The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-07-25, Page 30ASSEMBLED WALL is removed from the jig ready to become part of a Royal home. The
jig assures accurate assembly of walls up to 50 feet long.
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Company bnon,gs factory methods
to the home-bufldin1g industry,,
Although it is a comparatively ,,Ives construction of Zit units for
new industry, Royal Homes has senior citizens in Paisley.
quickly established itself in this
with its flexibility in meeting
area; so much so that the name
Lhe needs of the homebuyer,
`Royal home' has become vir-
Royal Homes is able to maintain
tually a synonym for the type of
a full production schedule year -
pre -assembled, modular home
round. The plant employs bet -
the factory produces.
ween 25 and 45 workers,
During the eight years since
depending on the time of year.
the plant was built more than 500
homes have rolled out of a and
Notes from
now stand on lots from Stratford
to Lion's Head, from Sarnia to
Orangeville, and as far north as
1894 in
Sault Ste. Marie. During that
time the company has outlasted
most of its competitors in the
The Times
modular home field and is now
one of only a few companies still
Mayor Hann4's cannon is still
actively producing these homes.
resting in front of the town hall.
The idea of Royal Homes
Is it not about time it was placed
arrived in Windham with com-
in position in the park?
pany President Hans Kuyven-
Seaforth council has passed a
hoven in 1970. Mr. Kuyvenhoven
bylaw to prevent boys from
had arrived in Canada from
congregating upon the street
Holland 20 years earlier and went
corners and in doorways of stores
into business custom building
on main street. A similar one
homes and schools in Missis-
would work well in Wingham.
sauga. However by 1970 he had
A former Winghamite, now a
the idea of factory producting
resident of Lucknow, made three
homes firmly in mind and some
or four hundred dollars betting on
salesmanship by Mayor DeWitt
the elections. Most of his bets
Miller convinced him to locate
were that Mr. Garrow would be
elected in West Huron and so
In 1971 construction of the
confident was he of this that in
original plant began and in early
some cases he gave great odds.
1972 the first unit rolled off the
"Where is my watch, Melin-
line. The following year the plant
da?" — "Johnny's out cracking
was expanded and doubled in size
hickory nuts with it." — "All
to its current 26,000 square feet.
right then, that won't hurt it for it
Later a new office was added and
was bought at M. Patterson's
a model home was also con-
jeweilry store, Wingham."
structed on the Arthur Street
Some despicably mean person
entered Mr. Alex Inglis's
Mr. Kuyvenhoven, said he is
premises a short time ago and
convinced the methods of con-
stole a rare and beautiful dahlia
struction used by Royal Homes
provide a superior home, even to
Cedar block crossings have
the site -built home, for any
been put down on Centre Street at
buyer. Building a home from
John and Patrick streets.
scratch on a vacant lot is really
A Brantford minister, Rev. Mr.
the hard way to build, he claims,
Hobbs, in a recent sermon
and a tour of the factory would
described dancing as "hugging
tend to back the claim.
set to music" and warned all
All Royal homes are built
members of his congregation
within the controlled en-
against indulging in this wicked
vironment of the plant, protec-
ting construction from weather
The Wingham Turf Club has
conditions and allowing better
canvassed the town pretty
and faster production. Under the
thoroughly for subscriptions to
supervision of John Newell, the
assist in making a track on the
plant foreman, quality materials
new grounds. They have been
apd workmanship go into every,
quite successful, we understand,
home and quality checks are
getting about $300. They intend
made at every stage of coni-
having a `bee' shortly and will
invite, farmers and othet's having
Wallboard is glued and
tams to assist in making the
screwed to studwalls, which are
track, and have already been
assembled in a 50 -foot jig to
promised . considerable
ensure straightness and ac-
assistance in that way.
curacy, and floorboard is also
glued as well as being nailed to
INSTALLING SIDING—In the Royal Homes plant a workman installs the siding on a
home under construction. A wide variety of types and colors of cladding allows a
customer to tailor the home to his own preferences.
NEARLY FINISHED—Hans Kuyvenhoven, president of Royal Homes Ltd., inspects the
kitchen of a nearly completed unit. When they leave the plant the units are completely
finiahgmi- nvan to the kitchen sink and cupboards.
READY TO GO, a finished Royal Home awaits transportation to its new site. This is a
new style introduced by the factory. Floor plans available include bungalow, two-storey
and front split. This is a split level.
the joists. These methods result
in greater strength and higher
ions Wi
Each Royal home n a m
quality. gra�
h m is assembled Con
in two sections, which can be up
to 50 feet long and 14 feet wide.
Each section is complete with
roof wiring, ,insulation paint, onyour 10&h Birth&
flooring and even the kitchen sink
when it leaves the factory for the
trip to the site, where the halves
are placed on a prepared foun-
dation and joined together.
Once on the site the necessary
services are installed, the home
is finished off -by Royal Homes'
own carpenter and painter and
the exterior cladding, whether
siding, stucco or brick, is com-
Over the years the company
has added its own truss machine
for building roofs and also its own
concrete company, Supreme
Concrete, giving it greater
control over all phases of con-
struction. All its homes are CMH -
C approved and carry the five-
year HUDAC warranty.
Although factory construction `
might suggest stereotyping, this
need not be so with Royal Homes,
Mr. Kuyvenhoven added. A
y; prospective homebuyer has a
choice of several basic models
which can easily be altered to
meet -the needs of the individual.
Furthermore a wide choice of
J colors and cladding makes it
possible for all homes to be as
different and unique as the
homeowners themselves.
In addition, in 1976 the factory
expanded into the field of com-
ponent home manufacturing.
Using this process individual -
portions of a home are built at the =
factory and then assembled into r.
the complete unit on-site, and it
can give all the variety of a
custom built home.
Royal homes are for the
greater part purchased by in-
dividual homebuyers who have
their own lots and the company's
main growth has been through
ROOF SECTION—A workman puts the finishing touches on a section of roof before It Is
Installed on the walls of a new unit. Installation of a truss machine allows Royal Homes to
control this stage of production as well.
We're pleased to have been able to take part in the growth and progress
of the Town of Wingham in the past years.
these built -to -order homes, with For the future we wish continued growth and success to Wingham and its
many sales coming from word -of -
mouth advertising by satisfied residents.
customers. However the com-
pany is now involved in a number
of subdivisions and other
projects. From the Management and Employees of
Through Swiftway Con-
struction Ltd., another Kuyven-
hoven enterprise, it is in -
in building homes
Y g L HOMES LMaitland Estates, a large sub- RO
division in Wingham started in EO
1977, and in Meadowvale, another "b
subdivision started recently in' , �,'",,.
Listowel. Another project in. I ,,,
4 .i