Bloom", design using any type of carrots, without foliage, 5: Mrs. fresh foliage: his Morrey, Janet Glenn Scheifele, Ed Fielding; Fielding, Mrs. Doug Lapp; cup cucumbers, slicing, 8" and over, and saucer arrangement: Janet with stems, 3: Ed Fielding; h V n DteSonnfrisro li The Man Continued from hoot v�• address. t soon atter be was on quality of bomellueas, of personal his feet a� a ooupb of his witty interest in other human beings• irers, obviously indicatipg to remarks had siiaited a warm re- Indeed, one of his ° greatest ,em that he had spied an old sponse from the assembled news- achievea►estts as prime minister he tossed the was the a of Canada's first Mend over by the wjndo�w. He Popo' P �g urried over to me, his plee�dng notes aside and launched into. re- epode of human rights. It was his lue eyes boring in, with hand ex- miniscences of his early days in gign that people were more im- mded. His followers stayed well Saskatchewan. On that .theme he portant to him than great ack, convinced that he wanted could be totally • no nations. be alone with this unknown longer a politician; jot a top cquaintance. As be shook my flight storyteller among friends. and he said, "I hope you'll par- I recall that he spoke with Ion me. but I do need a fPw great depth of feeling about the ninutes to relax before I make. Indians and Metis of his north Federation will ny speech " country, of their plight and their His intent made clear I was left history, salting his tales. with name delegates roping for something appro- word-of-mouth history he had )riate to say as he sat down be- learned from one of Louis Itiel's The annual convention of the side me on the broad window sill. aged lieutenants. Ontario Federation of Agri - 411 that came .to mind was the As ever, his own brand of wit culture is slated for a move this °act that he was born at Nedstadt was in evidence. I will recall one year. Held in Hamilton for and, as it happened, I was born at of his little stories, one, I believe I several years past, this Year's Ayton, only a few miles away. have reproduced before, but it is location will be the downtown Immediately he was all atter- worth repeating. Holiday Inn, Toronto and the tion, the kind of attention that John said that after many dates are to be Nov. 26 to 29. would make any conversationa- years of asking the blessing be- Theme of the annual meeting will list feel at ease. We talked for a fore each meal, he said to his be "Challenges in the 80s"• few minutes about Grey County wife, Olive, one day, "Dear, I . and his parents' stories about think it's time you asked the Delegates to the ,convention that area and then he rose, shook blessing." Olive agreed. readily from Huron County will be hands again, and said, "Thank enough and they bowed their elected at meetings to be held you for a delightful talk," and he heads over the meal on the table. Thursday evening, Sept. 6 at 8:30. was away to the platf, )rm. After a lengthy silence he looked For those members In townships The last time I saw John up and said, "Olive, I didn't hear south of No. 8 Highway the meet- Diefenbaker was at a convention you saying anything." His wife's ing place will be the Huron Cen- in Saskatoon, shortly before his reply, he said, was brief: "Sorry, tennial School at Brucefield. For 80th birthday four years ago. As I wasn't talking to you." townships north of No. 8 Highway guest speaker he came armed What made him different from the meeting will be held at East with a sheaf of notes for a formal ordinary politicians was this very Wawanosh School, Belgrave. cucumbers, burpless, with stems, 3: Ed Fielding, Wayne Elston, Annabelle. Hoy; cucum-; bers, pickling, 2-5"1 show stems.:. 5: Wayne Elston; corn, sweet, husked, 3: Annabelle Hoy, Mrs. Carl Casemore; green peppers, 3: Mrs. Glenn Scheifele, Ed Fielding, Wayne Elston; onions, from sets, 5: John Donaldson, Shirley Donaldson, Stewart Beat- tie; potatoes, any variety, 5: John Donaldson, Wayne Elston, Stewart Beattie; squash, zuc- chini, 1: Annabelle Hoy, Wayne Elston, Stewart Beattie; toma- toes, green, include stems, 5: Wayne Elston, Ed Fielding, John . Donaldson; any other vegetable, not listed above; Ed Fielding, Wayne Elston, Annabelle Hoy. Mrs. Iris Morrey's entry "Beauty Without Bloom" was judged to be the best in the show by the judge, Mrs. Sharpe. LOVELY ROSES—The rose table at the Wingham flower show Saturday drew lots of attention. Although entries were down in all other categorles, there were actually more roses displayed than In other years. A A , U113101E h1AHoLAO r ®QvofOi�� uL MI Tit ptlMxMg2�tt CAUTION NT AV6RT1566I'�E oi,44 0""VO0I10LnrU1 Wr°M010 zallAo -W M fW0( 3608. 85 88 89 «. Aerowest Flowtron Electronic Dispenser Buy Killer Practical handy dispenser provides con- Carriage -light design bug killer ideal for tinuous fl control in the enclosed area you porches, back yards, pools, patios, cot - require. Dispenser is timed to mist the air at tages, or any outdoor area where day and 15 minute intervals. Powered by 2 flashlight night flying insects are a problem. 10 watt batteries. Easy to install. Insecticide also fluorescent black light bulb. Clean to oper- available. ................ 240-062 ate. Pollution free. 540-090 TOGETHER TO SERVE II � C7tl• psi t r�/ UTAG Buy your home, life, boat, and auto insurance from a friend The Co -Operators your credit union sponsored insurance company Co-operation among Co -Ops. Located in the Credit Union Building. 8 Alfred St., [corner of Josephine St.] Wingham, Ont. North Huron Credit Union 357-2311 Va-por 249 Fly Strip 098. Provides up to 4 months protection against flies, mosquitoes and other small flying insects in an enclosed space of up to 1000 cu. ft. ................240-044 The Co-operators 357-3739 Pic 225 Mosquito Coil 11111111. Aromatic smoke barrier quickly drives mosquitoes away from outdoor areas. Perfectly safe and pleasant to use. Gives good protec- tion for hours. ... 240-099 P� Pic Fly P 125 Number's " 388 Catchers «. Up 4so.L Hang it — pull it — forget it! Pressurized aerosol spray Fast and safe strip traps flies for indoor or outdoor use. and small flying insects. No Effective against flies, mos - pollution, fumes or odours. quitoes and certain other Sanitary and effective to flying insects; also crawling use. ........... 240-098 insects, ants, cockroaches, etc . ............ 270-208 C.V. Livestock Spray Ready to use with hand spray or automatic spray equipment on dairy or beef cattle. Protects against horn flies, house flies, etc. 240-024 —1 gal ... $ 6.05 240-025 — 5 gal ... $28.30 Economical �� Hand Sprayer 49608. Hand sprayer for insect pro- tection around home and garden. Tin canister with continuous spray. 32 oz. capacity, brass nozzle. ..... :.......... 591-074 Bait Granules *7 24 a. A granular insecticide fly bait containing dichlorvos. Kills flies by contact and by vapour action. Spread in areas where flies gather in- doors and out...: 240-041 240-042 — 5 Ib...... $8.15 Ectiban Fly To Control Houseflies and Stableflies For Houses, Stables, Live- stock earns, Dairies, Feedlots, Poultry Borns PYRETHROID INSECTICIDE Emulsifiable concentrate IU O UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO FINANCING -_ E BRANCH TAVAILAILF HROUGH BELGRAV WHERE AVAILABLE Be lgrave, Ontario brussels r n am 357--2711 PRICES IN EFFECT TILL AUGUST 18, 1979 $87-6453