The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-08-15, Page 124
Pqe 1=—Tbe wiRgAam Advance Times, August 15, 1979 Mrs. E. Welwood /--- MRS- GEORGE BROWN 1 %0%0%0%0"~
What's new atFormer Bluevale residentlong illness
dies •n local hospitoI Following a lengthy illness,Gorrye Personal Notes H
ew? 1.
Mrs. Ezra Cecil Welwood passed Mrs. Grant Miller and Kevin of Mr and Mrs. Max Bell attended Toronto.
FoBawing a lengthy illness, Orvis of Harmer, Mrs. away Tuesday, August 7, at the Sudbury and Mrs. Toleda the Koch -Toner wedding in the Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mann and Father Hardy held mass on would like to thank Mr. and Mrs.
Ceocge Gordon Hall of Brussels, Casemore, Petrolia, and, rs. Wingham and District Hospital. Beuerman of Cambridge visited Presbyterian Church, family have returned from Friday morning. Because of the Brown for their generosity.
Corm rly of Bluevale, passed Jack (Jean) Scott, Milverton; She was in her 91st year. last week with Mr. and Mrs Palmerston, bn Saturday, holidaying at Bracebridge, beautiful day, we cancelled bingo Tht rsday afternoon Jean Wil -
away Wednesday, August 8, in two sons, Robert HaJI of Thorn- Mrs. Welwood was the former Archie Miller. Nir and Mrs. Anthony Pike and Kimberley and The Thousand Friday afternoon and took the son, Gertrude Cornell, Ethel Hill,
the Wingham and District dale and Jack Hall, Brussels; 24 Georgina McLean Cameron and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar pane, Mrs David Fenton of Vancouver, Wand areas. residents outside to enjoy the Eber Lewis, Margaret Mitchell,
Hospital. He was in his 88th year grandchildren and 24 great was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, Ivan Dane and Lynn C1owe, British Columbia, visited Mr. and Mrs. Russell Beach- sun. Grace Peck, Elsie Henderson,
Gordon Hall was born in grandchildren. on June 20, 1889. She received her Laurel Dane and Andy Jaun. I'hursday at the homes of Mr. man of Ottawa and Mr. and Mrs. The choir held practice on Jossie Cunningham, Louis Wild,
Turnberry Township and The late Gordon Hall rested at education in Scotland and came zernis, Harriston, Shauna Dane and Mrs. Cecil Grainger and Tan Howes and girl of Peter- Saturday morning. On Sunday Mary Ross, Ruby McVittie, and
received his education in the Currie -Walker Funeral to Canada in 1907, her family and Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Stuart. NIrs Albert Heibein. borough visited Saturday with morning, Margaret McQueen Ethel Beattie enjoyed the play
Bluevale. He farmed all his adult Home, Wingham, where service Settling in Winnipeg. During her Wingham, attended the . Dane- %Ir and Mrs. Melville Dennis Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grainger. sang a solo, 'Beyond the Sun- "McGillicuddy's Lost Weekend"
life, retiring in 1965. He was a was conducted at two o'clock early adult life she worked as a Lewis wedding at Wesley United spent Friday with her sisters, Marcie, Mandy and Lana Howes set". Mrs. Betty Scratch read the at Blyth.
member of the United Church. Saturday by Rev. Barry typesetter. Church, Cambridge, on Satur- Mrs Olive Currie of Ailsa Craig visited with their grandparents scripture and Mrs. Elsie Hender- Huronview would like to wel-
He was predeceased by his Passmore and Bill Henderson Sr. On October 23, 1916, she day. The groom, Barry Dane, is and Mrs. William Daniel, and while their parents and Mr. and son played the organ. Rev. Dar- come Mrs. Luella Norris who is
parents, John Hall and Jane Yoe; Interment followed in Wroxeter married Mr. Welwood in Win- the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. 11r Daniel, RR 3, Denfield. Mrs. Beachman attended the 50th rell's sermon topic was "You from Seaforth, Harvey Jacklin
two brothers and one sister. A Cemetery. nipeg, and they came to this area •Edgar Dane. Among the other Nlrs Frank Earls of London wedding anniversary celebration shall seek for me and find me from Brussels and Florimond
son, William R. Hall, died in 1978. Pallbearers were Ed Stewart, in 1931. She had been living guests attending were Mr. and spent a week recently with Mr. of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howes of when you search for me with all Cote, who is from Godwich.
Surviving are his wife, the for- Jim Thompson, John Brent, retired since 1953 and at the time Mrs. Stanley Hays, Mr. and Mrs and Mrs. Archie Miller and other Goderich. your heart". Sympathy to the These are all new residents this
mer Sadie McMichael of Lorne McCrachan, Albert Kit- of her death made her home at Harold Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Glen relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John McCutcheon family of Bessie Elliott was ex- past week.
Bluevale; four daughters, Mrs. cher and Don Thacker. Hugh 359 Edward Street, Wingham. Jacques, Walkerton, Mr. and %It . and Mrs. Raymond Gowdy visited Wednesday with Mr. and pressed, and the choir was asked
Reuben (Marjorie) Rainey, Sinnamon and Glenn Sinnamon Mr. Welwood Passed away in Mrs. John Jacques, Clifford. and Philip spent the weekend Mrs. James Moloney and to sing "Just as I am without one
Akron, Ohio, Mrs. Jack (Norma) carried floral tributes. 1953. Mrs. Lloyd Jacques, Mrs. Alex Aith Mr. and Mrs. Lem Oinas of Christopher of Bramalea. plea". We will all miss Bessie at
Mrs. Welwood was a member Taylor, William Taylor, Mrs. B Huronview. FOR
of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Wilson and Mrs. M. Taylor. Normal care residents held
Church and the Women's Brussels. their barbecue on Tuesday noon.
Former Pentecostal ministerMissionary Society of the Sunday visitors with Mr. and Council decreas0s
Because the weather wasn't too CLASSIFIED ADS
Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Melville Dennis were Mrs. promising, we decided to eat in
Mss Frances Bryans PossesFriends paid their respects at Frances Lewis and Mrs. Julia the auditorium. Lorne Brown Phone
the Currie -Walker Funeral Home Fisher, Kitchener, Nelda DippeI kindly invited all Huronview
A resident of Wingham for the of Owen Sound; and was a very where funeral service was of Kurtzville and Mr. and Mrs. loan maximums residents who wanted to go to the W l n ham
past 16 years and a minister of dear friend of Murdean R. conducted at two o'clock Thur- Ron Daniel of Ailsa Craig. drive-in on Tuesday evening. Mr. 9
sday. Interment followed in Mr. and Mrs. Clare Edwards of Brown met us as we arrived,
the Pentecostal Church, Miss MacLeod of Wingham. Shy was GORRIE—Howick Township program himself and described 357-2320
Frances Margaret Bryans of 520 predeceased b brothers Stanley,Wingham Cemetery. London visited Saturday with Council took action on Friday, the responsibility and "red tape -helped us Park our cars so that
g ry y Harold Pallbearers were Doug Heffer, Mrs. Harry Gowdy. Y' P° ywe were all together, and offered -
Alice Street, passed away in the formerly of Owen Sound; Harold Barr Heffer, Paul Heffer, David Mrs. Nellie McKercher of Aug: 10, to decrease the involved as being horrendous. g
Y us a choice of refreshments. We
Wingham and District Hospital (Chatsworth); and one sister, maximum amount of loans to
an Thursday, August 9, after an Mrs. Eric (Margaret) Hilden Heffer, John Welwood and Rosetown, Saskatchewan, homeowners under the Ontario "I'm not taking the ad -
illness of 22 22 days. She was 80. (Owen Sound); .also by a very George Welwood. Floral tributes arrived Saturday and is visiting government's Home Renewal ministrative responsibility," Mr.
special lifetime friend and co- were carried by Karen Welwood Mrs. John Strong and other Program government's
H . Ball said. "This year all of the
Miss Bryans was born on worker, Miss Amy Abrams, and Maryann Welwood. At the relatives. applications are coming to • WINGHAM
September 3,- 1898, in Sullivan formerly of Wingham, who died cemetery, David Hamilton, a Mr. and Mrs. Ken MacDonald, According to the Ontario council. I've had it up to here Bt1S�neSS
Township, a daughter of the late nephew of Norman and Louise Terry and Lisa of Waterloo program, loans of up to $7,5W can with OHRP applications. When MEMORIALS
in 1972. Welwood, and
William J. Bryans and Eveline piped "Flowers of the visited last Sunday with Mr. and be given to eligible owner oc- there's money on the table free to
The late Miss Frances Bryans
Showell. After attending rested at the Currie -Walker Forest" and "My Home". Mrs. Irving Toner. cupants to bring their homes up grab, some people will crawl GUARANTEED GRANITES
elementary school in Sullivan Funeral Home until Sunda when Mrs. Welwood is survived by Gorrie and Clifford Women's to the standards adopted by their over your back to get it. It's •
Township and high school in one daughter, Mrs. Clifford Institute travelled with :,ne municipality. pretty rough at times, I'll tell Professional removal was made to the REASONABLE PRICES
Owen Sound, she attendedWingham Pentecostal Church (Jean) Heffer, RR 1, Wingham; Nicholson Bus Lines to Blyth you.
Toronto Bible College and served two sons, Norman and Gordon, Summer Festival on Wednesday On Friday Howick Township • Buy Direct and Save
where her pastor, Rev. Ron Councillors agreed that the Directory
in the Christian ministry. From both of Wingham; 15 grand- evening and enjoyed the play, Council decreased the maximum g � Bae Ph. 357.1910
Baker, conducted funeral service clerk should not have to bear the
1953 until 1963 she conducted a children; seven great grand- "McGillicuddy's Lost Weekend". allowable from $7,500 to $2,500. A Res. Ph, 357-1016
at three o'clock. Interment responsibility for the loan
rest home for senior citizens in followed in Greenwood children; and one sister, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Underwood portion of the loan can be
Chesley, then she moved to Cemetery, Pallbearers were Tom Garde oe recpresently has five applications Margaret Stewart of Winnipeg. have returned from a trip to forgiven depending upon the decisions. Mr. Ball said he
Wingham where she served in the Owen Sound. She was predeceased by one son, England, Scotland and Ireland. income thipient. Interest cations Fr•d•rick F. Homuth
pen in- left over from last year and three KARL C. LE NTZ
same capacity for five years. She nee, Harold White and four Arthur, in infancy; six brothers Mr. and Mrs. George Brown rates vary from zero to eight per Y Phm.B., R.O.
retired in April of 1969. and three sisters. attended the annual antique car cent, again dependingu new ones this year for the loan
nephews, Ivan Bryans, Alan tour held in Mississauga. come. program. Carol E. Homuth, O.D.
Miss Bryans is survived by one Hilsden, John Eldred and Donald Mr. and Mrs. Ken Underwood Council decided to decrease the Chartered Mrs. H. Viola Homuth, O.D.
sister, Mrs. Arthur (Retta) Mills Bryans. MRS. GEORGE BROWN "If we advertise the money will
have returned after visiting Dr. maximum for two reasons: theAccountant
*e Larry Leech of Timmins who is township is.only allowed $[0,000 g° overnight," b predicted. Optometrists
� Gorrie' The mime oiective of the Wingham, Ontario p
going to Africa in October. They per year under the program and program is the correction of
also visited Mrs. George Thurlow the demand for OHRP loans in faulty structural and sanitary Telephone HARRISTON Ontario
of McAdam, New Brunswick, and the township is heavy; the conditions and the upgrading of (519)357-1087
The Gerrie Women's Institute P Y ;
Corning Events members enjoyed a tri to Blyth other relatives. average application for a loan is -
P Y plumbing, heating, insulation ,
on Wednesday evening of last Mrs. Walter Charles is a presently in the $3,000 to $4,000 and electrical systems of the
week with Al Nicholson to attend Patient in Wingham and District range. owner occupant's home. OHRP
the eveningperformance of Hospital. loans are oriented to low and
P "If we allow applicants to take REID AND PETER -SON
"McGillicudd s Lost Weekend" Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Farrish, PP moderate income homeowners
"McGillicuddy's and Mrs. Jasper Farrish and the full ;'7,500 all the money will
Buses leaving Lucknow for CNE Feasturing the Alexander Broth- M the Blyth Summer Festival. Mr. and Mrs. George Adams be gone in a couple of with a maximum annual income
Members ofl.akeletInstituteandg allocations," township clerk of $12,500. Chartered Accountants
Sunday, Aug. 19 at 8 a.m. ; Thurs- ers at Hamilton Place, Septem- friends from Fordwich and attended the Bunston reunion in Wesley day, Aug. 23, Saturday, Aug. 25, ber 8. Call: Holiday World 357 Holstein on Sunda y Ball noted.
Monday, Sept. 3 at 7 a.m.; Satur- 2701. Gorrie accompanied them. y' Clerk Ball -also said -that this In approving a motion to lower
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Toner and the maximum to ;2,500, council 218 Josephine St., Wingham
day, Sept- 8 to London Western year he will request council as a
Fair at 8:30 a.m. Phone Mont- DANCE whole to approve the loan ap- noted that this amount is suf- Ph: 357-1522
gomery Motors, Lucknow 528- At the Howick Community Centre plications. Previously the clerk ficient to update most heating, J.A. Peterson, C.A. B.W. Reid, C.A.
3007. on Saturday, Aug. 18. Music by has been administering the and plumbing systems.
Southern Comfort, $6 per couple. '
MAGIC SHOW Lunch provided.
With Andrew Forgrave on Satur-
day, Aug. 18 at Wingham Council CERAMIC CLASSES
Chambers at 11 a.m. and at Brus- Ceramic Sisters, Main St., Gor- . .
sels Library at 2 p.m. Free rie. Register now for classes in
admission. Sponsored by Huron September and January. We
County Library and Outreach have available greenware, firing,
Ontario. paints, brushes, tools and the use Service Directo ry
8-15 of a classroom. Phone 335-6388.
For Mr. and Mrs. Dave Black, On Aug. 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, Sept. 1
(nee Joan Currie) at the Lucknow and 3. Grandstand tickets avail -
Community Centre on Friday, able. Nicholson Bus Lines. Phone
August 17, at 9 p.m. Lunch pro- 357-3014.
vided, everyone welcome. 1-8-15
Cap'n Zack's
Will Be Closed Beginning
August 20th to August 29th
Open Thursday, August 30th
Sorry For Any
60r W BIZ�
Canadian National Exhibition j
Direct Daily Service (Except Sundays)
Return leaves C.N.E. grounds at 6:40 p.m.
Advance reservations available from your
local Travelways Agent.
Hartley Hot•I Crystal Dairy
U l -1040 338-2514
����t��ll��li��t�ta•��tr• ��I��tr•1
ALMOST AS BIG—Lisa Craig, 3, was walking down the
sidewalk the other day with her doll, which Is almost the
same size she Is. Lisa Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Craig.
ABurke -Mcleod
Contractors Ltd
Electrical Contracting
Motor Sales, Repairs
and Rewind
Wingham 357-1380
Industrial, Commercial
Farming, Domestic
"Dunn By Tom"
Thomas E. Dunn
RR 1 Bluevale
John Cox
Gravel and
Lynn Hoy
Enterprises Ltd.
Honda and Skidoo
Sales 8 Service
Hwy. 86 east of Wingham
Phone 519-357-3435
All Types of
33S-3525 3S7-2636
Hugh McBurney
T. M. A T.
General Contractors
All types of concrete work
Pit Silos
Home and form building
C%1.1, BOB T1I0MPso%,
I1Lt F,\ ALE. ONTAItio
Imperial Esso Agent
f SS0
For all your Home and
Farm Fuel and
Lubricating Needs
Repairs, Renovations
New Installations, call
Terry Deyell at
357-2808 or 357-1229
Leroy Jackson
191 Josephine St.
Wingham 357-2904
�,r��l� �,� Laic
Josephine Street
Wingham, Ontario
Phone 357-2812
• Wedding
31.� • Cut flowers
• Plants
{ • Flowers by
Wire Service
135 Frances